Page 1 of Jade

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page


  Dear Reader

  Title Page

  Books by Ruth Langan

  About The Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  As Jade started out the door,

  Reverend Weston reached for the

  bolt of fabric in her hand.

  “I can manage,” she protested.

  “I’m sure you can.” He took it, held the door, then followed her to her rig. After setting the fabric carefully in the back, he covered it with an old quilt to protect it from the dust of the trail.

  “Thank you.” She climbed aboard and caught up the reins. “But you might not want to be seen doing nice things for me, Reverend.” She gave a meaningful glance at the window of the mercantile. “After all, what will the good people of Hanging Tree think about their minister being seen with a wicked woman? They might decide you’re unfit to hold prayer meetings in their town.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about my reputation if I were you, Miss Jewel. You’ll have enough to worry about with your own.” He gave her a dangerous smile and tipped his hat before sauntering away.

  Dear Reader,

  Our very talented and multiaward-winning author Ruth Langan can now add USA Today bestselling author to her many accolades, and we at Harlequin Historicals would like to congratulate her and fellow Harlequin Historical author Mary McBride for making it onto the list with their short stories in our OUTLAW BRIDES collection. Ruth’s new series, THE JEWELS OF TEXAS, moves into full swing with this month’s Jade, the story of a small-town preacher who surrenders his soul to the town madam. Don’t miss this wonderful new story from one of our readers’ all-time favorite authors.

  In Kate Kingsley’s new Western, The Scout’s Bride, a determined young widow decides to accept the help of a rugged army scout who has made himself her unwanted protector. It’s a marriage-of-convenience story you won’t want to pass up if you enjoy a good Western.

  This month’s Lady Thorn, from Catherine Archer, about a Victorian heiress who falls in love with a sea captain, is—in the words of the reviewer from Affaire de Coeur—“impossible to put down.” And Josh Colter and Alexandria Gibson discover they are both looking for the same man in Susan Amarillas’s new Western, Wyoming Renegade. Susan’s last two books have won her 5* ratings from Affaire de Coeur, and fans have been eagerly awaiting this tale of two people who must choose between family, and love and honor.

  Whatever your taste in reading, we hope you’ll keep an eye out for all four titles wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.


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  Ruth Langan

  Books by Ruth Langan

  Harlequin Historicals

  Mistress of the Seas #10

  †Texas Heart #31

  *Highland Barbarian #41

  *Highland Heather #65

  *Highland Fire #91

  *Highland Heart #111

  †Texas Healer #131

  Christmas Miracle #147

  †Texas Hero #180

  Deception #196

  *The Highlander #228

  Angel #245

  *Highland Heaven #269

  ‡Diamond #305

  Dulcie’s Gift #324

  ‡Pearl #329

  ‡Jade #352

  Harlequin Books

  Harlequin Historicals Christmas Stories 1990

  “Christmas at Bitter Creek”

  Outlaw Brides “Maverick Hearts”

  †Texas Series

  *The Highland Series

  ‡The Jewels of Texas


  traces her ancestry to Scotland and Ireland. It is no surprise, then, that she feels a kinship with the characters in her historical novels.

  Married to her childhood sweetheart, she has raised five children and lives in Michigan, the state where she was born and raised.

  To Kelly Shea

  Langan and to her proud parents, Patty and Mike

  And, of course, to Tom, keeper of the flame

  Chapter One

  San Francisco


  “Come back to Texas with me, Ahn Lin.” Onyx Jewel lay among the tangled sheets, looking pleasantly sated.

  “You know I cannot.” The young woman crossed to the bed wearing a flowing crimson kimono embroidered with Oriental symbols. She had sashed the robe carelessly, leaving as much revealed as covered.

  He watched the fluid walk, enjoying the sway of her hips, the jut of her breasts, the subtle billowing of silk with each movement.

  She was the most exotic creature he had ever known. Tiny, delicate and perfectly formed. Hair as black as a raven’s wing, falling nearly to her hips. Pouting lips that begged to be kissed. And dark eyes that seemed to see clear to a man’s soul.

  “Can’t?” His voice was little more than a whispered growl. “Or won’t?”

  Instead of a reply she held out a tray filled with an assortment of sliced fruits. Pomegranates, passion fruit, and mangoes were arranged in pleasing symmetry. It was possible, on the docks of this cosmopolitan city, to choose from the best the world had to offer. And here in the Golden Dragon, the city’s most opulent pleasure palace, a man could find a world of delights. The rooms were filled with the finest Irish crystal, Oriental silks. The rugs beneath their feet were Turkish, the bed hangings Belgian lace.

  “Eat,” she said with a smile. “It will soothe the beast in you.”

  “It isn’t food this animal needs.” He caught her wrist, and she was, as always, jolted by the strength in this Texan who had stolen her heart.

