NOTE I, p. 19

  The clan of Mac-Farlane, occupying the fastnesses of the western sideof Loch Lomond, were great depredators on the Low Country, and as theirexcursions were made usually by night, the moon was proverbially calledtheir lantern. Their celebrated pibroch of Hoggil nam Bo, which is thename of their gathering tune, intimates similar practices, the sensebeing:--

  We are bound to drive the bullocks, All by hollows, hirsts, and hillocks, Through the sleet, and through the rain. When the moon is beaming low On frozen lake and hills of snow, Bold and heartily we go; And all for little gain.

  NOTE 2, p. 22

  This noble ruin is dear to my recollection, from associations whichhave been long and painfully broken. It holds a commanding station onthe banks of the river Teith, and has been one of the largest castlesin Scotland. Murdoch, Duke of Albany, the founder of this stately pile,was beheaded on the Castle-hill of Stirling, from which he might seethe towers of Doune, the monument of his fallen greatness.

  In 1745-46, as stated in the text, a garrison on the part of theChevalier was put into the castle, then less ruinous than at present.It was commanded by Mr. Stewart of Balloch, as governor for PrinceCharles; he was a man of property near Callander. This castle became atthat time the actual scene of a romantic escape made by John Home, theauthor of Douglas, and some other prisoners, who, having been taken atthe battle of Falkirk, were confined there by the insurgents. The poet,who had in his own mind a large stock of that romantic and enthusiasticspirit of adventure which he has described as animating the youthfulhero of his drama, devised and undertook the perilous enterprise ofescaping from his prison. He inspired his companions with hissentiments, and when every attempt at open force was deemed hopeless,they resolved to twist their bed-clothes into ropes and thus todescend. Four persons, with Home himself, reached the ground in safety.But the rope broke with the fifth, who was a tall, lusty man. The sixthwas Thomas Barrow, a brave young Englishman, a particular friend ofHome's. Determined to take the risk, even in such unfavourablecircumstances, Barrow committed himself to the broken rope, slid downon it as far as it could assist him, and then let himself drop. Hisfriends beneath succeeded in breaking his fall. Nevertheless, hedislocated his ankle and had several of his ribs broken. Hiscompanions, however, were able to bear him off in safety.

  The Highlanders next morning sought for their prisoners with greatactivity. An old gentleman told the author he remembered seeing thecommandant Stewart

  Bloody with spurring, fiery red with haste,

  riding furiously through the country in quest of the fugitives.

  NOTE 3, p. 28

  To go out, or to have been out, in Scotland was a conventional phrasesimilar to that of the Irish respecting a man having been up, bothhaving reference to an individual who had been engaged in insurrection.It was accounted ill-breeding in Scotland about forty years since touse the phrase rebellion or rebel, which might be interpreted by someof the parties present as a personal insult. It was also esteemed morepolite, even for stanch Whigs, to denominate Charles Edward theChevalier than to speak of him as the Pretender; and this kind ofaccommodating courtesy was usually observed in society whereindividuals of each party mixed on friendly terms.

  NOTE 4, p. 38

  The Jacobite sentiments were general among the western counties and inWales. But although the great families of the Wynnes, the Wyndhams, andothers had come under an actual obligation to join Prince Charles if heshould land, they had done so under the express stipulation that heshould be assisted by an auxiliary army of French, without which theyforesaw the enterprise would be desperate. Wishing well to his cause,therefore, and watching an opportunity to join him, they did not,nevertheless, think themselves bound in honour to do so, as he was onlysupported by a body of wild mountaineers, speaking an uncouth dialect,and wearing a singular dress. The race up to Derby struck them withmore dread than admiration. But it is difficult to say what the effectmight have been had either the battle of Preston or Falkirk been foughtand won during the advance into England.

  NOTE 5, p. 43

  Divisions early showed themselves in the Chevalier's little army, notonly amongst the independent chieftains, who were far too proud tobrook subjection to each other, but betwixt the Scotch and Charles'sgovernor O'Sullivan, an Irishman by birth, who, with some of hiscountrymen bred in the Irish Brigade in the service of the King ofFrance, had an influence with the Adventurer much resented by theHighlanders, who were sensible that their own clans made the chief orrather the only strength of his enterprise. There was a feud, also,between Lord George Murray and John Murray of Broughton, the Prince'ssecretary, whose disunion greatly embarrassed the affairs of theAdventurer. In general, a thousand different pretensions divided theirlittle army, and finally contributed in no small degree to itsoverthrow.

