“Oh God…” I whispered.

  Heather hated blow jobs with a passion. She looked up at me and hummed, and I about lost it. I tapped her on the shoulders, and she sucked hard one last time before letting me go.

  She stood up and wiped the side of her mouth. “Wow, I must be getting good if you were about to come that fast.”

  I shook my head. “It’s called not expecting it.”

  She smiled and began walking toward the steps. She up a few steps and stopped. She slowly pushed her shorts down and then hooked her fingers under her panties. She sat down on the wooden stairs and moved to the edge. When she spread her legs open, I let out a moan.

  “My turn,” she softly said.

  I dropped to my knees and quickly buried my face between her legs.


  We usually never did anything like this out in the open since the twins started opening their bedroom door, but tonight, something had come over both of us. Her hands began pulling on my hair as she pushed my face in closer to her. I slipped two fingers inside her, and she let out a gasp.

  “Oh yes…Josh,” she whispered.

  I flicked my tongue faster against her clit as I pushed my fingers in and out. I began sucking on her clit, and she lost it.

  “Oh God…shit…shit…shit…”

  I looked up as she had both hands covering her mouth, and her eyes were closed. I loved making her come. I quickly began kissing up her body, and then I slipped inside her and slowly started moving in and out. I was about to come, so I pulled out and lifted her up.

  I carried her into the kitchen and set her down on the island. “Lie down, Heather.”

  She moved and lay down. I crawled on top of her, and I pushed inside her warmth. I couldn’t believe how wet she was.

  “Jesus, you’re always so ready for more, Heather.”

  “Yes. Hard, Josh. I just want it hard.”

  I began giving her what she wanted. Each time, I would slam into her a bit harder, and she would let out moan after soft moan.

  “Fucking yeah,” I hissed between my teeth.

  She lifted her shirt and bra and started playing with her breasts. I grabbed on to her hips and pulled her up some as I began pumping faster and harder.

  “Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes! Ah…”

  I could feel her squeezing on my dick, and I was just about to come when I heard, “Daddy? You’re not supposed to jump on the furniture.”

  My dick instantly went down. I stopped moving and looked at Libby standing there, clutching her teddy bear in her arms.

  “Motherfucker,” I whispered.

  I glanced down at Heather. She was laughing so hard that she had tears running down her face.

  Somehow, between her laughing and crying, she managed to say, “Finally! I’m not the one deprived of an orgasm!”

  I quickly pulled out of her and reached in a drawer for a hand towel. “Very funny, Heather.”

  I got down as Heather pulled her bra and shirt down.

  She looked at me and said, “My pants are, um…”

  Then, Libby turned and walked away. I began following her as she made her way back into her bedroom, and then she climbed up into bed.

  Oh dear God, we have a sleepwalker.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes when Heather stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing a beautiful red dress, and she grinned from ear to ear as she spun around.

  Oh, holy hell.

  The damn dress was completely open in the back, and the slit damn near came all the way up her leg.

  “I really want to have sex with you right now.”

  She busted out laughing and shook her head. Her beautiful blonde hair was pulled up, and she had simple diamond stud earrings on. She walked up to me and placed her lips right next to my ear. The smell of her perfume filled my senses, and for a brief moment, my knees felt weak.

  “I’m planning on more than just sex, Mr. Hayes. I want to be fucked six ways from Sunday.”

  I swallowed hard as she blew into my ear. My dick instantly came to attention. She took a step back and moved the dress open, so I could see the red lace crotchless panties.

  “Mother of all things good.” I snapped my eyes up to her. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  She bit down on her lower lip and slowly shook her head. She grabbed her clutch purse and slipped on her red high-heel shoes. “Let’s go.” She turned and walked out.

  I stood there for a few minutes, trying to regain my composure. I heard Heather talking to my parents downstairs as I tried to get my rock-hard dick to go down.

  I needed to be inside her…and soon.

