Mr. Conant, who was Colonel Hathaway's lawyer and confidential agent,was at the train to meet his important client on his return toDorfield. The first to alight from the coach was the Colonel, whogreeted his lawyer with a cordial handclasp. Mary Louise kissed PeterConant upon his impassive cheek and presented him to a pretty younggirl who clung to her arm smiling, yet half bewildered by her arrivalin a strange town. There seemed no one else with the party and Mr.Conant glanced over the crowd of passengers and said:

  "Mr. Jones did not accompany you, then?"

  "Why, yes; I suppose he's here," answered the Colonel carelessly. "Ibelieve he traveled another car."

  "I don't see him anywhere," added Mary Louise. "I wonder if anyonereminded him that this is the place to get off?"

  "Never mind," said Alora; "if father can't keep track of himself, lethim go on to another station. I can't lose him for long, that'scertain."

  "There he is, up ahead," announced Mara Louise. "He's quarreling withhis porter about something."

  "To save the tip," suggested Alora, scornfully.

  Mary Louise rushed to greet an old colorful man with snow-white hair,who was picking up their hand baggage.

  "Oh, Uncle Eben, I'm so glad to see again!" she exclaimed. "And how'sAunt Sallie? And is my pony well? And are the goldfish still alive?And----"

  "Bress yo' soul, Ma'y Weeze!" said the delighted old servant,"ev'body's well an' joyful to see you-all back ag'in."

  The Colonel shook Uncle Eben's hands--both of them--in a kindly butdignified manner. "I suppose the automobile is still running, Uncle?"

  "Not jes' dis yere minnit, Kun'l," with a glad chuckle, "but dat car'sgwine ter run jes' as soon as we-all gits aboahd. What yo' think I'sbe'n doin' all winter, Kun'l, in dat lonesomeness house, 'cept keepin'dat car greased up?"

  "Did you grease it in the house, then, Uncle?" asked Mary Louisegravely, but with twinkling eyes.

  Old Eben chuckled again, for this was a happy hour for him, but whilehe chuckled he led them to where the automobile stood waiting. Behindthe others slowly followed Jason Jones, carrying his own luggage andeyeing every detail of his surroundings in the manner of a countrymanpaying his first visit to town. He was inwardly sizing up Dorfield as aplace of residence. When Jones got into the car the Colonel brieflyintroduced him to the lawyer.

  "This is Mr. Jones, Mr. Conant."

  He looked at the lawyer and gave a slight nod, and Mr. Conant's bow wasvery stiff and formal. Already he had, with fair accuracy, grasped therelationship of the man to the others. Alora Jones seemed a fine girl--the right sort--and Mary Louise was evidently fond of her. The Colonelbarely tolerated the man Jones, whom he did not like, for thedaughter's sake. The girl herself lacked in respect for her father, andthis unfilial attitude seemed condoned by both Mary Louise and theColonel, which was evidence that there was something wrong about JasonJones. With such a cue for guidance, Mr. Conant decided he had no usefor Jason Jones, either.

  Uncle Eben first drove the car to the Widow Harrington's cottage, whereMrs. Conant awaited the new tenants to introduce them to their servantand to assure them that everything was prepared for their convenience.Then they drove to Colonel Hathaway's home, where Irene was at the gatein her wheeled chair, a bunch of her choicest roses in her hand, readyto welcome her friend Mary Louise and to be kissed and hugged withgirlish enthusiasm.

  It was a happy homecoming, indeed, for Mary Louise. And ColonelHathaway breathed a deep sigh of relief as he entered his own portals.

  "From now on," he said to his granddaughter that evening, "I am underno obligation to assist that impossible person, Jones, or to evenassociate with him. For your sake, my darling, I have suffered theinfliction of his presence with fortitude, even going to the extent oflocating him in our beloved town of Dorfield, that you and Alora mightenjoy one another's society. But from this time forward Jason Jones isto be a distant acquaintance rather than a companion. Congratulate me,Mary Louise!"

  "I do, Gran'pa Jim," she replied soberly, "and I thank you, too. It hasbeen a trial for both of us, but we've been really helpful to poorAlora. I want to try to bring a little happiness into her life andencourage her to become as sweet and lovable a girl as she has thenature to be, and this could never have been accomplished had weallowed her to drift in the sole companionship of her disagreeablefather."