  NOTE 6, p. 78

  This circumstance, which is historical, as well as the description thatprecedes it, will remind the reader of the war of La Vendee, in whichthe royalists, consisting chiefly of insurgent peasantry, attached aprodigious and even superstitious interest to the possession of a pieceof brass ordnance, which they called Marie Jeanne.

  The Highlanders of an early period were afraid of cannon, with thenoise and effect of which they were totally unacquainted. It was bymeans of three or four small pieces of artillery that the Earls ofHuntly and Errol, in James VI's time, gained a great victory atGlenlivat, over a numerous Highland army, commanded by the Earl ofArgyle. At the battle of the Bridge of Dee, General Middleton obtainedby his artillery a similar success, the Highlanders not being able tostand the discharge of Musket's Mother, which was the name theybestowed on great guns. In an old ballad on the battle of the Bridge ofDee these verses occur:--

  The Highlandmen are pretty men For handling sword and shield, But yet they are but simple men To stand a stricken field.

  The Highlandmen are pretty men For target and claymore, But yet they are but naked men To face the cannon's roar.

  For the cannons roar on a summer night Like thunder in the air; Was never man in Highland garb Would face the cannon fair

  But the Highlanders of 1745 had got far beyond the simplicity of theirforefathers, and showed throughout the whole war how little theydreaded artillery, although the common people still attached someconsequence to the possession of the field-piece which led to thisdisquisition.

  NOTE 7, p. 93

  The faithful friend who pointed out the pass by which the Highlandersmoved from Tranent to Seaton was Robert Anderson, junior, of Whitburgh,a gentleman of property in East Lothian. He had been interrogated bythe Lord George Murray concerning the possibility of crossing theuncouth and marshy piece of ground which divided the armies, and whichhe described as impracticable. When dismissed, he recollected thatthere was a circuitous path leading eastward through the marsh into theplain, by which the Highlanders might turn the flank of Sir John Cope'sposition without being exposed to the enemy's fire. Having mentionedhis opinion to Mr. Hepburn of Keith, who instantly saw its importance,he was encouraged by that gentleman to awake Lord George Murray andcommunicate the idea to him. Lord George received the information withgrateful thanks, and instantly awakened Prince Charles, who wassleeping in the field with a bunch of pease under his head. TheAdventurer received with alacrity the news that there was a possibilityof bringing an excellently provided army to a decisive battle with hisown irregular forces. His joy on the occasion was not very consistentwith the charge of cowardice brought against him by ChevalierJohnstone, a discontented follower, whose Memoirs possess at least asmuch of a romantic as a historical character. Even by the account ofthe Chevalier himself, the Prince was at the head of the second line ofthe Highland army during the battle, of which he says, 'It was gainedwith such rapidity that in the second line, where I was still by theside of the Prince, we saw no other enemy than those who were lying onthe groun
d killed and wounded, though we were not more than fifty pacesbehind our first line, running always as fast as we could to overtakethem.'

  This passage in the Chevalier's Memoirs places the Prince within fiftypaces of the heat of the battle, a position which would never have beenthe choice of one unwilling to take a share of its dangers. Indeed,unless the chiefs had complied with the young Adventurer's proposal tolead the van in person, it does not appear that he could have beendeeper in the action.

  NOTE 8, p. 100

  The death of this good Christian and gallant man is thus given by hisaffectionate biographer, Doctor Doddridge, from the evidence ofeye-witnesses:--

