Page 22 of Surrender

Page 22

“I’m willing to answer anything, Mr. Coolidge. ”

“Our pro-bono budget has been maxed out this month. We have many cases where patients don’t have enough insurance, or certain procedures aren’t covered. We take pride in offering more discounted surgeries than other places, but we do have to set a limit. After all, we are a business, and if everyone had free surgery we would go under. We’ve looked through your application and can see here that you aren’t currently working. How do you expect to contribute to your mother’s medical costs?”

“I was hired for a new job yesterday with Sunstream Electronics. I have an excellent salary and very few expenses right now. I can contribute seventy percent of my earnings each month toward my mother’s care,” she answered proudly.

“That’s a step in the right direction, but still won’t be enough. The daily stay in the hospital adds up quickly. Your mother has already been here for two weeks now and her bill is…” he paused as he flipped through some papers. “… a little over fifteen thousand. With the surgery she needs, we’re looking at a final bill of well over two-hundred thousand dollars. Even if the hospital managed to contribute funds, you’d be expected to pay well over a hundred thousand of that. Do you have a way of obtaining a loan, or possibly selling some personal property?”

Ari’s throat closed. There was no way a bank would loan her that kind of money. She had nothing to back up the loan, no credit, and barely any work experience. Up until six months ago, she’d only been a college student. A financial institution would have to be crazy to give her the cash.

“I’ve filled out all the forms you gave me. I haven’t heard back from the businesses yet, but expect to at any time,” she squeaked past the tightness in her throat.

“I’m going to be honest with you, Ms. Harlow. This doesn’t look good. If we don’t have a solid plan within the next few days, we’re going to have to discharge your mother. ”

“You can’t do that! You can’t just send her away, knowing that she’ll die,” Ari begged.

“As I told you, this is a business, Ms. Harlow. We don’t like denying treatment to anyone, but as I already told you, we can’t afford to offer surgeries to patients who can’t pay for them. ”

Ari’s heart was breaking as she struggled with what to say next.

“Do you have another possible way of obtaining the funds – possibly a… friend who could loan you the money?”

Ari’s head whipped around as she recognized that voice. Her startled glance clashed with Rafe Palazzo, who was sitting at the far corner of the table. She’d had no idea he was a part of the hospital board. She should’ve known considering how wealthy he was. The man probably had his hand in just about everything in the city.

“I don’t know anyone like that,” she answered.

“Are you sure, Ms. Harlow? You can’t think of anyone who may be willing to help you out, maybe make a trade?”

Ari was stunned at his boldness. She knew exactly what he was talking about. She only hoped the other members were clueless of his game. As her gaze collided with his, she thought about it. Could she really turn down the money for her mother’s surgery? Was her integrity worth more than her mother’s life?

She wanted to tell him that yes, she would do it. But the words just wouldn’t come out. All she could think about beyond the panic and defeat was her mother telling her to not sacrifice herself. If she did this and her mom found out, she’d never forgive Ari.

She had to breathe deeply through the blackness wanting to overtake her.

“We’ll meet with you again in a few days, Ms. Harlow to find out if you’ve made any headway in the matter,” Mr. Coolidge said, saving her from having to answer Rafe.

“Thank you,” Ari mumbled as the members of the board began rising from their seats.

Ari sat still, knowing her legs weren’t strong enough to hold her yet. She didn’t meet any of their faces as they filed past her and walked from the room. When she was sure they were all gone, she finally looked up and found herself alone with Rafe. She should have fled with the rest of the board. She didn’t want to be alone with him.

“Well, Ms. Harlow, it seems you have a decision to make,” he said with a confident smile. “Will you be accepting my very generous offer?”

Ari prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her. She’d rather be anywhere but where she was right then.

Chapter Nine

Arianna tossed in her bed, restless, unable to get comfortable. Her body was burning up, heat scorching her from the inside out. An ache filled her core – pulsing, swollen, needing something – though she didn’t know what.