Page 18 of About a Vampire

  "Are you all right?"

  Holly blinked her eyes open at that question, and sucked in a breath as she realized that he'd closed the small space between them and was reaching to touch her face. Obviously, he'd completely misconstrued why she'd closed her eyes, she thought and opened her mouth to assure him that she was fine, only to pause again with surprise when his fingers lightly grazed her cheeks and her stomach seemed to jump in response.

  "I . . ." Holly breathed the single word and that was it. Nothing followed it into the silence in the room. Whatever she'd meant to say had flown from her mind, leaving her simply standing there, a brainless twit.

  "You are so beautiful and sexy," Justin said solemnly and her eyes widened incredulously at the claim. She was without makeup, her hair no doubt a ruffled mess from her tossing and turning, and she was wearing flannel pajamas with dancing bears on them, for cripes sake. And they had tutus on no less. She couldn't imagine anything less sexy than dancing bears.

  He moved another step closer, removing the last inch of space that had separated them and Holly bit her lip on a gasp as his chest brushed lightly against the flannel that covered the tips of her nipples. The resulting riot that caused in her body had her eyes widening and her hand clenching around the can of whipped cream she still held.

  "I--" she repeated, and this time stopped there because his mouth was suddenly covering hers. The heat that poured over Holly then was a familiar one from that morning, but this time it seemed to catch fire even faster than it had then. There was no questing, or nibbling at her lips to gain entry. Her mouth was already open and Justin took full advantage, plunging his tongue in to explore her depths. Holly stood completely still, her conscience battling with her body's response, and then Justin broke the kiss and shifted to nibble at her ear before whispering. "It's okay. It's a dream."

  "It is?" she asked with confusion.

  "Look. It's a dream," he assured her, and she forced her eyes open to look around.

  They had magically moved from the refrigerator to the kitchen table. Instead of standing, she was now seated on the table and he stood between her spread legs while his hands busily worked at the buttons of her flannel top. And while she still clutched the whipped cream in her hand, the chicken was no longer on the counter and the refrigerator door was closed as if she had never opened it.

  "A dream," she realized with bewilderment. It had to be. He couldn't have got her over here and set her on the table without her noticing--

  She was distracted from that thought when he suddenly tugged her pajama top open, revealing her bare chest.

  "How did you do that so quickly?" she gasped with amazement, automatically reaching to grab the edges of her flannel top to pull them closed again.

  "A dream, remember?" he chuckled. Letting her hold her top closed like the ninny she was, he clasped her face instead and kissed her again.

  Holly didn't fight him, but she didn't respond either. While passion poured over her in waves, she was struggling to sort out if it would be cheating if it was a dream, or if it even was one. It was possible he'd just used immortal speed.

  When she felt his hand clasp her breast through the flannel of her top and lightly pinch her nipple, she moaned and broke their kiss to gasp, "But I'm married."

  "This is a dream," he repeated gruffly by her ear, and then ran his tongue around the rim of her ear before dropping his lips to nibble at her neck between whispers.

  "It's okay. It's a dream."

  Holly frowned, her hand releasing her top to grasp his shoulders to keep her balance on the table as his hands slid under her bottom to ease her forward to press against him. Maybe it was, she thought. Maybe she was imagining that it was Justin kissing and touching her . . .

  Holly gasped as their groins rubbed together through their pajamas sending liquid fire shooting through her. This time when his mouth covered hers, she kissed back even as she wondered why she was imagining Justin here touching and kissing her instead of her husband.

  If this was a dream, shouldn't she be imagining her husband? She wondered and with her eyes closed tried to do that, but it wasn't her husband's cologne filling her nose, it was the spicy woodsy scent she'd noticed that Justin wore. Shaking her head, she broke their kiss and said, "This is wrong."

