Page 22 of Phroso: A Romance



  The next morning came bright and beautiful, with a pleasant freshbreeze. It was just the day for a run in the yacht. So I thought whenI mounted on deck at eight o'clock in the morning. Watkins was there,staring meditatively at the harbour and the street beyond. Perceivingme, he touched his hat and observed:

  'It's a queer little place, my lord.'

  My eyes followed the direction of Watkins's, and I gave a slight sigh.

  'Do you think the island is going to be quiet now, Watkins?' I asked.

  I do not think that he quite understood my question, for he said thatthe weather looked like being fine. I had not meant the weather; mysigh was paid to the ending of Neopalia's exciting caprices; for,though the end was prosperous, I was a little sorry that we had cometo the end.

  'The Lady Phroso will come on board about ten, and we'll go for alittle run,' I said. 'Just look after some lunch.'

  'Everything will be ready for your lordship and her ladyship,' saidWatkins. Hitherto he had been rather doubtful about Phroso's claim tonobility, but the news of last night planted her firmly in the statusof 'ladyship.' 'Has your lordship heard,' he continued, 'that thelaunch is to carry the Governor's body to Constantinople? There she isby the gunboat.'

  'Oh, yes, I see. They seem to be giving the gunboat a rub down,Watkins.'

  'Not before it was necessary, my lord. A dirtier deck I never saw.'

  The gunboat was evidently enjoying a thorough cleaning; the sailors,half-naked, were scouring her decks, and some of the soldiers wereassisting lazily.

  'The officers have landed to explore the island, my lord. When Mourakiwas alive, they were not allowed to land at all.'

  'Mouraki's death makes a good many differences, eh, Watkins?'

  'That it does, my lord,' rejoined Watkins, with a decorous smile.

  I left him, and, having landed, strolled up to the house. The yachtwas to have her steam up ready to start by the time I returned. Isauntered leisurely through the street, such of the islanders as I metsaluting me in a most friendly fashion. Certainly times were changedfor me in Neopalia, and I chid myself for the ingratitude expressed inmy sigh. Neopalia in its new placidity was very pleasant.

  Very pleasant also was Phroso, as she came to meet me from the house,radiant and shy. We wasted no time there, but at once returned to theharbour, for the dancing water tempted us: thus we found ourselves onboard an hour before the appointed time, and I took Phroso down belowto show her the cabin, in which, under the escort of Kortes's sister,she was to make the voyage. Denny looked in on us for a moment,announced that the fires were getting up, and that we could start inhalf-an-hour. Hogvardt appeared with his account of expenditure, anddisappeared far more quickly. Meanwhile, we talked as lovers will--andought--about things that do not need record; for, not being worthremembering, they are ever remembered, as is the way of this perverseworld.

  Presently, however, Denny hailed me, telling me that the captaindesired to see me. I begged Phroso to stay where she was--I should beback in a moment--and went on deck. The captain was there, and hebegan to draw me aside. Perceiving that he had something to say, Iproposed to him that we should go to the little smoking-room forward.He acquiesced, and as soon as we were seated, and Watkins had broughtcoffee and cigarettes, he turned to me with an aspect of sinceregratification, as he said:

  'My dear Lord Wheatley, I am rejoiced to tell you that I was quiteright as to the view likely to be taken of your position. I havereceived, by the launch, instructions telegraphed to Rhodes, and theyenable me to set you free at once. In point of fact, there is nodisposition in official quarters to raise any question concerning yourshare in recent events. You are, therefore, at liberty to suit yourown convenience entirely, and I need not detain you an hour.'

  'My dear captain, I'm infinitely obliged to you. I'm much indebted foryour good offices.'

  'Indeed, no. I merely reported what had occurred. Shall you leaveto-day?'

  'Oh, no, not for a day or two. To-day, you see, I'm going for a littlepleasure expedition. I wish you'd join us;' for I felt in a mostfriendly mood towards him.

  'Indeed I wish I could,' said he, with equal friendliness; 'but I'mobliged to go up to the house at once.'

  'To the house? What for?'

  'To communicate to the Lady Euphrosyne my instructions concerningher.'

  I was about to put a cigarette to my lips, but I stopped, suspendingit in mid-air.

  'I beg your pardon,' said I, 'but have you instructions concerningher?'

  He smiled, and laid a hand on my arm with an apologetic air.

