Page 23 of Savage Nature

  Drake felt the older man's sorrow. The look between the innkeeper and the old leopard was so intimate, he had to look away. To love like that and yet sacrifice for the good of a species. What a wasted effort.

  "Every choice in my life I've made," Pauline said quietly, "I made each one, knowin' what I was doin'." Her voice was firm. She stood up. "I'll get you a plate of food if you think you can eat now, Amos."

  Saria was like Pauline Lafont--a woman who would stand by a man in spite of his mistakes. Drake waited until Pauline had slipped into the dining room.

  "That woman is humbling. She's magnificent."

  Amos forced himself into a sitting position, his face going gray. He clenched his teeth to keep from moaning and Drake didn't add to his indignity by offering to help. Amos breathed shallow for a few moments before forcing a small rueful grin. "Yes, she is. Saria is quite a bit like her."

  "I was just thinking the same thing."

  "I hope you do better by her than I did Pauline."

  Drake stretched out his legs. His bum leg was one big ache, and he wouldn't be surprised if he found he was black and blue from thigh to ankle. His very bones hurt. "I think I'm too damned old for this fighting crap."

  "I know I am." Amos glanced toward the dining room and lowered his voice. "Tell me about the Tregre boy. What's he like?"

  "He's a good man. Rock solid. I put my life in his hands on a daily basis and I know he's going to be there for me, no matter how bad it gets. That's the kind of man he is," Drake answered without hesitation. "So you answer me this--what the hell happened in that family and why didn't you stop it?" Amos sighed. "I went to school with Buford Tregre. He was a bully then. Mean as a snake. All the girls were terrified of him. Even the teachers were careful of him. His father was a mean drunk and no one ever saw his mother. They were part of the lair--we knew they were leopards, but they stayed to themselves. Mostly they lived off the land, huntin' and fishin'. He dallied with Iris Lafont, Pauline's sister, promised marriage, but in the end he kicked her out to marry a shifter, and then kept her tied to him by continuin' to lie and saying he'd leave his wife for her. He was a no good son of a bitch and treated women like shit. As for his wife, once she set foot on Tregre land, no one ever saw her again."

  "And no one checked on her? I thought families here were close."

  "No one is close with the Tregre family. No one."

  "And his sons?" Drake prompted. Someone was killing in the swamps and it had to be stopped. There was no question whoever was doing it was a shifter. He still hadn't checked out Amos Jeanmard or his son. He was not disclosing information to the man and as long as he was staying at the inn where Saria was, she would either be in his room, or one of his men would be sitting outside her door in the building, and another outside.

  Amos frowned. "I don' know what to think about those boys." He rubbed at his chin, his frown deepening to a scowl. "Like their daddy, we didn' see much of them. Like I said, Buford was a mean drunk and he ruled with his fists. I don' think they had much of a childhood and they didn' go to school much. The three of them were close though. You fought one Tregre, you fought them all. Renard was the oldest and he had it the worst. He looked out for his mother and the other two boys. When he went away for a while, it shocked everyone. I think that's when the old man got worse."

  "But then he came back with a wife. A shifter," Drake prompted when the older man went silent.

  Amos shrugged. "Yes, he brought back a beautiful wife and I knew I had mismanaged everything. I had thrown away my life with Pauline and doomed our lair to extinction. I was born and raised in the swamp. Worked most of my life here. Never left, never thought of leavin'. I thought this was all there were until Renard brought her home with him."

  "The other brothers married someone from the outside, not a shifter, didn't they?" Drake guessed.

  "Buford despised anyone who wasn't a shifter. He even grew to hate his wife and children--all but Renard--his other two sons because they married non-shifters, and his wife because she wasn't his true mate."

  "You knew that and you didn't stop him?"

  "I didn't know it until Renard came to me and told me all the boys were gettin' out. He said his father was insane. He told me he was certain the old man had killed his mother and that he had attacked his wife one night when he was workin' out in the swamp. The other women admitted to their husbands that Buford had been doin' the same thing to them and threatened to kill them if they told."

