Page 9 of Crimson Debt

  “What if I don’t…don’t want you to pleasure me?” I moaned as his hands came up to cup and caress my bare breasts again.

  “If that is really true I will stop right now,” he murmured. “Can you prove to me that you’re serious and you don’t desire my hands and mouth on your body?”

  “How…how am I supposed to prove it?” I demanded, trying to feel irritated instead of aroused.

  “Spread yourself for me.” His hand brushed lightly over the mound of my pussy, letting me know exactly what he meant. “If you aren’t wet and ready I will let you go right now and promise not to touch you again for the rest of the night.”

  I bit my lower lip. I really didn’t want to do this—it was so damn embarrassing. Also, I was fairly sure of what he would see—I was wet and hot and ready from the way he’d healed me earlier as much as from all the kissing and stroking that was going on now. Still, maybe if I did this, if I opened myself, he would be satisfied and not make me put on any further show for him. The idea of touching myself in front of him—in front of any man—made me feel hot and cold all over with embarrassment.

  “All right,” I whispered. Reluctantly, I opened my legs, which had been tightly shut. Then, with trembling hands, I reached down and parted my pussy lips, spreading myself as Corbin had asked me, baring my innermost self to his penetrating gaze.

  We were both watching in the mirror and Corbin growled softly as I performed the intimate action he’d requested. It was a sound of pure lust and it seemed to vibrate every part of my body.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured in my ear. “Look how wet you are, Addison. You don’t really want me to stop, do you?”

  “I…I don’t know,” I said softly and it was the honest truth. I knew with every fiber of my being that I should stop this now. It was illegal and dangerous to be having sex, or semi-sex anyway, with a vampire—especially one as old and strong as Corbin. But so far he had done nothing to frighten or harm me and I couldn’t deny the sensations that rushed through my body when he touched me.

  “You may continue to think about it while you touch yourself,” he said, bringing me back down to Earth with a thump.

  “What? But…but I am touching myself,” I protested.

  “Addison…” He gave me a stern look. “You know what I mean.”

  “But it’s so embarrassing.” I met his eyes in the mirror. “Please don’t make me.” I hated to beg but I couldn’t help myself. I had never done anything half this intimate for a man before and the very idea made me feel like shriveling up and dying.

  He sighed. “You would rather I touched you without knowing what you like?”

  “I would rather you didn’t touch me at all,” I said by reflex.

  Corbin’s eyes skewered mine in the mirror. “I believe we already answered the question of whether you found my touch repulsive or not.”

  “It’s not you—it’s what you are,” I pointed out. “It’s that you’re a vamp. This isn’t safe—it isn’t even legal.”

  He shook his head. “I am aware of the implications of our actions. But vampire or not, I am going to make you come tonight. Whether or not you help me is your choice.”

  “Fine.” I lifted my chin. “I choose not.”

  “Very well.” He took my hands and put them on my thighs. “But you must guide me. Tell me what feels good as I touch you.”

  “All right…I guess.” There didn’t seem to be any way I could stop him from touching me and to be brutally honest, I was no longer sure I wanted to. The part of me that knew how dangerous what we were doing was, was slowly being consumed by pure, animal lust. It helped that he was being so gentle and hadn’t given me any reason to fear him—other than the fact that he was a super strong vamp, that was.

  “Very good,” Corbin murmured in my ear. Then he cupped my mound in the palm of his hand and just held me for a long moment while he continued to tease my nipples with his other hand.

  “What are you doing?” I was feeling hot and achy and impatient. If he was going to touch me he should just do it and get it over with, damn it!

  “Savoring the moment. Do you know that I have wanted to touch you from the moment you first walked into my club?”

  “Yeah, you pretty much made that clear.” I’d been inspecting Under the Fang for the last two years and the first time Corbin had seen me he’d made his intentions and desires known.

  “And now I finally have you in my arms.” He kissed my cheek and pressed his palm against my pussy. I wanted to say that he didn’t have me in his arms willingly, although I was no longer sure if that was true, but just then his hand began to move.