  'I don't think that there is any cause for serious uneasiness,' saidhe, 'though the delay will, I fear, be somewhat irksome to you. I mustsay, also, that it is impossible--yes, I admit that it isimpossible--altogether to ignore the serious disturbances which haveoccurred; and these Neopalians are old offenders. Still I'm confidentthat the lady will be most leniently treated, especially in view ofthe relation in which she now stands to you.'

  'What are your instructions?' I asked shortly.

  'I am instructed to bring her with me, as soon as I have madeprovisional arrangements for the order of the island, and to carry herto Smyrna, where I am ordered to sail. From there she will be senthome, to await the result of an inquiry. But, pray, don't be uneasy. Ihave no doubt at all that she will be acquitted of blame or, at least,escape with a reprimand or a nominal penalty. The delay is really theonly annoying matter. Annoying to you, I mean, Lord Wheatley.'

  'The delay? Is it likely to be serious?'

  'Well,' admitted the captain, with a candid air, 'we don't movehastily in these matters; no, our procedure is not rapid. Still Ishould say that a year, or, well, perhaps eighteen months, would seean end of it. Oh, yes, I really think so.'

  'Eighteen months?' I cried, aghast. 'But she'll be my wife long beforethat--in eighteen days, I hope.'

  'Oh, no, no, my dear lord,' said he, shaking his head soothingly. 'Shewill certainly not be allowed to marry you until these matters aresettled. But don't be vexed. You're young. You can afford to wait.What, after all, is a year or eighteen months at your time of life?'

  'It's a great deal worse,' said I, 'than at any other time of life.'But he only laughed gently and gulped down the remainder of hiscoffee. Then he went on in his quiet placid way:

  'So I'm afraid I can't join your little excursion. I must go up to thehouse at once, and acquaint the lady with my instructions. She mayhave some preparations to make, and I must take her with me the dayafter to-morrow. As you see, my ship is undergoing some triflingrepairs and cleaning, and I can't be ready to start before then.'

  I sat silent for a moment or two, smoking my cigarette; and I lookedat the placid captain out of the corner of my eye.

  'I really hope you aren't much annoyed, my dear Lord Wheatley?' saidhe, after a moment or two.

  'Oh, it's vexatious, of course,' I returned carelessly; 'but I supposethere's no help for it. But, captain, I don't see why you shouldn'tjoin us to-day. We shall be back in the afternoon, and it will beplenty of time then to inform the Lady Phroso. She's not a fashionablewoman who wants forty-eight hours to pack her gowns.'

  'It's certainly a lovely morning for a little cruise,' said thecaptain longingly.

  'And I want to point out to you the exact spot where Demetri killedthe Pasha.'

  'That would certainly be very interesting.'

  'Then you'll come?'

  'You're certain to be back in time for--?'

  'Oh, you'll have plenty of time to talk to Phroso. I'll see to that.You can send a message to her now, if you like.'

  'I don't think that's necessary. If I see her this afternoon--'

  'I promise you that you shall.'

  'But aren't you going to see her to-day? I thought you would spend theday with her.'

  'Oh, I shall hope to see her too; you won't monopolise her, you know.Just now I'm for a cruise.'

  'You're a philosophical lover,' he la
ughed. I laughed also, shruggingmy shoulders.

  'Then, if you'll excuse me--no, don't move, don't move--I'll giveorders for our start, and come back for another cigarette with you.'

  'You're most obliging,' said he, and sank back on the seat that ranround the little saloon.

  At what particular point in the conversation which I have recorded myresolution was definitely taken, I cannot say, but it was complete andfull-blown before the captain accepted my invitation. The certainty ofa separation of such monstrous length from Phroso and the chance ofher receiving harsh treatment were more than I could consent tocontemplate. I must play for my own hand. The island meant to be trueto its nature to the last; my departure from it was to be an escape,not a decorous leave-taking. I was almost glad; yet I hoped that Ishould not get my good friend the captain into serious trouble. Well,better the captain than Phroso, anyhow; and I laughed to myself, whenI thought of how I should redeem my promise and give him plenty oftime to talk to Phroso.

  I ran rapidly up to the deck. Denny and Hogvardt were there.

  'How soon can you have full steam up?' I asked in an urgent cautiouswhisper.

  'In ten minutes now,' said Hogvardt, suddenly recognising myeagerness.