  “Josh, is everything okay? You’ve been distracted all through dinner,” Scott said.

  I pushed my hand through my hair and shook my head. “My wife is slowly trying to drive me mad.”

  Scott let out a chuckle. “Can’t be as bad as what Jessie did to me before we walked into the hotel.”

  I peeked over at Jessie. She was listening to an older man talking to her and Heather about banking. They both looked bored out of their minds.

  “What did she do?” I asked, turning back to Scott.

  “She told me she had those damn balls inside her, the ones Ari had bought them all. Look at her damn face. It’s all flush. She’s fucking killing me.”

  I let out a laugh. “Damn.”

  “What about you?”

  “Heather is wearing crotchless panties, and she whispered something to me before we left the house. I can’t remember what she said exactly. All I heard was, I want to be fucked.”

  Scott had been taking a drink of water, and he spit it out as he started laughing and choking at the same time. Jessie and Heather both looked at him. Heather glanced over to me with a questioning look, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Jessie asked.

  Scott held up his hand and said, “Fine. Sorry. Went down the wrong way.”

  I laughed as I patted him on the back. “When is this damn thing over? I’m ready to head up to the room.”

  Scott looked around. “I don’t see why we couldn’t sneak out now. Maybe one more dance with my girl to get her worked up again, and then we’re fucking out of here.”

  I stood up quickly. My dick was so hard that I was ready to take Heather right here on the damn table. “Sounds good. I’ll talk to you later, dude, if we don’t see you before we leave.”

  Scott laughed and whispered, “Horny bastard.” He walked past me and asked Jessie to dance.

  I couldn’t help but notice that Jessie instantly blushed. I was going to have to ask Heather about those balls.

  I leaned down and whispered against Heather’s ear, “Dance with me?”

  Heather placed her hand in mine and stood up. I led her out to the dance floor and pulled her toward my body, closer than I probably should have. Her eyes filled with passion, and she quickly looked around.

  Leaning in, she placed her lips next to my ear. “I’m ready to leave.”

  “Okay.” I grabbed her hand and started toward the exit.

  She began chortling as I practically pulled her along.

  “Wait. What about Scott and Jessie? We didn’t say good-bye.”

  “Trust me. Scott’s not gonna care.”

  I walked us to the elevator, and we stood next to an older couple. I glanced over and smiled at them as they smiled at me.

  “You look beautiful, my dear…just like a princess,” the gentleman said to Heather.

  Heather’s head snapped over, and she looked at him.

  The lady chuckled. “You do look lovely, darling. Enjoy this evening out. I know it can be hard when you’re away from your children. The key to a happy family is a happy husband and wife.”

  “What did you say?” Heather whispered as her body began to shake.

  I took a step closer to her. She was holding her breath like she always did when she got nervous or scared.

  “Breathe, Princess, breathe,” I said.

/>   She sucked in a shaky breath, and a small sob escaped her mouth.

  The lady tilted her head. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Heather shook her head and attempted to smile. “No, it’s okay. It’s just that…my mother used to say that all the time, and…well…my parents passed away during my senior year of high school.”

  They both smiled warmly at Heather. “My dear, I’m so sorry, but you have to know your parents never really left you. They’ve been here, watching over you, the whole time.”

  Heather wiped a tear away and nodded her head. “Yes, I know. I feel them often.”

  I glanced down and noticed the man was holding a baseball cap in his hand. It had a buck on it. I quickly looked at Heather to see if she had seen the hat. The elevator door opened, and we all stepped inside.

  I moved our key card in front of the pad and pushed the top floor. “Which floor?”

  The gentleman said, “We’re going all the way up, son.”

  I smiled and nodded my head. “The suites here are amazing, aren’t they?” I asked.

  He grinned back at me from ear to ear. “I’ve been in a far better one, that is for sure.”