  It started as a gentle stroking motion, just enough to tease my curls and send shivers of excitement through my nerve endings. His middle finger was positioned just over my slit and when he pressed down slightly, I could almost feel him brush the sensitive bud of my clit.

  “Is this good to start with?” he murmured in my ear. “Or do you need more?”

  “More,” I whispered—I couldn’t help myself. He was driving me crazy.

  “All right.” His voice was soft and low. “I’m going to open you now, Addison. I’m going to spread you open and touch your pussy. Watch in the mirror while I stroke you.”

  “God!” I bit my lip as Corbin parted my pussy lips with his ring and index finger and began to stroke deeper into my swollen folds. I could feel the tip of his middle finger sliding gently over and around my sensitive clit and I gasped and jumped as he stroked me.

  “Too much?” he whispered, meeting my eyes in the mirror. His own face was filled with concern as much as lust. I had a sudden flash of insight into how difficult this was for him. Usually when a vamp gets horny their instincts take over. I’ve seen vamp pornos and when they’re fucking each other they show no mercy—there’s nothing soft or gentle about it. Of course, when they’re with another vampire, it doesn’t matter how rough they get. Corbin had to be going against every instinct he had to be so careful with me but to his credit, he hadn’t hurt me yet.

  “This is hard for you, isn’t it?” I murmured as he stroked into me again. “Being so careful?”

  “It is not easy,” he admitted. “But it is extremely pleasurable. You’re so soft and delicate in my arms, I love touching you as long as I know I am not hurting you.”

  “You’re not.” I gasped again as his fingertip found the side of my clit and began to stroke in a slow, steady up and down motion.

  “Didn’t I tell you I would barely touch you tonight?” Corbin whispered in my ear.

  “You did,” I said. “But this wasn’t exactly what I had…had in mind when you said it.”

  “I am glad to hear I am exceeding your expectations,” he growled softly. “Tell me, Addison, do you feel ready to have my fingers inside you?”

  I would have said no but the slow, insistent stroking along the side of my clit was making me insane. It was amazing that he was driving me crazy with such a small, simple motion but I felt like I was going to explode at any minute. I needed a break in the pleasure—a chance to catch my breath. Or maybe I just wanted to feel his fingers filling my pussy.

  “Yes,” I whispered, arching my pelvis up for him. Corbin’s hand slid lower and then I felt two long, thick fingers fill me to the hilt. I moaned as he fucked into me, taking his time with long, slow strokes that seemed designed to drive me over the edge. As he worked me, the broad palm of his hand continued to rub my sensitive clit, doubling the pleasure of being penetrated.

  The sensations were overwhelming and I closed my eyes tightly but Corbin kissed my cheek and told me to open them. “Watch yourself in the mirror, Addison,” he murmured as he thrust his fingers deep into me. “Watch me finger your soft, wet pussy. Watch me make you come.”

  I groaned and opened my eyes to watch as he commanded. What I saw in the mirror didn’t look a thing like me. Surely this moaning girl with tousled red hair who was pumping her hips in time with Corbin’s rhythm wasn’t the person I knew as myse
lf. And yet she had my eyes, though they were glazed with lust, and my body, although it looked beautiful now—transformed by desire, both my own and Corbin’s desire for me.

  There was a faint reddish flush along my cheeks and upper chest, above my breasts. My nipples were achingly hard and my pussy was wet and swollen with need. Watching Corbin’s fingers slide in and out of me and the way he framed me with his big body, his arms wrapped protectively around me as he pleasured me was the single most erotic thing I had ever seen. That sight, along with the incredible sensations he was giving me, pushed me right over the edge.

  I felt the orgasm rise up and take me, making me gasp and tremble uncontrollably in Corbin’s arms. They felt like warm, flexible steel and I knew he could squeeze the life out of me in an instant if he lost control. But though they tightened a little, he never hurt me.

  He only kissed my cheek and murmured in my ear, “Beautiful…so beautiful.”