  'Why, what's up, man?' asked Denny.

  'They're going to send Phroso to Constantinople to be tried; anyhowthey'd keep her there a year or more. I don't mean to stand it.'

  'Why, what will you do?'

  'Do? Go. The captain's on board; the gunboat can't overtake us.Besides they won't suspect anything on board of her. Denny, run andtell Phroso not to show herself till I bid her. The captain thinksshe's up at the house. We'll start as soon as you're ready, Hog.'

  'But, my lord--'

  'Charley, old man--!'

  'I tell you I won't stand it. Are you game, or aren't you?'

  Denny paused for a moment, poising himself on his heels.

  'What a lark!' he exclaimed then. 'All right. I'll put Phroso up toit;' and he disappeared in the direction of her cabin.

  I stood for a moment looking at the gunboat, where the leisurelyoperations went on undisturbed, and at the harbour and street beyond.I shook my head reprovingly at Neopalia; the little island was alwaysleading me into indiscretions. Then I turned and made my way back towhere my unsuspecting victim was peacefully consuming cigarettes.Mouraki Pasha would not have been caught like this. Heaven be thanked,I was not dealing with Mouraki Pasha.

  'Demetri had some good in him, after all,' I thought, as I sat down bythe captain, and told him that we should be on our way in fiveminutes. He exhibited much satisfaction at the prospect.

  The five minutes passed. Hogvardt, who acted as our skipper, gave hisorders to our new and smiling crew of islanders. We began to move. Thecaptain and I came up from below and stood on deck. He looked seaward,anticipating his excursion, I landward, reviewing mine. A few boyswaved their hands, a woman or two her handkerchief. The little harbourbegan to recede; the old grey house on the hill faced me in itsrenewed tranquility.

  'Well, good-bye to Neopalia!' I had said, with a sigh, before I knewit.

  'I beg your pardon, Lord Wheatley?' said the captain, wheeling round.

  'For a few hours,' I added, and I went forward and began to talk withHogvardt. I had some things to arrange with him. Presently Watkinsappeared, announcing luncheon. I rejoined the captain.

  'I thought,' said I, 'that we'd have a run straight out first and lookat Mouraki's death-place on our way home.'

  'I'm entirely in your hands,' said he most courteously, and with moretruth than he was aware of.

  Denny, he and I went down to our meal. I plied the captain with thebest of our cheer. In the safe seclusion of the yacht, thechampagne-cup, mixed as Watkins alone could mix it, overcame hisreligious scruples; the breach, once made, grew wider, and the captainbecame merry. With his coffee came placidity, and on placidityfollowed torpor. Meanwhile the yacht bowled merrily along.

  'It's nearly two o'clock,' said I. 'We ought to be turning. I say,captain, wouldn't you like a nap? I'll wake you long before we get toNeopalia.'

  Denny smiled indiscreetly at this form of promise, and I covertlynudged him into gravity.

  The captain received my proposal with apologetic gratitude. We lefthim curled up on the seat and went on deck. Hogvardt was at the wheel;a broad smile spread over his face.

  'At this rate, my lord,' said he, 'we shall make Cyprus in no time.'

  'Good,' said I; and I did two things. I called Phroso and I loaded myrevolver; a show of overwhelming force is, as we often hear, thesurest guarantee of peace.

  Denny now took a turn at the wheel; old Hogvardt went to eat hisdinner. Phroso appeared, and she and I sat down in the stern, watchingwhere Neopalia lay, now a little spot on the horizon; and then Imyself told Phroso, in my own way, why I had so sorely neglected herall the morning; for Denny's explanation had been summary andconfused. She was fully entitled to my excuses and had come on deck ina state of delightful resentment, too soon, alas, banished by surpriseand apprehension.

  An hour or two passed thus very pleasantly; for the terror ofConstantinople soon reconciled Phroso to every risk; her only fear wasthat she would never again be allowed to land in Neopalia. For thisalso I tried to console her and was, I am proud to say, succeedingvery tolerably, when I looked up at the sound of footsteps. They cameevenly towards us: then they suddenly stopped dead. I felt for myrevolver; and I observed Denny carelessly strolling up, having beenrelieved again by Hogvardt. The captain stood motionless, three yardsfrom where Phroso and I sat together. I rose with an easy smile.

