Page 53 of Born of Fury


  Sumi cringed at the sight of herself in her wedding "dress." It was more like see-through wedding tissue paper. Gah, Fain hadn't been joking when he'd told her what Andarions wore for their unification ceremonies.

  She covered her breasts with her hands and wished herself on another planet.

  "I know," Kiara said with a laugh as she finished styling Sumi's hair. "I felt the same way when I went through my formal ceremony with Nykyrian... and given the brevity of the costumes I've had to wear on stage for dance performances, it takes a lot to make me blush."

  Sumi could just imagine. She met Kiara's gaze in the mirror. "I can't go out there like this. I think I'll die of embarrassment on the spot."

  "Yes, you can. Just think about Hauk and ignore everyone else."

  Much easier said than done.

  But if the red material were thicker, it would have been a beautiful gown. The halter neck fastened to a choker made of rows of a rare red Andarion gem she'd never heard of before. The sheer material clung to her body and another piece fell from the back of the choker and was attached to matching bands on her wrists. The eton Anatole crest was embroidered in a thin, fine gold thread through the gauzy red material.

  With the help of Dancer's grandmother, Thia, and Cairistiona, Kiara had twined her braids into an intricate upswept hairdo that cascaded around a gold crown. And they'd painted the royal crest on her face.

  They stepped back, pleased with their work.

  Sumi, not so much. "I still feel like I need a blanket wrapped around me."

  Cairistiona patted her on the arm. "As Kiara said, think only of the male you love and the fact that from this day forward, you two will always belong to each other. Forget everyone else in the room. This is between the two of you and it is sacred."

  Sumi saw the sadness in her eyes as she spoke. Poor Cairistiona that she'd never been allowed to marry the one man she loved. While her heart would always belong to Nykyrian's father, her life and service would be forever tied to the Andarion nation.

  Reaching out, she hugged the queen. "Thank you. For everything."

  Cairistiona smiled. "It is my pleasure. I owe your male much for protecting both my sons. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him or you. And know that we'll guard and spoil Kalea blind until the morning, when you two emerge."

  Laughing, she released her. "I know you will." Kalea was already looking forward to spending the night in a real palace as a real princess. She'd been telling everyone about it for days.

  A light knock sounded on the door.

  At the queen's nod, a guard opened it to admit Dancer's mother. Her stern features softened as she saw Sumi. While she still wasn't warm, she'd become much nicer to them both after she'd learned the truth about Dariana and her marriage with Keris.

  And once she'd faced the fact that Dancer hadn't cut the rope that killed his brother. Not that it would have mattered. The drugs Pera had given Keris to take on Dancer's Endurance had been laced with a slow-acting poison that would have killed him before he returned with Dancer, anyway.

  It was why Dariana had cremated the body and told them that Dancer had left Keris in the desert.

  Guilt-ridden over how she'd treated Dancer, his mother had even testified against Dariana, during her trial and sentencing.

  Clearing her throat, Endine stopped by Sumi's side and handed her a small box. "This is for you to give to Dancer tonight."

  Sumi frowned as she took it from her hands and opened it to find a signet ring that bore the War Hauk crest.

  "It is the ring that belonged to the first Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk. And it is the wedding band that has been worn by the father of the direct line ever since. Ferral's time has passed and now the lineage and title will be carried by our youngest son and you... and by your children until they each marry. Then it is to go to the one who carries our title forward."

  Sumi was confused. "I thought this wasn't conferred until the birth of our first child."

  Endine squeezed her hand. "And it is so. For the two children you and Dancer already have that you plan to share lineage with, and for the one he just told me about that is to be born to you a few months hence."

  Heat scalded her cheeks as his mother announced what they'd been waiting to tell the others until after their wedding.

  Thia smiled knowingly and mouthed the words fertile turtles at her.

  "Thank you, Ger Tarra."

  "Matarra," Endine corrected. She placed a kiss on each of Sumi's cheeks. "It is my honor and privilege to welcome you to our lineage." Stepping back, she inclined her head respectfully to her mother-in-law and Cairistiona before she took her leave.

  Kiara took the ring and slid it onto Sumi's thumb. "You give this to him when the two of you are alone."

  "Thank you." Grateful for all of them, Sumi took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's do this. I'm almost ready to be naked in public."

  "Just think of Hauk," Kiara said with a wink.

  Fighting the urge to cover herself with her hands, she followed after them.

  They led her out in a small procession and left her to stand before the decorated altar of the temple Dancer had been attending services in since his birth. It was here that he'd been first baptized and named as an infant. Here, he'd said good-bye to his family members who'd passed, and here Dariana had humiliated him every year since he was eighteen.

  That thought brought a lump to her throat that tightened as she saw Dancer entering from the door to her left. His incredible body was bare except for an ornate burgundy loincloth. Avoiding her gaze, he moved to kneel on the gold cushion by her side.

  It was only then that the full cruelty of Dariana's actions against him struck her.

  The temple was filled with his family. And just as Fain had said, their disdain for his scars was plainly evident. Not even the priest would look at him.

