Page 12 of Refugee

  “I’m stronger than most people! I just beat a vampire in hand to hand combat. I can survive this.”

  “You won’t have the chance to find out.”

  Aria sputtered as indignation filled her. His stubbornness was truly beginning to grate on her nerves. “If Saul can survive…”

  “Saul?” he asked in surprise.

  She folded her arms over her chest and began to tap her foot. “Yes, Saul. I assume he was once human, he’s older.”

  Braith’s full lips quirked in a small smile. “Saul was never human.”

  “I don’t understand. He has gray hair, wrinkles. Do you eventually age?”

  His thumb stopped stroking her skin, his hand turned in hers as he held her. His gaze was focused on her hand for a moment. He was studying it as if he had never seen it before. Aria leaned forward to peer up at him, surprised by the distant look on his face. He moved her fingers apart, slowly tracing the bones of each one.

  “Braith,” she whispered, fighting against the reaction her body had to his tender touch.

  “No, we don’t age,” he finally stated. “At some time in our twenties we reach maturity, and we stop aging. I was twenty two when it happened. For some reason, Saul didn’t stop aging until he was almost fifty. It’s happened before, rarely, but it has occurred.”

  Aria’s mouth parted on a small breath, what a strange and oddly fascinating bit of information. She never would have suspected that such a thing could occur. “Has there ever been one that has just never stopped aging and died?”

  Braith shrugged, his hands moved slowly up her arms as he pulled her a step closer to him. “It’s a possibility, there were some before me,” he said with a teasing smile that melted her heart. “I suppose it could have happened then, but since I’ve been alive I’ve never heard of it. One aged until he was almost seventy before stopping, but that’s the oldest I know of.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Do you know the legend of the vampire race?” She shook her head no. “Have you heard of God?”

  She frowned, confused by the question. “I’ve heard of him, it, her? Some of the people in the woods would talk of God, they even had ceremonies, but most didn’t really understand what it was.”

  “That’s one thing that hasn’t changed in a hundred years.” Dry humor that seemed oddly out of place tinted his voice.

  “Was it supposed to?”


  “Then what does this God have to do with anything?”

  “It’s said that God created the first man, humans, in his image. God also created angels to serve him, and to protect and guide the human race, but between the two, man was God’s favorite. One such angel, Lucifer, was cast out of heaven because he didn’t want to play second fiddle. It is said that on his way to Hell, in order to punish God, and inflict pain and fear amongst the human race, that Lucifer also created something in his own image to walk the earth. A demon that looked like man but had the vast power of the angel’s, and fed upon man. He created the first vampire.”

  “Your speed and strength,” she muttered.

  “Yes, our immortality, our thirst for blood is all said to be tied to the demon that Lucifer became. The quirks that sometimes affect our race are supposedly because there is also man within us.”

  Aria’s head was spinning. “You believe this?”

  He shrugged absently. “It’s what has been told over the years, but I don’t know for certain, no one does.”

  “And if you change me, you believe I will become a demon or the demon is what will kill me?”

  “You already are a little demon.” He chuckled at the stern look she shot him. “But no, I don’t believe that. I believe that the loss of your blood, and the sudden influx of mine, is what will kill you. I believe the trauma to your system, the changing of your system into ours is what will kill you, but I do not believe you will become a demon, or become infected by one. Most of us are colder and more callous than humans, we feel things more acutely, our needs are more intense, but we control our actions and we are not ruled by some demon inside us. It is why Ashby loves Melinda, why my mother died for Melinda, why Gideon has established a system of equality. It’s why I love you. If we were ruled by a demon none of that would be possible. Some of us seem to relate more to their angel or human side, and some to the demon one though.”

  “I see.” Though she was fascinated by what he was telling her, she was barely paying attention to the conversation anymore as his hands clasped hold of her face and he kissed her lightly.


  Braith stood silently, his arms folded over his chest as he watched Aria move about the room with subtle grace. She didn’t know he was there as she studied the bindings of the books with interest. Her hands were folded behind her back as she leaned back on her heels before tilting forward again. There was a wistful smile on her face that enchanted him.

  He didn’t think he would ever get over the powerful effect she had on him. The sway she had over his deadened heart. She leaned back on her heels again. “Are you going to stand there all day?” she asked.

  “I didn’t realize you knew I was here.”

  The sunlight lit her features as she tilted her head to study him. “I’d know you anywhere.” For a moment he was robbed of all sense of reason. His fingers ached with the need to touch her, to hold her. Standing on her tiptoes she pulled a book from the shelf. “Would you like to read with me?”

  He would like nothing more than to curl up and read with her, but that was not why he’d come here. She seemed to sense that as her smile slipped away and she tucked the book under her arm. “What is it?”

  “They’re going to vote on whether or not they’re willing to join us. I thought you would like to be there.”

  “I would,” she agreed. Her hand slid into his extended one. He held her for a moment, simply savoring in her as she watched him. “What do you think they’ll vote?”

