Page 1 of Quest: Book 4


  Book 4

  L.Z. Mencha

  Copyright Yufeng Zhuang 2013


  I was sent back by cotton candy, after a moment of confusion, my consciousness returned to the body.

  There was not a place not feeling pain on my body up and down, with the scorching hot spasmodically, the heavy exhaustion made me almost could not think.

  I tried my best effort to use my sense to feel all of the outside world. Indistinctly, someone was shaking my body, I don't know what he is doing.

  With the time passed by, the sounds by my side became clearer, that was someone talking.

  "Boss... You get to wake up quickly! They are going to dress up for you! They will bury you if you don't wake up!" This... This should be Marf's voice.

  "Marf, can you be sober-minded a bit!" It's Hairt's voice, "it's been for a month, boss has been..."

  "No! Please don’t! Just wait for one more day! Is it alright to just wait for one more day? Hairt, I beg you, please, just wait for a little bit longer..." I don't even need to think, this break into tears voice is Jack's.

  "Brother, we've been waiting over for a lot of days..."

  "Please just wait for one more day..."

  "What about this," Hairt said, "let's ask Feshert come to take a check for one more time, if boss is really... You can't stick to it any more."


  "Moah, go ask Feshert to come over here."

  After a moment, a voice come from outside of the door, and it got closer and closer, "don't drag me... This morning I told that Kone is getting better... There's hope that Kone will wake up... Don't you drag me... One day one time to take a look is good enough..."

  Hairt roared loudly, "all you say every day is all the same like this! Today uncle Vassel told us to stop the clowning!"

  Feshert's helpless voice sounded by my side, "he seems really dying... You have even changed all his clothes."

  "Do you think that I want to do this!?" The angry Moah must grabbed somebody's collar, "he is my boss! The always taking care of us boss!"

  "Where are Feline them?" Feshert asked, "do they also agree with you to do like this as well?"

  "They were called away by uncle."

  "Really? So this may not be a bad idea," Feshert's voice was getting calm gradually, "you all go out, I want to say a few words to Kone."

  The footsteps of several people faded away, Feshert walked closer to me, his body got down slightly, and he sat down by my side. Feshert touched my hair slowly, but I was very worried, I didn't have my heartbeat and breath restored yet. If they buried me like this, I'll be the most undeserved man to die.

  "My dear brother, we have to say goodbye..." Feshert was talking to me, I could feel his hand was very cold, "I always can't accept this fact, so I delay it one day after another day, it seems that today I can't delay it any more..."

  I have always been having an ideal, I want to finish it with you together... But now, you just leave me one person alone." He kept speaking slowly, "I take the ideal for both of us, is it funny? I have never told you about this before... Maybe it's just my own wishful thinking. You are a people such like this... But, but I really want to do something with you. You told me so many principles, you make me long for countless beautiful sceneries and hopes in my heart, and then... But you leave me one person alone again... I..."

  "Get up! You this rascal!" With “Pa” the sound, I got a box on the ear, Feshert was shouting, "you this idiot! You get up for me!"

  "Don't do that! Feshert..." Someone rushed in from outside and pulled him up, "don't hit my boss!"

  "Let me go, let me go... I haven't finished my words yet!"

  "Let him go," Hairt said, "Moah, let him go."

  Feshert put a hand on my left chest, "no matter what to say, even just only me alone left, I will also... Ah!"

  In the "Hi Li Hu La" sounds, somebody fell down on the ground. Feshert had the tremor in his voice, "heartbeat! He! He... Kone! Heartbeat!"

  In the chaos, I finally regained my breath, and then I was poured in many unknown things by a lot of coming people, some sweet, some bitter, some bittersweet and sour... Finally I was stripped naked to put inside of some unknown liquid.


  And then I had been soaking in that pool, every day somebody would pour some strange things into my mouth, Wensly and the Lola sisters had been staying by my side.

  "Kone is still not awake yet?" It's Feshert coming, this guy brought some things to here three times a day.

  "Not yet," Wensly answered him, "but his breath is getting more and more smoothly."

  "Really? Then today let him try this." Feshert said, "I just tasted a little bit outside of here, I even vomited yesterday's lunch out, I think he will wake up after he drink this."

  “My goodness! It's really so smelly!" Kelly said, "are you sure this is medicine?"

  "Of course! You don’t believe in my skill?" Feshert was complacency, "please all of you believe the professional."

  "Then... You just leave it over here, we will feed him that later."

  "Well... One more word," Feshert said, "if all of these can't wake him up, it means all of these things can't give him enough stimulus... You are Kone's wives, of course you know what I am talking about! Haha... Ah!"

  Feshert was defeated and fled away, my wives were all silent.

  "I... I think we just feed Kone the medicine first!" Wensly whispered.

  "I think, Kone maybe doesn't like to have this..." Feline said.

