
  With the coming of the Chosen One prophecy, he wanted to make sure he was always one or two steps ahead of Cemel in the wizardry department. He could not afford to underestimate a messenger from the gods.

  Thirty minutes later, Kalvich was being helped out of his coffin like prison. The result produced a gasp from the scientists. Kalvich walked slowly to a tall dress mirror and looked at his face and all over his body.

  Gone were his handsome features, the dark shiny hair, and the powerful, well developed muscular body. His height had shrunk from over two meters to barely a meter and a half. Staring back at him was a bent, wrinkled white haired old man. Here stood an exact replication of Cemel the alchemist.

  A similar but not as elaborate operation had been performed on the unfortunate rebel Cantal that had produced the phony Sataal on Talokta’s ship. Difference was, all that was changed was the Cantal’s head and face, which was all that was necessary. This more extremely intricate operation changed the whole body, including the voice, which was essential for Kalvich’s plans.

  Even though gods can change their physical appearance at will, he needed to go further because he was dealing with the Chosen One. Kalvich also knew it would be damn risky for him to venture out of Casus Belli with Zakaroid watching. Six thousand years of waiting gone in an instant! However, he knewZakaroid would only take drastic steps if he was forced. It was a widely known fact among the immortal world that Zakaroid had invested more than a little faith in his Chosen-One guinea pig and would woo the day she would finally destroy Kalvich once and for all.

  He nodded his approval to the head scientist, who visibly relaxed. All were sworn to secrecy and would only act upon Kalvich’s specific orders. They had been faithful to their Supreme Ruler for years and were not planning on any early, permanent retirement.

  The overall recovery would miraculously only take a few minutes, yet Kalvich’s brain was already reiterating the plans for his next few moves. He smiled at the reflection and blessed his evil heart that the process was easily reversed.

  This technology was yet another triumph for the Trimadian race.