Page 67 of Surrender

Page 67

Enough was enough!

“I haven’t mentioned Ari because we hardly know each other. Yes, I’m dating her, or at least considering it. She’s a little to brash for my normal taste, but she has her qualities,” Rafe started when he heard his mother gasp in shock at his crudeness.

“However,” he continued. “My dating life is none of your business, Shane. Mom, if I were to ever get that serious about a woman, I would tell you. The bottom line is that no woman has gained much interest in my eyes in a long time – Ari included,” he finished as if he was already bored with the conversation.

“That is a horrible thing to say, Rafe,” Rosabella scolded.

“I think it’s best if we just drop this subject. Besides, I’m far more interested in learning why Shane and Lia can’t even seem to look at each other. ”

All heads turned to Lia first, whose face was flaming red, and then to Shane, who seemed to be breaking out in a sweat.

“There’s nothing to tell,” Shane said awkwardly as he fiddled with his cuffs.

“Nothing to tell! How about a few months ago when you spent the night together,” Rachel piped in with a wicked smile.

“What!” Rafe thundered as he glared at his best friend.

“Before you attempt to kill me, let me explain. We didn’t exactly spend the night together…” he hedged.

“You have about five seconds to explain before I toss you from a moving vehicle, then have the driver run you over. ”

“Look, Lia and I were at the same fundraiser a few months ago and we got together for dinner and drinks. We both ended up drinking a few too many glasses of the exquisite wine and then decided to have a couple more glasses in my room before calling it a night. We passed out. Nothing happened. ” When a deathly silence filled the car, he added, “I swear!”

“Dad, open the door – I think I'll throw Shane out anyway,” Rafe thundered.

“You’re such a damn hypocrite. I didn’t even touch your sister – I treated her with nothing but respect. I love your family too much to violate Lia. However, you treat women like they’re nothing more than used gum on the bottom of your shoe and you’re going to sit back and judge me. I love you, Rafe, but when it comes to women, you’re a certified ass**le,” Shane said with a glare.

“Ha! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. When’s the last time you’ve spent two nights in a row with the same women. At least I’m responsible in my affairs. I stay with the same person for a minimum of three months,” Rafe replied like it was something to be proud of.

“You think you deserve sainthood because you treat your relationships like another business merger. ”

“There’s nothing wrong with having strict guidelines to follow. ”

“I think we should just drop this Rafe. ”

“You’re probably right. I’d rather we didn’t say something that can’t be taken back. ”

Rafe looked around, having forgotten for a moment that his parents were sitting across from him. He didn’t like the look of censure in his mother’s eyes or the thoughtful expression on his sisters faces.

The rest of the ride to the restaurant was silent as Rafe sat there brooding. The complications with Ari continued to pile up. He needed to be alone so he could figure out where everything had gone so wrong. At the moment, he could almost admit that he was in over his head.

When the limo stopped, Rafe nearly sighed with relief. He wanted out of the tension filled space. It didn’t help that his sisters seemed to be communicating silently with each other. Since they were little, the two of them had formed a way of speaking without saying a single word. More often than not, it had led to trouble. He had a feeling times hadn’t changed just because they’d all aged.

As his family was seated he noticed the tension between Shane and Lia. He needed to take his friend aside soon and find out exactly what was going on there. He and Shane were cut from the same cloth – both messed up when it came to women. Rafe didn’t want Lia mixed up in that. Rafe didn’t think his friendship could survive it.


“Are you going to refuse to meet my eyes, now!”

Shane stood there trapped by the bathroom door. He hadn’t thought Lia would follow him. Rafe had to be even more suspicious now. He’d barely escaped Rafe’s questions, but knew his friend was going to confront him privately soon. If Rafe found out the vivid dreams Shane was having about Lia, his best friend would kill him.

When several awkward seconds passed, Shane finally met Lia’s eyes. The worried expression and defensive stance didn’t help him feel any better.