  His head held high, Dancer kept his gaze on the floor. But even so, she saw the pain and shame he felt at being so exposed before them all.

  The priest cleared his throat. "Sumi of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole, you have come before this altar and our gods to declare your allegiance to Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk. To combine your two bloodlines and lineages into one. This is the most sacred action any Andarion can make and it is not one to be lightly undertaken. From this day forward, you will be joined and loyal to one another above all others. Do you both understand the solemnity of this event?"

  "I do," Sumi said.

  The priest looked to Dancer.

  "I do."

  Nodding, the priest moved to stand before Sumi. "Now, before these witnesses and our gods, have you, during your pledge time, allowed your body in any way to be tainted by the lineage of any male, other than your pledged?"

  "No. I haven't."

  The priest inclined his head in approval. "You understand that this disclosure is sacred, and to lie will endanger your immortal soul and result in your death?"

  "I do, and I swear on my immortal soul that no male, save Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, has touched me. The gods themselves know this to be true."

  He turned to Dancer. "And you, Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, have you violated your pledge oath to your lady and left any of your lineage with any other female?"

  "No, Reverend Father, I have not."

  "Have you kissed, or carnally touched, any female other than your pledged?"


  The priest narrowed his eyes accusingly on Dancer. "You understand that this disclosure is sacred, and to lie will endanger your immortal soul and result in your death?"

  "I do, Reverend Father."

  She expected him to move on with the ceremony, but instead, the priest lifted Dancer's chin and forced him to meet his gaze. "You are stralen, and the last time you were here, you were not. So again, I ask you for the truth, under grave penalty. Have you lain with any female other than your pledged?"

  Why was he badgering Danc
er so? The priest was actually beginning to piss her off.

  "I have been with no other female, Reverend Father. Princess Sumi is the lady of my heart and universe. She is the one I am stralen for, and she knows this."

  The priest turned back to her. "And do you, Princess Sumi of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole, accept the pledge and troth of Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk? Are you willing to bind your sacred and royal lineage to his?"

  For the first time, she saw real fear in Dancer's gaze as he returned to staring at the floor as if reliving every time Dariana had slashed open his back and left him here to bleed. How could he think for one instant that she would deny him?

  Damn you, Dariana.

  Sumi walked around his muscled body and paused in front of him. Smiling, she tilted his chin until he met her gaze. "You are the most handsome male I have ever seen, and there is no other I would ever accept."

  Closing his eyes, he cupped her hand in his and held it to his cheek.

  She moved to kneel on the cushion next to his while the priest blessed a long, silken cord that was made of burgundy and red braids that symbolized the joining of their two families.

  He knotted one end around Dancer's wrist and then the other to hers. "Here, before these witnesses and members of your families, you have publicly declared your intention to combine your lineages. The gods are pleased, and so we will leave you to consummate your intentions."

  His eyes filled with love, Dancer stood first and helped her to her feet. Side by side, they walked the path to the bedchamber that was behind the altar, that had been decorated for their unification.

  As soon as the doors were closed, Dancer pulled her against his chest and held her tight. "I never thought I'd actually see the inside of this room."

  She tsked at him. "You really looked like you thought I was going to deny you."

  "I had a moment."

  "And now?"

  He led her to the bed. "Now, I want to finish this and claim you as mine. Forever."

  Biting her lip, she followed his direction. Kneeling on the bed, they faced each other.

  "Sumi, of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole, will you grant me the honor of kissing your lips?"

  "I will." She smiled up at him. "Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, will you grant me the honor of kissing yours?"

  "Absolutely." He dipped his head to tease her mouth with his, taking care to touch no other part of her body. "And will you grant me the honor of seeing your unadorned beauty?"

  She knew this was serious, but she couldn't help teasing him. "Uh, yeah. Pretty sure you and everyone in that temple have already done so."

  Laughing, he bit his lip. "Is that a yes?"


  Slowly, he removed her gown until she was exposed to him.

  "May I have the honor of seeing yours?"

  He nodded.

  As she removed his loincloth, she couldn't resist copping a small feel.

  He sucked his breath in sharply. "You're getting ahead of the ceremony."


  Hauk laughed at the unrepentant light in her eyes. "May I have the honor of touching you?"

  "I am all yours, baby."

  He cupped her breasts in his hands before he trailed one hand down to gently explore the part of her he was dying for.

  Sumi shivered as he carefully dipped each of his fingers inside her. "And may I have the honor of touching you?"

  His eyes glowing a brighter shade of red, he nodded.

  Licking her lips, she slowly stroked him until he was primed for consummating the rest of their union.

  His breathing ragged, he stared intently at her. "Do you grant me the honor of entering your body and fathering your progeny?"

  She rubbed her nose against his. "Haven't you already done that, too?"

  "You are in a mood." He nibbled her chin. "And you have to grant me permission or I can't finish this."

  "Don't you dare leave me like this, Dancer War Hauk. You are more than welcome to fill me tonight and every night from now on."