  "My God. What the hell did you do when everything went to hell and Renard died?" Drake couldn't keep the accusation out of his voice. He wanted to jump across the room and smash the man. Renard's wife and son had made it out, but his brothers and their wives hadn't. "He did do something," Pauline said. She handed Amos his plate and set his drink on the coffee table. "He ended up with nearly every bone in his body broken and he was in a coma for three months."

  Drake let out his breath. The mire in the swamp just seemed to deepen. The more explanation, the more the questions. "And Tregre wasn't arrested?"

  "At the time, his brother was chief of police." Amos sighed. "You're drudgin' up a lot of shit, Donovan. It was many years ago. I was trespassin' on their property. They said I attacked him. There was an investigation and Buford was cleared of all charges. There was even an implication that I might have killed Renard. In the end, they didn' go that far, but I had no other recourse but to back off. Hell, I didn' remember much for months after. I had physical therapy and my leopard took a long while to emerge again. I told the lair Tregre's land was off-limits and left it at that."

  Saria slipped into the chair next to Drake, handing him a plate of food. His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn't eaten in a long while. His mind was foggy, trying to take in everything Amos had told him, and still read between the lines. There was no doubt Buford's sons might be as cruel and depraved as their father. Buford Tregre was certainly capable of being a serial killer. Hating was what he seemed to do best. And Joshua's uncles had sons of their own, both old enough to be suspects as well. He shook his head. It was all complicated and he felt like shit.

  Saria smelled like heaven, that scent he'd come to know as exclusively Saria. She'd obviously showered, which explained why Pauline had managed to get Amos his food first. He didn't mind not getting his food immediately, Saria had to be exhausted. She'd been streaked with dirt and probably blood and sweat from him. He'd been thinking about the mess he'd gotten himself into, allowing her to take care of him instead of the other way around.

  "Are you all right?" he asked.

  She sent him a dazzling smile. "I wasn't the one who got all chewed up in a fight. I'm fine. And Miss Pauline outdid herself. The food's fantastic."

  The tension coiled so tight in his gut unraveled. There was something so amazing in the way she enjoyed her food. Maybe it was just the entire package--the way she enjoyed her life. When she ate, she ate, enjoying every single morsel. If she had to protect herself, she did so with the same intensity she did everything else. She made him feel alive--and happy.

  He let himself grin back at her like a foolish idiot. "She is a good cook," he admitted and watched with admiration as she tucked into the food on her plate with gusto.

  She frowned at him. "Eat. What are you doin'?"

  "I like watching you eat."

  Amos laughed. "You're a goner, Donovan. When a hungry man spends more time lookin' at his woman than eatin' , he's in trouble."

  Pauline joined in his laughter. "Eat, Drake. When Amos told me what happened, I knew you'd need to eat something to rebuild your strength. You'll have all the time in the world to look at Saria."

  Beside him, Saria stirred a little uncomfortably. He knew she wasn't yet convinced they'd be spending their lives together. She was willing to entertain the idea, but she'd been so dead set against marriage and she obviously had her life plans that didn't include a permanent man--and he was damned permanent.

  "Remy get out his shotgun yet?" Amos asked.

/>   "Not yet, but I wish he would," Drake said.

  Saria choked. He helpfully patted her back. "Something wrong, Saria?"

  She glared at him and took a sip of water. "You won' be feelin' so full of yourself if Remy does show up with a shotgun. He'll be meanin' business."

  "I'll look forward to it. It may be the only way I can make an honorable woman out of you." He looked up at Pauline. "She's dragging her feet."

  "You got second thoughts, Saria?" Pauline asked.

  Saria chewed thoughtfully, taking her time answering. She didn't think to lie, or even hedge. "I want to be with him, it's just the whole permanent thing, you know? I don' know if I can actually live with someone all the time. I'm used to doin' my own thing."

  "But you want to be with him," Pauline asked. "No one's forcin' you, or coercin' you in any way?" She didn't look at Drake, but he had the uncomfortable feeling that if Saria answered in the affirmative, she'd pull out a gun and shoot him on the spot. He was coming to believe Louisiana women were a little on the dangerous side.

