Page 43 of Surrender

Page 43

“You watch your tongue, Raffaello Palazzo,” his mother warned.

“I’m sorry, Mother. ”

“All is forgiven. Now, give us a tour of your new toy. ”

“Is that a helicopter?” Rachel asked as she looked to the back of the vessel.

“Yes. If I’m out and there’s an emergency, I need to be able to get back to the offices quickly. ”

“Ooh, can we go for a ride in that?” Lia asked. She loved flying more than any of the rest of them.

“Next time I’ll have my pilot take you for a spin. I only can take today off though, so I’d rather hear all about what you’ve been up to lately than send you up into the clouds. ”

Though Rafe often called home, he cherished his visits with his family. Whether his mother knew it or not, being with them did, indeed, humble him.

He was so used to always getting everything he wanted, it was good for his family to come around and remind him he was a part of a close unit. The feelings he felt when in their presence were easily forgotten once the visit was over, though. His best friend told him often that was a real shame.

“As I was saying, she’s two-hundred feet long, has a twin engine format, over three-thousand HP’s of power, and can travel up to sixteen knots an hour. I know, I know, that stuff is boring, so you’ll be happy to hear that she has seven comfortable guest cabins, each with their own private bath, a game room that will make you very happy, Lia, a swimming pool, patio bar, along with conference rooms, and a formal dining area. ”

“What about a spa?” Rachel asked mockingly.

“Actually, I did include a small spa with fulltime staff so you can get your hands and feet done, and then finish off with a massage. ”

“Oh Rafe, I may never leave this ship,” Lia said as she jogged ahead of him up the plank.

“I may just leave her with you. ”

“My heart couldn’t take it, Mother,” he said as he clutched his chest.

“It would serve you right,” his dad added.

“I thought I was always a good son,” Rafe said as he trailed after his sisters.

“You were a wonderful boy. Now, as a man, I have concerns. If only you would settle down, I could stop worrying,” his mother quickly interrupted.

“Mom, I’m happy. Let’s just leave it at that,” he answered, hoping the subject would be dropped.

“I worry about you being lonely. Your ex-wife did a number on you, son, and I don’t want you afraid to try again. You need a woman in your life to take care of you. ”

“I’m fine alone, Mother. I have had several women companions through the years,” he defended.

“None that I would be proud for you to bring home. They are more like perfect mannequins, their only thoughts seeming to be how to please you. ”

“Is there not a more perfect woman that one whose only desire is to fulfill my every need?” he asked. If his mother knew how true he felt about that statement, he had a feeling she’d shove him overboard.


“I’m seeing a nice woman, mother. Her name is Arianna. ” Rafe was stunned when the words spilled from his mouth. What was he doing? First of all, Ari wasn’t really with him, and secondly, he didn’t want to pique his mother’s interest. He just wanted her to cease her relentless pestering about him being single.

“How long have you been seeing this woman, and why haven’t you said anything about her yet?” she asked with suspicion.

“It’s a new relationship and I don’t want to scare her off with your talk of marriage and babies,” he quickly answered, hoping she’d let it go.

He missed the look between his sisters. They were on instant alert to find out about his mystery woman. He never would’ve opened his mouth if he knew how much chaos his ten little words would later cause him.

Chapter Seventeen

“We’ve decided to stay for a week or two. Your mother and I haven’t spent enough time in California the last few years and your sisters are dying to go for another spin on the new boat. I’m starting to think it’s time to move back home. ”

Rafe turned in almost horror at his father’s words. He was instantly suspicious. His family had grilled him the night before on Ari. They’d wanted to know who she was, how long he’d been dating her, what her family was like. The list went on and on. Rafe had a bad feeling that their impromptu extended stay had more to do with Ari than his new boat.

It didn’t matter what his family’s reasoning was. He would never deny them a place to stay if they wanted to extend their visit. He’d just have to be on his toes and make sure he didn’t slip about anything else in front of them.