Page 44 of Run for Your Life

  "Yes, thank God," she echoed, reciprocating Zach's loving support by squeezing his hand as he had hers. No one but the two of them understood quite how much this meant to him. More so since they were together—sharing the closing of this chapter, poised on the brink of a new and wonderful one.

  Zach's fingers tightened around hers.

  "So that's that?" Victoria asked Meyer.

  The agent took her cue. He shut the file and leaned forward, propping his elbows on his desk and nodding. "Yup. That's that. Case closed, at least from this end. Think you can go back to enjoying a mundane life with just one identity apiece?"

  "We'll manage," Zach assured him dryly. "Besides, I doubt our life will be mundane."

  "Yeah." Meyer's gaze flickered to the engagement ring on Victoria's left hand. "I doubt it, too. When's the wedding?"

  "In two weeks," Victoria replied. "I wanted my sister to be a little stronger. She's my maid of honor." A brief pause. "I also wanted to make sure my father would be free to give me away."

  Meyer eyed her thoughtfully. "I take it that's a question. All right, here's my answer. Your father crossed a helluva lot of ethical lines."

  "We're not discussing ethics. We're discussing the law."

  "I was getting to that." Meyer frowned in Zach's direction. "Does she ever let you finish a thought?"

  Zach's lips twitched. "Occasionally."

  "Right." Meyer sounded decidedly skeptical. "Anyway, according to the DA, your father's pretty much in the clear. He had no knowledge of the drug smuggling or the fraud, and no direct part in aiding and abetting Block and Dr. Kensington. He also had no idea they were keeping your sister sedated for their own protection rather than hers. His judgment sucks, as do his morals. But he did provide vital evidence. In fact, I got a call from the DA before I got yours, Hamilton.. Which means Walter Kensington freely gave over those pages that put the final nail in Block's coffin and made our job a lot easier. Granted, he did it to save his own skin, and his law firm's, but he did it nonetheless. My guess is he'll get a strong slap on the wrist and a warning from the Bar Association, then be sent home to deal with the lawsuits Waters, Kensington, Tatem and Calder are going to be fieid-ing." A hint of warmth softened Meyer's tone. "So. Ms. Kensington, I think it's safe to say you can plan on your father walking you down the aisle."

  "Thank you." Victoria cleared her throat. "And the others?"

  "If you mean your aunt, she won't be doing any more medical research, not at Mount Sinai or anywhere else. My guess is she'll be spending a fair amount of time in prison. Drug smuggling and trafficking is a serious offense, whether or not it's for humane purposes." Meyer shrugged. "But I'm sure your father will hook her up with a good criminal lawyer. She'll survive."

  "And Block?"

  Whatever traces of leniency Meyer had been feeling vanished. "He's scum—the classic seeker of power and wealth at all costs. No altruistic motives mere, and no conscience, either. He'll be disbarred and sent away for a long, long time."

  "I guess that means the senior partnership at Waters, Kensington, Tatem and Calder is out," Zach put in dryly.

  "I'd say that was a certainty." Meyer pushed back his chair and rose. "I think it's time you two got on with your lives. Thanks, from the FBI—and me personally—for everything you've done." He extended his hand to Victoria. "You're a smart, gutsy woman, Ms. Kensington."

  "Even if I am a bulldozer," Victoria reminded him, smiling as she shook his hand.

  "Yeah, even so." A broad grin. "I wish you and Hamilton a long, happy life together." He turned to Zach, gave him the same firm handshake. "Then again, I think that one's in the bag. I knew it from the start. The minute I saw the way you looked at her."

  "That morning in your office?" Victoria asked in surprise. "But we were delivering evidence. We were too riled up to—"

  "Not that time. The time before."

  She paused, totally mystified. "You and I never met before that day."

  "Maybe not, but I caught the expression on Hamilton's face when he first recognized you on our surveillance tape. Take it from a happily married man, your happiness is a done deal."

  * * *

  "A done deal, huh?" Victoria murmured, lying naked in Zach's arms. They were in his hotel suite, which was a mile closer to the field office than her apartment and had therefore become the destination of choice.

  A wise decision, since they'd never made it to the bed. In fact, Victoria had already finished unbuttoning Zach's shirt and was kissing her way down his chest, unfastening the belt on his pants as she did, by the time he groped behind him to throw the bolt on the suite door.

  They made love the first time right there where they stood, Zach lifting her against the wall and driving into her hard and fast, bracing his arms on either side of her to cushion her from the force of his thrusts. He brought her to an instant, violent climax then, seconds later, spurted into her as his own orgasm slammed through him.