  “Corbin! Oh, God, Corbin.” I hadn’t meant to say his name but it rose to my lips despite myself as the pleasure rushed through me like a warm wave.

  “Come for me, Addison,” he murmured hoarsely. “Let go and let yourself come.” He buried his face in the side of my neck, kissing and sucking. I felt his fangs, sharp and deadly and then it happened—suddenly there was a piercing pain at the vulnerable skin of my throat.

  A flash of fear ran through me, quenching the pleasure I’d been feeling like a bucket of ice water. Oh God—he’d drawn blood! The urge to feed on my blood was now right out there, front and center, along with his urge for sex.

  What was I going to do?

  Chapter Seven

  Everything inside me seemed to have turned to ice. God, I was in trouble now. I believed Corbin had good enough control to touch me, maybe even to make love to me, without killing me. But that was only if we left his bloodlust out of the equation. Now that his thirst for blood had been triggered at the same time as his lust for sex, I was going to be very dead, very quickly.

  “Corbin?” My voice wavered and I held myself very, very still, hoping not to set off his predator’s instinct to bite and tear and maim. If only I could get out of this, I swore I would never put myself in this stupid, dangerous position again. If only I could get away before he went crazy…

  He withdrew his fingers slowly and turned me to face him.

  “You’re beautiful when you come.” His eyes were glowing red and his fangs were fully extended. A single drop of ruby red blood glistened on his lower lip. I had a moment of absolute terror when I looked into his blood red eyes and saw the pure, animal hunger in their depths. His pupils had shrunk down to pinpoints and they were trained on me and only me—the prey. His fangs had grown to the point where they almost looked like two small but lethal knives waiting to rend and tear and the rest of him seemed to grow even bigger, if that was possible, until he loomed over me like a monster from a fairy tale.

  I knew what would happen next. Corbin would rip down his jeans and mount me while he sank those razor sharp fangs to the hilt into my unprotected jugular. Then he would literally fuck and suck me to death, crushing and mangling my body in the process. I had no illusions that I would live through it either—especially not with a vamp of Corbin’s age and power. I had as much a chance of surviving a sexual encounter with a hungry vampire as I did with a great white shark. And it was all my fault for giving in to him in the first place.

  I cursed myself for a fool as I slowly eased away from him. How many times had I stood over a crime scene from the aftermath of vamp/human sex and thought how stupid the victim was? Why would anyone put themselves in that position? I’d ask myself as the techs scooped the messy remains into a body bag. And now I’d gone and done it to myself. I was going to die knowing I was a fool for ending my sexual dry spell with a vampire. It hardly seemed fair, considering we hadn’t even done the actual deed but there was nothing I could do about it now. I was toast.

  Corbin was still staring at me with that hungry look in his eyes and as yet, neither one of us had said a word. The fact that he hadn’t jumped me gave me a tiny thread of hope.

  “Corbin?” I whispered, still scooting slowly away from him. I was well aware that he could pounce at any second and the bulge in his jeans let me know he was definitely feeling both urges at once.

  His hands dropped to the button of his jeans, feeding my worst fears. God, here it comes! As the low purr of his zipper coming down filled the room, I wondered if I could make it to the bookcase and put it between us before he snapped completely. Although I might just as well put a piece of cardboard between us for as much good as it would do me.

  “Corbin, please…” I whispered as he peeled down his jeans. He was large—very large and I had a moment to fear being skewered like a shiskabob before I realized that I didn’t have to worry. He would probably snap my neck before he got all the way inside me anyway. A report I had read estimated that in at least half of vamp/human sex deaths happened in the first thirty seconds of the encounter. So if I was one of the lucky ones, I wouldn’t have to feel much of anything before Corbin put out my lights for good.

  I had backed around until I was up against the headboard by now, the cold brass branding my bare back like ice, but I was so frightened I could barely feel it. I thought about my Glock but it was in the pile of clothes I’d discarded earlier across the room. There was no way I’d be able to get to it in time. Please, let it be quick! I thought as I stared at the hungry light in his eyes.