  Though she had built the most impressive hotel in San Francisco, a city known for its excesses, she had been careful to hold herself apart from all who came here to partake of its pleasures. Until Onyx Jewel. This larger-than-life cattle baron was the most fearless adventurer Ahn Lin had ever met. And though she had tried to resist him, in the end she had been completely won over by his charms.

  “We have spoken of this before.” Her voice carried the melody of her homeland. “Why must you continue to taunt me with what we can never have?”

  He drew her fractionally closer, his eyes never leaving hers. “You said yourself it was a marriage in name only. For God’s sake, Ahn Lin, you were only three years old. And he was your grandfather’s best friend. By now he would be—” he mentally calculated “—seventy or eighty years old.”

  “It does not matter. Until he dies I am bound to him, and he to me. I must respect the tradition—”

  “Damn tradition! He’ll never leave China. And you’ll never return.”

  She placed a hand on his naked chest and felt her heartbeat quicken. How could it be that she could want him again so soon? But she needed only to touch him and she was lost.

  In a breathless tone she sai
d, “Do not ask of me what I cannot give. Is it not enough that you are the only man in my life? And that I have given you what I can never give him?”

  At that moment there was a knock on the door. Just a light rap, but Ahn Lin withdrew and stood a little away from the bed before she called, “Enter.”

  An older woman in traditional Chinese garb stepped back to allow a graceful young woman to precede her.

  “I bring greetings, honorable Father.” The stunningly beautiful young woman bowed her head as her tutor had instructed, staring at a spot on the floor, and folded her hands as though in prayer.

  Ahn Lin clapped her hands and the girl’s head came up. But it was her father’s voice, rich and warm with humor, that put the sparkle in her eyes.

  “Come here, Jade, and give me a kiss,” he called.

  Ahn Lin stood to one side and watched the easy display of affection between father and daughter. And though the girl was small and dark haired like her mother, to the discerning eye she bore the unmistakable look of her American father.

  This child would be the bridge between their two cultures. And though the mother would always be bound to that land across the sea, it was with a fierce sense of pride that she realized her daughter would know the freedom she herself would never know, the legacy of this bold Texan.

  “How long can you stay, Father?” the girl whispered against his cheek.

  “I leave in the morning.” Out of the corner of his eye Onyx saw Ahn Lin stiffen. He knew that his words caused her pain. But there was nothing he could do about it. Ironic, he thought, that he controlled millions of dollars, and could command the ear of the president himself, but couldn’t persuade one small, obstinate female to return with him to his home in Texas, so they could live like a proper family.

  “Will I have a chance to visit with you before you leave, Father?”

  He ruffled the girl’s hair and brushed his lips over her temple. “You know you will. I have a special birthday present for you.”

  “A present?”

  “It isn’t every day Onyx Jewel’s daughter turns sixteen.”

  She clapped her hands in delight and gave him one last kiss, then returned to her tutor’s side. Assuming a formal pose, she bowed slightly and said, “I bid you good afternoon, honorable Father.”

  Ahn Lin bowed in return, while Onyx winked and blew her a kiss. She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her giggles, and trailed from the room.

  When the door closed, there was an uncomfortable silence. Onyx reached out a hand and pulled Ahn Lin to him. The plate of fruit dropped to the floor, but neither of them took notice. For they were filled with the knowledge that this one day of passion would have to last until next they could be together.

  If the Fates were kind.

  In a separate suite of rooms, Jade paced. She had seen her father arrive that morning, bearing an armload of mysterious parcels and boxes. As always, he had gone immediately to her mother’s suite of rooms, where he had remained sequestered for the day.

  Jade had been trained since birth to curb her impatience and hide her true feelings under a veil of inscrutability. But this day her emotions were incapable of being contained. She had been so distracted during her French lesson, her tutor had given up in despair. When Aunt Lily had sent her to the docks with Cook to purchase fresh fish, her feet had fairly flown along the streets. When she’d returned and found her father and mother still in their rooms, she had sulked and refused her lunch, even though it was her favorite—spiced chicken and rice.

  Now, having been assured by her father that they would spend some time together, she was desperate for the hours to fly by.

  Even her tutor’s promise of a boat ride on the bay failed to elicit the excitement Jade usually felt. When they returned, Jade’s cheeks were abloom, her eyes alight with anticipation.

  In her room she found her parents waiting. Both Onyx and Ahn Lin wore identical looks of flushed pleasure.

  Jade rushed into her father’s arms. “I have missed you. You have been away too long.”

  “I know. Am I forgiven?”

  She absorbed his quiet strength, his easy affection, and felt her heart soar with love.

  “Why don’t you open your gifts?” He turned her toward the bed, piled high with beribboned boxes.