  Kissing her, he pulled her closer and slid inside. Sumi growled at how good he felt as he thrust himself against her. She held him close, unable to believe that he belonged to her and that she was his. In all of her wildest dreams, she'd never thought to have a male like him. Someone she could trust completely who would never seek to hurt her. Someone she would live for.

  Hauk buried his face against Sumi's neck and inhaled the warm, sweet scent of her hair and skin. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found her. How lucky he was that she'd agreed to share her life with him. Strange how he'd given up on ever finding a female, on ever having a family of his own.

  And then when he'd least expected it, she'd tumbled into his world and sent it reeling.

  Yes, Kyr was still out there and he was gunning for both of them. There would always be enemies at the gate. Always challenges for them both. But together, they would face them all and nothing would ever get the better of them.

  Strong alone.

  Stronger together.

  Sumi tightened her grip on him before she cried out his name.

  Smiling, Dancer moved faster, heightening her pleasure. Funny, he'd always hated his name, until his mia. Now there was no greater sound to him than to hear it on her lips as she came for him.

  He captured her lips as he felt his own release. His senses reeling, he shook all over. Pulling back, he stared down at her and cupped her face. He reveled in the sensation of her naked body against his. Of the love in her eyes as she looked at him.

  His heart swelling with happiness, he ran his hand over her stomach where their child was already growing. Then he kissed her belly and teased it with his tongue. "I adore you, mia. And I will always be yours."

  Sumi fingered his goatee as she savored those words. "Good, because I have no intention of ever letting you go."

  Sumi couldn't believe it was morning already. They'd stayed up all night, talking about the future and making love until she was amazed that she could still walk.

  But then, she'd never get enough of her fierce warrior.

  "I like this outfit much better," she said as she fastened a much more sedate gown on so that they could complete their marriage.

  He kissed her bare shoulder. "I still prefer you naked."

  Cupping him where he was already hard again, she bit his chin. "I'm willing if you are."

  He sucked his breath in sharply. "Don't tempt me. Let's finish this, and then you can chain me to your bed for the rest of my life."

  She laughed as he opened the door and they returned to the altar.

  Once again, their families were gathered. And this time, Kalea and Darice were waiting for them. Sumi held her hand out for them.

  Kalea took it and knelt down between them. Darice followed suit.

  The priest came forward and untied the cord that had bound her and Dancer all night. He paused to smile approvingly as he saw the ring on Dancer's hand. "While I may remove the temporary binding between you, remember that you have joined your lineages from now on, and you will protect your single lineage from any who would seek to divide it." He raised a small knife and laid it across Dancer's palm, drawing a small trail of blood. Then he did the same to Sumi. Taking their hands, he placed them together so that they could join blood.

  The priest smiled at Kalea before he met Sumi's gaze. "Sumi, now and forevermore of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, do you agree to share the full parental and lineage rights of your daughter, Kalea, with your husband?"

  "I do."

  "And you agree that from this day forward she will be known solely as Kalea of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk?"

  Sumi nodded. "Kalea only has one father. Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk."

  The priest looked at Dancer. "And do you, Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, accept the daughter of your wife as yours, and swear to protect her from this day forward as the progeny of your lineag

  "I do."

  Next, he cut Darice's hand and mixed his blood with Sumi's. He held their hands together. "Sumi, now and forevermore of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, do you agree to share the rights of your lineage with Darice and to claim him as your own child?"

  This was the same ceremony Cairistiona had done for her. "I do."

  "And will you agree to share the rights of your son, Darice, with your husband?"

  "I will."

  The priest met Darice's somber gaze. Everyone was well aware of the fact that once Dariana had been convicted of his father's murder, it'd relegated Darice to the status of a bastard. Even though Syn's DNA tests had proven Keris as his father, their laws no longer recognized Darice as a son of the War Hauk family. The only way to protect his standing and keep him from being disowned was to adopt him as theirs.

  It was something both she and Dancer had agreed to immediately.

  The priest took Darice's hand into his. Because he was an adult and not a minor child, he, unlike Kalea, had to publicly concur with his adoption. "And do you agree from this day forward to be known solely as Darice Hauk, son of Sumi and Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk?"

  Darice nodded. "Yes, Reverend Father."

  The priest looked at Dancer as he pressed his hand to Darice's. "And do you, Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, accept the son of your wife as yours, and swear to protect him from this day forward as the progeny of your lineage?"

  He smiled at Darice and laced his fingers with his. "I do, indeed."

  Tears filled Sumi's eyes as she saw the bond between them. This is my family...

  No, this was part of her family. She glanced over her shoulder at all the others who were gathered there. It was both impressive and terrifying.

  Even the little mechanical monkey that was holding on to Devyn and sobbing.

  "I just love weddings," Vik sniffed.

  Ignoring the mecha, the priest continued. "Then, before these witnesses and our gods, it is so. Rise and be acknowledged, House of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk. For the four of you before me, and your future children, are the continuation of the two oldest lineages of Andaria. Know that your children will be honored and respected above all, and they will carry on the noblest and best of what it means to be Andarion. May the gods bless you with many, many sons and daughters."