Page 20 of Crimson Debt

  “Darling,” Corbin murmured as he continued to press hot, opened mouthed kisses up and down the column of my neck. “Your scent is so sweet, so intoxicating. Are you getting ready for me? Ready to have my cock deep in your pussy?”

  As he spoke, one large hand stroked over my breasts, making my nipples harden instantly, and traveled down to the spot between my thighs.

  “Corbin…” I moaned, shifting against him as I felt him press inward, rubbing my pussy through the material of my dress and panties. God, I knew I shouldn’t want this—shouldn’t be this hot for him, especially since he hadn’t even bitten me yet. And yet, I couldn’t help it. Even knowing that what we were about to do was highly illegal and incredibly dangerous couldn’t stop me from wanting him.

  “I’m going to bite you, darling,” he murmured, still rubbing me gently with those long, strong fingers. “But first I want you to let me in. I want to feel your sweet pussy getting wet and hot for me while I drink from you.”

  I knew it was dangerous. We were getting the blood and the sex part of our encounter, as Corbin called it, mixed up when we should be keeping them separate. But again I couldn’t deny him.

  “All right,” I whispered, parting my legs. I felt Corbin raise my dress and then his big, warm hand was in my panties, cupping my pussy possessively.

  “So hot,” he murmured, his fingers rubbing me gently in a slow, sensual massage. “Are you wet for me too, Addison?”

  “Find out for yourself,” I whispered breathlessly. I didn’t know where I got the nerve but somehow I couldn’t help myself.

  “With pleasure,” he murmured. I felt his fingers parting my outer lips and moaned helplessly as they slid deep inside me. And at the same time his fangs pierced my throat.

  I cried out as the sudden orgasm flashed through me, making me tighten around his invading fingers as he sucked greedily from my neck. The sensations were too much—a complete overload and yet somehow I couldn’t get enough. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to be his—his completely.

  I don’t know how long Corbin drank or how often I came. I only know I was shaking and weak-kneed by the time he withdrew his fangs from my neck and his fingers from my pussy.

  “Delicious,” he murmured, sucking his fingers clean. “I wish I had time to taste your pussy, my darling, but I’m afraid it’s time for other things now.” Slowly, he turned me to face the desk. “It’s time for me to take you.”

  “Shouldn’t…shouldn’t we wait for…for…” I knew it was strange but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what we were waiting for.

  “It’s all right,” Corbin assured me. I felt him pressing me down over the desk. It had been cleared of all paperwork and the glass and teak top felt cool against my flushed skin. And then he was raising my skirt and pulling down my panties.

  “God!” I moaned as I felt the soft breeze caress my naked pussy.

  Corbin’s hands went to my hips and tightened, holding me still.

  “Carefully, Addison,” he said, his deep voice sounding slightly strained. “I need you to hold perfectly still for me now. Don’t move—don’t rouse my instincts.”

  I froze, understanding what he was saying at once. Part of the reason a vampire is so likely to kill his or her human lover is that the thrashing around people do during lovemaking rouses the predator part of them. Corbin was asking me to hold perfectly still so that he could make love to me without letting that part of himself out of the cage. Without breaking me.

  “Okay,” I whispered. “I…I won’t move.”

  “You don’t need to fear me, darling,” he murmured, though his deep voice still sounded rough. “Just relax and let yourself open for me.”

  I did the best I could but I couldn’t help feeling incredibly helpless, spread out as I was on the desk with my skirt pulled up and my panties pulled down. I had a quick moment to remember exactly how big Corbin’s shaft was and how long it had been since I had actually had sex. But before I could really start panicking, I felt the broad head of his cock rubbing against my swollen clit and my pleasure started to build again.

  I was filled with a mixture of lust and disbelief. God, how could he do this to me? How could he make me so hot so fast? How could he make me need him so much that I wanted to feel him in me more than I wanted my next breath? And yet, I couldn’t help it—that was exactly how I felt as Corbin began the long, slow slide of his cock deep in my pussy.

