Page 46 of Neverseen

  They each pulled a small vial from their cloak pockets. Sophie didn’t recognize the green liquid in the bottle Granite held. But she definitely recognized the callowberries in Mr. Forkle’s hand.

  She gasped as he popped one into his mouth and swallowed. Granite coughed and spluttered as he downed his elixir. For five seconds nothing happened. Then their bodies started shifting and shrinking. The process looked painful as their features tightened and twisted into their rightful places.

  Sophie tried to guess which faces would soon stare back at her, but when the shift was complete, she discovered how wrong she’d been.

  “You?” she whispered, not sure which of them stunned her more.

  Mr. Forkle had turned into the tall, black-haired Magnate Leto, her Principal at Foxfire.

  And Granite’s rocky features had dissolved into the olive-toned complexion and blond hair of Sir Tiergan, her telepathy Mentor.

  “Yes,” they said, looking both proud and shy.

  “The surest way to protect you was to be in your life,” Tiergan told her, “even if it meant resorting to deception.”

  “So that means . . .” She couldn’t finish the sentence, her mind splitting in too many different directions. All the times Sir Tiergan had helped her or guided her, all of Magnate Leto’s strange looks and probing questions.

  It seemed so obvious now—but also so impossible to wrap her head around.

  “Is anyone who they really say they are?” Sophie asked, sinking back onto her bed.

  “Yes,” Magnate Leto—Mr. Forkle—whatever she was supposed to call him—told her. “You are, and always will be, Sophie Foster.”

  “And we will continue to watch over you. Which is why we’ve chosen to reveal ourselves. We want you to know that you’re never alone,” Granite-as-Tiergan said. “We’re always here in one form or another. All you have to do is trust us.”

  That was what Keefe was asking for too, along with the final words he’d said to her.

  Please don’t hate me.

  The request had never felt more impossible. But Sophie decided in that moment that she was going to grant it. She may not understand what he was doing. But she couldn’t hate Keefe.

  “There’s the determination I’ve come to know so well,” Mr. Forkle-as-Magnate-Leto said with a smile. “So let me leave you by sharing some encouraging news as well. Something to prove we are making progress. We have a long road ahead of us, with many challenges on the horizon—”

  “This is supposed to be encouraging?” Sophie interrupted.

  Mr. Forkle-as-Magnate-Leto sighed. “You kids are so impatient.”

  Sophie smiled at his familiar phrasing and motioned for him to continue.

  “As I was saying,” he said, “the tides are turning in our favor. Our losses have been small, and our gains have been great. Especially since Mr. Tam agreed to a favor this morning.” He paused to smile at Granite-Tiergan before turning back to Sophie. “As of this morning, Prentice is awake.”


  Okay, I know you probably started reading this secretly hoping it was the beginning of Book #5, but alas. IT WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT, I PROMISE.

  (Unless you’re one of my future fans, reading this when the book is already out—in which case, why are you still here? Go get Book #5!)

  This is why I love you guys so much. You make me wish I could write even faster, so there’d never be a delay between books. But since I haven’t manifested that ability—and have yet to find a TARDIS—thank you for your patience and enthusiasm and devotion and letters and fan art and cupcakes and all the other incredible things you do to prove that I have the Best. Readers. EVER.

  This series also wouldn’t exist without the constant guidance and support of  Team Shannon! (Shhhh—they don’t know I call them that!)

  Laura Rennert, can you believe this is our sixth book together? I’m running out of clever ways to thank you! So I’ll just hand you some tea and say, “Here’s hoping for many more books to come!” I also must thank everyone at Andrea Brown Literary, as well as Taryn Fagerness, for spreading the Keeper love worldwide. And to my foreign publishers, thank you for everything you do to share these stories with your readers.

