Eaton, William, Ref1
Ebadi, Shirin, Ref1, Ref2
Echo House (Just), Ref1
Eckert, Penelope, Ref1
Economist, The, Ref1
Eddy, Mary Baker, Ref1
Edel, Uli, Ref1
Eden, Anthony, Ref1
Education of Henry Adams (Adams), Ref1
Edward III of England, Ref1
Edward VII of England, Ref1
Edwards, Jonathan, Ref1
Edwards, Jorge, Ref1
Egypt, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Eid, Wissam, Ref1
Eide, Kai, Ref1, Ref2
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (Marx), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Einstein, Albert, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Einstein’s Monsters (Amis), Ref1
Eisenhower, Dwight, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Eisenstein, Sergei, Ref1
Eisner, Kurt, Ref1
El Djem, Ref1, Ref2
electricity, Ref1
El Ghriba, Ref1
Elgin Marbles, Ref1, Ref2
El Greco, Ref1
Eliot, George
Dickens and, Ref1, Ref2
Middlemarch, Ref1
Said and, Ref1
Scenes of Clerical Life, Ref1
Eliot, T. S.
Auden and, Ref1
“Gerontion,” Ref1
For Lancelot Andrewes, Ref1
New English Bible and, Ref1
Orwell and, Ref1
Pound and, Ref1
Spender and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
The Waste Land, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Elisabeth of Austria, Ref1, Ref2
Elizabeth I of England, Ref1, Ref2
Elizabeth II of England, Ref1
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, Ref1
Emancipation Proclamation, Ref1
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Ref1, Ref2
Empire of the Sun (Ballard), Ref1
Empire of the Sun (movie), Ref1
Empson, William, Ref1
Enchanter, The (Nabokov), Ref1, Ref2
Encounter, Ref1, Ref2
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ref1
End of the Affair, The (Greene), Ref1, Ref2
Engels, Friedrich, Ref1
The Communist Manifesto, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Dickens and, Ref1
Lincoln and, Ref1
England, Lynndie, Ref1
English boarding schools, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
“Englishness,” Ref1
English Reformation, Ref1, Ref2
English Review, Ref1
English Revolution, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Enlightenment, Ref1, Ref2
Enright, D. J., Ref1
Ensslin, Gudrun, Ref1
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, Ref1, Ref2
Ephron, Nora, Ref1
Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Pope), Ref1
Epstein, Barbara, Ref1
Erbil, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Eros, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Escalante, Aníbal, Ref1
Esperanto, Ref1
eugenics, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Eugenides, Jeffrey, Ref1
euro currency, Ref1
European Common Market, Ref1
European Constitution, Ref1
European Union (EU), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Evans, Mary Ann, Ref1
Everyone’s Gone to the Moon (Norman), Ref1
exchange value, Ref1
Exercises/Explorations (Spender), Ref1
Exner, Judith Campbell, Ref1
Exodus, Ref1, Ref2
Experience (Amis), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Explaining Hitler (Rosenbaum), Ref1
Expo (magazine), Ref1
Eyre, Edward John, Ref1
Ezra Pound: Poet, Vol. I, 1885–1920 (Moody), Ref1
Faber & Faber, Ref1, Ref2
Falkland Islands, Ref1
Fallahian, Ali, Ref1
Fall of Berlin 1945, The (Beevor), Ref1
false witness, Ref1
Fannie Mae, Ref1
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), Ref1
fascism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, Ref1
Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), Ref1
Faulkner, William
Deep South and, Ref1
Mitford and, Ref1
“Raid,” Ref1
Requiem for a Nun, Ref1
Fawkes, Guy, Ref1
Fayyad, Salim, Ref1
Federal Highway Administration, Ref1
Federalist No. Ref1, Ref2
Federalist No. Ref1, Ref2
