Page 3 of Quest: Book 4


  I brought a black vine magic wand to stand in front of Turnasi and Webber, in order to prove that I have the ability to protect myself, my father asked me at least I could fight evenly with my two uncles, and this is a test I must pass if I want to go out by myself.

  "You are going to just use this magic wand to fight against us?" Uncle Turnasi swayed out a circle with the big sword in his hand, "when you can put away your this kind of play house attitude?"

  "This is not the general magic wand!" I said, "Hey Hey, you should get it when you see that I don't even bring my mountain knife with me."

  Uncle Webber turned the corners of his eyes up, "unusual? I'll see what is the difference of the unusual!"

  A fireball suddenly appeared in the hand of uncle Webber, it became to a large one instantly and flight to in front of my eyes, it's more than this, I have already seen the second, the third ones... were oncoming from the corners of my eyes.

  "The Shield of Calm Wind!" I lifted my left hand, with the help of the dragon race necklace, a flashing white light round shield appeared on my arm. Even though this magic is called "Calm Wind", the white light looks flowing slowly, but it has the tremendous power hidden under. To spring off the fireballs like this, it's kind of like waste someone's talent on a petty job.

  "Poof...poof poof poof..." I took down uncle Webber's first wave of magic attacks, at this time, the cheers from Feshert who was watching by the side just arrived.

  "Not bad! Watch this," uncle Webber said, "the Polar Ice Blade!"

  A group of light white air cloud was thrown out by uncle Webber, it suddenly exploded when it almost got to my side, about one hundred small ice blades fly at me omnipresently. If I got hit by one of these, I think I would stay in bed for at least three days.

  "The Flurry Armor!" I removed the Shield of Calm Wind, and changed to this can protect the whole body mid-level wind magic. Even with the help of the dragon race necklace, this only all I can do.

  The ice blades hit on my transparent magic armor, they were instantly pulled into little icy particles by the extrusion of the moving fast winds.

  The not yet melt little icy particles were wrapped in the fast winds and flowed, on the surface of the armor quickly, they covered my armor with a layer of light white color.

  "It's my turn!" I couldn't win if I'm hit by uncle Webber as the target like this. My right hand gripped on the handle of the wand stick, with "shua" the sound I pulled a long slender black iron sword from the magic wand. Of course, it's strange for the people have the character like me to just hold a magic wand.

  The another advantage of the Flurry Armor is that it can increase the movement speed, I rushed to in front of uncle Webber while he was still chanting the magic.

  With a tall figure appeared, a big sword chopped down to me with the "foo foo" whirling sounds.

  "Discharge!" I inclined my sword up to block it with a loud cry.

  In the extremely harsh sound of the metal frictions, my that two finger wide long sword blocked uncle Turnasi's big sword successfully!

  "Tangle!" with the coordination of the body, the long black iron sword was flickering with the metallic luster, I pricked uncle Turnasi seven times in a very short time, even the great fighting skill uncle Turnasi, he also was made hurry-scurry by me.

  Just right at this time, uncle Webber's thunder magic arrived, a flash of lightning drew an arc in the air, it curved around uncle Turnasi's body and split down on me!

  "Domination!" with my shouting, the blade point of the black iron sword suddenly stuck out a section of indefinite expansion of the black sword flame.

  After a few loud noises, I, uncle Turnasi, and uncle Webber were all standing still. Feshert was dull to look at the two smoldering places on the ground by my side, his facial expression was like an idiot.

  "Very good! Kone," uncle Webber's voice broke the silence, "I didn't expect that the legendary fighting spirit will appear on you."

  "You can drive me away with one sword, and then cut away the lightning with another sword. You have already had the qualification to go out." Uncle Turnasi also said with a laughter.

  Before I could get my happiness up, these two guys said with one voice at the same time, "but..."

  I know that there are a lot of things are triggered by this word in this world, but at this moment, I haven't realized that this word would trigger a thing accompanied with my whole life.

  "With all your strength!" The two felt losing face uncles said, "we will not hide anything away any more!"

  No more necessary, still need to fight?

  "Whirlwind Cut!" Uncle Turnasi started it first, he turned his body in a high speed whirling, and then like a tornado blew slowly at me with all the sky of dust along the way, before he even reached in front of me, the powerful murderous look had already enveloped me up.

  "...... Meteor Spark Rain!" Uncle Webber this person is just like this, his chanting magic voice is just like a mosquito humming!

