The last contact that Ventrowe had with Scaba was to brief him on Leah’s kidnapping and abduction by Manutaai. The moon based Septens and free Cantals had been close allies thanks to the human utilization of the BSP and Denver Calham.
Ventrowe had obtained some encrypted information from the Trimadian’s own records, and sent it on telepathically to his colleague. Scaba had known of Manutaai while he was part of Sataal’s rebel force was relieved the two of them had never met. Scaba admitted to himself that to evade not one but two Trimadian masters, especially the dreaded Talokta, was an amazing feat, and he may just be able to use that to his advantage.
When Denver contacted Scaba and filled him in on the Trimadian/Willard scenario, including all the events to hand, Scaba was initially angry at Denver’s pig headedness for not contacting him when Kate Willard was there. He could have scanned her, read her mind, and instantly could tell if she was the real deal. He would have straight away known that Talokta’s demands were a cover up. He had berated the S.U.E.P. for not seeking his advice. Denver’s own cover up was the Trimadian’s may have invaded six thousand years ago, with the progress of human techology, the threat ‘could be handled’. That was the first time Denver had heard Septen expletives.
After his meeting with the S.U.E.P., he had successfully convinced the humans to put their plans of attack on hold for now, as he did not hold out much hope of success if the humans took a fool’s stance and provoked an attack. He wanted to try the covert approach first.
Humans…and they are reputedly the gods’ favorites!
Scaba had been in the infiltration business a long time and made it a habit to hire someone else to do his jobs so he could rely on his anonymity. Though this method carried certain risk if the hired hand was caught and opened his mouth. But this was the most important job he would ever be involved in, so much was at stake. If the worst came to it, he would have to demand reinforcements, from all other races to attack the Trimadians. That would at least keep the enemy annoyingly occupied, while perhaps he could take action covertly. It could come down to a universal war involving Cantals, Septens, Humans, Frekkas, Somoys, even the untrustworthy Sentiliens and the countless other races in the Trimadians’ path.
If collectively they were not strong enough and their deadly enemy won.
He could not bear to think of the result. His children, if they lived, would not know a future of freedom.
Though the Ahmadeus Cantals were severally set back, there was another branch of rebels reputedly growing strong on Zhesta. But his time on Zhesta was limited, and he was going to be busy just keeping track of his investment.
His photographic mind replayed the meeting with S.U.E.P. He had explained that it was imperative to destroy Leah and Kalvich (if that were possible) to stop them dominating. It never ceased to amaze him how some of the humans present did not believe him when he tried to explain that Kalvich was an alien ex-god set on ruling by destroying all the other gods, to kill the reigning peace.
The humans understood Kalvich possessed incredible technology, but some considered gods, and magic was simply bedtime fantasy. The meeting also included the American President’s representative, and several key military personnel that Denver had given clearance. Yes, he spent hours explaining history, alien wars his kind and others had faced against the Trimadians, and had to run from their homes to survive. He had explained it all to the humans, who could not bring their minds away from science, that science would provide all the answers. gods, immortals, queens, and lords were all fables. An infuriated Scaba was dealing with morons. They thought their narrow minded science and physics had all the answers. They did not realize where all these children’s bedtime stories came from! The humans refused to face facts that they might have to leave Earth to avoid enslavement or annihilation. Scaba assured them that the Septens would provide ships for help and relocation to another suitable planet, and try to save as many humans as possible. The rest would have to survive as best as they could. Their 1958 colony population had grown substantially, but they still held out hope to one day reclaim their home planet world, Sanah back from the Trimadian rule. Scaba told the humans that Leah was the key to everything; life and death, war and peace. They had to shift their focus to a universal scale. But the stubborn humans refused to believe that one simple human woman could mean so much, it was not possible for one being to alter destiny.
Humans got very emotional when it came down to practical things like survival.
While the humans discussed the situation among themselves, Scaba took Calham aside and warned that if Kalvich was successful in turning Leah to his ways, and she took the next step to join the immortal race, it would mean the end of the gods’ rule as she would have more power than all the gods put together. But that was all he could elaborate on, as he did not know the full extent of the prophecy. Kalvich had grown to the point where he was too powerful for the gods to handle and could simply take what he wanted from an unwitting Leah if he wanted, but it sounded like he wanted to have her by his side. “She and the blood stones are the reasons he has waited for so long to take over. Now he has them all. Don’t you see what will happen?”
Denver Calham, as overseer of Divisions had the final say, but even then, it was not the best. “I’m sorry Scaba; you know I believe you, more than anyone. But they have put a hell of a lot of pressure on me. All I can do is grant you three weeks, my friend, and if your mission fails, we will send everything we have at Heliostronus. You have got to succeed.”
Scaba knew what he meant.