  'I hope you've enjoyed your nap, captain,' said I; and at the samemoment I covered him with my barrel.

  He was astounded. Indeed, well he might be. He stared helplessly atPhroso and at me. Denny was at his elbow now and took his arm intolerant good humour.

  'You see we've played a little game on you,' said Denny. 'We couldn'tlet the lady go to Constantinople. It isn't at all a fit place forher, you know.'

  I stepped up to the amazed man and told him briefly what had occurred.

  'Now, captain,' I went on, 'resistance is quite useless. We're runningfor Cyprus. It belongs to you, I believe, in a sense--I'm not astudent of foreign affairs--but I think we shall very likely find anEnglish ship there. Now if you'll give your word to hold your tonguewhen we're at Cyprus, you may lodge as many complaints as you likedirectly we leave; indeed I think you'd be wise, in your owninterests, to make a protest. Meanwhile we can enjoy the cruise ingood-fellowship.'

  'And if I refuse?' he asked.

  'If you refuse,' said I, 'I shall be compelled to get rid of you--oh,don't misunderstand me. I shall not imitate your Governor. But it's afine day, we have an excellent gig, and I can spare you two hands torow you back to Neopalia or wherever else you may choose to go.'

  'You would leave me in the gig?'

  'With the deepest regret,' said I, bowing. 'But I am obliged to putthis lady's safety above the pleasure of your society.'

  The unfortunate man had no alternative and, true to the creed of hisnation, he accepted the inevitable. Taking the cigarette from betweenhis lips, he remarked, 'I give the promise you ask, but nothing more,'bowed to Phroso, and, going up to her, said very prettily, 'Madame Icongratulate you on a resolute lover.'

  Now hardly had this happened when our look-out man called twice inquick succession, 'Ship ahead!' At once we all ran forward, and Isnatched Denny's binocular from him. There were two vessels visible,one approaching on the starboard bow, the other right ahead. Theyappeared to be about equally distant. I scanned them eagerly throughthe glass, the others standing round and waiting my report. Nearerthey came, and nearer.

  'They're both ships of war,' said I, without taking the glass from myeyes. 'I shall be able to see the flags in a minute.'

  A hush of excited suspense witnessed to the interest of my news. Ifound even the impassive captain close by my elbow, as though he weretrying to get one eye on to the lens of the glass.

My next remark did nothing to lessen the excitement.

  'The Turkish flag, by Jove!' I cried; and, quick as thought, followedfrom the captain:

  'My promise didn't cover that, Lord Wheatley.'

  'Shall we turn and run for it!' asked Denny in a whisper.

  'They'd think that queer,' cautioned Hogvardt, 'and if she came afterus, we shouldn't have a chance.'

  'The English flag, by Jupiter!' I cried a second later, and I took theglass from my strained eyes. The captain caught eagerly at it andlooked; then he also dropped it, saying,

  'Yes, Turkish and English; both will come within hail of us.'

  'It's a race, by Heaven!' cried Denny.

  The two vessels were approaching us almost on the same course, foreach had altered half a point, and both were now about half a point onour starboard bow. They would be very close to one another by the timethey came up with us. It would be almost impossible for us by anyalteration of our course to reach one before the other.

  'Yes, it's a race,' said I, and I felt Phroso's arm passed throughmine. She knew the meaning of the race. Possession is nine points ofthe law, and in a case so doubtful as hers it was very unlikely thatthe ship which got possession of her would surrender her to the other.Which ship was it to be?

  'Are we going to cause an international complication?' asked Denny ina longing tone.

  'We shall very likely run into a nautical one if we don't look out,'said I.

  However the two approaching vessels seemed to become aware of thisdanger, for they diverged from one another, so that, if we kept astraight course, we should now pass them by, one on the port side andone on the starboard. But we should pass within a couple of hundredyards of both, and that was well in earshot on such a day. I looked atthe captain, and the captain looked at me.

  'Shall we take him below and smother him?' whispered Denny.

  I did not feel at liberty to adopt the suggestion, much to my regret.The agreement I had made with the captain precluded any assault on hisliberty. I had omitted to provide for the case which had occurred.Well, that was my fault, and I must stand the consequences of it. Myword was pledged to him that he should be treated in all friendlinesson one condition, and that he had satisfied. Now to act as Dennysuggested would not be to treat him in all friendliness. I shook myhead sadly. Hogvardt shouted for orders from the wheel.