  The words saying about him like this is nothing wrong, even though uncle Webber's voice is really low, but there were a big pile of burning small meteors appeared on the sky over my head! They were smashing down by pulling the small black tails.

  "Ah! Two uncles, you don't have any necessity to do it like this..." I could hear ambiguously Feshert's voice is getting farther and farther, "Kone, you take good care of yourself! I got to run away first... This is not which I can handle..."

  But this is not that I can handle neither! Nothing or nobody can help me at this time, I put my right hand to my mouth, I kissed on the Ice Tear Stone ring on my pinkie.

  "Fight it!" While I was talking to myself, I folded my both hands in front of my chest, "The Secret Doppelganger magic!"

  This is a magic passed down since the ancient times in the elf race, I have just only read it from the , it's not the same as the general phantom doppelganger art, the doppelganger breaks from the "Secret Doppelganger magic" is the entity, it has the same skills as the ontology, the higher ability of the releaser, the more doppelgangers will get. Of course, I can't use it with my ability before. But now, I have the help of the Dragon Race Necklace and the Ice Tear Stone, it should not be too big of a problem.

  My body had a flicker, a doppelganger appeared by my side.

  "Catch this, go attack the sorcerer!" I threw the sword to him, and told him what to do with the telepathy at the same time.

  The doppelganger whipped out of sight after he took the sword, and then uncle Webber's exclaiming shouting came from far away.

  "With my blood for sacrifice, tightly twine around my enemy..." The no need to take care of uncle Webber I cut open my own finger, the red vines rooted out of the places where the blood landed, they crowded with each other, and continually pushed ahead toward uncle Turnasi. Although the front ones were cut into fragments by uncle Turnasi, but uncle Turnasi was eventually wrapped around tightly by the like mountains vines finally.

  Of course, so that I had time to run out of the "Meteor Spark Rain" attacking range. While uncle Webber was hunting down by my doppelganger at this moment, did he have time to adjust the magic he released earlier?

  While I had some free time at this moment, I peeled a fruit for myself, I sat down casually to lead the doppelganger to fight against these two uncles with various speed.

  "What do you think?" After I have eaten the fruit, seeing uncle Webber were running almost out of breath, and uncle Turnasi there was almost the same, "so you are satisfied like this?"

  "Stop!" Uncle Webber ran all the way to my side, my doppelganger were chasing after him, "I have something to say."

  I removed the magic on uncle Turnasi first, and then I sent out a thought. The doppelganger had his speed changed, he drove uncle Webber to my side with a few sword cuts, and then he held the sword to stand by my side.

  "You won..." Uncle Webber sat down by my side, the vessels on his neck were visible, "mercy me this age... My heart..."

  "Really good! Kone," the body still hung wi
th a few vines uncle Turnasi came to pat on my shoulder, "your magic can't match with his, your fighting skill can't match with mine... But you still can play us around."

  "Hey hey... Lucky, I just have a bit better luck." I said with a laughter.

  "Forget about it, you sly!" Uncle Webber said weakly, "you are cruel... You are born as a politician! You see, you see, I just said that you're a politician, you have already started to put on the 'modest'!"

  "Alright alright," uncle Turnasi patted the dust off his body, "let's go back, Kone, you come to my place before you leave."

  Seeing the two uncles left, Feshert then drilled out from nowhere.

  "Ha ha, I'm glad that you make it through." He said, "let's go to have a drink to celebrate!"

  I took a look at this guy, I was really too lazy to teach him about his just "abandon a friend and flee away" behavior.

  "But..." He then kept talking, "do you know that the modest appearance which you just put on is very sick?"

  To the people such like this, what else you can say? I directly used my action to express what I thought about him.

  After I beat Feshert up badly, then I stood up with great satisfaction.

  "Ha! Ha! Ha!" I laughed three times at the sky, I was just about to have a exclamation for feeling great to beat up the royal blood, then I found that there was one more shadow on the ground. I raised my head and looked up at it, it's my doppelganger. He's staring his eyes to watch on me, his two black eyes are twinkling very lively.

  That's not right, the effective time for the Secret Doppelganger magic should have clearly passed! Why did this doppelganger still not disappear? Further more, being stared by a guy looks exactly same as myself... This feeling is not so great.

  "......" For a moment, I don't know how to deal with this, I had to keep silence for a while.