  "It's just a dream," he repeated, licking his way down her throat and Holly glanced around wildly as she realized they'd moved again. They were no longer in the kitchen. Now they were in a bedroom, though it wasn't one she recognized. This one was decorated in dark brown and beige. A man's room, obviously, with heavy oak furniture and a massive king-sized bed covered with dark chocolate satin sheets. She was now lying on her back on those sheets, the satin slippery beneath her skin as he crawled down her body.

  "How . . . ?" Holly began with bewilderment, and then nearly bit her tongue off as she realized that the satin was slippery beneath her skin because her flannel pajamas were gone. She was completely naked on that bed. No more dancing bears to protect her.

  Definitely a dream, she realized, and that thought made her raise her head slightly to peer down his body in the hopes of seeing what his plaid pajama pants hid, but those were still in place. Only she was starkers. So unfair, she thought and then stared in surprise when he suddenly had the whipped cream can in his hand that she'd held earlier.

  Where the devil had that come from? Apparently it had followed them from the first part of the dream, her mind reasoned and she bit her lip, simply watching as he shifted the can above one nipple and sprayed a circle over it. It was surprisingly warm for having just come out of the refrigerator, and stupidly, she said as much. "It should be cold. Why isn't it cold?"

  "It's a dream," he reminded her on a chuckle and then swooped down to close his mouth over the cream and her nipple both. Holly gasped, her back arching violently off the bed as his hot mouth suckled then licked her breast clean.

  "Oh God," she moaned, and shook her head in denial, then blurted, "It's not cheating if it's a dream, right?"

  "No," he agreed, and then swiped her breast again, removing the last of the whipped cream.

  "No," Holly decided and grabbed him by the ears to drag him back up her body.

  Dream Justin came willingly. His pajama-clad groin pressed against the center of her as she claimed his mouth. Holly immediately spread her legs, and then wrapped them around his hips, urging him tighter against her as she thrust her tongue out.

  With that one action she seemed to open the floodgates to an erotic world of pleasure. His body was hot and hard against her, his smell enveloped her, and his hands were everywhere, bringing every inch of her body to singing life as they caressed her side, her back, her ass, and then moved between them to clasp her breasts and squeeze firmly.

  Holly broke their kiss and threw her head back on a gasp when he did that, and Justin immediately eased back enough to claim one nipple with his mouth again. This time she didn't pull him away from what he was doing, but knotted her hands in his hair and gasped and moaned and then murmured encouragingly as he laved first one breast and then the other. When he reached up with one hand to caress her cheek as he worked on her breasts, she turned her head to nip and then suckle at one of his fingers, and then gasped around the digit when his other hand slid between her legs.

  At first he merely cupped her, pressing firmly against the heated skin, but then he eased a finger between her lips to find the nub at the center of her excitement and began to run teasing circles around it that had her hips gyrating in response. Panting and moaning by turn, Holly tried to reach down to touch him, but he was positioned so that his erection was out of her reach. Growling in her throat with frustration, she scraped her nails up his back instead, then caught him under the arms and tugged upward.

  Again, Dream Justin responded to her silent demand. A soft chuckle slipping from his lips, he released the nipple he'd been teasing and moved up her body, positioning himself between her legs. He didn't thrust into her right away as she wanted, though, bu
t stared down into her face, smiling softly.

  "You're a wild one," he accused gently, rubbing himself teasingly against her opening. "You act all prim and proper, but underneath it all, you're a wildcat with claws."

  Holly merely dug those claws into his shoulder and shifted her hips, trying to pull him into her.

  Justin chuckled at the attempt, but shifted his hips backward, then bent to nuzzle her ear and whispered, "Tell me you want me."

  "I want you," Holly panted, wrapping her legs around his hips and trying to lift herself onto the erection taunting her.

  "Say my name," he whispered, nipping at her ear.

  Cursing, Holly let her legs drop, and then shifted quickly, catching him by surprise and throwing him onto his back. She followed, coming to rest on top of him, then pushed at his chest to sit up, shifted slightly and reached down to grasp his penis and lowered herself onto it.

