True to the division superintendent's promise, a month following theincident of the runaway ore train, Alex was transferred to thedespatching office at Exeter. It was the superintendent himself who onthe evening of his arrival presented him for duty to the chief nightdespatcher; and a few minutes later, having been initiated into themysteries of directing and recording the movements of trains, Alex wasshown to his wire.

  "It is a short line--only as far as the Midway freight junction," thechief explained; "but if you make good here, you will soon be givensomething bigger.

  "And, by the way, take your time in sending to the operator at theJunction," he added. "He's a rather poor receiver, but was the only manwe could get to go there, on account of that so-called 'haunting'business."

  "Oh, has the 'ghost' appeared there again?" inquired Alex with interest.For the "haunting" of the Midway Junction station had been a subject ofmuch discussion on the main-line wire a few weeks back.

  "Yes, two nights ago. And like the four men there before him, the nightman left next morning. It is a strange affair. But I think the man therenow will stick."

  At midnight Alex called Midway Junction, and sent the order startingnorth the last freight for the night. Fifteen minutes later the operatorat MJ suddenly called, and clicked, "That 'Thing' is here again. It'swalking up and down the platform just outside.

  "There it is now!" he sent excitedly. "And twice I've jumped out, and themoment I opened the door it was gone!

  "There it is again!

  "Now it's on the roof!" he announced a few moments after. "Rollingsomething down--just like the other chaps said! Gee, I'm no coward, butthis thing is getting my nerve."

  Though himself now considerably excited, Alex sought to reassure the MJman. "But you know there must be some simple explanation to it," he sent."No one really believes in ghosts these days. Just don't allow yourselfto be frightened."

  "Yes, I know," ticked the sounder. "That's what I told myself before Icame. It seems vastly different, though, right here on the spot, and allby yourself, and it dark as pitch outside. If there was only someoneelse--"

  The wire abruptly closed, a moment remained so, then suddenly opened, andin signals so excitedly made that Alex could only guess at some of them,he read: "Did you hear that? Did you get that?"

  "Hear what? The wire was closed to me."

  "Clooossclosd! Goed 6eavns! Whiiieeeeee Whyyy--" By an effort thefrightened operator at the other end of the wire pulled himself together,and sent more plainly:

  "When I stopped that time someone broke in here and said: 'Ha ha! Hi hi!Look behind! Look beh--'"

  Again the wire closed, again opened.

  "Theeeereit waaawas again!"

  Alex called the chief. "Mr. Allen, that 'ghost,' or whatever it is--"

  Once more the instruments broke out in an almost inarticulate whirr, andwith difficulty together they picked out the words: "... sounds in thenext room ... yelling and groaning just other side partition ...whispering at me through a knot-hole ... an eye looking at me ... standit any longer ... right now! G. B. (Good-by)!"

  Grasping the key, the chief sent quickly, "Look here! Wait a moment! Youthere?"

  There was no response. Again he called, and gave it up. "No use. He's offlike the rest of them. Well, I'm not sure I blame him. There must besomething wrong. But it beats me!"

  As he was about to move away the chief turned back and handed Alex aletter. "I overlooked giving it to you when you came in," he explained.

  "From Jack Orr!" said Alex with pleasure. A moment later he uttered asecond exclamation, again read a paragraph, and with a delighted "Thevery thing!" hastened after the chief.

  "Mr. Allen, this letter is from a friend of mine, a first classcommercial operator, who wants to get into railroad telegraphing, and whowould be just the man to send to MJ.

  "He is a regular amateur detective, and has all kinds of pluck," Alexwent on, and in a few words recounted Jack's clearing up of the cash-boxmystery at Hammerton, the part he played in the breaking up of the bandof Black-Handers, and his resourcefulness when the wires were cut atOakton.

  The chief smiled and reached for a message blank. "Thank you, Ward," hesaid. "That's the man we want exactly. How soon can he come?"

  "He says he could take a place with us right away, sir."

  "Good. We'll have him there if possible to-morrow evening," decided thechief, writing.

  Needless to say Jack was delighted when early the following morning atHammerton he received the telegraphed appointment to the station atMidway. At once resigning at the Hammerton commercial office, he hurriedhome, by noon was on the train, and arrived at Midway Junction at 7o'clock.