  With a laugh of delight she tore into the packages, to reveal elegant gowns, bonnets and parasols from New York, Paris and London. There were soaps in the shape of roses and violets. There were shoes made of calfskin, satin and fur.. There was a hooded floor-length cape of raw silk, lined with ermine, for those days when the cold winds blew in from the bay.

  With each gift, Jade’s eyes grew bigger, her sighs softer. And after admiring each gift, she rushed to her father with another kiss.

  “I thought you might wear this tonight,” he said casually as he offered her yet another parcel.

  She lifted the lid to reveal a traditional Chinese gown of bright green silk with a mandarin collar and frog fasteners.

  “Oh, Father, I have no words. It is so beautiful.”

  “No more than you. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman, Jade,” Onyx said softly. “Almost as beautiful as your mother.”

  It was the highest compliment he could have paid her, and Jade felt her throat constrict.

  “I’d like you and your mother to join me downstairs for a special birthday dinner,” he said.

  Downstairs. With the guests. It was a rare occasion indeed. “Thank you, honorable Father.” Jade glanced shyly at her mother and saw that she, too, was surprised. Though Jade had grown up in this business, she was kept apart from it. “I would like that.”

  “Good. Your mother and I will go now. Join us when you’re ready.”

  Onyx caught Ahn Lin’s hand and the two strolled from the room.

  When she was alone, Jade danced around and around, pausing only long enough to examine each of her gifts again. Then, when a maid arrived to help her dress, she felt the smooth slide of silk against her flesh. Her waist-length hair was brushed until it gleamed. The maid secured it with jeweled combs and draped it over Jade’s shoulder, allowing it to spill across one breast.

  When Jade examined herself in the looking glass, she caught her breath. She looked different somehow. Older, maybe. Or was it only her imagination?

  Laughing, she danced from the room and down the stairs to join her parents. Finding the private dining room empty, she hurried into the more public rooms. There the air was scented with French perfume, incense and the rich sting of cigars. There was the deep rumble of male voices and the higher trill of feminine laughter. Glasses clinked. In the background music played softly. A lute, a violin, a piano. All carefully calculated to soothe away the cares of the outside world.

  Jade stepped through the doorway into yet another room. Several men sat around a table holding cards. A woman in a shimmering, low-cut gown held the deck, dealing slowly.

  As Jade watched the players, one man’s head came up and his gaze locked on her. For the space of a heartbeat she couldn’t move.

  He was not dressed like the others, in the garb of a gentleman, but rather in the rough garments of the trail. There was an aura of danger about him. Except for a tattered cowhide jacket, he was all in black. Black shirt and vest over black trousers tucked into black boots. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat from which streamed a lion’s mane of golden hair. His bearded face was in shadow. It was obvious that he had been on the move, and hadn’t taken time to shave. A stubbly growth of dull red-blond hair covered his cheeks and chin, masking his features. But she saw his lips, full and sensuous, curve into a lazy smile. And saw his eyes gleam like a cat’s. Smoke curled from a cigar in his hand. On his finger was a ring of twisted gold, with an amber stone that caught and reflected the light of hundreds of candles massed on the mantel. From the pile of chips in front of him, it was obvious that he was winning.

  Jade had grown up in a house that catered to such men. None had ever affected her. But standing her
e, feeling his gaze on her, she couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe. He was the most arresting, fascinating man she’d ever seen.

  “Here you are. Cook has prepared a special dinner.” Onyx, with Ahn Lin beside him, halted next to his daughter. “We’re eating in that little alcove.” He offered his arm, and Jade moved along at his side until they reached their table.

  All through dinner she could feel the stranger’s eyes watching her. Even when he seemed engrossed in the cards, she could feel his attention wandering to her. And though she didn’t know why, she felt strangely exhilarated. Deliciously wicked.

  When a servant brought tea and special little cakes with candles, Jade closed her eyes and made a wish, then blew out the candles.

  “What did you wish for?” Ahn Lin asked gently.

  Jade felt her cheeks grow hot.

  “If she tells, she won’t get her wish,” her father admonished.

  Grateful for his words, Jade expelled her breath in a long sigh. For in truth she had wished for something… someone… dangerous. Someone forbidden to her. Never before had she entertained such thoughts. And she knew she had no right to them. Not now. Perhaps not ever.

  Onyx reached into his pocket. “I have one more gift for you, Jade.” He removed a small jeweler’s case. Lifting the lid, he said, “I want you to wear this always.” He held up a gold rope on which rested two magnificent stones. One was black, the other green. “The black stone is onyx. The green is jade,” he explained. “They represent the two of us.”

  Jade felt tears sting her eyes as her father placed it around her neck and fastened it. Sharing her emotion, he kissed both of her cheeks, then caught her hands in his and stared deeply into her eyes. “I can’t always be the father I’d like to be. But know this, my darling. No matter what, I will always be with you. Even after I leave this world, I’ll move heaven and earth to watch out for you.”