  Still shuddering with aftershocks, he'd^arried her to the bed, lowered himself onto her, into her, that heated intensity still burning in his eyes. Their lovemaking had resumed, as fervent and consuming as it had been since they'd escaped from the Hope Institute six days ago.

  Maybe that was because they were more aware than ever how fragile life was, how lucky they were to have found each other again, to be safe and alive, and in each other's arms.

  And maybe it was because they never intended to forget that.

  Now, cradling her against him, Zach smiled, the lazy, possessive smile of a very happy, very sated man. "Yeah. A done deal. And happiness is too tame a word. How about elation? Or euphoria? I think those are far more fitting terms for our future." He sifted her hair through his fingers. "Wouldn't you agree?"

  "Oh, without question." Victoria smiled back, feeling more joy, more bone-deep contentment than she'd ever imagined. She draped her thigh over his and rubbed the arch of her foot against his calf. "Let's spend two weeks in this bed."

  He chuckled, his fingertips caressing her spine in teasing, seductive motions. "We have dinner with your uncle tonight. Tomorrow we have a morning of house hunting with the Realtor and an afternoon appointment with the Jack Russell breeder. And Sunday we have brunch at your parents' house. Or did you forget?"

  She kissed his neck, her own fingers gliding down his body with a distinct goal in mind. "I forget everything when you're inside me," she whispered.

  He groaned, shifting to give her better access. "So do I." A hard shudder racked his body as she found and stroked his erection. "We'll call and cancel," he ground out, teeth clenched. "The dinner, the Realtor, the breeder, the brunch—all of it."

  "We can't do that," she murmured, drawing out her caresses in a way that pushed him dangerously close. "My uncle's looking forward to showing you his sound system. I'm looking forward to finding the perfect house and the perfect Jackson puppy. And Audrey's looking forward to showing off her progress. She's eating three square meals a day. She's also seeing Dr. Osborne and, believe it or not, trying to start a civil, relatively healthy relationship with my father. What's happened seems to have mellowed him a little. Even my mother's noticed. She's cut down on her anti-depressants. So you see, we can't cancel our plans. Things in Greenwich are definitely looking up."

  She bent over, her lips and tongue following the path her fingers had taken. "Speaking of looking up ..."

  That did it.

  With a muffled curse, Zach rolled her to her back, wedged himself between her thighs, and thrust into her. She was wet, already aroused by their foreplay. He hooked her legs over his arms, angled her so he could penetrate her as deeply as possible, and began a relentless rhythm that had them both unraveling in seconds.

  Afterward, Zach propped himself on his elbows, stroking damp strands of hair off her face. "I'm insatiable when it comes to you. How do you expect me to let you out of this bed?"

  She smiled, looping her arms around his neck. "I don't. When I said let's spend two weeks in this bed, I meant our

  That didn't seem to please him. "Yeah, right. Some honeymoon. We're going to Europe, jumping from country to country to get my business affairs in order."

  "Correction. We're going to Europe, but not for business. And not to jump from country to country. In fact, we're not even going to the Europe you're expecting."

  "You lost me."

  Her eyes danced with mischief. "You're not the only one who's overbearing. I like running the show, too, remember?"

  A corner of his mouth lifted. "I remember. What did you have in mind?"

  "I contacted a vice president at each international location of Hamilton Enterprises. They were very cooperative when they heard our predicament. They say congratulations, by the way. They're already getting your affairs in order. Everything you need—from files, to bank accounts, to your suits and ties—is being put together and shipped. It'll be delivered to my apartment next week. Our plane tickets have been cashed in, and our hotel reservations canceled—both of which facts are being held in the strictest confidence. As far as the world's concerned, we're going to Europe."

  "Really?" Zach was openly grinning now. "And where will we be instead?"

  "I told you—this bed." Victoria patted the mattress. "Our own private taste of Europe. The place we first made love, and where we fell in love all over again. The Plaza Athénée. I know you planned on checking out this week. But I convinced the management to find other accommodations for the businessman they were assigning this suite to. I explained to them that it was our honeymoon, that Suite 1010 had particular significance to us, and that it would mean the world to us if they'd cater to our sentimentality. I was very convincing and very persistent. Anyway, the suite's ours until June third. Surprise."

  Zach stared at her for one flabbergasted minute. Then he began to laugh. "You really are a bulldozer. An amazing one, but a bulldozer nonetheless."

  "But you love me anyway."

  "More than life itself."

  "Then you like my arrangements?" she asked with mock innocence, arching her hips to draw him deeper inside her.

  His gaze darkened, and he lowered his mouth to hers. "What do you think?"

  * * * THE END * * *



  Andrea Kane, Run for Your Life

  (Series: # )




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