Federal Reserve, Ref1
Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations, Ref1
Feinberg, Kenneth, Ref1
Felician College, Ref1
Fellow Travelers (Mallon), Ref1
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Ref1
“Female of the Species, The” (Kipling), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Fenton, James, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Ferguson, Miriam A. (“Ma”), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Ferguson, Niall, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Fest, Joachim, Ref1
Fielding, Helen, Ref1
filler words, Ref1
financial crisis of 2008, Ref1
Finkel, Alvin, In Our Time: The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion, Ref1
Finkielkraut, Alain, Ref1
Fire, The (Friedrich), Ref1
First Amendment, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Fischer, Joschka, Ref1
FitzGerald, Edward, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Ref1, Ref2
Fitzgerald, Penelope, The Gate of Angels, Ref1
Flanner, Janet, Ref1
Flashman series (Fraser), Ref1, Ref2
Flash for Freedom! (Fraser), Ref1
Flashman and the Dragon (Fraser), Ref1
Flashman and the Tiger (Fraser), Ref1, Ref2
Flashman on the March (Fraser), Ref1, Ref2
Flashman’s Lady (Fraser), Ref1
Flaubert, Gustave, Ref1
Bouvard and Pecuchet, Ref1
Sentimental Education, Ref1, Ref2
Fleet Street, Ref1
Fleming, Ian, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Flynn, Errol, Ref1
Focus on the Family, Ref1
Foley, Charles, Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters, Ref1
Food and Drugs Act, Ref1
Foot, Michael, Ref1
Ford, Ford Madox
The Good Soldier, Ref1
West and, Ref1
Ford, Gerald, Ref1
Foreign Affairs, “The Case for Humanitarian Intervention” (September/October 2008), Ref1
Foreign Policy, Ref1
For Lancelot Andrewes (Eliot), Ref1
Forster, E. M.
Howards End, Ref1
“Two Cheers for Democracy,” Ref1
Forster, John, Ref1, Ref2
Fort Hood, Ref1
Forward From Liberalism (Spender), Ref1
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), Ref1
Founding Fathers, religion and, Ref1
Four Stages of Cruelty, The (Hogarth), Ref1
Fox, Charles James, Ref1
Fox TV, Ref1
France, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Algeria and, Ref1
Burke and, Ref1
Islamic scarf controversy in, Ref1
Jefferson and, Ref1
Francis, Philip, Ref1
Francis of Assisi, Saint, Ref1
Franco, Francisco, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Franco-Prussian War, Ref1
Frank, Anne, Ref1
Franken, Al, Ref1
Franklin, Benjamin, Ref1
Autobiography, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
“How to secure Houses, &c. From Lightning,” Ref1
Franz Ferdinand of Austria, Ref1
Fraser, George MacDonald, Ref1, Ref2
series, Ref1, Ref2
Frayn, Michael, Ref1, Ref2
The Tin Men, Ref1, Ref2
Towards the End of the Morning, Ref1
Freddie Mac, Ref1
Frederick William IV of Prussia, Ref1
Free Church of Scotland, Ref1
“Freedom of the Press, The” (Orwell), Ref1, Ref2n, Ref3
Freedom Party of Austria, Ref1
Freedom Riders, Ref1
Freedom’s Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention (Bass), Ref1
free markets, Ref1
Freemasonry, Ref1
free trade, and Barbary Wars, Ref1, Ref2
French Communist Party, Ref1, Ref2
French Revolution, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Burke and, Ref1
Freud, Sigmund, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Friedman, Milton, Ref1
Friedman, Thomas, Ref1
Friedrich, Jörg, The Fire, Ref1
Fromm, Erich, Ref1
From Russia with Love (Fleming), Ref1
Front for the Liberation of Quebec, Ref1
Front Page The (movie), Ref1
Froude, J. A., Ref1
frugality, and Franklin, Ref1
Frum, David, Ref1
“fuck off,” Ref1
Fugitive Slave Act, Ref1, Ref2
fundamentalism, Ref1