  As the doors shut, the lady took Heather’s hand in hers. “Now, I can read people very well. From you, my dear, I can tell you are a wonderful mother. Stop being so hard on yourself. There is no manual to tell you how to raise your kids. Your children know you love them. And by the way your husband gazes at you so lovingly, I can tell that you are very loved by him. Let him take care of you and love you.”

  Heather looked stunned. She slowly nodded her head.

  The elevator doors opened, and the couple stepped off.

  The gentleman turned and looked at us as we stepped out of the elevator. “Smile big and love even bigger.”

  Heather and I both let out a chuckle.

  “Thank you,” Heather said.

  The couple said good-bye and began walking down the hallway, holding hands.

  But I noticed the gentleman wasn’t carrying his baseball cap anymore. I quickly looked into the elevator before the doors shut, and I scanned the floor. “Where did the baseball cap go, the one he was holding?”

  Heather looked at me. “He wasn’t holding a baseball cap.”

  I looked back at them before they turned the corner. “Yes, he was. I wanted to point it out to you because it had a buck on it.”

  Heather slowly shook her head. “No, he didn’t because—”

  She stopped talking and looked back down the hallway. Her mouth dropped open slightly as a tear rolled down her face.

  “Earlier this evening, when we were driving in, I kept thinking about my parents. I wished my mother were here, so I could ask her questions about Libby and Will. I know I have your mom, but I wish I could get some advice from my own mother.”

  I felt the tears building in my eyes.

  Heather smiled and whispered, “My parents. I know that makes me sound crazy, Josh.”

  I looked back down the hallway. I took off running to catch up with the couple. I turned the corner, but no one was there. I turned and ran back to Heather. I took her by the hand, and we made our way to our room.

  Once inside, I picked up the phone and called the front desk. There were only four suites on this floor, so it should be easy to find out which one the couple was staying in.

  “Hi, um…this is going to sound weird, but we rode up in the elevator with an older couple, probably in their mid- to late sixties. He dropped something in the elevator, and I’d like to return it to him. Do you know which room they’re in?”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Hayes. It is only you, Mr. Reynolds, and a young woman staying in the suites. There is no older couple.”

  I sat down on the bed. “Okay…thank you.” I hung up and looked at Heather.

  She was smiling the most peaceful smile I’d ever seen on her face. “My parents.”

  I slowly nodded my head. “Your parents.”

  Last night had probably been the most amazing night of my life. I smiled as I touched my lips and thought of Josh softly whispering against them, telling me how much he loved me. I thought of the couple on the elevator and how I’d had the most overwhelming sense of peace wash over my body after she talked to me.

  Josh and I had made love three times throughout the night. The first time had been the most beautiful. It had been slow, passionate, and full of nothing but pure love. The second had been in the bathtub. Josh had taken his time giving my body such careful attention. The third had been early this morning when I woke up to him tying me up and then blindfolding me. It had been hot and passionate lovemaking, the kind where I could totally just let myself be free.

  I smiled and shook my head as I looked out over the breathtaking garden. I took in a cleansing, deep breath. I would miss this house, but I knew what we were doing would be better for us and for the kids. We would make beautiful, sweet memories in the new house.

  “Mommy! Mommy, I’m up!”

  I stood and headed back into the house. I opened the door to the twins’ room and smiled when I saw two beautiful faces looking back at me. Libby began clapping, and she jumped out of bed following Will. He always stopped and let Libby hug first. It warmed my heart that he was already so kind and generous at his age. When Libby pulled back, Will showed his true three-year-old boy side. He pushed her to the side and bear-hugged me.

  “Will, you do not push your sister. Apologize now, please.”

  Will looked down at the ground. “I’m sowwy.”

  Libby smiled and kissed Will on the cheek. Life was good again—until they both ran to the bathroom and began fighting over who would pee first.

  I closed my eyes and thought, Just a few more weeks.

  I flopped down onto the sofa and let out a long, drawn-out moan. We had been unpacking for hours in the new house and I was exhausted.

  “Good Lord, we have a lot of shit.”

