Page 16 of The Tiger Hunter



  He was counting with anxiety the minutes that passed, when at thatmoment there echoed upon his ear the hoof-strokes of another horse,going at full gallop.

  It was a horseman following the same route, and running the same risk ashimself. He was mounted upon a strong, swift animal, that appeared topass over the ground like a bird upon the wing.

  In an instant the horseman came up, and drawing vigorously on thebridle, halted alongside.

  "What are you about?" cried the new-comer, speaking in hurried phrase."Do you not hear the alarm-bell? Don't you know that the flood iscoming down?"

  "Yes; but my horse has given out. I am waiting till he recovers hiswind."

  The stranger cast a glance towards the bay-brown of Don Rafael, and thenthrew himself out of his saddle. "Take hold of this," he said, flinginghis bridle to the officer. "Let me examine your horse."

  Raising the saddle-flap, he placed his hand underneath, to feel thepulsations of the lungs.

  "All right yet," he exclaimed, after a pause, apparently satisfied thatthe animal would recover.

  Then stooping down, he took up a large stone, and began to rub itvigorously over the ribs and along the belly of the panting steed.

  Don Rafael could not help gazing with curious interest on a man who,thus careless of his own life, was occupying himself so generously aboutthe safety of another--that other, too, a perfect stranger!

  The man was costumed as an _arriero_ (muleteer). A species oftight-fitting blouse, of coarse greyish-coloured wool, striped black,covered the upper part of his body, over which, in front, hung a shortleathern apron. Wide calzoneros of linen flapped about his legs. Hisfeet were encased in buskins of brown goat-skin, while over his facefell the shadow of a broad-brimmed hat of coarse felt cloth.

  He was a man of less than medium size; but with a sweet expression offeatures, from which his sunburnt complexion did not detract. Even atthat terrible moment his countenance appeared calm and serene!

  Don Rafael did not attempt to interrupt his proceedings, but stoodregarding him with a feeling of deep gratitude.

  For some moments the muleteer continued to use the stone. Then stoppingthe process, he placed his hand once more to feel the pulsation. Thistime he appeared less satisfied than before.

  "He will founder," said he, "if something be not done to prevent it. Hemust have more breath through his nostrils. There is but one way tosave him. Assist me to try it. We must haste, for the bell is tollingwith double violence to give warning that the waters are near."

  As he was speaking, he drew a cord from the pocket of his leathernapron; and, forming a running noose at one end of it, he drew it tightlyaround the muzzle of the horse, just above the nostrils.

  "Now," said he, handing the cord to Don Rafael. "First cover thehorse's eyes with your handkerchief; and then hold the cord with allyour might."

  While Don Rafael hastened to obey the directions, the muleteer took aknife from his belt, and with a quick cut divided the transparentpartition between the nostrils of the animal. The blood gushed forth incopious jets; and the horse, notwithstanding the efforts of Don Rafaelto hold him to the ground, reared up on his hind legs, and struckforward with his hoofs. A hollow gurgling noise came forth from hisnostrils as the air rushed in through the opening that had been made.

  "Now!" exclaimed the muleteer, "you need no longer fear for his wind.Your horse can run as far as his legs will carry him. You will be savedif you are to be saved."

  "Your name," cried Don Rafael, stretching out his hand to the muleteer;"your name, that I may always keep it in remembrance."

  "Valerio Trujano, a poor _arriero_; not very fortunate in his affairs,but who consoles himself with the belief that he has done his duty, andleaves the rest to God. Our lives are now in His hands. Let us praythat He may preserve them from the awful danger that is before us."

  Repeating these words with an air of solemnity, the muleteer took offhis hat, displaying to view a mass of black curling hair. Then kneelingupon the sand, he raised his eyes to heaven, and in a voice of prayerpronounced the words:--

  "_De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine! Domine, exaudi vocem meam_!"

  While the muleteer was engaged in his devotion, the dragoon tightenedhis girths for the last struggle; and both at the same time springinginto their saddles, resumed the gallop that had been so unfortunatelyinterrupted. The damp, chill wind which preceded the coming of thewaters bore loudly to their ears the warning notes of the bell--mingledwith the sinister sounds that betokened the approach of the inundation.