  Liesa Abrams, this is our sixth book together too. Somehow, I keep winning the editor lottery! Thank you for your constant, tireless energy and for helping me mold this story into the book it needed to be. *sends you all the gluten-free cupcakes and cookies* I also want to thank everyone at Simon & Schuster for the love they show this series, especially Mara Anastas, Mary Marotta, Katherine Devendorf, Emma Sector, Carolyn Swerdloff, Teresa Ronquillo, Jennifer Romanello, Ksenia Winnicki, Lucille Rettino, Michelle Leo, Anthony Parisi, Betsy Bloom, Matt Pantoliano, Amy Bartram, Mike Rosamilia, and the entire sales team. Plus an enormous THANK YOU to Karin Paprocki, for continuing to outdo herself with my covers, and to Jason Chan, for his jaw-droppingly gorgeous artwork.

  Thank you, Sara McClung, for stepping in with a sanity-saving (and game-changing!) brainstorming session when I needed it most. I could never write a Keeper book without you. Tremendous thanks also go to Victoria Morris, for being the voice of encouragement and reason that guided me through the final push. And thanks to Kari Olson, for being the one I go to with All The Questions (even if your answers often unhelpfully involve Keefe and kissing).

  Special thanks also go to Amélie Mantchev, Barbara Sutherland, and Kerry Sutherland, for being my incredible fact-checkers and helping make sure I’m keeping my details straight. Now I can blame you guys if there are any mistakes. (I kid, I kid!) You guys rock!

  I also have no idea what I’d do without the amazing authors I turn to for advice, motivation, commiseration—whatever I need to survive this hectic business. Thank you, Erin Bowman, Zac Brewer, MG Buerhlen, Lisa Cannon, Christa Desir, Debra Driza, Nikki Katz, Lisa Mantchev, Ellen Oh, Andrea Ortega, Cindy Pon, CJ Redwine, James Riley, Amy Tintera, Kasie West, Natalie Whipple, and Sarah Wylie. I’m probably forgetting some of you—hazards of deadline brain—so if I have, know that I’ll forever kick myself for leaving you out!

  And I will seriously never be able to properly thank the many teachers, librarians, bloggers, and booksellers who’ve helped this series grow, especially Mel Barnes, Alyson Beecher, Katie Bartow, Lynette Dodds, Maryelizabeth Hart, Faith Hochhalter, Heather Laird, Katie Laird, Kim Laird, Barbara Mena, Brandi Stewart, Kristin Trevino, Andrea Vuleta, and so many others. I could add another hundred pages if I tried to thank you all—and my publisher would probably strangle me—so if you’re not mentioned, please know I adore you and am forever grateful.

  To my parents, thank you for your never-ending support, for your determination to get Keeper in the hands of every single kid and for the steady supply of home-cooked food during the crazed deadline days when the mere thought of more take-out made me want to hide.

  And, saving the best for last, I absolutely must thank my husband, Miles, who truly makes all of this possible. I’m sure it’s not easy being married to someone who spends so much of their day living in an imaginary world. Thank you for always giving me a reason to come back to reality.


  SHANNON MESSENGER graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts, where she learned—among other things—that she liked watching movies much better than making them. She’s studied art, screenwriting, and film production, but realized her real passion was writing stories for children. She’s the bestselling author of the middle-grade series Keeper of the Lost Cities, and the Sky Fall series for young adults. Her books have been published in numerous countries and translated into ten different languages. She lives in Southern California with her husband and an embarrassing number of cats. Find her online at



  Visit us at and

  Also by Shanno
n Messenger


  Keeper of the Lost Cities




  The SKY FALL Series

  Let the Sky Fall

  Let the Storm Break

  Coming Soon

  Let the Wind Rise


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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

  This Aladdin hardcover edition November 2015

  Text copyright © 2015 by Shannon Messenger

  Jacket illustration copyright © 2015 by Jason Chan

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  ALADDIN is a trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc., and related logo is a registered trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  Jacket designed by Karin Paprocki

  Interior designed by Mike Rosamilia

  The text of this book was set in Scala.

  This book has been cataloged with the Library of Congress.

  ISBN 978-1-4814-3229-0 (hc)

  ISBN 978-1-4814-3230-6 (pbk)

  ISBN 978-1-4814-3231-3 (eBook)



  Shannon Messenger, Neverseen



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