  Entering the telegraph room, he called Exeter. "Well, here I am, Al," heticked, when Alex himself responded. "And I'm ever so much obliged toyou, old boy, for getting me the position."

  "Don't mention it. And anyway," responded Alex, "you had better save yourthanks until you learn just what you are up against there. I didn't havetime to write--but the former man left last night, simply on the run."And continuing, Alex explained.

  "So you see, you were called in as a sort of expert."

  "Hi," laughed Jack. "Well, I'll do the best I can. But probably the'ghost' won't show up again now for a month or so?"

  "On the contrary, it is more likely to return soon," clicked Alex. "Thathas been the way every time so far--three or four appearances insuccession. So you had better prepare for business at once."

  Alex's prediction was realized two nights later. A few minutes after thelast freight had gone north, and Jack had been left entirely alone in thebig station, he heard light footfalls outside on the platform. Going tothe window, he peered out into the darkness, and seeing nothing, turnedto the door. As he opened it the footsteps ceased.

  Surprised, Jack returned and secured a lantern, and passed out and downthe long platform. From end to end it was deserted and silent.

  He returned to the office. Scarcely had he closed the door when againcame the sound of footsteps.

  Jack paused and listened. They were light and quick, like those of awoman--up and down, up and down, now pausing a moment, now brisklyresuming, as though the walker was anxiously waiting for someone.

  On tiptoe Jack went back to the door, suddenly flung it open and flashedthe lantern. As quickly the steps had ceased. Not a moving object was tobe seen.

  Immensely puzzled, Jack withdrew, and stepped to the instrument table. Ashe reached toward the telegraph key from almost directly overhead brokeout a thundering rumble, as of a heavy wooden ball bounding down theroof.

  Catching up the lantern, he once more rushed forth. Immediately, asbefore, all was silence. Nervous at last, in spite of himself, Jackhesitated, then resolutely set forth on a complete round of the stationand freight shed, throwing the lantern light upon the roof, through thedusty windows, and into every nook and corner. Nowhere was there a signof life.

  He returned. The moment he closed the office door the rumble broke outafresh.

  Jack sprang to the instruments, called Exeter, and sent rapidly, "Al,that 'ghost' is here, and in spite of me, is beginning to get on my--"

  The line opened, then sharply clicked: "Look behind! Look behind!"

  With a cry Jack was on his feet, and had started for the door. Half wayhe pulled up, with a determined effort controlled his panic, and returnedto the key. "I suppose you didn't hear that, Al?" he asked.

  "Not a letter."

  "Well, good gracious, what--_Oh!_"

  A cold chill shot up Jack's back. The cause was a low, long-drawn moan,apparently from just the other side of the wooden partition, in thefreight room. Again it came, then suddenly ceased to give place to a low,tense whispering immediately behind him. Jack sprang about, and leaped tohis feet. Within touch of him was a large knot-hole.

  And was there not an eye at it? Peering at him?

  He sprang toward it.

  No! Nothing! The w
hispering, too, had ceased.

  Thoroughly shaken, Jack again turned for his hat--and again falteredbetween the chair and the door.

  "You there, Jack?" clicked Alex. "Hang on, old boy. Keep your nerve."

  Clenching his teeth and gripping his hands Jack regained control ofhimself, and returned to the instruments. "Thanks, Al," he sent. "I wasabout all in, sure enough. But I am OK again now, and going to stick itout unless 'they,' or 'it,' or whatever it is, lugs me off bodily."

  "That's the talk," said Alex encouragingly. "I knew you'd make good. Justkeep on telling yourself there must be some natural explanation somehow,and you'll win out OK."

  * * * * *

  "Yes, that's my cue--'a natural explanation somehow,'" Jack repeated tohimself the following afternoon as he left the big railroad boarding-house,a half mile from the station, and set out for a walk, to think things over.

  "And I believe the starting point is that talk on the wire. Thatcertainly is the work of an operator.

  "Now, why is it heard only at this office?

  "Say! Could it be on the loop? A cut-off arrangement on the station loop?

  "I'll go down and look into that right now," declared Jack, and turningabout, headed for the station.

