
  Tonight, she is lying still and quiet, that is something.

  He enjoyed his warm, mulled wine, a regular event for relaxing after a hard day directing his fleet, or, in this case, the less common task of looking after a reincarnated human born queen. This babysitting job was not as easy as he had thought. Talokta, like his boss, was not one for being at any disadvantage. He wondered what the Supreme Ruler had in mind.

  Regardless, tonight, he would watch over her.

  Chapter 28—The Chosen One

  Dwarfed in his executive chair, Kalvich was watching his stone intently, waiting. The pulse changed. It was time and he was more than ready. He glanced in the mirror sitting on his desk–an old wrinkled face stared back at him. It will not be for long, not if all goes according to plan. Though time was not relevant to him, he felt he had waited far too long.

  He closed his eyes and squeezed the glowing stone.