  Braith shook his head. “I don’t know. Those creatures have been taken care of, there may be a few left out there, but they’re not much of a threat. I think I passed their test. I think I proved that though I was blinded, I am still deadly enough to lead.”

  “Do you think they suspect you can see when I’m near?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t think so, though Xavier saw far more of our relationship than I intended for him to. I don’t think he will say anything. For now he prefers to watch, listen and learn.”

  “What does he want to learn?”

  “Everything and anything. Xavier’s bloodline has always been the record keepers; he knows more of our history than anyone. His leaving was a huge blow to my father. Xavier sees far more than most, he processes things differently. He’ll keep what he saw to himself until he can figure out what to do about it.”

  “Do you think he’ll do something bad with it?”

  “Not if he wants to live. Xavier, though his original loyalty was to my father, is a man of thought and learning, not one of action and violence. He is logical and fair. He will come to me when he is ready to confront me about you, before he goes to them. He’ll look for answers first.”

  “I think you’re right, he seems very curious about us.” She rocked back on her heels again. “They will agree to help us.”

  “And what makes you so certain?”

  “Because it’s impossible not to follow you.”

  He chuckled as he folded her arm within his. “I’m glad you believe so.”

  She tugged on his arm for a moment, causing him to stop in the doorway of the library. Her hand tightened around his arm, her eyes were filled with determination. “I don’t believe so Braith, I know so. They’ll follow you because they know strength when they see it, because they’ll believe in you, and you’ll win.” He was awed and humbled by the amount of faith she had in him. She grinned at him, a smile that lit her face and caused her eyes to sparkle as she playfully bumped his hip. “Just don’t let it go to your head when you become

  He couldn’t find the words to remind her that he had no intention of becoming king; he was too stunned. She turned away from him, her gaze darting toward the dining room that they had been meeting in. She squeezed his hand before reluctantly releasing it and nervously tucking the book under her arm. “You can do this Braith,” she whispered.

  He was pretty sure he could do just about anything if she was standing at his side. He wanted to reach for her again, wanted to pull her back against him, wanted to walk proudly into that room with her, but he knew he had already allowed too much to slip in front of Xavier.

  Aria entered the room first and walked to her brother’s side. William studied her before nodding to Braith. The others had already gathered around the table, the chair at the head was empty as it waited expectantly for him. Braith rested his fingers on the top of the table as he faced the powerful people whose help he desperately needed if they were going to have any shot of winning this war.

  “You’ve all made your decisions?” he inquired.

  “We have,” Xavier confirmed as his dark eyes flickered briefly to Aria. Frustration filled Braith; his momentary loss of control in the hallway earlier had placed Aria in even greater peril. She met Xavier’s inquisitive glance with a lift of her brows that somehow managed to make her appear even more innocent and unknowing. But Braith could see that Xavier didn’t buy it, not for an instant.

  “I’ll fight with you,” Xavier confirmed. “You’ve proven that you are capable enough to earn my allegiance, and I have never agreed with your father’s policies. I believe yours will be more just.” His eyes flickered briefly to Aria again.

  Braith had to force himself not to look at her. “They will be,” he assured him.

  “I will also fight with you,” Barnaby confirmed. Braith felt a momentary tug of apprehension, he still didn’t know how to feel about Barnaby, but at least this time he was actually taking a stand instead of cowardly waiting until the end. Perhaps the past hundred years had actually changed him. Ashby made a slight face but remained silent. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time.”

  “I would like to confer with my people, but I believe they will agree to help.” Saul folded his hands into the sleeves of his cloak, his head was bowed. He had always been tranquil, reserved, with an air of dignity that was enhanced by his seemingly vast years, even though he was almost two hundred years younger than Braith. “We’ve built a good home here, but we are well aware of the fact that it is tentative at best. The king still randomly sends search parties after us, there is no guarantee we will not be uncovered and ousted at some point. War offers no promises, no peace or stability, but the hope of a future filled with security will probably sway them, as will the chance to leave The Barrens and return to a home that most of us still miss.”

  “I was in even before we went after those creatures,” Calista said. “I want my homeland back. We’ve established a nice system here, but I’m sick of dust and heat and sand. I assume that those of us who join with you will also be rewarded.”

  “Your wealth will be returned to you. The Council will be established as the ruling body again, you will be returned to your seats upon it, you will have equal say within it and the majority will rule,” Braith assured them.

  “Even the humans?” Frank inquired.

  Braith nodded. “What you have established here will be the model that the new rule will be based upon. Humans will rule with us, vampires and humans that do not follow the rules will be punished accordingly.”

  “And blood slaves?” Frank pressed.

  Despite himself Braith felt his gaze flicker to Aria as she shifted uneasily. Though few people in this room knew she had once been his blood slave, it was still a touchy subject with her. “If we are successful, no human will ever be forced to be a blood slave again.”

