Page 15 of Triple Threat

  Both of those men, the Manhattan DA and the attorney general of the state, Rhyme noted, were in the opposing political party to that of the current administration in Washington. Was this fair to consider? He decided that cynicism isn't cynical if the facts support it.

  "Welcome to the hornet's nest," Sellitto said, drawing smiles from everybody but Laurel.

  Myers said to Rhyme, "That's why I suggested you, Captain, when Nance came to us. You and Detectives Sellitto and Sachs operate a bit more independently than regular officers. You're not as tethered to the hub as most investigators."

  Lincoln Rhyme was now a consultant to the NYPD, FBI and any other organization wishing to pay the substantial fees he charged for his forensic services, provided the case could be fixed somewhere near the true north of challenging.

  He now asked, "And who is the main conspirator, this head of NIOS?"

  "His name's Shreve Metzger."

  "Any thoughts at all about the shooter?" Sachs asked.

  "No. He--or she--could be military, which would be a problem. If we're lucky he'll be civilian."

  "Lucky?" From Sachs.

  Rhyme assumed Laurel meant because the military justice system would complicate matters. But she elaborated, "A soldier's more sympathetic to a jury than a mercenary or civilian contractor."

  Sellitto said, "You mentioned two conspirators, along with the shooter. Who else aside from Metzger?"

  "Oh," Laurel continued in a faintly dismissive tone, "the president."

  "Of what?" Sellitto asked.

  Whether or not this required a thoughtful hesitation Laurel paused anyway. "Of the United States, of course. I'm sure that every targeted killing requires the president's okay. But I'm not pursuing him."

  "Jesus, I hope not," Lon Sellitto said with a laugh that sounded like a stifled sneeze. "That's more than a political land mine; it's a fucking nuke."

  Laurel frowned, as if she'd had to translate his comment from Icelandic. "Politics aren't the issue, Detective. Even if the president acted outside the scope of his authority in ordering a targeted killing, the criminal procedure in his case would be impeachment. But obviously that's out of my jurisdiction."

  Chapter 4

  He was distracted momentarily by the smell of grilling fish, with lime and plantain, he believed. Something else, a spice. He couldn't quite place it.

  Sniffing the air again. What could it be?

  Compact, with crew-cut brown hair, he resumed his casual stroll along the broken sidewalk--and dirt path, where the concrete slabs were missing altogether. He billowed out his dark suit jacket to vent the heat and reflected he was glad he hadn't worn a tie. He paused again beside a weed-filled lot. The street of low shops and pastel houses in need of more pastel paint was deserted now, late morning. No people, though two lazy potcake dogs were lounging in the shade.

  Then she emerged.

  She was leaving the Deep Fun Dive Shop and walking in the direction of West Bay.

  Tan and sun-blond, the young woman had a tangle of hair, with a single narrow beaded braid from temple to breast. Her figure was an hourglass but a slim hourglass. She wore a yellow-and-red bikini and a translucent orange wrap around her waist, teasing. It fell to her ankles. She was limber and energetic and her smile could be mischievous.

  As it now was.

  "Well, look who it is," she said and stopped beside him.

  This was a quiet area some distance away from downtown Nassau. Sleepily commercial. The dogs watched lethargically, ears flopped downward like place-marked pages in a book.

  "Hey there." Jacob Swann removed his Maui Jims and wiped his face. Put the sunglasses back on. Wished he'd brought sunscreen. This trip to the Bahamas hadn't been planned.

  "Hm. Maybe my phone's not working," Annette said wryly.

  "Probably is," Swann offered with a grimace. "I know. I said I'd call. Guilty."

  But the offense was a misdemeanor at worst; Annette was a woman whose companionship he'd paid for, so her coy remark wasn't as cutting as it might have been under different circumstances.

  On the other hand, that night last week had been more than john-escort. She'd charged him for only two hours but had given him the entire night. The evening hadn't been Pretty Woman, of course, but they'd each enjoyed the time.

  The hours of their transaction had fled quickly, the soft humid breeze drifting in and out of the window, the sound of the ocean metrically intruding on the stillness. He'd asked if she'd stay and Annette had agreed. His motel room had a kitchenette and Jacob Swann had cooked a late supper. After arriving in Nassau he'd bought some goat, onion, coconut milk, oil, rice, hot sauce and local spices. He'd expertly separated meat from bone, sliced it into bite-sized pieces and marinated the flesh in buttermilk. By 11 p.m., the stew had simmered over a low flame for six hours and was ready. They'd eaten the food and drunk a substantial red Rhone wine.

  Then they'd returned to bed.

  "How's business?" he now asked, nodding back to the shop to make clear which business he was talking about, though the part-time job at Deep Fun was also a feeder for clients who paid her a lot more than for snorkel rental. (The irony of the shop's name was not lost on either of them.)

  Annette shrugged her gorgeous shoulders. "Not bad. Economy's taken its toll. But rich people still want to bond with coral and fish."

