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  Planet of the Cows

  A Fantasy for Stage

  Planet of the Cows was first performed at the Sheridan Theatre in March 1980 for the Fringe of the Adelaide Festival of Arts directed by Bryan Wellington.

  Tim Lloyd in the Advertiser:

  'Big Red and Daisy Bell are just two normal farm animals, a bull and a cow, before they decide to head for the big smoke and see how the other half lives. At first things aren't too bad and city humans swallow their prejudices, even eating at the same restaurants as cattle, and going out with them. But the warmth between humans and cattle does not last. Anthony Thorogood has the tremendous advantage of being able to write fresh and fluent dialogue which makes the play come alive. It is indulgent and funny, with everything from terrible puns about cows to sublime comments on Australians' behaviour.'

  Original Cast

  The play is designed for doubling the minimum cast is 10 actors.

  Big Red: Richard Harman

  Daisy Bell: Lesley Caust

  Albert: J. Stuart Randels

  Deloris: Roz Lawson

  Melissa: Delia Gatondis

  Freddy/Judge: Frank Hind

  Clara: Clare Benito

  Stud: Michael Griffin

  Prime Minister: Ross Lamb

  Bishop/ Guard: David Douglas

  Judy Freethought: Gillian Hunter

  Reporter/Barbara: Lynette Corbell

  Waiter: Mathew Bateman

  Big Red and Daisy have short horns and a short to medium length tail, Red wears clothes of a rich brown colour and Daisy tends to wear black and white, besides that they look just like anyone else.