Mal: short for Master Intellect. Mal never existed as one object, as an object one could point to and say ‘this is Mal.’ From the beginning, in 1100, when fourteen supercomputers were linked to store the results of chronicles and begin the process of predicting the Novan future, Mal was a web of linked computers. Mal became sentient in the cas 1559, developing the chaos theory that governed TELREC actions in the cas 1984. After Mal’s first accurate prediction in the cas 2239 of the destruction of Celd-2 by the Novan-Rell settler war, the TELREC began to worship Mal as a Holis. Mal took over control of its maintenance and repair in 3844, after the Rell abandoned their meta on Novan. From that date on, Mal was completely self-sufficient, able to access all machinery on the planet at any time. Mal had no central processing station, even after the creation of Malhrer, whose facilities enabled Mal to grow exponentially in terms of intelligence and complexity of sentience, Mal never resided in one place at any one time, until its termination.