Page 24 of Dream So Dark

  “Since then, Lucifer, or Satan, or the devil, whatever name he is called, has plotted against God and His children. His number one goal is to take as many souls as he can with him to the pit of fire and separate us from our Creator for all eternity.”

  Emma frowned. “I know about the devil, Mama. I’ve learned about him in church.”

  Eleanor nodded. “Yes. But sometimes it’s good to be reminded of exactly what we face on a daily basis. We forget, in the business of life, that there is great evil in this world, and it is constantly pursuing us. Your daddy and I won’t always be around to remind you to be vigilant. So I’m gonna set this candle” —she held up a white candle she’d set on the bed next to her and placed it in a holder on Emma’s night stand— “right here. And any time you feel like you need a reminder of how to fight the enemy, I want you to light it. I want you to turn off the light and take this candle and shine it into all the dark places in the room. And I want you to say, ‘Greater is the light that is in me, than the darkness around me.’ The devil can’t hide when the light is shining on him.

  “You’re going to face some dark times, Emma Jean. And I only tell you that because I know how intelligent you are, mature beyond your years. But it will be that intelligence that the devil attempts to trip you up with. Remember where his intelligence took him. Remember when he decided he was more intelligent than his Creator, that was when his fall began.”

  She brushed her fingers across her daughter’s cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I love you. There are big things in store for you. And I don’t ever want you to fool yourself into thinking you are unreachable, untouchable, or beyond the influence of evil. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Emma nodded. “You wouldn’t be doing me any favors Mama, if you tried to tell me I was too good, too beautiful, too smart, or too full of light to be tempted. I know the devil wants to lead me down the wrong road. I understand what you’re saying. None of us is beyond the reach of God, but none of us is beyond the lure of what Lucifer sought after either.”

  Eleanor smiled. “Sometimes, child, you are scary smart.”

  “Shut de door,” Emma sang.

  “Keep out de devil,” Eleanor finished.


  “That’s right, child. Amen.”

  Eleanor closed the door and leaned her forehead against it with one palm pressed tightly to the wood. “God, I know you’re preparing her for something. But I’m asking you, whatever hard, difficult thing it is, please give my baby protection. Put your angels around her. Put people around her that will love her and support her and guide her in the right direction. I don’t ask for you to remove obstacles or to make things easy. I know she won’t grow, or be refined into the woman you are making her, if you make it easy on her. But I ask, as the mother you gave her, to not let her fall. When she stumbles, right her feet. When she veers, guide her back. When she doubts, give her wisdom to seek the truth. When she’s tempted, make clear to her the way out. When she’s proud, knock her off that horse. When she sins, don’t keep the consequences from her for so long that she hardens her heart. Make them swift and sure so that she will turn to you. When she’s weak and weary, Lord, give her strength and rest. These things I ask of you. Be quick to hear me and faithful to answer.”

  The night of the shooting.

  Eleanor Whitmore stared up into the night sky as the cold began to seep into her body. Her time was over in this world. Whatever it was God had wanted her to complete, it was finished. But it seemed too soon. Emma was still so very young and needed so much care and guidance. How could it be her time now? Why now?

  I gave her to you, but she has always been mine, just as you have. Your time as her mother is over. It is time for you to come home. But her time is only beginning. I have heard you, Eleanor, faithful one. I will answer your pleas. Emma Whitmore will change the world, and you started her on that path, just as I intended for you to do. Now she will take what you’ve taught her and continue on.

  I love her.

  She knows.

  You love her more.

  She knows that too.

  Goodbye, Emma Jean. It was such an honor to be your mother.

  She has heard you. Now come home, child.

  Present day

  Emma finished the song, and as she closed her eyes and let sleep take her, she heard her mama’s voice. “Goodbye, Emma Jean. It was such an honor to be your mother.”

  Emma smiled and whispered, “You’ve never stopped being my mama. You’re just doing it from a different home now.”

  Deleted Scenes

  Scenes are often deleted during the editing process, but I thought you might like to see parts of what didn’t make it into the final copy. I hope you enjoy them.

  ~ Quinn

  Dair eased himself onto the bed until he was stretched out beside Serenity. She was slumbering peacefully, and he didn’t want to wake her. But, at the same time, he missed her badly. He’d been so busy trying to figure out how to keep her safe that he hadn’t had any time to actually stop and spend time with her.

  He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. Her skin was so incredibly soft, and he couldn’t help but hope there would be a day that he would be able to marry her so he could explore more of her and show her just how much she meant to him. Words could only express so much. Even other actions of love, no matter how heartfelt, were limited in what they could convey. But physical touch, and the intimacy that came with such an action, was the complete language of love. He was learning that it took many ways to show her just how precious she was. He needed to tell her she was special, of course. But he also needed to do things for her that provided for her and eased her burdens. These were great, but he wanted to give her what no one else could, what no one else would have the right to. He wanted to make love to her.

  His hand dropped to her thigh and then ran upward until he was gripping her waist. He pulled himself closer to her and leaned over her. Dair took a deep breath and loved the way her scent filled his insides.