  Saria made a little moue with her lips and he leaned down to brush a kiss there. He couldn't have stopped himself even if Pauline had a gun pointed straight at his heart. He kissed her again when her eyes went wide.

  "You shouldn't tempt me," he pointed out.

  "Is that called coercion?" Saria asked, her fingers touching her lips as if holding his kiss to her.

  Pauline sighed. "Just marry him and put you both out of your misery," she counseled.

  Saria laughed. "I can see I'm in the minority here."

  Satisfied, Drake concentrated on his dinner. It was late. He was tired, and his body hurt, but Saria sat close and the room felt comfortable. His men were close and would take over the watch so he could get rest.

  "Miss Pauline," he said. "I have to say, you're a magnificent cook."

  "Thank you, Drake. I do love to see people eat."

  "I intend to do a lot of eating and I can guarantee my boys will be perpetually hungry."

  She laughed, nodding her head as if satisfied.

  "We're heading upstairs. I think I'll soak in a hot bath to get the kinks out," Drake announced. "I'll see you first thing in the morning."

  Pauline nodded and Amos lifted a hand. Drake forced his body into a standing position. His bum leg didn't want to work, burning all the way into his buttocks. He stood for a moment, letting the pain consume him, accepting it, before he took that first step. He was used to battle and the results after his leopard had gotten into a vicious encounter with another male, but it always took him by surprise, that sweeping pain roaripaiough every muscle.

  Saria took their plates into the kitchen, giving him just a couple of minutes with Joshua. The man was waiting by the stairs.

  "I haven't had the chance to tell you, we've got two men out in the swamp. Jake sent for reinforcements and as soon as they heard you might be in trouble, they came running. Conner Vega and his woman are staying with Jake to cover there. Elijah is spending the night out in a blind. We figured if Saria saw lights near Fenton's Marsh more than once, it's possible whoever is using it as a dump site will still continue to do so."

  "How'd you get a couple men in the swamp without a guide? In fact, how'd you find me?"

  "Followed your woman's scent. The woman is putting out some pretty potent pheromones. Her leopard is close."

  Drake let out his breath. Another complication. There was no question the Han Vol Dan was close. Saria was a virgin and would need an introduction to sex before her leopard took her over and went ballistic on them. He had to get her away from all the other males before her leopard decided to show itself again. He couldn't chance killing a friend.

  "Who's with Elijah?"

  "New kid goes by the name of Jeremiah Wheating. Don't know much about him, but he listens and Elijah and Conner vouched for him."

  "Elijah has a bad reputation. Could get him killed here."

  "Comes in handy," Joshua said with a shrug. "It could help us depending on what's going on around here. I've set up shifts for the guards. We all need sleep, so we'll only have one man on. Hopefully you can get Saria to sleep in your room, or you sleep in hers."

  Drake nodded, and watched her come toward him. He loved the way she moved, flowing across the floor, all soft curves and fluid grace. Her skin was extraordinary--beautiful. He couldn't resist running the pad of his finger over the curve of her cheek just to feel how soft she was. "Come on, let's go upstairs."

  She didn't even blush, but took his hand and went with him. Saria's honesty was humbling. She didn't care what the others thought--not even her brothers. She'd made her choice, and if she wrestled with the thought of permanency, at least she gave him everything she had while she did it.

  His fingers closed around hers and he brought her hand to his chest while they went up the stairs. "I need you to stay with me tonight, Saria."

  He heard her swift intake of breath. She glanced sideways at him from under her long lashes. Her small tongue came out to lick at her full bottom lip. His cock jerked. He tried to keep from letting his mind wander in that direction. She didn't protest, but he made her nervous.

  "I know I was very bold today in the swamp," she said. "I enjoyed it too, but I'm not . . ."

  "Honey, look at me. I'm just about as banged up as I can get without broken bones. I can guarantee you going to sleep with no problem." He hesitated, wanting to be completely honest. "Waking up might be different."