  "Oh," she moaned and closed her eyes as he filled her. He felt so damned good. All of it felt so damned good. Holly was never the aggressor with James, and couldn't imagine ever doing so, but here in her dream with Justin, she could be, and she liked it.

  Opening her eyes, she peered down at his face, smiling when she saw that his eyes were closed, his face squinched up with what she guessed was ecstasy though it looked perilously close to pain. Pursing her lips, she slowly raised herself slightly and then lowered herself again, feeling incredibly powerful when he moaned, his face tightening even further. She did that three more times very slowly before he opened his eyes and caught her watching him.

  Justin met her gaze briefly, and then took one of the hands that had been clasping her hips and moved it between them to begin teasing her again, rubbing against the nub of her excitement as she raised herself once more.

  Holly bit her lip, struggling to remain in control. But the passion that had temporarily been banked rushed back now, stealing her self-control from her and she began to move more swiftly. When his other hand moved up to clasp one breast, she covered it with both of her own hands, nails digging into his skin as she rode him. She watched Justin's face tighten, was aware that his caresses were becoming faster and firmer even as his hips pumped up to meet hers, and just as he thrust up into her one last time and stiffened on a shout, something snapped inside of Holly. Some small thread that had been holding back an ocean of pleasure broke and she threw her head back and screamed his name as her orgasm washed over her.

  Holly sat up in bed with a cry and found herself staring into darkness. For one moment she listened to the silence in the room, and peered into the dark room with confusion, then she reached for the lamp on the table and turned it on. She was in bed, in her flannel dancing bear pajamas, alone.

  She closed her eyes briefly and then pushed the blankets and sheets aside and moved to the bathroom, slowly becoming aware of the dampness between her legs. A lot of dampness, she acknowledged.

  Cripes, she'd had her first wet dream, Holly realized with a shake of her head as she stepped into the bathroom and felt for the light switch. She had to blink rapidly against the brightness when the light came on, but once her eyes adjusted, she peered at herself in the mirror and wrinkled her nose. Her face was flush, her hair all knotted in the back and standing up. She'd obviously been thrashing her head in her sleep.

  "A wet dream," she muttered, turning on the tap to splash her face. It probably wasn't her first wet dream, but it was the first she recalled . . . and it had been incredibly . . . well . . . incredible. It had also been about Justin Bricker, she thought grimly. There was something wrong with that. She even felt briefly guilty about it. But it was just a dream, she told herself. Her subconscious was obviously working through something, although she didn't know what the heck it was working through. Maybe she was a lot more attracted to him than she'd realized. Or maybe rather than having to do with her own feelings, it was about his fixating on her. Whatever the case, it was just a dream. It wasn't like she'd cheated on her husband.

  Sighing, Holly turned off the water and dried her face on a hand towel, meeting her guilty gaze in the mirror as she did.

  "Really," she said suddenly, lowering the towel. "Having sex with another man in a dream is not cheating on your husband. It was a dream. You aren't in control of your dreams. Besides, James doesn't know you had it, and Justin doesn't know. It's all good. Just relax and go back to sleep."

  Folding the hand towel once, she set it back on its holder, turned out the bathroom light and headed back to bed. She would have liked to claim that she was hoping that was the last of her dreams for the night, but suspected that wouldn't be true. It had been incredible, the best orgasm she'd ever had. How pathetic was it that the best orgasm of her life was one she'd had in a dream?

  "Sex with him probably wouldn't have been as good in real life," Holly assured herself as she crossed the dark bedroom back to bed. "It's just that you're less inhibited in your dreams. Wilder."

  That was definitely true, she acknowledged. Holly always refused to be on top with James. She was afraid she wouldn't do it right, wouldn't be able to keep the rhythm or something. And he never pushed the issue.

  "You love James," Holly reassured herself as she climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers up. "Orgasms aren't the be-all and end-all of life."

  Turning onto her side, she slid a hand under her pillow and closed her eyes, telling herself, "Everything is fine."