  The platforms and the big freight shed were alive with the bustle of thefreight handlers, loading and unloading cars, trundling boxes and balesfrom one part of the platform to another and in and out of the big shed;and unnoticed, Jack discovered where the wires from the pole passed inunder the roof. Entering the shed, he proceeded carefully to follow theircourse along the beams toward the telegraph room. He had almost reachedthe partition, and was beginning to think his conclusion perhaps toohastily drawn, when a few feet from the wall, where the light from anopposite window struck the roof, he caught two unmistakable gleams ofcopper. With a suppressed cry he made his way directly beneath, and atonce saw that the insulation of both wires of the loop had been cutthrough.

  "Right! I was right!" exclaimed Jack jubilantly beneath his breath. "AndI can see in a minute how it's done. Whoever it is, simply gets up theresomehow, and ticks one wire against the other--and of course theinstruments inside click as they are alternately cut off and cut on, andthe rest of the line is not affected!

  "Good! I'm on the trail.

  "But what can be the object of it all?"

  Jack turned to look about him, and as in answer the lettering of a nearbybox caught his eye:


  "Freight stealing! Could that be it?"

  On reporting for duty that evening Jack called Alex on the wire and askedif any freight had recently been reported missing from the Midway depot.

  "No, but I understand some valuable stuff has been mysteriouslydisappearing at Claxton and Eastfield," was the reply.

  Jack was considerably disappointed; but before giving up this line ofinvestigation he determined to study the freight records of the station,to discover whether any freight for the two places mentioned by Alex hadpassed through Midway. A few minutes' search produced the record of avaluable shipment of silk to Claxton. A moment later he found another.

  When presently he found still others, and several to Eastfield, hehurried back to the wire and calling Alex asked the nature of the goodslost track of at those stations, and breathlessly awaited the reply.

  "I'll ask," said Alex--"Silverware and silk. Mostly silk."

  Jack uttered a shout. "Hurrah, Alex," he whirred, "I'm on the track ofour friend the 'ghost.' But keep mum.

  "And now the question is," he told himself, leaning back in his chair,"how do they work it?"

  The answer to the query came very unexpectedly as Jack left the stationoffice at daybreak. Strolling down the front platform, where several menalready were at work unloading a car, he inadvertently got in the way ofa loaded truck. On the sudden cry of the truckman he sprang aside,tripped, and fell headlong against a large, square packing-case. As hedid so, he distinctly heard from within a sharp "Oh!"

  Only with difficulty did Jack avoid crying out, and scrambling to hisfeet, hastened away, that his discovery might not be suspected by the manin the box.

  The whole mystery was now clear. The "ghost" was a freight thief, who hadhimself shipped, in a box, to some point which would necessitate hisbeing transferred and held over night at the freight junction. He played"ghost" either to frighten the operator away, or to lead to the beliefthat any noises overheard were caused by "spirits," then overhauled thevaluable freight in the shed, took what he wanted with him into his ownbox (which supposedly he could open and close from the inside), and wasshipped away with it the following morning. The rifled packages,carefully re-sealed, also went on to their several destinations, and theblame of the theft was laid elsewhere.

  Jack was not long in deciding upon his next move. Coming down from theboarding-house before the sheds had been closed that afternoon, he notedwhere the box containing the unsuspected human freight had been placed,and selecting a window at the far end of the shed, seized a favorablemoment to quietly loosen its catch.

  It was near midnight, and Jack was once more the sole guardian of thestation when he took the next step. And despite a certain nervousness,now that the exciting moment was at hand, he found considerable amusementin carrying it out.

  It was nothing less than making up a dummy imitation of himself asleep ona cot in a corner of the telegraph room--as a precaution against the"ghost" peering within to learn the effect of his "haunting."

  In making the dummy Jack used a brown fur cap for the head, a glimpse ofwhich under an old hat looked remarkably like his own brown head. Acollection of old overalls and record books carefully arranged formed thebody, and his own shoes the feet.

  When over the whole he threw his overcoat, the deception was complete.Chuckling at the subterfuge, Jack lost no time in slipping forth for thenext step in his program.

  Tiptoeing down the platform to the window whose latch he had loosened, hesoftly raised it, listened, and climbing through, dropped noiselessly tothe floor. Feeling his way in the darkness amid the bales and boxes, hereached a nook behind a piano-case he had previously noted, and settlingdown, prepared to await the appearance of the "spectre."