  "You..." I organized well my mind and then sent a stream of consciousness to "him", "why are you still here?"

  "Because I didn't get your command yet..." I could clearly feel the consciousness that "he" sent back to me, "master."

  Master...? I couldn't help to shout out "ah".

  "It's like this, master, my situation is somewhat complicated..." It appeared that he's a bit shy, "can you give me some more time to explain it to you?"

  "Of course... Well, of course, of course of course," I said, "I always prefer the talking, and, let's sit down to have a good talk."

  "Yes, master." He watched my sit down movement carefully, and then he tried my way to sit down.

  "Can we start it now?" He asked me carefully, "master?"

  "You dare to beat the empire heir incredibly..." I just wanted to nodded my head to him, Feshert who was just abused to deep unconscious by me climbed up at this time unexpectedly, he looked up and saw that two Kones were sitting to talk together intimately... Feshert swayed his head, had his eyes a turn, and then fell down once again very promptly.

  "Hey hey!" I said, "no need to bother him! You go ahead!"

  "Yes, master. The truth is like this..." He said. "I... I'm the magic beast which have been hanging in front of your chest by you..."

  Heard his this words, my chin dropped onto the ground with the "pa" sound... The lying on the ground to pretend falling into coma Feshert looked up and asked, "that's not right! Kone, your magic beast have already been dead, right?"

  I nodded my head repeatedly, my brain was disorderly to think whether a coma people's words is reasonable or not.

  "Master! I'm really your magic beast!" My doppelganger said anxiously, "I... I know many things about you!"

  "Che! Kone those disturbing things have already been known by all the people!" The should be in coma guy lifted his head up once again and said, "it's not surprising that you know all about these!"

  The viceroy nodded his head repeatedly....

  "Master! I'm really the magic beast! I... I...." The doppelganger became more anxiously, he had his face all flushed, he suddenly tore my coat open without my permission.

  "Help! Help!" the in coma guy looked up and shouted, "another viceroy Kone is going to molest the viceroy Kone..."

  The still going to continue nodding head viceroy immediately woke up after he heard "molest" this word, he "pa" gave Feshert a slap on the head, Feshert then shut up immediately.

  "You see! Master!" The doppelganger pointed at my left chest, he said with infinite excitements, "I was the scar which stick on your chest! You see, now the scar on your body is gone!"

  I touched my chest with my fingers, that scar... is really gone!

  "See? I didn't lie to you!" The doppelganger... No, now I should say my magic beast, looked at me with the innocence face, "master!"

  I nodded my head at him...

  "Do you have a name? What kind of magic beast you are? I have a magic beast as well, maybe she will like to be your girlfriend..." Feshert held up his body, according to our used playing standard, this meant that he is "awakening" officially, I can't use the violence on him randomly any longer.

  "Master, I... I don't have a name yet..." My magic beast had the miserable look, "can you give me a name?"

  "What should I call you?" I never did the things like naming before, "what about you turn back to your original look to let me see first."

  "Yes, master!" The magic beast answered me, a light flashed in front of my eyes, then he became a... Puppy.

  It's really a puppy... It swung its whole body long pure white fluff, then he swung out a pair of wide and big pink flesh wings, it "flapping flapping" flied on my shoulder, his black eyes blinked and looked at me.

  "Ha ha ha ha!" Feshert laughed loudly and said, "Kone, you take a look, your magic beast... his hair covers all his eyes! And... Your eyes are black, even your magic beast's eyes are black as well... Ha ha ha ha!"

  "Don't your beast your beast call him like that!" I gnashed my teeth in hatred to say, "from now on, he will have a name! His name is... is... Yes! His name is Abu!"


  "Yes! He will be called Abu, how do you think?" I touched the magic beast which was standing on my shoulder, "Abu, do you like this name?"

  "I like it!" Abu stuck out his tongue, "master."

  "What!?" Feshert was not convinced to say, "Abu doesn't know whether the name is good or not! And, take a look at you two... hey hey... It's like, oh, all behaving stealthily like a pair of thieves... hey, Kone, what are you doing? Hey, Kone, why do you twine me up with the magic?"

  "Have you finished yet?" I lifted my eyebrows, "Abu! Bite him!"

  "Yes, master, but..." Abu jumped on Feshert's shoulder right away and began to grind up his teeth, "bite where?"

  "He makes a living with his face..." I thought a bit about this, "you can just bite his face!"