  'What am I to do, my lord?' he cried. 'Full speed ahead?'

  I looked at the captain. I knew he would not pass the Turkish shipwithout trying to attract her attention. We were within a quarter of amile of the vessels now.

  'Stop,' I called, and I added quickly, 'Lower away the gig, Denny.'

  Denny caught my purpose in a moment; he called a hand and they set towork. The pace of the yacht began to slacken. I glanced at the twoships. Men with glasses were peering at us from either deck,wondering, no doubt, what our manoeuvre meant. But the captain knewas well as Denny what it meant, and he leapt forward suddenly andhailed the Turk in his native tongue. What he said I don't know, butit caused a great pother on deck, and they ran up some signal orother; I never remember the code, and the book was not about me.

  But now the gig was afloat and the yacht motionless. Looking again, Iperceived that both the ships had shut off steam, and were reversing,to arrest their course the sooner. I seized Phroso by the arm. Thecaptain turned for a moment as though to interrupt our passage.

  'It's as much as your life is worth,' said I, and he gave way. Then,to my amazement, he ran to the side, and, just as he was, leaptoverboard and struck out towards the Turk. One instant later I sawwhy: they were lowering a boat. Alas, our ship was not so eager. Thecaptain must have shouted something very significant.

  'Signal for a boat, Hog,' I cried. 'And then come along. Hi, Watkins,come on! Are you ready, Denny?' And I fairly lifted Phroso in my armsand ran with her to the side. She was breathing quickly, and a littlelaugh gurgled from her lips as Denny received her from my arms intohis in the gig.

  But we were not safe yet. The Turk had got a start, and his boat wasspringing merrily over the waves towards us. The captain swampowerfully and gallantly; his fez-covered head bobbed gaily up anddown. Ah, now our people were moving! And when they began to move theywasted no time. We wasted none either, but bent to our oars, and, forthe second time since I reached Neopalia, I had a thorough goodbucketing. But for the Turk's start we should have managed it easily,as we rowed towards the English boat and the divergence which thevessels had made in their course prevented the two from approaching usside by side; but the start was enough to make matters very equal. Nowthe boat and the captain met. He was in in a second, with wonderfulagility; picking him up hardly lost them a stroke. They were comingstraight at us, the captain standing in the stern urging them on; butnow I saw that the middy in the English boat had caught the idea thatthere was some fun afoot, for he also stood up and urged on his crew.The two great ships lay motionless on the water, and gave us all theirattention.

  'Pull, boys, pull!' I cried. 'It's all right, Phroso, we shall do it!'

  Should we? And, if we did not, would the English captain fight for myPhroso? I would have sunk the Turk, with a laugh, for her. But I wasafraid that he would not be so obliging as to do it for me.

  'The Turk gains,' said Hogvardt, who was our coxswain.

  'Hang him! Put your backs into it.'

  On went the three boats. The two pursuers were now converging close onus.

  'We shall do it by a few yards,' said Hogvardt.

  'Thank God!' I muttered.

  'No; we shall be beaten by a few yards,' he said, a moment later.'They pull well, those fellows.'

  But we too pulled well then--though I have no right to say it--and thegood little middy and his men did their duty--oh, what a tip theseblue-jackets should have if they did the trick!--and the noses of allthe boats seemed to be tending to one spot on the bright dancing sea.To one spot, indeed, they were tending. The Turks were no more thantwenty yards off, the English perhaps thirty. The captain gave onelast cry of exhortation, the middy responded with a hearty oath. Westrained and tugged for dear life. They were on us now--the Turks alittle first. Now they were ten yards off--now five--and the Englishyet ten.

  But for a last stroke we pulled; and then I dropped my oars and sprangto my feet. The nose of the captain's boat was within a yard, and theywere backing water so as not to run into us. The middy had given alike order. For a single instant matters seemed to stand still and weto be poised between defeat and victory. Then, even as the captain'shand was on our gunwale, I bent and caught Phroso up in the arms thatshe sprang to meet, and I fairly flung her across the narrow strait ofwater that parted us from the English boat. Six strong and eager armsreceived her, and a cheer rang out from the English ship, for theysaw now that it had been a race, and a race for a lady; and I, seeingher safe, turned to the captain, and said:

  'Fetch her back from there, if you can, and be damned to you!'