  "But why Kone is still not awake yet?" Kelly said, "he has already had the heartbeat for several days now!"

  "Auntie Belltina and uncle Webber said that Kone's body is recovering by itself, it should be almost the time for him to wake up." Wensly said.

  "Then why do you still feed him these unpleasant medicines?"

  "Even I know that he will be fine now, but I still hope that he can wake up as soon as possible..." Wensly put down the medicine, she held me in her arms and cried out, "as long as he can wake up early as soon as possible... I..."

  "Kone will wake up," Feline comforted Wensly, "then he will often sneak kiss our beautiful Wensly from behind again."

  "Kone didn't steal kisses from you?" Wensly let go of me, as if she was wiping the tears away, "I just don't understand all the time, why don't you let Kone come into the room?"

  "This all auntie Nashall instructed us to do so." Feline said, "she said that Kone and we are all not mature enough yet, we'll be very easy to indulge in the sexual passion."

  "Really?" I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself was soaked in the milky liquid.

  "Yes, how would I cheat on you." Feline took a look at me, but she found that I was smiling and looking at her, "You! You... You!"

  I heh heh had a smile, "don't you welcome me to join in your discussion?"

  "Kone!" Kelly had a joyous yell, and came up to me.

  I was holding around tightly by Kelly And Wensly, I almost couldn't breathe.

  "What kind of people you are!" Feline had some objections about my eavesdropping on their conversation, "you are sick!"

  "Rest your heart, I won't steal your kiss again." I took a look at the three gaunt wives in front of me, "my wives are so lovely and nobility. I swear, one day, I will bring the suited your status presents to walk into your room."


  "What's this?" I asked, this the third day after I woke up, I almost had already adapted to my body.

  A pair of small black war hammers were put on a small table by my side, they had the faint light flashed.

  Uncle Webber answered me, "it's an artifact, in the legend, it's the tools that Thor makes the thunderbolts. Its power... I believe that you have already experienced it."

  Heard th
at I might die, uncle Webber and auntie Belltina came to here together, also came with them is uncle Turnasi. They would stay over here for some days.

  "Because of our carelessness," Hairt them would not dare to speak loudly in front of the two uncles, "it made Kone got injured."

  "It's not all your fault, even all of your went to fight together, it still wouldn't get a better result than this now," uncle Turnasi said, "maybe just have some more people died."

  "Why?" Hairt asked.

  "This named Tario sorcerer," uncle Webber said, "is a very fierce guy, he had done a lot of hit events early on. To ask him to make a move, the price is not that cheap. Our Prime Minister is a very generous man."

  "Then I... Why am I still alive?"

  "Take a look at your chest."

  I unveiled my clothes, I found a big piece of radiation shape scar on the chest, it's very shocking.

  "How do you feel? The style is very peculiar?" Uncle Webber pointed at the scar and said, "it's your magic beast egg which saved your life. In the Tario's finally hit, your magic beast egg helped you to block the impact. The thunder magic attack blew out the magic beast egg instantly, to be precise, you are hit by the magic beast egg and the dissociated thunder magic."

  I touched this oversized scar with my fingers, but I found that it's like something excessively.

  "You don't need to touch it any more, that's made of by what's inside the magic beast egg. We also thought of many ways, but we just couldn't take it down. It's like growing together."

  "Really?" I felt very regret, "I still wanted to see what my magic beast will look like?"

  "There was a roaring race elf." Marf swayed the white bow in his hand, "he was using this bow!"

  "I never heard of this race of elf," uncle Webber said, "the dark dwarf is the same, very rare. Generally speaking, they will not come to the Deity countries this side."

  I turned my head to my father who was reading the official documents by the side, "oh right, Papa, what's the thing racial separation which they are talking about?"

  "They are same as our human beings," my father put down the documents, "some loyal to the Deity, some loyal to the Demon."

  "So that's it?" I didn't expect that it's so simple, so I turned to ask Marf, "what's the matter with the great ice arrow that you used that day?"

  "I... Hey hey... I practice it secretly." Marf grabbed the white bow tightly and not put it down, "Boss, this bow..."

  "You like it?" I spoke to him, "then it's yours now, but you'd better to dye it to some other colors."

  "I know! I know!"

  "Boss, our army is in training." Moah walked into the room and said to me, "do you want to go take a look?"

  "Go. Of course go!" I stood up.


  More than a month has passed, the construction progress of the Darkness City has not been affected by my injury. The tall and big outer city wall has folded, the taller inner city wall is under construction. The constructions inside of the city have already started, the drainage system has been laid down, the roads are almost all finished. In the central area of the city, a taking shape city hall has rising straight up from the ground.

  Walking on the broad outer city wall for the first time, I believe that there will be no one not surprised.