  He was so thick I could feel myself stretching around him—not in a painful way but I was definitely going to feel it later. I would be sore and know it was from him—for some reason, I found I liked the idea. A reminder of the one and only time we would ever be together—providing I survived, of course. When I finally felt the broad, mushroom shaped head touch bottom inside me, I moaned aloud, unable to help myself.

  Corbin held perfectly still at once. “Are you all right, Addison? Did I hurt you?”

  “N-no,” I whispered, shaking my head. “It just, well…it felt good. Amazing. That’s all.” I couldn’t help blushing as I said it but I didn’t want him to think he was hurting me.

  “That’s good, darling—very good. It speaks well of your sensitivity and responsiveness. You have the tightest, most lovely little pussy.”

  “Thank you,” I said, turning my head to look at him. I was reassured to see that his eyes were still their normal silvery-blue. That seemed to be a good indicator that he was keeping control, just as he had when he went down on me.

  “Corbin, please,” I said hoarsely. “This is nice but…but I need more.”

  “And you’ll have more, darling.” Leaning over, he captured my mouth with his, one long fingered hand curling around my throat to hold me in place as he kissed me. After a long, demanding kiss in which he explored me very thoroughly, he turned me back toward the desk gently but firmly. I felt his hands slide down to my hips and take a firm grip. Then he pulled back and began to really pound into me.

  I gasped as a mixture of pleasure and pain shot through me. God, he was so thick! I could feel him stretching my inner walls with each hard thrust, could feel the blunt head of his cock pressing against the mouth of my womb with every deep stroke. My breasts swayed with each thrust and I could barely breathe from the intense pleasure he was building inside me.

  “Oh,” I gasped. “Oh, Corbin! Oh, please…”

  “That’s right, darling,” he growled softly. “Take it all. Open your sweet little cunt and take all of my cock.”

  More than anything at that moment, I wanted to obey him. “Yes, Corbin,” I moaned, lowering my head and spreading my thighs wider. “Yes, Master, please.”

  The pounding seemed to go on forever—I had never been so thoroughly fucked in my life. At last I felt my pleasure spiking. Somehow I knew the orgasm that was coming now was deeper and more intense than the ones I had gotten when he bit me. Wave after wave of sensation rolled through me, sending me closer and closer to the edge. Though I had done a good job of holding still and submitting to his fucking up until then, I simply couldn’t help myself—I had to move.

  “Corbin,” I moaned, pumping my hips in time to his rhythm, trying to reach that elusive peak. “God, I’m close…so close.”

  “Hold still!” For a moment his deep voice sounded almost panicked—more animal than human—and his grip on my hips tightened until I knew I would have ten finger-and thumb-shaped bruises there the next day.

  “I’m sorry!” I gasped. I tried to hold still but the orgasm was still coming, barreling down on me like a freight train with no brakes. My body kept trembling as it built inside me, threatening to drown me with its intensity.

  “It’s all right, darling.” Corbin sounded more in control now, though his voice was still hoarse with the effort of holding himself back. “It’s all right.”

  “I’m…trying not to move,” I told him, my voice shaking. “It’s just…I’m so close and I need…I need…”

  “I know what you need,” he growled. “Just hold still
and I’ll take you where you need to go.”

  One of his hands slipped from my hip around to stroke the place where we were joined. I moaned breathlessly as I felt his long fingers spread my folds and rub my swollen clit in just the right way.

  And just like that, the orgasm was on me, rolling over me like a tidal wave, drenching me with pleasure as I came yet again. At the same time, I felt Corbin speeding up.

  “I’m going to come in you now, Addison,” he told me in a low, growling voice. “Going to fill your sweet pussy with my seed. I want you to see what it feels like to be filled with my cum.”

  “Yes, Corbin,” I moaned. “Yes, Master. God, yes.” And then I felt his thick cock swelling even larger inside me. With a harsh growl, Corbin gripped my hips even harder and pushed his shaft as deeply into me as he could. And then he began to come.

  I cried out softly and shuddered helplessly as jet after jet of hot cum spurted from the tip of his cock and bathed the mouth of my womb. I had never felt this with a human man—not even my fiancé when we were together. But with Corbin I felt it—actually felt him filling me with his seed as he came inside me.

