Page 60 of Surrender

Page 60

“Ah, Ari. I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t choose option two. I like the thought of you thrown over my shoulder with your ass next to my face. I’d have to turn and take a bite out of your luscious curves. ”

A shiver ran down Ari’s spine at the image he was placing in her mind. She wouldn’t mind having him nibble on her derrière, either. Guilt seized her at having such a thought when her mom was still in surgery. One more reason to hate Rafe.

She ignored his comment as she moved through the various displays of food. Nothing looked remotely appealing, so she finally just grabbed an item. This didn’t seem to please Rafe because he threw several more items on her tray, then shuffled her along to the cashier.

She didn’t even attempt to pull money from her purse. She hadn’t asked for the meal so she wasn’t offering to buy it. Rafe paid the cashier, then led her to a table in the back corner of the cafeteria.

She was less than thrilled to have another private moment with him. There were about ten other people sitting around the room, but they were far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation.

Suddenly, he sighed as he gazed from her to her untouched plate. She didn’t get his sudden fascination with her eating. What was the big deal? It didn’t impact him in the least.

“Please eat. ” His softer tone startled her.

“Why do you care?” she asked, completely baffled.

“I normally could care less what you eat or how much sleep you’re getting. You’re a grown woman and should be perfectly capable of making basic health decisions, but when I see that you are literally starving yourself and about to pass out from exhaustion, I feel it’s time to step in. You may not have signed on with me, but believe it or not, Ari, I would be this hard on one of my sisters, as well. My father taught me from a young age that when a woman needs taken care of, men are always supposed to step up to the plate. I’m calling a truce for the next couple of hours while your mother finishes her surgery. When it’s all over and she’s back on her feet, I’ll throw down the gauntlet again,” he answered with a warm smile and a flirtatious wink.

Ari could see the truth in his eyes. Her stomach clenched as he let down his ever-present guard and she saw the man behind the mask. She automatically sat back – the power of her attraction to him was so intense in that moment. Talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was the new age version of the old time classic.

Her defenses went up when she realized how easy it would be for her to fall for this kind and caring Rafe. She could somewhat fight against Rafe the bully, but Rafe the White Knight was too much to handle. She’d run straight into his arms.

“Take a bite, Ari,” Rafe commanded when she was motionless for too long.

“I’m getting to it,” she said as she picked up the turkey sandwich. She took a bite, chewing the soft bread a few extra times in hopes that she could get the lump of food down her throat.

“Good girl. ” She was almost grateful for his mocking tone to be back. She could handle him like this.

“I am nobody’s good girl,” she snapped, feeling relief as the surge of irritation began filling her.

After several minutes, she was surprised to find the sandwich gone. In her annoyance with Rafe, she hadn’t even realized she’d been taking bites and swallowing.

“If angering you gets you to eat, then your wrath is worth it,” he said in response to her surprise.

“Then I shall grow nice and fat with you around because I’m always angry. ”

“Mmm, I can picture you growing a bit more ripe. You have stunning curves, but a few pounds would make them even more luscious. I have already enjoyed the view of your supple br**sts spilling from my hands. ”

Ari gasped as she looked around, praying no one had overheard his vulgar comment.

Rafe leaned forward, inches from her face, “Are you embarrassed, Ari? Everyone has sex. It doesn’t have to be a shameful experience. ”

“I thought you’d called a truce,” she reminded him. “Besides, sex with you is beyond shameful and leaves me feeling dirty,” she finished as she speared a piece of cantaloupe and bit down on it too hard, causing its juice to squirt out and land on Rafe’s face.

The sight of him with cantaloupe juice running down his cheeks gave her the giggles. She didn’t know if it was stress, depression, or what, but she started to laugh, and then couldn’t seem to stop.

Several people turned her way as Rafe’s expression darkened and he reached in his pocket to grab his monogrammed handkerchief, which only made the hilarity intensify. Her stomach cramped as the laughter kept flowing. She was afraid she was having a breakdown, because no matter how hard she tried to stop, she couldn’t. The giggles just kept on coming. Soon, tears began to crawl down her cheeks.