  "If I'm in your room, somethin's goin' to happen and you know it," she said. "I might even be the one to start it. I dream about "

  "Do you think I'm afraid?" He winked at her as he pulled open the door to his room. "You can have your wicked way with me anytime you want. And a man likes to know his woman dreams about him."

  "What if I don' meet your expectations. Men have them. Don't tell me they don't. I imagine you must be fairly experienced and the thought of tryin' to live up to that is rather dauntin'." Her accent was thicker--and more sensual.

  Drake dragged her into his room, kicked the door closed and wrapped his arms around her, ignoring the protests of his body. His mouth descended on hers. He indulged himself for several long minutes, showing her just what he thought of that kind of drivel. When he lifted his head, they were both breathing raggedly.

  "If I don't get it right the first time, Saria, I promise to spend hours, months, years, practicing until I do. You won't have any complaints and if you don't, believe me, babe, I won't either. A man likes to know his woman is satisfied. In any case, I've noticed you tend to follow instructions beautifully when you want to."

  Saria laughed. "Okay then. If you're sure. Take your bath and I'll get a few things. Will we be goin' out tomorrow?"

  He nodded. "I want to get my bearings and talk some more to Remy as well as some of the others in the lair. But"--he planted another kiss on her mouth--"not so early this time."

  "I guess you do need to sleep in."

  "I wasn't intending to sleep," he admitted.

  Saria shook her head, and left him. The tub was deep and wide. He made a mental note to himself that it was large enough for two. One thing about Pauline's inn, it had plenty of hot water and he sank gratefully into the deep tub. Lacerations stung, but the water was soothing and he closed his eyes and let himself drift.

  He was exhausted. It had been a long while since he'd had to fight leopards, and for a test of whether his leg would hold up or not, this had been a baptism by fire. He laughed softly to himself. His doctor had been very specific. Shift--but take his time. Go slowly. Feel the leg out. Make certain it held up before using it strenuously. Somehow he didn't think he was following the doctor's orders too closely. Yeah. He was fine. His leopard was fine. The world was right again--well, almost. When he considered there was a psycho serial killer leopard on the loose and an entire out-of-control lair to deal with--maybe things weren't quite so right. But for now, for tonight, knowing Saria would lie beside him, he'd take whatever peace he could and be d
amned happy about it.

  "Are you plannin' on stayin' in the bath all night?"

  Saria's soft voice pulled him out of his revelry. He'd drifted off, floating in hot water that had gone warm on him. He ducked his head under the water to rinse out his hair and came up looking for her. She stood in the doorway, dressed in a short tank top and small pair of boy shorts that clung to her hips and buttocks lovingly.

  "You sleeping in that?"

  She tugged at the hem of the shirt that didn't quite cover her belly. "What's wrong with it?"

  "I'll just have to take it off you in a couple of hours."

  "You want me to go to bed with you naked?"

  He stood up, stark naked himself, allowing the water to pour off of his body. "Yes. I want to feel your skin against my skin."

  Saria didn't avert her eyes. She reached for a towel and instead of handing it to him, when he stepped from the tub, she began to dry him off, her hands gentle as she skimmed the soft material over the lacerations on his chest and belly. When she lingered, he pretended not to notice, standing patiently, waiting for her to claim his body in her own way.

  She seemed fascinated and not at all shy. Nervous, yes, but not shy. She stroked the towel down his back and over his buttocks, removing the water drops as she continued down his legs.

  "You're really quite beautiful," she said. "Very symmetrical."

  He was struck by the tone of her voice. It was factual, observant, almost scientific. He found himself smiling. "Symmetrical?"

  She touched his muscles. "Each side is amazingly perfect when the human body isn't really that way at all."

  "You do know I'm real, don't you?" He tried not to laugh.

  "You'd be perfect to photograph, Drake."

  "It isn't going to happen, Saria." He looked down at the expression on her upturned face and he did laugh. Dragging the towel from her hands, he tossed it aside, wrapped his arms around her and walked her backward into the bedroom. "No matter how much you pout, how cute you are, no matter if you're the sexiest woman alive, the answer is no."