The cloud of Divisas spiraled around the two maimed bodies for hours. The men of Torment had finally arrived at the site of their master’s demise.
The men of Torment watched as the needlepoint of a one-way portal snapped open and then shut, depositing a mysterious man into their midst.
Uncontested by the bewildered Sadists the silent figure grabbed the ankles of both Fake and Andin and began dragging their bodies towards the edge. The Divisas dove in to attack but were repelled by a glass shield. Fake and Andin left a muddy streak of blood in the dirt.
The mysterious man reached the edge of the plane and looked down into the void. The man knelt and marked their bloody faces with a thick green paste. He rolled Fake and Andin’s limp bodies into the consuming nothingness of the void. The man looked back at the army of Sadists once more before casually stepping off of the Plane of Torment.
Epilogue – The Origin Story
In the beginning, Vita and Mortem wandered the void alone. Their lonesome hearts carved the cosmos from nothing. Inevitably, the lost lovers crossed paths.
In their passion they birthed a son, Tempus. Together, the three became the Divine Triumvirate. With painstaking effort, they created a magnificent world of beauty and riches.
The three created the the spark that became the first mortal being. Aeons passed and they watched in awe as life took root and grew into all imaginable shapes and forms. Of their creations, the three admired humans the most, for they on their own discovered the magical sciences and were capable of love.
But the universe seeks balance in all things. Odium manifested in a mockery of the gods’ achievements, the antithesis of the splendor and love of the new world. The dark being prowled the stars filled with wild hatred for all things.
Vita, Mortem, and Tempus revealed themselves to mankind, blessing their achievements. Reflected in the ingenuity and love humans were capable of, the three gods saw their own ultimate purpose in the universe.
Selflessly, the Triumvirate forged the Seed of Creation; the crystal dynamo that could give the power to create worlds to humanity.
Their final task complete, the three rested until mankind was ready to fulfill their destiny and conquer the stars themselves, thus ending the reign of the gods.
Vita, the goddess of life, slept in the heart of the sun. Mortem, the god of death, slept in the heart of the world. Tempus, the god of time, slept within the moon.
As the gods slept, humanity grew bolder and stronger. They tamed the wilds and warred with each other, committing both loving and terrible deeds. Mankind grew greater in its capacity for both good and evil.
On an evil day, Odium found the world. He saw the handiwork of the gods before his eyes. With the Seed he could finally end all that he hated and that which he hated utmost, himself.
Odium descended to the world and corrupted the greatest of the nations. He twisted the blessing of the gods to his own ends. Odium used his influence to corrupt the Seed of Creation. The spirits howled in protest at his defilement, awakening their keeper, Mortem.
Mortem attacked Odium to defend the Seed. Alone, Mortem could not defeat the consuming hatred of Odium. He fled to the moon where Tempus slept. Mortem sent Tempus down to the world to rally the armies of men and assault Odium’s kingdom. Mortem continued on to awaken his bride.
With Tempus on the field of battle the tide turned in the Triumvirate’s favor. Yet, even the mighty armies of the great nations could not breach Odium’s inner sanctum where the dark one worked feverishly to corrupt the Seed.
Finally reunited, the three crushed Odium’s armies and breached his last defenses. Odium had corrupted half of the Seed, giving him unequaled power.
The four gods waged war in the heart of the world. It was soon clear to the three that Odium could not be defeated. The Triumvirate surrounded Odium and sacrificed themselves to destroy the enemy.
As the power of the gods was unleashed within the world, the jewel of the universe shattered. The world was broken.
But the spark of life cannot be extinguished. The souls of all living things clung to the broken slabs of earth, now suspended in the void, surrounding the heart of the world.
With the first gods gone, mankind was reborn as both mortal and immortal on the elemental planes.
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