health issues and, Ref1, Ref2
miracles and, Ref1, Ref2
pedophilia among, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
rational resistance and, Ref1
and relationship between morality and religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Celestial Mechanics (Laplace), Ref1
cervical cancer, Ref1, Ref2
Chambers, Whittaker, Ref1
chaos theory, Ref1
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Ref1
child abuse, Ref1
abortion and, Ref1
circumcision and, Ref1
immoral teaching and practice in, Ref1
indoctrination and, Ref1
masturbation taboo and, Ref1
and threat of eternal punishment, Ref1
torture and, Ref1, Ref2
Child in Time, The (McEwan), Ref1
China, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
Christians, Christianity, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14
apocalypse and, Ref1
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
cargo cults and, Ref1
child abuse and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
conversion of Jews and Muslims to, Ref1
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Eastern beliefs and, Ref1
health issues and, Ref1, Ref2
King and, Ref1
Koran and, Ref1
miracles and, Ref1, Ref2
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
ref1ormism in, Ref2, Ref3
and relationship between morality and religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
revelation arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
slavery and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
Cicero, Ref1, Ref2
circumcision, Ref1, Ref2
child abuse and, Ref1
health issues and, Ref1
Civil War, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Clouds, The (Aristophanes), Ref1
Cobbett, William, Ref1
Communists, Communism, Ref1
King and, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
Congress, U.S., Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Conrad, Joseph, Ref1
conscience, Ref1, Ref2
Constitution, U.S., Ref1, Ref2
Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Marx), Ref1
Coplestone, Father, Ref1
cosmos, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
age of, Ref1
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
place of humans in, Ref1
creationism, creation stories, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Crick, Francis, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Croatia, Croatians, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Crossman, Richard, Ref1, Ref2
Crucifixion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
and immorality of religion, Ref1
Jews and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Crusades, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Dalai Lama, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Dance to the Music of Time, A (Powell), Ref1
Dante, Ref1, Ref2
Darwin, Charles, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
rational resistance of, Ref1
Davenport, Abraham, Ref1
Dawkins, Richard, Ref1, Ref2
death, dead, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13
Koran and, Ref1
miracles and, Ref1
Mormons and, Ref1
of Moses, Ref1, Ref2
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2
Sevi and, Ref1
Declaration of Independence, Ref1
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
(Gibbon), Ref1, Ref2
Democritus, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Denmark, Ref1, Ref2
Dennett, Daniel, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
De Rerum Natura (Lucretius), Ref1, Ref2
design arguments, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Amazon basin civilizations and, Ref1
Hitchens’s Sri Lankan expedition
and, Ref1
macro-dimension of, Ref1
micro-dimension of, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
miraculous in, Ref1, Ref2
rational resistance and, Ref1
Deuteronomy, Ref1
Deutscher, Isaac, Ref1
de Vaux, Roland, Ref1
devil, devils, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
biblical fictions and, Ref1
child abuse and, Ref1, Ref2
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
Hitchens’s childhood and, Ref1
Mormons and, Ref1, Ref2
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
Diderot, Denis, Ref1, Ref2
Disraeli, Benjamin, Ref1
divorce, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Dr. Zhivago, Ref1
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Douglass, Frederick, Ref1
Dreyfus, Alfred, Ref1, Ref2
Dutch Reformed Church, Ref1
Dwight, Timothy, Ref1
Easter, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Eastern beliefs, Ref1
Dalai Lama and, Ref1, Ref2
Japanese Buddhists and, Ref1
Rajneesh and, Ref1
Sri Lanka and, Ref1
Eastern Orthodox Christians, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Eban, Abba, Ref1
Egypt, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2
Ehrman, Barton, Ref1, Ref2
Einstein, Albert, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
misquoting of, Ref1
rational resistance of, Ref1, Ref2
Eliot, George, Ref1, Ref2
Elisha, Ref1
Emancipation Proclamation, Ref1
Encyclopédie (Diderot and Alembert), Ref1, Ref2
End of Faith, The (Harris), Ref1
Engels, Friedrich, Ref1
Enlightenment, need for renewed, Ref1
Epicurus, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Epistle to the Galatians, Ref1
