Page 64 of Surrender

Page 64

“Mom’s going to have your head on a platter, you know?” Rachel piped in as she walked up and threw her arms around his waist. “We’ve been so worried. ”

“I’m fine,” he promised, feeling guilt consume him.

“Well, we better go find mom. She’s furious with you,” Rachel warned.

“Where is she?”

“In Ari’s room. That’s where the staff said you’ve been all night. When you weren’t there, Lia and I came searching for you, but mom was sure you’d return so she waited there. I think she just wanted to be with Ari. She seems to like her. ” Rafe didn’t like the tone of his sister’s voice. He in no way wanted them trying to turn this arrangement he was planning with Ari into more than it was.

Rafe’s heart picked up speed as he turned back to the door. He really didn’t want his mom and dad spending more time with Ari. This was quickly spinning out of control and he felt as if he were free falling.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Oh, Arianna, you poor little thing. ”

Ari turned to find Rafe’s mother and father walking through her doorway. What were they doing in her room?

“I’m fine,” she automatically responded.

“You are far from fine, darling. I simply can’t believe you were shot. I am furious with my son for not calling us at once. Poor Rafe was shot, you were shot, and he doesn’t even bother to call his own mother,” she said as she sank down in the chair next to Ari’s bed and grabbed her hand.

“Rafe was shot?” Ari gasped.

“You didn’t know?”

“No. He didn’t say anything. I really don’t know a whole lot. The last thing I remember was feeling like I was punched in the chest and then seeing blood on my shirt. Everything went dark after that. The doctor said I was very lucky the shot didn’t enter an inch to the left or I would’ve been dead. I’m incredibly grateful that if I had to be shot, at least it happened in a hospital where they were able to operate immediately. ”

“You sweet little thing. I’d be a lot more grateful if neither of you had been shot in the first place. How terribly tragic this all is. A brand new mother was killed – her new baby left in this world without a mama. Two others were taken too soon from this world, as well. I know it’s selfish of me, but I’ve been so worried. The thought of losing my Rafe rips a gaping hole in my chest. It would be unimaginable. I’ve been so worried about you, too. I know we don’t know each other well, but you’re such a sweet little thing, and knowing you were hurt just breaks my heart. ”

Ari’s eyes filled at Rosabella’s kind words. How could the apple have fallen so far from the tree? Rosabella was kind, caring, compassionate – all the things Rafe wasn’t. Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. Rafe had his moments of unbelievable kindness, but he quickly pushed it away and hid behind his mask of coldness. Ari needed to find out where Rafe was shot. He’d never said a word to her.

“Where was Rafe shot?”

“He went after the gunman and the madman managed to shoot him in the arm before Rafe took him down. ”

“Rafe ran toward the guy?” Ari gasped.

“Well, of course he did, dear. The man had just shot you,” Rafe’s father said as if it was the most natural thing in the world for Rafe to attack a man aiming a weapon at his head.

“I… I didn’t know. ” Ari felt terrible about how selfish she’d been. All she’d been doing was worrying about her mother. She hadn’t even noticed Rafe wearing a bandage. Maybe she really was a self-absorbed person.

“Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?”

Ari turned her head to find Rafe looming in the doorway, not looking too happy. She automatically cringed.

“Raffaello Palazzo, don’t you dare use that tone of voice with me. You are in huge trouble. I can’t believe that I had to find out from a doctor that my only son was nearly killed. You should have called your father and I immediately,” Rosabella stormed.

She squeezed Ari’s hand before getting up from her chair and rushing over to Rafe to throw her arms around him. Even though she was reading him the riot act, there was obvious love in her actions. Terror often made a mother yell when they felt more like crying.

“I’m fine, Mom. I wasn’t almost killed. The guy barely nicked me,” he said as his uninjured arm came around her, his tone gentle.

“You aren’t speaking the truth. I thought I taught you better than that, Rafe. The doctor told me the shot went clear through your arm. If I can look at your skin and see light on the other side, that’s not a minor injury,” she scolded.