  Still he said nothing. I watched as he gripped himself, his big hand clasped loosely around the thick shaft rising from his jeans. Then he raised his other arm and swiped at his mouth, wiping the single ruby drop of my blood away.

  I stared at him, uncomprehending. Why had he done that? I’d never heard of a vamp refusing any kind of blood, especially not in this situation.

  Corbin moved toward me, still holding his cock loosely in one hand. It looked like a club and I was fairly sure he was about to use it on me. God! I squeezed myself into a tight little ball as the dread in my stomach blossomed into sheer terror. He was about to go berserker on me—I just knew it. And I didn’t want to die. I wasn’t ready. I would never be ready—not to die like this, torn apart by a hungry, horny vamp.

  “Calm yourself, Addison,” he murmured and his voice was a deep, guttural growl. “I told you before I won’t hurt you. But I need a release.”

  “Do you want me to…to suck you or touch you or…” I gestured at his thick cock. “I mean, what do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. I don’t dare touch you again. Not now. It’s been…” He took in a deep breath and let it out in a hungry growl. “It has been a long time since I did this with a human—too long, perhaps. I need to concentrate on retaining control. I can’t do that if I feel your hands or mouth on me.”

  “But you said you needed…”

  “I need to come. But not by your hand. Not yet.”

  Slowly, he began to pump his long, hard shaft. He was still kneeling on the bed in front of me, his jeans open and his eyes glittering like rubies in the firelight. I watched from the head of the bed, mesmerized, as he continued to touch himself in long, slow strokes. God, he was beautiful, I couldn’t help thinking. I’ve never been the kind of woman who gets off on pictures of naked men but there was something about Corbin that was impossible to ignore—a feral power, an animalistic lust and a pure, male beauty that called to everything that was female in me.

  “Talk to me,” Corbin ordered, breaking my train of thought. “Tell me what you want, Addison. Describe to me what we would do if I could trust myself right now.”

  “Oh, uh…” My mind drew a sudden blank—I’ve never been very good at dirty talk. For that matter, neither was any guy I’d ever been with. Mostly, I preferred to just do it and get it over with, without hearing all about it. But that wasn’t an option here.

  Corbin raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you having trouble putting your desires into words? Can’t you tell me what you wa

  “I, uh…” I cleared my throat. “I guess I’m just not very good at…at that.”

  His eyes flashed in the firelight. “I’ll tell you, then. I want to fuck you, Addison. Not gently, either.”

  I bit my lip in terror. This is what I had been afraid of. Corbin must have seen the fear in my eyes because he shook his head.

  “No, darling, don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want to hurt you in any way. I just want to take you thoroughly, want to claim you completely and know that you’re mine. Only mine.”

  “How…” I could barely force the words out. “How would you do that…exactly?”

  “I want you on your back, helpless under me.” As he spoke, he continued to stroke his cock. “Your legs spread, your pussy open for my shaft.” He paused for a moment and looked at me hungrily. “Spread your legs now, Addison. Let me see you again.”

  “I, uh…” I cleared my throat. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea right now, Corbin.”

  “It’s an excellent idea. Especially since I’m trying to concentrate on sex instead of blood.”

  That put things in a different light. If he was able to separate the two in his mind, if he could keep his fuck-lust from merging with the bloodlust, well, it might be my only hope.

  “All…all right,” I whispered. I’d been curled into a protective ball but now I sat up and pressed my back against the cold brass headboard. Corbin watched avidly as I slowly spread my thighs, baring my pussy for him once more.

  “Good,” he growled softly. “So good, darling. And so beautiful.”

  Though he had been looking at me and touching me for the past hour, I still felt my cheeks heating with embarrassment at the way he was watching me. Seeing myself reflected in the mirror, all spread out like a Penthouse model didn’t help either.

  “Can, um, are you going to…” I nodded at his cock, which was still hard and throbbing between his thighs. I had a feeling that as soon as he came, the danger for the most part would be averted.

  “Not yet.” He shook his head. “I need stimulation.”