Funk, Walther, Ref1
funniness, and women, Ref1
“funniness scale,” Ref1
Furner, Emmit, Ref1
Galbraith, John Kenneth, Affluent Society, Ref1
Galbraith, Peter, Ref1
Galileo Galilei, Ref1, Ref2
Gallatin, Albert, Ref1, Ref2
Gandhi, Mahatma, Ref1
Ganz, Bruno, Ref1
Garrick, David, Ref1
Garrick Club, Ref1
Garrison, William Lloyd, Ref1
Gate of Angels, The (Fitzgerald), Ref1
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, Ref1
Gauguin, Paul, Ref1
Gaul, Ref1
gay marriage, Ref1
gays in the military, Ref1, Ref2
Gaza Strip, Ref1
Geller, Uri, Ref1, Ref2
Gemayel, Pierre, Ref1
General in His Labyrinth, The (Márquez), Ref1
General Order Number One, Ref1
Genesis, Ref1, Ref2
Geneva Bible, Ref1
Geneva Conventions, Ref1
“genocide,” Ref1
George VI of England, Ref1
Gerard, John, Ref1
German Feline, The, Ref1
German Foreign Office, Ref1
German Revolution of 1918-19, Ref1
Germany, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
Baader Meinhof and, Ref1
Baker and, Ref1
Buchanan and, Ref1
Euro currency and, Ref1
Hitler and, Ref1
Klemperer and, Ref1
Sebald and, Ref1
“Gerontion” (Eliot), Ref1
Gettysburg, Ref1
Gettysburg Address, Ref1
Ghannouchi, Rachid, Ref1
Giancana, Sam, Ref1
Gibbon, Edward, Ref1, Ref2
Gibraltar, Ref1
Gibson, Mel, Ref1
Gide, André, Ref1, Ref2
Gilbert and Sullivan, Ref1
Gilson, Charles, Ref1
Gingrich, Newt, Ref1
Ginzburg, Eugenia, Ref1
Girl, Ref1 (Amis), Ref2, Ref3
Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, The (Larsson), Ref1
Girl Who Played with Fire, The (Larsson), Ref1, Ref2
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson), Ref1
Girodias, Maurice, Ref1, Ref2
Gladstone, William, Ref1
Glanz, James, Ref1, Ref2
Globe Theatre, Ref1
Gobineau, Arthur de, Ref1
Godfather, The (Puzo), Ref1, Ref2
God’s Secretaries (Nicolson), Ref1
God That Failed, The (Koestler), Ref1
Goebbels, Joseph, Ref1, Ref2
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
“Going, Going” (Larkin), Ref1
Goislard, Bettina, Ref1
Golden Age, The (Vidal), Ref1
Goldhagen, Daniel, Hitler’s Willing Executioners, Ref1
Goldsmith, Oliver, Ref1
gold standard, Ref1
Goldstein, Emmanuel, Ref1, Ref2
Goldziher, Ignaz, Ref1, Ref2
Gollancz, Victor, Ref1
gonorrhea, Ref1
Gonville & Caius College, Ref1
González, Elián, Ref1
Good Bye, Lenin! (movie), Ref1
Goodbye to Berlin (Isherwood), Ref1, Ref2
Good Soldier, The (Ford), Ref1
Good Soldier Schweik, The (Hašek), Ref1
Gorbachev, Mikhail, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Gordimer, Nadine, Ref1
Gordon, George, Ref1, Ref2
Gordon Riots, Ref1
Gorky, Maxim, Ref1
Goya, Francisco, Ref1
Graham, Billy, Ref1
Graham, Katharine, Ref1, Ref2
Graham, Sheilah, Ref1
Gramsci, Antonio, Ref1
Grass, Günter, Crabwalk, Ref1, Ref2
Graves, William, Ref1
Gray, Thomas, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” Ref1, Ref2
Great Contemporaries (Churchill), Ref1, Ref2
Great Dictator, The (movie), Ref1
Great Melody, The (O’Brien), Ref1
Greece, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Greek Revolution of 1843, Ref1
Greeley, Horace, Ref1
Greeman, Richard, Victor Serge: The Course Is Set on Hope, Ref1
Green, Benny, Ref1
Green Berets, Ref1
Greene, Graham, Ref1
Allende and, Ref1
Brighton Rock, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Buchan and, Ref1, Ref2
The Comedians, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
The End of the Affair, Ref1, Ref2
The Heart of the Matter, Ref1, Ref2
Maugham and, Ref1
Orient Express, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Our Man in Havana, Ref1, Ref2
The Quiet American, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Travels With My Aunt, Ref1, Ref2
Upward and, Ref1
Waugh and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Ways of Escape, Ref1, Ref2