  I laughed and agreed with Josh. “Yes, and most of it is the kids’ stuff.”

  “Did you see Libby’s face when she walked into her room?”

  I nodded my head and giggled. “I don’t think she had any idea that when she’d said pink and green, that was what she was getting.”

  Josh chuckled. “When she saw the butterflies that Ari had painted on the wall, I almost shed a tear from how excited she was.”

  “What about Will and his horse-themed room?”

  “I’m telling you, Ari could make another career out of painting murals. Did you know she could paint like that?”

  I giggled. “Yeah. With Matthew having Fragile X, he is a visual learner. Ari began taking art classes when she was really young. She used to draw things for Matt. She actually taught Matt how to paint.”

  “Jeff told me that Matt was asked to be in an art show in Austin.”

  “Yep. He is so excited about it.”

  Josh yawned as he glanced over to me and pushed my leg. When I looked into his eyes, they were filled with nothing but lust.

  “I want to take you on every surface of this house.”

  I felt my stomach clench with anticipation. “Which surface first?”

  Josh gave me a wicked grin. “The kitchen island.”

  I stood up and quickly began stripping out of my clothes. I didn’t have any fear of the kids waking up with as much as they played today. Josh stood up, and before I knew it, he was naked and picking me up. He carried me into our new kitchen and then placed me on the cold stone counter. I let out a gasp. He crawled up, and I lay down as he spread my legs open to him with his knee. The smile he gave me caused me to smile even bigger. He pushed into me, and I let out a moan. When he pulled out, I gave him a look.

  “Hey.” I jutted out my lower lip and pouted.

  “Turn around, baby, and hold on to the edge of the counter.”

  I quickly moved and placed myself in position. I moaned as he pushed deeper inside me.

  “Yes…feels so good,” I whispered.

nbsp; He grabbed on to my hips and began moving in and out of me, fast and hard. I dropped my head and pushed back each time he pushed into me. I needed it deeper. I needed him to hit that one spot that would push me over the edge.

  Josh was moaning, and he kept repeating how good I felt. “Damn…Heather, baby, I’m so close.”

  I pushed back harder, and it hit the spot. I sprang my eyes open, and I was about to tell him I was close when I saw Libby sitting on the kitchen floor, looking up at me.

  Oh. My. God.


  “Yeah, baby, feels so good. You want it harder?”

  “Josh! Josh! Josh! Stop!”

  “Mmm…oh yeah, baby—wait, what? Stop?”

  I used my hand and began swatting back at him. “Stop! Libby! Libby is sitting here on the floor, looking up at me!”


  Josh pulled out of me so fast, and he jumped off the island. He ran into the laundry room, and the next thing I knew, he was running out with a towel wrapped around him. He handed me one, and I carefully wrapped it around me before getting off the island.

  Josh bent down and said, “Hey, baby girl. What are you doing down here?”

  “There was a butterfly flying in my room, and I followed it down here.”

  Josh looked at me, and I shrugged.

  “Baby, you can’t get up and walk around the house at night. This new house is way too big.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and looked at us.

  “Sleepwalking again?” I asked.

  Josh carefully picked her up, and she snuggled into his chest. My own butterflies took off in my stomach, just like they did every time I saw Josh holding our daughter. I loved seeing her so safe in his arms.

  We walked back up the stairs, and Josh placed a sleeping Libby into her bed. We stood there for a few minutes, just watching her. Josh motioned for us to leave. I carefully shut the door and then followed Josh into Will’s room. I had been pleasantly surprised that neither one of them threw a fit about not sleeping in the same room. I was hoping it hadn’t been because they were so tired and just hadn’t felt like it, but rather, they were ready to separate a little from one another.

  Josh and I quietly made our way back to the living room. We gathered our clothes and headed to our bedroom. We walked in, and I shut the door before we both busted out laughing. I fell onto the bed and held my stomach as I laughed my ass off.