  The wait was not long. Scarcely had he made himself comfortable when fromthe direction of the big packing-case came the muffled sound of ascrew-driver. Soon there followed a noise as of a board being softlyshoved aside, then a step on the floor. Simultaneously there was thecrackle of a match, and peering forth Jack momentarily made out a thin,clean-shaven face bending over a dark-lantern. But quickly he drew backwith a start of fright as the man turned and came directly toward him.

  A few feet away, however, the intruder halted, and again peeringcautiously forth Jack discovered the lantern, closely muffled, on thefloor, and beside it the dim figure of the man working with his hands ata plank. As Jack watched, wondering, the plank came up. Laying it asidecarefully, the stranger stepped down into the opening, recovered thelantern, and disappeared.

  "Now what under the sun is he up to?" exclaimed Jack to himself.

  From the platform outside came the sound of footsteps. Jack started,listened a moment, and uttered a low cry of triumph. At last heunderstood.

  "Well, what a dolt I am," he laughed. "Why didn't I think of that?

  "The fellow is simply out beneath the platform, making sounds against theunder side of the planking--probably with a stick!"


  Jack was still chuckling delightedly over this simple explanation of themysterious "walking" when the noise ceased, and the light of the lanternreturned.

  On reappearing, the unknown dragged after him a long pole. As Jackwatched, puzzling over its use, the "spectre" hoisted the pole to hisshoulder, cautiously picked his way amid the freight to the telegraph-roompartition, and mounted a large box.

  And then, while Jack fairly shook with internal laughter, he labor
iouslyraised the pole, and began bumping and scraping it up and down the underside of the roof.

  "Natural explanations!" bubbled Jack through his handkerchief. "Andimagine anyone being frightened at it--beating it for home!"

  When the man on the box had concluded his second "demonstration," anddescended, Jack had cause to thank himself for his precaution in leavingthe dummy. Evidently puzzled at the silence in the operating-room, theman placed his eye to the knot-hole in the partition, and peered through.Muttering something in surprise, he listened closely, and looked again,while Jack looked on, shaking, and holding his mouth. Apparently at lastsatisfied that the "operator" within was asleep at his post, the intruderturned about and threw a shaft of light up toward the wires of the loop.Expectantly Jack waited. Had he also guessed right here?

  But to his disappointment, after a brief debate with himself, the "ghost"muttered, "If he's asleep, what's the use?" And catching up the pole, hereturned it to the hole in the floor, and replaced the plank.

  Then, in final confirmation of Jack's deductions, the intruder turned hisattention to the packages of merchandise about him, speedily selected abox, and proceeded to open it.

  For several hours the unsuspecting freight robber worked, frequentlyreturning to the crack in the partition to assure himself that thenegligent "operator" there was still in the land of dreams, each time toJack's great amusement. And finally, having secured all the booty hecould handle, and having carefully closed the cases from which it hadbeen taken, he moved the plunder into his own box, crept in after; againcame the squeak of the screw-driver--and the robbery was complete.

  At once Jack crept from his place of concealment, and back to the window;dropped out, and was off on the run for the boarding-house. And twentyminutes after he returned with the freight-house foreman and severalfreight hands, armed, and with lanterns.

  Entering by the door, he led them directly to the robber's box.

  Sharply the foreman kicked at it, and called, "Hello, in there! Yourlittle game is up, my friend! Come out!"

  There was no response, and he drew his revolver. "Open up quick, or I'llshoot!"

  "Oh, all right! All right!" cried a muffled voice hurriedly.

  The next moment the Midway Junction "ghost" stepped grimly from his box,and stood before them.

  "But look here, youngster," ticked the chief despatcher, who some minuteslater followed Alex Ward on the wire in congratulating Jack on thesolution of the mystery, "don't you talk too much about this business, orfirst thing you know they'll be taking you from the telegraph force, andadding you to the detective department. We want you ourselves."

  "No fear," laughed Jack. "I might try a matter like this once in a while,but I want to work up as an operator, not a detective."

  "You'll work up OK," declared the chief.

Francis Lovell Coombs's Novels