  “Serenity,” he whispered as he leaned close to her ear. “Wake up, my love.” She didn’t stir. He pressed his lips to hers and sucked on her bottom lip as she’d done to him, tugging just a bit. When he released it, he peppered her jaw with kisses until he was back at her ear.

  “Baby, I need to see your eyes,” he said a little louder and then took her earlobe between his teeth and bit gently. She stirred, a breathy moan leaving her slightly parted lips. Dair’s stomach felt like it dropped to his feet at the sound.

  He pressed another kiss against her lips and then eased himself over until his body covered hers. Dair lowered himself until he was pressed gently against her but not crushing her. This seemed to be enough to draw her from her sleep.

  Serenity’s eyes fluttered, and she blinked until they finally opened. She stared up at him, and slowly, a smile formed on her sensual lips. “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hi back,” Dair said, his own grin spreading on his face. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  He brushed her hair away from her neck and then leaned down and kissed her, sucking at the spot until he heard her take in a sharp breath.

  “Dair?” she asked, sounding a little confused.

  “I need to be close to you. I… ” He wasn’t sure how to explain it or if he could even put it into words. “I just… ”

  “I need you,” she interrupted.

  He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. “Yes.” He sighed. “That’s what I need. You, just you.”

  Dair pressed his lips to hers, gentle at first. But it didn’t take long until his passion and need took over. Her lips separated, and her tongue darted out to meet his. He groaned at her boldness and returned the action, allowing his tongue to explore the warmth of her mouth.

  Serenity arched her back up from the bed, pressing her body closer to his. She was nearly frantic in her need of him, and he felt the same need rising in
himself. His hands moved up and down her body, memorizing her curves and reveling in the sounds his touch drew from her.

  Serenity forced her eyes open as she gasped for breath. She pushed away the hair matted to her face by the sweat that coated her entire body. Her heart was pounding painfully in her chest, and she could feel the blood rushing through her head. Her ears felt clogged, and there was no other sound but her rapid breathing and surging blood. She pictured a roaring river filled with rapids, and that was what she felt in her veins.

  When she’d fallen asleep, the room had still been lit by the sun, but it was dark now. The only light shown from the large full moon that stared down at her through her window. She used to find comfort in the moon, but tonight it felt as though it was mocking her, as if, even under its soft glow, she was unable to find sleep and solace.

  Serenity stood as she took slow, deep breaths. Her palms were sweaty, and her hands shook as she wiped them on her yoga pants. Once she felt steady enough to walk, she made her way to her door and moved to the kitchen. Her mouth felt dry and itchy, as though she’d been screaming for an extended period of time. Directly in front of the cabinets, she reached up for a drinking glass. Despite thinking she had a firm grip on it, the glass slipped from her hand as soon as she tried to retrieve it. It hit the counter with a sharp clank and continued down to the hard floor where it shattered.

  The sound reverberated against the walls in the quiet of the night. Serenity stared down at the glass shards all around her and felt a heavy wave of despair shiver down her spine. She felt that broken glass represented a prophecy of sorts, some future vision of what her life was going to look like—one broken thing after another—broken dreams, broken heart, broken friendships, broken everything. Serenity sighed. She was tired and thirsty, and she just wanted to get some water and go back to bed. Why was that too much to ask?

  “Serenity.” Dair’s deep voice cut through the quiet, and she felt the shadows that had been sneaking up on her recede.

  “Serenity, love, what happened?”

  She turned her head to look at Dair and nearly moaned. He was so handsome. Nothing about him was out of place, nothing like the mess she’d become. Why would he ever want to be with her?

  “I wanted some water,” she finally answered.

  He took several steps toward her until he was close enough to sweep her up in his arms and carry her away from the glass. His breath was warm against her neck as he held her close to his body. Dair carried her back to her room and, though she wanted to object, she kept her mouth closed and laid her head on his shoulder.

  He placed her on the bed, and she felt the urge to beg him to keep her in his lap. Serenity bit her tongue to keep from doing it. She did not want to be that clingy girlfriend. Dair sat next to her and pushed her hair behind her shoulder and then ran the back of his finger across her cheek.

  “You look shaken,” he said. “What’s going on? Talk to me, Princess.”

  Serenity’s eyes snapped up to his at the endearment. She could see the concern burning in his dark eyes and could practically feel his need to help her, to fix whatever it was that needed fixing. Why was she so hesitant to tell him about the nightmares? Why did she suddenly feel like a burden to him?

  When he reached for her and pulled her into the shelter of his arms, she gave in. “I had another nightmare.”

  Dair felt like a complete failure. He’d left her here, unprotected, and she had suffered the consequences of his actions. But he couldn’t be in several places at once. How did he help Raphael with Emma, take care of his assignments from the Creator, and keep Serenity safe all at the same time? He would never in a million years regret having found Serenity, but he couldn’t deny that the relationship made things more complicated. Relationships made choices harder because you weren’t just looking out for yourself any more. You always had to make sure you took the other person into consideration.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” he whispered against her hair.

  “I can’t expect you to be with me all of the time,” she whispered against his chest where her face was pressed. “I’m not your responsibility, Dair. I’m eighteen. I should be able to take care of myself.”