  And then it was suddenly over and he was pulling out of me.

  “Corbin?” I turned to face him, feeling suddenly bereft and empty without his thickness filling me. What I saw, shocked me.

  His eyes were blood red and his fangs were longer and looked sharper than I had ever seen them. God, no wonder he’d wanted to take me from behind! If I’d seen him looking like that while we were making love I would have freaked out for sure.

  “Uh, Corbin?” I backed away from him slowly, not wanting to make any sudden motions and make it worse.

  “Just a moment, darling. Stand back, please.” He took a deep breath and then another. “God, your scent is so sweet. So delicious…”

  “You’ve already had my blood for tonight,” I reminded him sharply. “Quite a lot of it, in fact. You don’t need the rest.”

  “No. No I don’t.” He took another deep breath and slowly his eyes went back to normal. “All right. I’m all right,” he said, nodding at me.

  I looked at him uncertainly. “Are you sure?”

  “Perfectly fine,” he assured me and this time he sounded much more like himself.

  I breathed a sigh of relief—once again I had dodged a bullet. But how long could my luck last?

  “Well, well—most impressive,” Roderick said from the couch at the far end of the room.

  I jumped at the sound and hastily smoothed down my dress. For some reason I had completely forgotten about him watching and the entire reason we were doing this. I shot a glance at Corbin—had he glamoured me somehow? Kept me from remembering while we were actually doing the deed so I wouldn’t feel inhibited or uptight? Or had my mind simply blocked the whole “we are being watched by a very creepy Vampire Inquisitor” thing out of my head on its own?

  I didn’t have time to ask because Roderick stood smoothly and came toward us. He looked at Corbin and smiled, then looked at me and bared his fangs.

  “My turn,” he said.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “What did you say?” Corbin growled, putting himself between us at the speed of light. My view of Roderick was now limited by his broad shoulder—not that I minded.

  “You heard me.” Roderick smiled, baring his fangs. “I found your little show most amusing and not a little arousing. It was so moving, in fact, that I would like a turn. So step aside, Corbin—let me see if I can fuck your little human as well as you did.”

  “Now you’re just trying to pick a fight,” Corbin said. “You know damn well I won’t let you anywhere near Addison—she is mine.”

  “You’re lucky I’m only asking for a turn to fuck her,” Roderick remarked coolly. “After all, as she is not bound to you, it is within my rights to choose her as my tribute instead of that lovely vase. In fact…” He looked thoughtfully at the vase which he had left on a chair beside the desk. “I think that’s exactly what I’ll do. You can have the vase back, Corbin. I will be taking the girl.”

  “I’ll die before I let you take her.” Corbin’s voice was utterly deadly and utterly cold. “You know that, Roderick.”

  “Well, then, I guess we’ll have to revisit the idea of a formal challenge after all.” Roderick’s eyes were suddenly blood red and from the deep, angry snarl rising in Corbin’s throat I was certain his were too.

  “You bastard,” I said, speaking to Roderick under Corbin’s arm. “You planned this all along. Why make us put on a show for you if you were just going to fight Corbin anyway?”

  “Because, my dear…” He grinned at me nastily. “I so enjoyed your submission the other night that I wanted to see it again. When you are mine, I will force you to do all sorts of deliciously humiliating things—acts that will make you cringe with shame and beg for the release that only death can give.” He licked his lips in anticipation. “But I will not kill you…not for a long, long time. Oh, I simply cannot wait to have you.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long time for that,” I snapped. My fingers itched for my gun, which was still in Corbin’s small restroom. The only problem was, Roderick was between me and it and if I stepped out from behind Corbin’s protective stance, I was making myself all kinds of vulnerable—and probably all kinds of dead.

  Corbin solved my problem for me by circling slowly away from Roderick, as though trying to find a better position. I circled with him, being certain to keep him between me and the other vampire. Soon I had access to both the door to the office and the door to the bathroom.

