Page 12 of Surrender

Page 12

She opened her door to find Mr. Kinsor, the person she’d had her first interview with, standing before her, impeccably dressed with that same kind smile on his face as before.

“It’s great to see you again, Ms. Harlow. If you’re ready, I have the car waiting. ”

Realizing that he had to know what the job position was for, Ari’s face turned slightly pink as she followed him down the steps to the back door of the Bentley which looked so out of place in her less than desirable neighborhood. He must think of her as a tramp – or a moneygrubber. The thought was mortifying.

He held open her door and she quickly climbed in, not daring to meet his eyes again. She truly didn’t know how she was going to do this. It was degrading. The many employees of Mr. Palazzo had to know he hired his females the same as he hired the rest of his staff.

She’d never be able to look any of them in the eye. Did his business colleagues know about it, too? Would she be in a constant state of embarrassment the entire time she was beside him at business functions? Would she be mocked?

What about after he discarded her? She’d forever have this humiliating mark upon her. Even if she managed to get back to school and become a professor, people would know. She could end up with students who knew she’d once been nothing but a high priced call-girl. She didn’t see the embarrassment ever ending, but with her mother dying, what other choice did she have?

She’d worked so hard not to be in this place, always being the top of her class, studying hard, forgoing dating, avoiding the social scene unlike so many other high school and college students. She’d worked hard so she could be proud of herself, and now she found she was about to be some man’s mistress.

How did one get to this point in their life? She’d always lacked sympathy for people who settled, never looking beyond the image in front of them. Wasn’t a spade a spade? Victims allowed themselves to be taken advantage of, didn’t they? She was discovering very quickly that the world wasn’t as black and white as she’d always seen it from her privileged vantage point.

If her mother received the care she needed, and got back on her feet, it would be worth it – even if Ari was never able to look herself in a mirror again. She could finally understand why desperate people made impossible decisions.

“We’re here,” Mr. Kinsor said, snapping her from her thoughts.

“Thank you,” Ari uttered as she stepped from the car and looked at the privacy glass of the exclusive restaurant. Her stomach was rolling over as she followed Mr. Kinsor inside, past the host, and straight back to a secluded area.

Sitting at the beautifully set table was Rafe, looking quite devastating in his black Armani suite and brilliant red tie. It wouldn’t be so bad being his mistress, she tried to reason. She could suffer through the actual act of sex; it wasn’t like she had any desire to enter a real relationship anytime soon, so she could think of it like practice for her future husband.

“Please have a seat, Arianna. I’ve taken the liberty of ordering. ”

“Thank you. ” Irritation covered the increasing panic as she heard the timid sound of her own voice. She was already starting to not recognize herself. Was she truly that far gone? She’d made one mistake – one! Up until that party, she’d been the dream child, achieving the highest grades in her classes, walking the line through life. She hadn’t snuck out the window at night, taken drugs, or gotten pregnant like so many others.

Even in college she’d walked the line, putting her studies first, visiting her mother often, and staying true to the course she’d mapped out by the time she was thirteen.

Her mother wouldn’t want her to do this – wouldn’t want her to give up at the first roadblock.

“I have the contract right here. Before we proceed, I need you to initial each section and sign at the bottom. ” Rafe said as he pulled the papers from his briefcase and held out a pen.

Ari sat there as she tried to force her hand to reach up and take hold of the shiny silver pen he was holding. She just needed to take the pen, sign the papers and accept her fate. That’s it. They could fine tune the details over a nice meal.

“No. ” Ari heard herself say the word, though she couldn’t believe it. Shock radiated through her as she stood there motionless looking at him. She’d had every intention of saying yes, serving herself up on a silver platter. She was stunned to be refusing the man offering her the ability to get out of her situation.

She stood in thunderstruck silence as puzzlement crossed Mr. Palazzo’s features. He was gaping at her as if he’d never before heard that word. Stillness suffocated the two of them as a waiter came in and set dishes on the table before scurrying from the tension filled room.