Erewhon (Butler), Ref1
eschatology, Ref1
eternal punishment, Ref1, Ref2
child abuse and, Ref1
and immorality of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
ethics, see morals, morality, moral
evangelicals, evangelicalism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
corruption of, Ref1
Gortner and, Ref1, Ref2
totalitarianism and, Ref1
evil, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2
and relationship between morality
and religion, Ref1
revelation arguments and, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
evolution, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
and place of humans in cosmos, Ref1
punctuated, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1
Exodus, Ref1, Ref2
eyes, design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
Falwell, Jerry, Ref1, Ref2
Farrell, J. G., Ref1
fascists, fascism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Finkelstein, Israel, Ref1
Francis of Assisi, Saint, Ref1, Ref2
Francis Xavier, Saint, Ref1
Franco, Francisco, Ref
Franklin, Benjamin, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Frazer, Sir James, Ref1, Ref2
Freud, Sigmund, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
Frum, John, Ref1
Future of an Illusion, The (Freud), Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Gabriel, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Galápagos Islands, Ref1
Galileo, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Gandhi, Mohandas K., Ref1
Garrison, William Lloyd, Ref1
Gedanken und Einfalle (Heine), Ref1
Genesis, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
genome, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Gibbon, Edward, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Gibson, Mel, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Gnostics, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
god, gods, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14, Ref15
and attempts to reconcile science
with faith, Ref1
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2
child abuse and, Ref1
design arguments and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
health issues and, Ref1
Hitchens’s childhood and, Ref1
King and, Ref1, Ref2
Koran and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
as man-made, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
miracles and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Mormons and, Ref1, Ref2
Ockham on, Ref1
pigs and, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
and relationship between morality
and religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
revelation arguments and, Ref1
slavery and, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
God That Failed, The (Engerman and
Crossman), Ref1, Ref2
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), Ref1
Golden Rule, Ref1, Ref2
Goldstein, Baruch, Ref1, Ref2
Goldziher, Ignaz, Ref1
Gortner, Marjoe, Ref1, Ref2
Gould, Stephen Jay, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Goya, Francisco, Ref1
Graham, Billy, Ref1
Grant, Peter and Rosemary, Ref1
Great Britain, British, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
design arguments and, Ref1
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
and emancipation of India, Ref1
Gudo, Ref1
Guide to the Perplexed (Maimonides), Ref1, Ref2
hadiths, Ref1, Ref2
Hamas, Ref1
Hamlet (Shakespeare), Ref1, Ref2
Hannukah, Ref1, Ref2
Harris, Martin, Ref1, Ref2
Harris, Sam, Ref1
Hawking, Steven, Ref1, Ref2
health, health care, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
children and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
mental illness and, Ref1
naturalness in, Ref1, Ref2
Heber, Reginald, Ref1
Hebron, Ref1
Heine, Heinrich, Ref1, Ref2
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Ref1
Herod, Ref1, Ref2
Herzegovina, Ref1
Heschel, Abraham, Ref1
Hezbollah, Ref1, Ref2
Hillel, Rabbi, Ref1, Ref2
Hindus, Hinduism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
and emancipation of India, Ref1
and immorality of religion, Ref1
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, Ref1, Ref2
Hitler, Adolf, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
reaction of church to, Ref1
Hobbes, Thomas, Ref1
homosexuals, homosexuality, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
Hoodbhoy, Pervez, Ref1
Hoyle, Fred, Ref1
humanists, humanism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2
human papillomavirus (HPV), Ref1
Hume, David, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Hussein, Ref1
Hussein, Saddam, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
ibn Naufal, Waraqa, Ref1
ibn Thabit, Zaid, Ref1
Ignatius Loyola, Saint, Ref1, Ref2
impossible tasks, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
India, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
emancipation of, Ref1
health care in, Ref1
Indonesia, Ref1, Ref2
Inferno (Dante), Ref1
Ingersoll, Robert, Ref1
intelligent design, see creationism, creation stories
Introducing Muhammad (Sardar and Malik), Ref1
Iran, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
nuclear weapons and, Ref1
Iraq, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Ireland, Ref1, Ref2