  “Addison, go,” Corbin said in a low voice, not looking at me. “Get out now. Take Taylor and drive as far from here as you can and don’t come back.”

  “You think that will save her?” Roderick demanded. “I’ll find her, Corbin. I’ll find both of them and fuck her little friend to death while your consort watches, just as soon as I’m finished killing you.”

  “You may try,” Corbin said evenly. “But I promise you, Roderick, it will not be an easy fight.”

  Roderick gave him a bloodthirsty grin. “I would be disappointed if it was.”

  He lunged forward in a movement too fast for my eye to track and suddenly he and Corbin were locked together, grappling. Just as quickly, though, they broke apart. Roderick appeared unharmed but I was disturbed to see a line of blood running from Corbin’s temple.

  “Very good.” Roderick was looking at him appraisingly. “You may be a more challenging adversary than I thought. Which will only make my victory all the sweeter.”

  Corbin didn’t take his eyes off his enemy or answer Roderick’s taunts. Instead he spoke to me from the corner of his mouth.

  “What are you waiting for—go!”

  “I won’t leave you here with him,” I said stubbornly.

  “There is no way you can help me other than leaving.” Corbin risked a quick glance at me. “Addison, I am almost certainly going to die here tonight. Don’t let my sacrifice be in vain—go!”

  I was almost swayed by the desperation I saw in his eyes but then I saw Roderick laughing and my resolve hardened. No, damn it, I was not going to leave a man I cared for—even if he was a vampire—to face certain death alone. I was going to do something, even if it got me killed too.

  The vampires came together again, striking with the speed that made a king cobra look slow. This time I didn’t wait—I took the opportunity to run for the door.

  Behind me I heard Roderick laugh. “Run little consort—run as fast and as far as you can but I’ll find you. You’ll be mine soon enough.”

  “Like hell I will,” I muttered, certain he could hear me. Despite their great speed, the vampires fought in almost total silence—it was an eerie sight, watching them strike at each other, grapple in a complete blur, and then break apart, all without making a sound.

  I headed for the office door but at the very last moment, I veered off toward the bathroom. Once inside, I knew I didn’t have much time. At the speed
this fight was progressing, it would be over before I could load my Glock—luckily for me, it was already loaded.

  I grabbed the gun and eased the door open, looking for a good shot. Unfortunately, the fight happened to be in one of the blur stages and all I could see was a fast-motion tangle of vampire limbs and flashing fangs.

  When they broke apart, I could see that Corbin was definitely getting the worst of it. My heart gave a painful thump when I saw his wounds—obviously slashes from Roderick’s razor-sharp fangs. Vampires heal fast but even so he was bleeding from over a dozen places and some of the wounds looked really deep—deep enough that a human would have been incapacitated. But Corbin just kept on fighting, a silent grimace of determination on his face. Clearly he was going to see this through to the end.

  “Will I enjoy her?” Roderick taunted as they circled again. “Does she taste as good as she smells, that little human consort of yours?”

  “You will never get a chance to find out,” Corbin ground out.

  “Oh, I think I will.” Roderick laughed. “At first I simply planned to fuck her to death but now…now I think I’ll turn her. After she is born to darkness, she will be so much more durable. Her torment will go on and on…forever.”

  The thought of becoming a vampire made me feel physically ill but I forced my feelings down and aimed my gun. I finally got a good shot at Roderick but just as I was about to squeeze the trigger, Corbin gave a low roar and launched himself at the other vampire.

  Shit! They blurred together again and I lost the shot. This time when they came out of it, Corbin’s left arm was hanging limply by his side and Roderick was laughing. There was blood on his fangs.

  Okay, this was it—I couldn’t wait for the perfect shot again, I just had to do the best I could. Corbin had his back to me though, blocking my view. Damn it, if I waited for him to move, he might be dead the next time I got a chance at this!

  I wanted to stay in the safety of the bathroom and shoot from there but the way they were constantly moving meant I needed to get closer. I pushed open the door and came out, gun first. Unfortunately, the motion caught Roderick’s eyes. I saw his eyes widen, then narrow and then he was coming for me.