Page 33 of Surrender

Page 33

With a quick pep-talk, she tore her gaze from his mesmerizing eyes and focused upon a button on his shirt instead. She had to remain calm, and then get back to her apartment and the real world before she began to think she could accept his indecent proposal.

“I appreciate you taking care of me the last few days but I need to get home. I have a job that I happen to like, and a life waiting for my return,” Ari told him, proud of the false bravado to her tone. Inside, she was shaking like a leaf in a fall breeze.

“You’re not going anywhere, Ari,” he said before pausing. “Doctor’s orders. ” As if his doctor giving an order was going to stop her.

“Where are my clothes?” She’d learned enough about Rafe by now to know that arguing with him was useless. She wouldn’t bother with a battle she knew she’d lose. She’d simply get dressed and walk out the front door. She didn’t think he’d go so far as to physically hold her.

“You have a fresh change of clothes in the bathroom – that door on the right. Why don’t you take a shower and then meet me downstairs for lunch. ” As if the matter was settled, he turned and exited the room.

Ari really wished she was quick enough to come up with a sarcastic retort, but of course she didn’t think of anything witty until she was locked in the guest bathroom.

She looked around the space with awe. How she’d dreamed of having such a wonderful bathing area as she’d watched romantic movies all her life. She hadn’t been poor, but the modest home she’d shared with her mother had been efficient, not luxurious.

The room she was standing in could be classified as a spa it was so spacious and ornate. She glided across the heated tile, then ran her hand along the marble surrounding the large tub. She hadn’t planned on taking a bath, not wanting to follow any order Rafe commanded, but the tub was calling her name. He’d told her to shower, anyway so taking a bath wasn’t exactly doing what he’d said.

The gold handles of the taps were smooth and well-polished and pushed on with no effort at all. A giggle escaped her as the water flowed out of the spout, cascading down like a waterfall. Several bottles of bubble bath sat clustered in a basket on the corner of the tub, and Ari’s hardest decision in that moment, was which amazing scent to use. She finally settled on peach and honey, then inhaled as the expensive aroma surrounded her.

As Ari stepped into the tub and sank down allowing only her face above the water, a content sigh escaped. With a satisfied smile, she decided she could stay in this exact spot for the next hundred years or so. Rafe could just go ahead and wait on her to show up for lunch. Hopefully, he’d get so frustrated that he’d just leave, making it easy for her to escape.

As she laid her head back on the soft cushion of the bath pillow and closed her eyes, she ignored the small voice inside saying that she was crazy to want to escape a secret haven such as this. It wasn’t the incredible spa bathroom she was running from – it was the rules Rafe insisted on if she were to accept his generosity.

She was no man’s mistress – not for any amount of luxury or security. Part of her wished she could just say yes and let him take the weight off her shoulders, but a greater part of her knew that wasn’t who she was.

Her mother had raised her to be independent, to earn what she wanted in life, and to never let anyone make her feel cheap. Being with Rafe would slowly suck away her soul – everything about who she was. It may feel like heaven, but in reality, it was just a very disguised hell.

When she turned on the quiet jets and they began gently massaging her body, Ari’s mind shut off and she drifted to sleep, fully enjoying the magical ambiance of Rafe’s guest bathroom.


Rafe’s irritation grew as an hour passed with still no sign of Ari. He knew the girl was stubborn and wanted to do the exact opposite of anything he asked of her, but he found it exceptionally rude for her not to show up when he was being so hospitable.

Never before had he brought a female to his home. It was a huge jump for him, and as his temper flared, he was beginning to understand exactly why he didn’t invite women over. This was the reason he chose not to enter into relationships.

Having a contract with a woman, making sure she knew the score, was far smarter than playing games and walking on pins and needles. He wanted his women to do what he said when he said it – not fight him each and every step of the way.

He should’ve just hired a nurse for Ari. He didn’t quite understand why he’d felt the need to take care of her, himself. He still couldn’t believe he’d spent time in her horrific apartment.