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
Irenaeus, Saint, Ref1, Ref2
Isaac, Ref1
child abuse and, Ref1, Ref2
and immorality of religion, Ref1
Isaiah, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Islam, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14
absence of reformation in, Ref1
apocalypse and, Ref1
child abuse and, Ref1, Ref2
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
on eating pork, Ref1
and emancipation of India, Ref1
hadiths and, Ref1, Ref2
health issues and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
miracles and, Ref1, Ref2
Mormons and, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
and relationship between morality
and religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Sevi and, Ref1
on sex, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
slavery and, Ref1, Ref2
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
see also Koran
Israel, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
and immorality of religion, Ref1
King and, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1
revelation arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
Jagerstatter, Franz, Ref1
Jairus, Ref1
James, Gospel of, Ref1
Buddhists in, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1
Jefferson, Thomas, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7
Jenkins, Jerry B., Ref1, Ref2
Jerusalem, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2
health care in, Ref1
Sevi and, Ref1
Jesuits, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Jesus Christ, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14, Ref15, Ref16, Ref17, Ref18
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2
crucifixion of, see Crucifixion and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
in fulfilling prophecy, Ref1, Ref2
and immorality of religion, Ref1, Ref2
miracles and, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
revelation arguments and, Ref1
sayings and deeds of, Ref1
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2
Jews, Judaism, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8, Ref9, Ref10, Ref11, Ref12, Ref13, Ref14,
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
child abuse and, Ref1
Crucifixion of Jesus and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6
on eating pork, Ref1
sp; health issues and, Ref1, Ref2
and immorality of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
King and, Ref1, Ref2
Koran and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
miracles and, Ref1
rational resistance and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
revelation arguments and, Ref1, Ref2
Sevi and, Ref1, Ref2
on sex, Ref1, Ref2
totalitarianism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Joan of Arc (Schiller), Ref1
Job, Ref1, Ref2
John Paul II, Pope, Ref1, Ref2
Johnson, Samuel, Ref1
John the Apostle, Saint, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
John the Baptist, Saint, Ref1, Ref2
Joseph, Ref1, Ref2
biblical fictions and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Josephus, Ref1
Joshua, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Joyce, James, Ref1
Judas, Ref1
Judas, Gospel of, Ref1, Ref2
Jungle, The (Sinclair), Ref1
Kahane, Meir, Ref1
Kamikaze, Ref1
Kant, Immanuel, Ref1, Ref2
Khadijah, Ref1
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Khomeini, Sayed Hossein, Ref1
Kierkegaard, Soren, Ref1
Kim Il Sung, Ref1
Kim Jong Il, Ref1
King, Martin Luther, Ref1, Ref2
assassination of, Ref1
racism and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
King James Bible, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
King Lear (Shakespeare), Ref1
Kony, Joseph, Ref1, Ref2
Koran, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5, Ref6, Ref7, Ref8
alleged satanic verses of, Ref1, Ref2
and destructiveness of religion, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
on eating pork, Ref1
language of, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
Mormons and, Ref1, Ref2
revelations and, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
on tolerance of other religions, Ref1
transciption and compilation of, Ref1
and words and deeds of Muhammad, Ref1
LaHaye, Tim, Ref1, Ref2
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
las Casas, Bartolemeo de, Ref1
Lazarus, Ref1
leaps of faith, Ref1
Lebanon, Ref1
Left Behind (LaHaye and Jenkins), Ref1, Ref2
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, Ref1, Ref2
Lessing, Gotthold, Ref1
“Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King), Ref1
Leviathan (Hobbes), Ref1
Lewis, C. S., Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
Lie, Trygve, Ref1
Lincoln, Abraham, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Lindsey, Hal, Ref1
Literature and Revolution (Trotsky), Ref1
Little Pebbles, Ref1
Lively, Penelope, Ref1
Llandaff, bishop of, Ref1
Llano Cifuentes, Rafael, Ref1
Lopez de Trujillo, Alfonso, Ref1
Lord of the Flies (Golding), Ref1
Lubavitcher movement, Ref1, Ref2
Lucretius, Ref1, Ref2
Luke, Gospel of, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Luther, Martin, Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Luxemburg, Rosa, Ref1