  It was only the slight tremor of Aria’s chin that hinted at any sign of distress from her. He couldn’t take those days away from her, even if he could, he wouldn’t. If she’d never been captured, if she’d never been brought to the palace as a slave, he never would have met her. He wouldn’t be standing here right now and neither would she. She was in danger now, but her life up to this point had been nothing but danger. He hated it but for the first time he saw things from her perspective, for the first time he understood her total lack of fear toward anything.

  She feared nothing because she had lived with the constant threat of death every day of her life, it remained the same now, but there was finally hope for her. Finally there was a light at the end of a tunnel that before had only been dark. She would do anything for that light, anything. She had been trying to tell him this, trying to make him understand that this was a battle she embraced wholeheartedly, enthusiastically, and with a determination that may even exceed his own, but he had been too stubborn to listen. He needed to give her more freedom or he would crush the beautiful spirit he had fallen in love with in the first place.

  The thought of losing her was almost enough to drive him to his knees, but he realized he’d rather see her dead than destroyed by his inability to let her be who she was.

  He almost took her hand, but thankfully he came to his senses before he did something careless. Her life may not be any more precarious now than it was before, but if he revealed his feelings for her any further, it would be.

  He turned forcefully away from her as he focused on Frank once more. “You and David will have a say in how things are run afterward. You will both have seats on The Council to represent your people. If there are other human leaders amongst the rebels I’m sure David will bring them to my attention.”

  “There aren’t any others,” William informed him.

  “The humans will have the same say as vampires?” Frank persisted.

  “Yes, humans will have an equal say,” Braith assured him.

  “And a leader will also need to be appointed.” Gideon’s hazel eyes were turbulent as they met his.

  “There isn’t truly a need for a leader.” Braith stared at Gideon, silently warning him to back off.

  “There is always a need for a leader. A leader will have to carry out the results of any vote, and they will have to squash any inner squabbling. A leader will be needed to make sure that justice, fair justice is carried out. And everyone, people and vampire alike, will need someone to follow. There is a need for a leader, a strong one that can rule and see over what will be a difficult time of transition for everyone involved. They will be required to put an abrupt end to the uprisings I am sure will follow this overthrow, and to make sure that all traitorous persons are hunted down and dealt with appropriately.

  “There is a need for a leader if what you envision, what we all envision, is to be successful. We will need the strongest among us to carry out this vision. Someone who is just and not simply seeking power, someone who knows how government and politics works, someone that is recognizable to everyone, as there are many of us that would not be known among the humans anymore. ”

  Braith was silent, astounded by the fervor of Gideon’s speech, frightened by the sway he felt in those words. Aria gazed at Gideon for a long moment before turning slowly to Braith. It was the pride gleaming from the bright depths of her beautiful eyes that caused his gut to clench. He knew what she expected of him, but if he rose to power she would never be accepted, never be welcomed at his side.

  He would give up anything for this cause, except for her.

  Beside her, William looked just as amazed as she did. His gaze moved slowly from Gideon to Braith and then finally to his sister. An almost painful look crossed his face before he turned away.

  “We should select a new leader, a new king so to speak, here, now, amongst the leaders that our people have elected to speak for them.”

  “Not all of them are here,” Braith reminded them, unable to keep the aggravation from his voice as Gideon tried to railroad him.

  “Either I, or William, can vote for our father, for now,” Aria ame
nded quickly. “I’m sure he would trust our judgment, and if he doesn’t then he can have his say when we reunite.”

  He wanted to tell her no, that there would be no vote now, but the others were already nodding their agreement. A cold chill swept down his spine. He was not a coward, he had never shirked his responsibilities but he did not want this. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself though; they had not elected him yet. Gideon had just given a rousing speech that had swayed everyone in the room. After Braith, he was the most elder vampire within this room. They all knew Gideon well, had worked well with him over the past hundred years. All Braith had was his older age, his power, and his pedigree.

  “I think that’s fair,” Xavier said. “They came as representatives for their father after all.” His gaze fixated on Braith. “I’m sure he would respect their vote.”

  “He would,” William confirmed.

  “Jericho is also an option as a leader,” Braith reminded them. “My brother has lived amongst David’s rebel faction for the past six years. He is part of the royal bloodline, David’s people trust him.”

  Saul chuckled as he shook his head and spread his hands before him. “I’m sure Jericho has matured greatly over the years Braith, but I do not believe he is up for this responsibility. Nor was he ever groomed for it. We represent our families now because most of our family members are dead. Barnaby’s youngest cousin, and my sister, are the only others that survived the war, subsequent slaughter, and exile. Neither of them is prepared to lead, and neither is Jericho.”

  “That is yet another thing we can discuss when we’re all united,” Xavier said. “I’m sure that Jericho is not the boy we remember, and if there is to be true equality amongst us than we should consider him. If he wishes to be considered.”

  “Then we are in agreement, for the most part,” Gideon asserted. “We’ll vote now. Ashby?”

  Ashby was pensive as his eyes flickered briefly between Aria and Braith before his shoulders slumped a little. “Braith started this, he has led us this far, united us, and defeated most of your enemies. He’ll see us to the end; he’ll take down his father. My vote is with him.”