Page 21 of Jade

  She smiled. “You’re sounding almost grumpy. Do I detect nerves, Reverend?”

  He jammed his hands into his pockets to keep from touching her. “I don’t understand it. I’ve preached a hundred times or more. It’s never bothered me before. And today I don’t even have to give a sermon. All that’s required is a few simple words. But I’ve been up since dawn, just trying to remember my name.”

  “I can understand why. You’ve had so many. Would you prefer Reverend Simpson?” she asked, stepping close enough to skim a hand down his arm. “Or Dan?”

  He closed his hand over hers. Sunlight spilling through the window turned his amber eyes to flame. “How about calling me—” he drew her into the circle of his arms and brushed her lips with his “-husband?”

  At once all the pent-up passion brought a rush of heat that left them weak.

  “It’s what I want more than anything.”

  “And I want you.” He kissed her until she was breathless. “Only you, Jade. I want—”

  The door was thrown open, and Diamond whispered fiercely, “The guests are starting to fidget. You’d better get downstairs fast.” Seeing what she’d interrupted, she said lamely, “Oh. Sorry. But the children are eyeing those cakes and pies. There won’t be any left if you don’t hurry.”

  “All right,” Nevada said through gritted teeth. “We’ll be right down.”

  When the door closed he pressed his forehead against Jade’s. “Now, where was I?” He began nibbling her temple, her cheek, her ear. “Oh, yes. I remember. I want—”

  The door was thrown open again, and Ruby whispered, “Chéfie. You will have the rest of your life for that. Right now you must hurry. The men have just hung the bell on the top of the building and they have worked up a tremendous appetite. They are threatening to eat everything before the service even begins.”

  “Bell?” Jade and Nevada asked in unison.

  “Oh.” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “It was to be a surprise. It is your wedding gift from the townspeople. So that you can call them to meetings.”

  When the door closed, Jade took one look at Nevada’s face and burst into laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” he demanded.

  “You,” she said, laughing even harder. “If you intend to minister to the needs of the entire town, you’d better get used to surprises. And interruptions.”

  “But can’t a man have a few minutes alone with his bride?”

  “Almost bride,” she reminded him. “And if we don’t get downstairs soon, there won’t be time for the wedding.”

  With a sigh he offered his arm. As she linked her arm to his, she studied his strong, proud profile. He looked just as she remembered from the first time she’d seen him. Handsome. Mysterious. And hers. All hers.

  He turned to her, and her heart stopped.

  “I love you, Jade. With all my heart and soul. And I promise you that I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.”

  As they started down the stairs toward the waiting throng, she felt her heart overflowing with happiness. And as they spoke their vows to one another, he removed a ring from his pocket and slipped it on her finger. A ring of twisted gold, with an amber stone that caught and reflected the light of hundreds of candles.

  “This was the only thing of value my father had to give me,” he murmured. “And I give it to you, Jade, along with my heart.”

  She stared at the symbol of his love through a shimmer of tears. “You’re wrong,” she whispered. “Your father left something much more valuable. You, to restore his family name to its rightful place of honor.”

  When the vows were spoken, they drew together in a tender kiss, while the crowd murmured their approval.

  Oh, honorable Father. You knew all along, didn’t you? You were right here by my side the whole time. The legacy you left me was not one of loneliness. Instead, you found a way for me to have it all. Satisfying work. A chance to remain here in Texas with my new sisters. And best of all, the man of my dreams.

  Her tutor had been wrong. Man was not her enemy. Nor was he a necessary evil. He was her heart’s desire. The love of her life.

  With Nevada, the Reverend Dan Simpson, as her husband, she was prepared for everything the future had to offer.

  For love, true and enduring love, really was the greatest adventure of all.

  * * * * *

  eISBN 978-14592-6789-3


  Copyright © 1997 by Ruth Ryan Langan

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  Ruth Ryan Langan, Jade

  (Series: Jewels of Texas # 2)




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