  Justin finished cleaning up, started out of the bathroom and then paused to grab a towel to take with him. Better to be safe than sorry, he thought, as he crossed back to the bed. It was only a little after midnight and he doubted that would be the last of the shared sex dreams they'd have that night. Certainly, he was eager for more after that first one. Even waking up to find he'd had an orgasm in his sleep and made a mess of his boxers wasn't enough to dampen his enthusiasm.

  Holly had been a revelation. Honestly, she was so straitlaced in reality that he'd expected her to be the same in bed, at least at first. Instead, she'd taken control, tossed him on his back and ridden him like a pro . . . after scratching the hell out of his back. He actually felt tender there even awake, as if she'd really scratched him, though there had been no welts or redness when he'd checked in the bathroom mirror. But then his whole body had been quivering and shaky as he'd made his way to the bathroom a couple minutes ago, as if they'd really had sex and it hadn't just been a shared dream. Justin supposed his muscles must have been clenching in real life in response to the dream.

  And what a dream! It had been pretty short and sweet compared to the marathon bang-a-thons he'd been into of late in reality. While he'd been an eager beaver when he was young, getting to the main course of the meal as quickly as he could, he'd found after a while that that was boring and begun trying other things. Just lately his deal had been to prolong it as long as possible, drawing out the foreplay and extending the pleasure for himself and his partner for as long as he could. That hadn't been possible with Holly. He couldn't take control of her and keep her from touching him. And she was strong too, much stronger than a mortal. Justin was stronger still, but she'd taken him by surprise with her moves and he hadn't known what hit him when he suddenly found himself on his back with her on top. After that it was Game. Set. Match. And he was toast. All he'd been able to do was ride the wave with her to Nirvana. And it hadn't even been true life mate sex, where the pleasure, instead of the dream, was shared, multiplying their mutual pleasure to unbearable levels. That was enough to knock immortals out cold. He couldn't wait to experience it, but in the meantime, this would do . . . especially since, dream or not, it was his name Holly had screamed as she'd found her pleasure.

  That was the last thing Justin had heard before waking up, his name on her lips . . . and it had been sweet. He wanted to hear it again. He wanted to hear her begging for him to enter her, wanted her to sob his name with need, and now that he'd experienced his first shared dream with her, Justin was pretty sure he could have it. He was going right
back to sleep to find her again, and this time, he was going to take control. He was going to strip her, lay her out, feast on her and when he had her trembling and weeping with need, he would pound into her, giving them both the release they wanted.

  That thought firmly in mind, Justin closed his eyes to go to sleep. It seemed like he'd barely done so when he found himself in a dark crowded room with blinking lights and loud music thundering all around him.

  "What the hell," he muttered, turning slowly and surveying the strangers bumping and grinding on every side.

  It was a nightclub, he realized. He'd been in enough of them to recognize that. Justin loved nightclubs. He loved dancing and he loved watching women dance. It was also a great place to pick up chicks. But there was only one chick he was interested in anymore and he began searching the sea of faces for her, sure this was her dream and he'd find her somewhere here.

  It didn't take him long to spot her. Holly was in the middle of the dance floor, twirling and grinding like a pro. Damn, the girl could move. He suspected she would never dance so freely in reality, but here in her dreams, she was fluid, every move screaming of sexuality and animal grace.

  Smiling, Justin wove his way through the undulating bodies until he stood behind her, and then he slid his arms around her from behind, urging her back against his front.

  "Justin," she said with surprise, peering over her shoulder at him.

  "Hi," he murmured, shifting his hands to her rotating hips and following her moves with his own as he ground against her bottom.

  Despite the loud music, she appeared to hear him.

  "Hi yourself," she laughed before turning swiftly in his arms and grinding up against him front to front. "I didn't know you like to dance," she said on a chuckle, slipping her hands up around his neck. The move pressed her chest against his and he reveled in the feel of her firm breasts rubbing against him as they moved.