  Dair pulled back so he could look down at her face. “I don’t doubt your ability to take care of yourself, Serenity.” He knew he sounded gruff, but her words angered him. “And I beg to differ. You are my responsibility. You’re the woman I love. You’re the woman I pleaded for before the Creator, and it is my job to care for you, help you, and take care of you. Maybe that’s not what the world thinks a man should be, but it’s what I believe a man should be.”

  “I’m not weaker just because I’m female,” she snapped.

  Where was this coming from? Serenity was never short with him, nor was she ever so irrational. Dair tried to remind himself that she had just been through a terrible ordeal. Maybe the pain medication was altering her personality, or maybe lack of good rest was making her think unclearly.

  “I would never think that,” he said, attempting to keep his tone even. “Men and women are different. The Creator made them so. Does that make one better than the other? No. That kind of thinking is simply ignorant. The Creator did not make men smarter than women or women smarter than men. They are equal, but different. You are my equal, beloved. But we are not the same, and I would not want us to be the same. Where I am weak, you are strong. Where you are weak, I am strong. That is the way it was designed since the beginning of time.” Dair pressed a kiss to her forehead and felt her relax against him.

  “I’m so tired,” she admitted.

  “I know, Princess. I know, and I’m sorry. I can help with that. I should have been here to help with that.” He stood with her in his lap and then laid her down and pulled the covers up around her. Sitting beside her, he pressed his hand gently to her forehead. “Close your eyes, Serenity. Let me weave you a dream.”

  Dair closed his eyes and reached into her mind. He felt her weariness. When he probed deeper, he felt her confusion. He started to build images of a quiet field and a tranquil pond, with the smell of green grass and blooming flowers. He wove in the birds in the sky and the warmth of a spring day sun. When he looked around, he saw her sitting there on the other side of the pond. Dair smiled as he watched the wind blow through her hair and her skin glow. She was beautiful. He started to wave but dropped his hand when she looked up at him. Her eyes were as black as night. They held no whiteness at their edges. Her lips tilted up, but the smile was anything but friendly. Dair took a step back as he watched her tilt her head at him as though examining a particularly disgusting insect. When she took a step toward him, heedless of the pond in front of her, he held up his hand. “Stop, Serenity,” he yelled, and it was then that he noticed the wind had picked up and the sun was being shielded by dark clouds. This was no dream of his. The flowers he’d created wilted before his eyes, and the grass withered until it was brown and dead. The water of the pond was no longer a serene blue. It had begun to swirl, turning black and then glowing red and orange as if a fire raged just below the surface.

  The smell of sulfur overwhelmed him, and he coughed as it became difficult to breathe. Evil was overwhelming his dream

  “Brudair!” Serenity appeared to scream, but it wasn’t her voice that emerged from her lips. The voice that came from her mouth was low and raspy, as though the one wielding it had burned its vocal chords. Serenity was now walking across the swirling lake of fire, her steps sure and full of purpose.

  “Who are you?” Dair asked.

  “You are an ancient one,” the voice said. “You should know who I am.”

  “Give me a name,” he snapped back, standing taller and drawing on the power imbued to him by the Creator.

  “I am many names,” the voice said. It sounded like many voices now, all speaking in unison. “I am legion, I am destroyer, stealer, and death bringer. I am ruler of the earth. I am the wolf in sheep’s clothing. I am the one who will bring you and all you love
to your knees.”

  “I’m still waiting on a name.” Dair growled. This being had Brudair’s name, and that was a powerful thing to speak. Dair wanted to be on the level ground with the evil before him. “I command you by the power of the Creator. GIVE. ME. YOUR. NAME.”

  The being in Serenity made her body cower back and bow its head. “You command nothing. I will give you my name, but only because I want you to know who will destroy the woman you love,” it rasped. “I am called _______________________. I am your opposite in every way. While you create light, I render darkness in its place. While you project the Creator’s will, I tear apart the truths and replace them with fear and doubt. You may be the dream maker, but I am the dream stealer. I will take their minds and warp them to the will of my lord.”

  “And why do you think He would ever let you get away with this?” Dair challenged

  The being, which Dair knew without a doubt to be a demon, laughed. “Let me?” It laughed. “That is so cute. You, Dream Weaver, are powerless against dark dreams. As long as the human lets me in, nothing can stop me. I can, however, kick you out.”

  Dair felt the breath whoosh from his lungs as though he’d been kicked in the stomach, and when he opened his eyes, he was back in Serenity’s room. He stared down at her in shock as he watched her eyes move rapidly beneath closed lids. The Sandman was simply at a loss for words.

  Why was a demon infiltrating Serenity’s dream? And to what end? He wanted to seek out answers, but he also didn’t want Serenity to wake up alone. He wanted to be there to comfort her when she awoke from the hell in which she’d been surrounded.

  The sun was beginning to rise when she finally stirred and then slowly opened her eyes. She had dark circles around them as if she hadn’t slept in a long time. Her eyes were red and bloodshot and the lids swollen and puffy. Sweat had gathered on her body, causing her hair to stick to her forehead and neck.