  The little Abu opened his mouth as big as which can pack a horse in, he even didn't take a think and just bit down.

  "Ah..." Feshert was bellowing, "no!"

  "How can Abu you don't work harder?" I stood by the side and said, "you bite too lightly, didn't you hear that he is still "Ah...bu, ah...bu" calling your name? This is provocative! Bite him harder!"

  "But, master..." Abu said, "it seems a little bit different from what he calls!"

  "You just don't know about this!" I was peeling a fruit while I released a small paralysis magic to paralyze Feshert's mouth, "don't you think that he is calling your name with a typical postmodern impressionist tone? He is using this kind of weird tone to express his whole contempt for your body and soul!"

  "Yes! I know it now, master!" Abu's consciousness came back to me.

  "Ah..." Feshert's screech was continuing, but his sound was more than one octave higher, "no..."




  "Kone, don't you know that Abu is now in the most important growth period," Feshert held his face, "you will teach Abu the bad behaves if you do it like this."

  "What's wrong with it?" I touched on Abu's hair.

  "Of course it's not right!" Fesher
t said urgently, "the magic beasts are same as the children, they will learn the same things from who they follow!"

  "You said... Abu is learning from me?" I said, "then what's wrong with that?"

  "Don't you know that like Abu this kind of which can change to human shape is very precious?" Feshert got his anger up, "at least I have never seen one like it before!"

  "Haven't you seen one today?" I said, "oh right, Abu, how can you change to the look same as me?"

  Abu recalled while he was explaining to me, we finally understood a little bit.

  Originally, the still was a magic beast egg Abu was broken into parts when he got hit by the lightning magic. But fortunately, he had been taking my soul energy as food, when its life was in the critical situation, the growing Abu could stick himself to my body, which was also the scar on my chest, and his consciousness hid in my mind. When I woke up, Abu woke up at the same time as well, but his consciousness always couldn't go back to his body. Just when I began to use the doppelganger magic, the smart Abu entered my doppelganger successfully.

  "Oh... So it's like this! Your growing experience is also same as somebody's..." Feshert was suddenly enlightened, he saw that I was staring at him, he changed the topic instantly, "oh right, what the special ability Abu you have?"

  "Now I can change to my master's appearance!" Abu was very proud to jump from my left shoulder to my right shoulder, "and I know all my master's skills after I change my shape."

  "We saw this just now!" I asked him, "I want to know what other abilities you have..."

  "Sorry... Master..." Abu's voice lowered down, "Abu can't remember anything now..."

  Feshert opened his mouth widely, he pointed at Abu and then pointed at me, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh...

  "That's alright if you can't recall it!" I had the same experience, so I comforted Abu, "we can get it slowly!"

  "Mmm!" Abu began to jump up and down again, "but Abu knows everything about master, including..."

  "Abu! You can't tell people all of these things!" I stopped Abu with the way of mind communication, "can't tell anyone!"

  "Yes, master! Abu will remember this from now on!"

  "As a matter of fact... Abu is still very weak so far," Feshert spoke to me, "he will be listed as the murder target by your enemy if he shows up with the magic beast identity..."

  "Then... What's the identity for Abu to show up?"

  "What about this!" Feshert snapped his fingers, "Abu's appearance is like a low level magic beast, Kone, you can tell others that Abu is a pet which you just adopted today!"

  I thought about it for a while, it's not a bad idea like this anyway, so I made the decision like that.

  "Abu, you are a Miss or Mr.?"

  "What's the business for Abu's gender to do with you? You are not Abu's master!"

  "I'm just asking... Abu, you say it."

  "Abu is a boy!"

  "Ah! That's right, Abu, let me tell you, I have a miss magic beast! She is now in her first dormancy stage, she is very beautiful..."

  "Abu doesn't like to play with big sister..."

  "That's right! My Abu will be the most handsome boy across the whole continent! Abu, you trust in me, as a master, I will teach you how to chase after the girls, right then... Master I will chase after the beautiful girls all over the continent, Abu you will chase after the beautiful magic beasts all over the continent!"


  "Work hard, Abu!"

  "Mmm, work hard!"

  "Cheer, Abu!"

  "Mmm, cheer!"

  "Hey hey hey... But Kone, haven’t you already had three wives... Help!... Ah... No!..."

  Two people and a magic beast went back to the living place just like that.