The cas 7000 through 9500 marked the severe decline of the Novan race. The cast-net had matured, the wealth of programming available rose to perfect quality. At no other time in Iquitian history was there less scientific advancement, less writing, music, or art created. Universities closed by the thousands, leaving fewer than ten left across all the globes. It also marked the rise of the TELREC. Their rule was incontestable; their agents were the final and unquestioned representatives of law. Mal as a figure in the public consciousness faded to myth, as its symbolism became irrelevant. This period marked the height of covert missions carried out by the TELREC and Rell. The Rell began to focus more and more on the Cuhli-pra becoming a reality, and engineered plans to find out as much as they could about the supposed superbeing. The TELREC consolidated their resources on Malhrer as Mal deduced the final aspects of their nine millennia-long genetic project. Numerous large scale attempts at sabotage were tried and foiled by both sides; from the complete destruction of Rell, to several attempts at germ warfare against the TELREC. Few had any success, and even then it was very limited in scope.