Page 70 of Surrender

Page 70

“No, Mom. I love hearing you speak about a future. I was so scared that we wouldn’t have one. It was the worst feeling in the world. I can’t make it through this world without you,” she cried.

“Arianna Lynn Harlow, I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. You’re a precious gift that was entrusted to me to raise. You’re the reason I love life. The rest of the world could crumble around us, even take me with it, and I’d be just fine as long as I knew that you were okay. A parent should never ever outlast their child. It’s just wrong. When my time comes, you have to promise me that you’ll keep on dancing – that you’ll follow your dreams,” Sandra demanded.

“I can’t –”

“Of course you can! I raised you to be strong, and no matter what life throws at us, we can dodge it and then get back on our feet. I’ve never been more frightened in my life than when I found out you’d been shot. I can’t believe anyone would dare hurt you. You are my life. I’ve thanked God for you every single day since the day I found out I was pregnant. ”

“Mom, if you keep on saying all that stuff, I’m never going to quit crying. I love you, too, more than you could imagine. It’s been a hard year, but we’re coming up on the other side and I know the sun is shining and it’s bound to hit us soon. ”

This would be the perfect moment for Ari to tell her mother about the house and the floral shop. She knew she’d be sad, but she’d understand that Ari had no choice but to do whatever it took to take care of her mom.

She again opened her mouth to tell her, but the words still refused to come. When frustration mounted and she felt like screaming, there was a knock on the door.

“Is this a bad time?”

Ari and Sandra both turned toward the door to find Rosabella, Lia and Rachel standing there with flowers and a giant box of chocolates.

“Anyone bringing chocolate is welcome in my room day or night,” Ari replied with a watery smile.

“A girl after my own heart. How are you feeling today, Ari?” Rosabella asked as she set the chocolates on Ari’s table.

“I’m feeling a lot stronger right now. The doctor said my iron levels are too low, and my blood pressure needs to go up, but I think he’s just trying to torture me. A good dose of chocolate is the cure,” she answered as she opened the box and pulled out a creamy piece, popping it right into her mouth and sighing as the sweet confection melted on her tongue.

“I’m so rude. I apologize. I see chocolate and the rest of the world goes hazy. Mom, this is Rosabella, Rachel and Lia, Rafe’s family. Everyone, this is my mother, Sandra,” Ari said sheepishly as she finished chewing and swallowed her chocolate.

“It’s very nice to meet you all. I appreciate you being so kind to my daughter. ”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well. You have a beautiful little girl,” Rosabella replied as she shook Sandra’s hand.

After they all said hello and spoke for a moment, Sandra turned to Ari with a grin before leaning toward her table.

“You could be polite and offer to share,” Sandra said as she swatted Ari’s hand away and grabbed her own piece of candy, having an almost identical expression as her daughter when she bit down on the exquisite delicacy.

“We brought a really big box so you’d share with us all,” Rachel said as she sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed a piece.

“Rachel, that’s not for you,” Rosabella scolded her daughter.

“If I eat all of this, they’ll have to find me a bigger bed. Thank you for such a thoughtful gift. Please, share it with me and let’s all enjoy it together. ”

“Well, you talked me into it,” Lia said as she sat on the foot of the bed and leaned forward to grab a piece. “Your color looks a lot better today. I bet you can go home soon. ”

“I sure hope so. I feel lazy lying around all the time. I think your brother is bribing the staff to keep me here against my will as punishment for not obeying him,” Ari said offhandedly, not thinking about her words.

“Not obeying him? What did he want you to do?” Rachel asked with a smile.

“Ooh, I bet it was something kinky,” Lia joined in with a laugh.

“Girls, you’re terrible,” Rosabella scolded.

Ari’s face flamed crimson as she gazed from her mother to Rafe’s mom, and then his sisters. There was no way she was spilling the beans to them about their relative’s kinky after-hours activities. She’d rather be burned alive at the stake.