  The city wall is twenty meters high, twenty meters wide on the bottom, and fifteen meters wide on the top, it's all crisscross put together by the same strong giant bar stones. There is an arrow mound every three steps, there is a five meter high arrow tower each interval by fifty meters, there is a twenty meters wall jut out fifteen meters every three hundred meters. With a wall such like this, if it has the right sort of troops and plenty of provender, it's absolutely no problem to defense it.

  "Sir viceroy," Kainam presented it all for me by the side, "it's all built on your original design plan."

  "I'm very satisfied! But," I pointed to my own head, "the most important thing is to understand my design idea, so, in this way, there are many places where you can make some adaptations according to the circumstances."


  “Then you take a look at this.’ I walked to the edge of the wall, “I just think of this.”

  "The siege troop is absolutely the infantry, they climb the wall with the ladders for their ascent, and setting up the ladders is their first step."

  "Yes, it's very usual like this." Uncle Meza said.

  "Then we can send the enemy a small gift when they setting up the ladders." I had a smile, "Kainam, I want you to make the stone balustrades on the wall edge, same high as the wall. Well… No need to be too wide, just can't cross over with one step. Besides... People can't stand still on it."

  "It’s no problem, it's an easy job." Kainam said to me, "but, is that useful?"

  "I think, useful or not, we can exam it through the fact." I spoke to everyone, "Kainam you build it about a mile and a half first, we will bring people to come over this time tomorrow, we'll have a siege drill."

  "Yes, sir."

  I put my eyes on the training troops outside of the wall, watching the cavalry training the sprint, the infantry training the close combat. I felt that even though they were training very hard, but they lacked some kind of things.

  "Kone, what's the matter?" As the deputy director of the army for the Darkness city and a general in the army for so many years, Martin Arthur of course could feel some differences from my eyes.

  "The actual combat atmosphere! Yes, the lack of the actual combat atmosphere!" I punched my right fist on the wall heavily, I finally understood!

  "Grandpa Martin, I think, we should expand the armed forces now." I said, "increase our soldiers to ten thousand as soon as possible, then divide them into four groups, choose one thousand in them to form the close guards, the rest of the three groups have three thousand people each. Three thousand people have the normal defense task at a time, the rest six thousand people have the confrontation trainings. I want to train out an iron army to make the whole continent frightened."

  "The confrontation trainings?" Not only Martin Arthur, but also all the people were shocked, "what do you mean?"

  "It's the actual combat training!" I said, "the arrows flying in the air, the sharp poles buried in the ground, the cavalry rush, the infantry defense, all of them are the real things."

  "The real swords and spears!" Hairt was scared, "that will kill people!"

  "If it's not like this, they will be killed as well as they go into the battlefield! You think about this, in the battle we had last time, how many people were killed under our own horseshoes?" I spoke without any expression on my face, "I have made up my mind to it, it will be like this."

  "But boss..." Hairt's words were interrupted by my eyes.

  "Let's go back, I have to check to find out how much money we have." I walked to the stairs by the side of the city wall.

  In the temporary tent next to the city hall, while I was listening to Feline's finance report, I was drawing the training plans on a paper for the army.

  "The progress of the urban construction just get to a third," Feline was holding a big account book and complaining to me, "but we have already spent over half of the five hundred thousand fund."

  "Spending all of the rest of the fund according to the current progress," I nodded my head to Feshert who was just coming into the tent, "how long we still can maintain?"

  "At most three and a half months."

  "Hey," Feshert came to sit next to me, "do we need to expand our army to ten thousand?"

  Before I could even answer him, Feline had already shouted out loudly, "ten thousand people for the troops? Well, now we can at most maintain three more months."

  "The situation is still not that bad," I nodded my head, "draw out five thousand gold coins for me, I need to use it."

  "Kone, you are not those people who have no appreciation of a thing's importance..." Feline had her face full with difficulty, "you know, even a copper coin is very precious at this time..."
  "My dear, only you can give me five thousand gold coins first," I said, "then I can pay you back with more gold coins."

  Listening to me to say so, Feshert had the brightness in his eyes, he took hold of my hand and asked, "going out?"

  I nodded my head.

  "Take me with you!"

  I blinked my eyes and didn't say a word.

  "Alright," Feshert breathed out a sigh, "I'll listen to your order all the way..."

  "Good boy, you can go to tell the master," I patted on Feshert's shoulder, "we need to dress up as two probation sorcerers, let the master prepare a few convenient things for us."

  "No problem!" Feshert left happily.

  I finished the training plan with some additional things in, then I asked Marf to send it to Martin Arthur.

  "The training will be started today." I said to him.


  "Wait a minute! You go to tell grandpa Martin, let him pick one hundred people who are the most outstanding in this battle first. I need them to help me to do something."


  Right at this time, Feshert smiled to walk back in, he asked me before he even sat down, "when do we leave?"

  "What's the rush?" I answered him, "we have to assign some homework for the people who will be left in here!"