Page 36 of The Rosie Effect

  My first readers also provided valuable feedback: Jean and Greg Buist, Tania Chandler, Eamonn Cooke, Corine Jansonius, Peter McMillan, Rod Miller, Helen O’Connell, Dominique and Daniel Simsion, Sue Waddell, Geri Walsh and Heidi Winnen. Thanks also to Shari Lusskin, April Reeve and Meg Spinelli for their local knowledge of New York and American medical education, David Lange for his advice on refrigeration and Chris Waddell for his drumming stories. W. H. Chong designed the Australian cover.

  The references to research in psychology and pregnancy incorporate the prejudices of fictional characters and should be taken with a grain of salt. In particular, Don’s interpretation of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Rosie’s use of various papers to support her dietary choices and the implicit reference to Feldman et al.’s work as a basis for the Lesbian Mothers Project do not necessarily represent their authors’ intentions.

  Many publishers, booksellers and readers around the world have contributed to making The Rosie Project a success and are already doing the same for The Rosie Effect. In Australia, thanks are particularly due to Anne Beilby, Jane Novak, Kirsty Wilson and their teams at Text Publishing who have supported my writing and been creative in bringing it to a wide audience.



  Graeme Simsion, The Rosie Effect



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