  The overgrown lot was decorated with bald tires and discarded concrete blocks, a few dented and rusted appliance shells, the guts long scavenged. The day was growing hotter by the second. Everywhere was glare and dust, empty cans, bushes in need of trimming, rampant grass. The smells: grilling fish, lime, plantains and trash fire smoke.

  And that spice. What was it?

  "I didn't remember I'd told you where I work." A nod at the shop.

  "Yes, you did." He rubbed his hair. His round skull, dotted with sweat. Lifted his jacket again. The air felt good.

  "Aren't you hot?"

  "Had a breakfast meeting. Needed to look official. I'm just back for the day. Don't know what your schedule is..."

  "Tonight?" Annette suggested. And encouraged.

  "Ah, I've got another meeting." Jacob Swann's face was not expressive. He simply looked into her eyes as he said this. No wince of regret, no boyish flirt. "I was hoping now." He imagined they were hungry eyes; that's how he felt.

  "What was that wine?"

  "That I served with dinner? Chateauneuf-du-Pape. I don't remember which vineyard."

  "It was scrumptious."

  Not a word Jacob Swann used much--well, ever--but he decided, yes, it was. And so was she. The ropey straps of the bikini bottoms dangled down, ready to be tugged. Her flip-flops revealed blue nails and she wore gold rings on both her big toes. They matched the hoops in her ears. A complicated assembly of gold bracelets as well.

  Annette sized him up too and would be recalling his naked physique, muscular, thin waist, powerful chest and arms. Rippled. He worked hard at that.

  She said, "I had plans but..."

  The sentence ended in a new smile.

  As they walked to his car she took his arm. He escorted her to the passenger side. Once inside she gave him directions to her apartment. He started the engine but before he put the car in gear he stopped. "Oh, I forgot. Maybe I didn't call but I brought you a present."

  "No!" She keened with pleasure. "What?"

  He extracted a box from the backpack he used as an attache case, sitting in the backseat. "You like jewelry, don't you?"

  "What girl doesn't?" Annette asked.

  As she opened it he said, "It's not instead of your fee, you know. It's in addition."

  "Oh, please," she said with a dismissing smile. Then concentrated on opening the small narrow box. Swann looked around the street. Empty still. He judged angles, drew back his left hand--open, thumb and index finger wide and stiff--and struck her hard in the throat in a very particular way.

  She gasped, eyes wide. Rearing back and gripping her damaged neck.

  "Uhn, uhn, uhn...

  The blow was a tricky one to deliver. You had to hit gently enough so you didn't crush the windpipe completely--he needed her to be able to speak--but hard enough to make it impossible to scream.

  Her eyes stared at him. Maybe she was trying to say his name--well, the cover name he'd given her last week. Swann had three U.S. passports and two Canadian, and credit cards in five different names. He frankly couldn't recall the last time he'd used "Jacob Swann" with somebody he hadn't known well.

  He looked back evenly at her and then turned to pull the duct tape from his backpack.

  Swann put on flesh-toned latex gloves and ripped a strip of tape off the roll. He paused. That was it. The spice the nearby cook had added to the fish.


  How had he missed it?

  For more information about THE KILL ROOM, you can visit Jeffery Deaver's website:

  Also by Jeffery Deaver

  The Kill Room*


  Carte Blanche, a James Bond Novel


  The Burning Wire*

  Best American Mystery Stories 2009 (Editor) The Watch List (The Copper Bracelet and The Chopin Manuscript) (Contributor) Roadside Crosses**

  The Bodies Left Behind

  The Broken Window*

  The Sleeping Doll**

  More Twisted: Collected Stories, Volume Two The Cold Moon*/**

  The Twelfth Card*

  Garden of Beasts

  Twisted: Collected Stories

  The Vanished Man*

  The Stone Monkey*

  The Blue Nowhere

  The Empty Chair*

  Speaking in Tongues

  The Devil's Teardrop

  The Coffin Dancer*

  The Bone Collector*

  A Maiden's Grave

  Praying for Sleep

  The Lesson of Her Death

  Mistress of Justice

  Hard News

  Death of a Blue Movie Star

  Manhattan Is My Beat

  Hell's Kitchen

  Bloody River Blues

  Shallow Graves

  A Century of Great Suspense Stories (Editor) A Hot and Sultry Night for Crime (Editor) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Introduction) *Featuring Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs **Featuring Kathryn Dance

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  Fast, a Kathryn Dance story


  Paradice, a John Pellam story

  A Preview of The Kill Room

  Also by Jeffery Deaver




  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright (c) 2013 by Gunner Publications LLC

  Cover design by Elizabeth Connor. Cover photo (c) Julie Hagan / Shutterstock. Cover copyright (c) 2013 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  THE KILL ROOM cover art designed by Flag.

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  Grand Central Publishing

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  ISBN 978-1-4555-2682-6



  Jeffery Deaver, Triple Threat

  (Series: # )




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