Greene, Vivien, Ref1
Greenmantle (Buchan), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Greenspan, Alan, Ref1
Gregory, Dick, Ref1
Grenada, Ref1
Gresham’s law, Ref1
Griffith, Arthur, Ref1
Grigson, Geoffrey, Ref1
Grossman, David, Ref1
“Grove of Ashtaroth, The” (Buchan), Ref1
Guardian, The, Ref1, Ref2
“Fleet Street’s Finest: From Waugh to Frayn” (December 3, 2005), Ref1
“Marx’s Journalism: The Grub Street Years” (June 16, 2007), Ref1
Gulbenkian, Nubar, Ref1
Gulu Children of War Rehabilitation Center, Ref1
Gunn, Thomas, The Sense of Movement, Ref1
Gurion, Ben, Ref1
Hadj, Messali, Ref1
Hadley, Stephen, Ref1
Haffner, Sebastian, The Meaning of Hitler, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Haggard, Ted, Ref1
Haider, Jörg, Ref1
Hain, Peter, Ref1
Hair (musical), Ref1
Haiti, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Hakakian, Roya, Ref1
Halabja, Ref1
Halder, Franz, Ref1
Halifax, E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of, Ref1, Ref2
Halvorssen, Thor, Ref1
Hamas, Ref1, Ref2
Hamedeh, Abu-Abdel Monaam, Ref1
Hamilton, Alexander, Ref1, Ref2
Hamlet (movie), Ref1
“Hampstead Autumn” (Spender), Ref1
l of Dust, A (Waugh), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Hannibal, Ref1
Harcourt, Brace, Ref1
Hardball with Chris Matthews (TV show), Ref1, Ref2
Hard Times (Dickens), Ref1
Hari, Johann, Ref1
Hariri, Rafik, Ref1
Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer), Ref1
Harper, Stephen, Ref1
Harpers Ferry, Ref1, Ref2
Harris, Arthur, Ref1
Harrison, William Henry, Ref1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Rowling), Ref1
Hart, Armando, Ref1
Harvard University, Ref1
Harvest of Sorrow, The (Conquest), Ref1
Hasan, Nidal Malik, Ref1
Hastings, Warren, Ref1, Ref2
Hawi, George, Ref1
Hawking, Stephen, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Ref1
Haxton, Gerald, Ref1, Ref2
Hay, John, Ref1
Hazara, Ref1
Hazlitt, William, Ref1, Ref2
Headley, Joel Tyler, Ref1
Healey, Denis, Ref1, Ref2
Hearst, William Randolph, Ref1
Heart of the Matter, The (Greene), Ref1, Ref2
Heath, Edward, Ref1
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Ref1, Ref2
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, Ref1
“Hell It Can’t, The” (Bellow), Ref1
Hellman, Lillian, Ref1
Helms, Jesse, Ref1
Hemings, Sally, Ref1, Ref2
Hemingway, Erneset, Ref1
Hemingway, Ernest
Death in the Afternoon, Ref1
Greene and, Ref1
Twain and, Ref1
For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ref1, Ref2
Henderson, Neville, Ref1
Henderson the Rain King (Bellow), Ref1
Hendrix, Jimi, Ref1
Henry VIII of England, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Hensley, Gary, Ref1
Hernandez, Melba, Ref1
Herodotus, Ref1
Herrera v. Collins, Ref1
Herring, Bathsheba, Ref1
Hersh, Seymour, The Dark Side of Camelot, Ref1
Herzl, Theodor
Altneuland, Ref1
Klemperer and, Ref1, Ref2
Herzog (Bellow), Ref1
Hezbollah, Ref1
Hicks, Bill, Ref1
hijabs, Ref1, Ref2
Hindenburg, Paul von, Ref1
Histoire de la France (Maurois), Ref1
History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 (Roberts), Ref1
History of the Russian Revolution (Trotsky), Ref1
Hitch-22 (Hitchens), Ref1
Hitler, Adolf, Ref1, Ref2
Amis and, Ref1, Ref2
Baker and, Ref1
Buchanan and, Ref1
Klemperer and, Ref1, Ref2
Larsson and, Ref1
Mein Kampf, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Mitford and, Ref1
Orwell and, Ref1, Ref2
Sebald and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Upward and, Ref1
Waugh and, Ref1
West and, Ref1, Ref2
Hitler 1889–1936: Hubris (Kershaw), Ref1
Hitler-Stalin Pact, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), Ref1
Hobbes, Thomas, Ref1
Hobsbawm, Eric, Ref1