  'He continued all night under arms, wrapped up in his cloak, andgenerally sheltered under a rick of barley which happened to be in thefield. About three in the morning he called his domestic servants tohim, of which there were four in waiting. He dismissed three of themwith most affectionate Christian advice, and such solemn chargesrelating to the performance of their duty, and the care of their souls,as seemed plainly to intimate that he apprehended it was at least veryprobable he was taking his last farewell of them. There is great reasonto believe that he spent the little remainder of the time, which couldnot be much above an hour, in those devout exercises of soul which hadbeen so long habitual to him, and to which so many circumstances didthen concur to call him. The army was alarmed by break of day by thenoise of the rebels' approach, and the attack was made before sunrise,yet when it was light enough to discern what passed. As soon as theenemy came within gun-shot they made a furious fire; and it is saidthat the dragoons which constituted the left wing immediately fled. TheColonel at the beginning of the onset, which in the whole lasted but afew minutes, received a wound by a bullet in his left breast, whichmade him give a sudden spring in his saddle; upon which his servant,who led the horse, would have persuaded him to retreat, but he said itwas only a wound in the flesh, and fought on, though he presently afterreceived a shot in his right thigh. In the mean time, it was discernedthat some of the enemy fell by him, and particularly one man who hadmade him a treacherous visit but a few days before, with greatprofessions of zeal for the present establishment.

  'Events of this kind pass in less time than the description of them canbe written, or than it can be read. The Colonel was for a few momentssupported by his men, and particularly by that worthy personLieutenant-Colonel Whitney, who was shot through the arm here, and afew months after fell nobly at the battle of Falkirk, and by LieutenantWest, a man of distinguished bravery, as also by about fifteendragoons, who stood by him to the last. But after a faint fire, theregiment in general was seized with a panic; and though their Coloneland some other gallant officers did what they could to rally them onceor twice, they at last took a precipitate flight. And just in themoment when Colonel Gardiner seemed to be making a pause to deliberatewhat duty required him to do in such circumstances, an accidenthappened, which must, I think, in the judgment of every worthy andgenerous man, be allowed a sufficient apology for exposing his life toso great hazard, when his regiment had left him. He saw a party of thefoot, who were then bravely fighting near him, and whom he was orderedto support, had no officer to head them; upon which he said eagerly, inthe hearing of the person from whom I had this account, "These bravefellows will be cut to pieces for want of a commander," or words tothat effect; which while he was speaking he rode up to them and criedout, "Fire on, my lads, and fear nothing." But just as the words wereout of his mouth, a Highlander advanced towards him with a scythefastened to a long pole, with which he gave him so dreadful a wound onhis right arm, that his sword dropped out of his hand; and at the sametime several others coming about him while he was thus dreadfullyentangled with that cruel weapon, he was dragged off from his horse.The moment he fell, another Highlander, who, if the king's evidence atCarlisle may be credited (as I know not why they should not, though theunhappy creature died denying it), was one Mac-Naught, who was executedabout a year after, gave him a stroke either with a broadsword or aLochaber-axe (for my informant could not exactly distinguish) on thehinder part of his head, which was the mortal blow. All that hisfaithful attendant saw farther at this time was that, as his hat wasfallen off, he took it in his left hand and waved it as a signal to himto retreat, and added, what were the last words he ever heard himspeak, "Take care of yourself"; upon which the servant retired.'--SomeRemarkable Passages in the Life of Colonel James Gardiner. By P.Doddridge, D.D. London, 1747, P.187.

  I may remark on this extract, that it confirms the account given in thetext of the resistance offered by some of the English infantry.Surprised by a force of a peculiar and unusual description, theiropposition could not be long or formidable, especially as they weredeserted by the cavalry, and those who undertook to manage theartillery. But, although the affair was soon decided, I have alwaysunderstood that many of the infantry showed an inclination to do theirduty.

  NOTE 9, p. 101

  It is scarcely necessary to say that the character of this brutal youngLaird is entirely imaginary. A gentleman, however, who resembledBalmawhapple in the article of courage only, fell at Preston in themanner described. A Perthshire gentleman of high honour andrespectability, one of the handful of cavalry who followed the fortunesof Charles Edward, pursued the fugitive dragoons almost alone till nearSaint Clement's Wells, where the efforts of some of the officers hadprevailed on a few of them to make a momentary stand. Perceiving atthis moment that they were pursued by only one man and a couple ofservants, they turned upon him and cut him down with their swords. Iremember when a child, sitting on his grave, where the grass long grewrank and green, distinguishing it from the rest of the field. A femaleof the family then residing at Saint Clement's Wells used to tell methe tragedy, of which she had been an eye-witness, and showed me inevidence one of the silver clasps of the unfortunate gentleman'swaistcoat.

  NOTE 10, p. 118

  The name of Andrea de Ferrara is inscribed on all the Scottishbroadswords which are accounted of peculiar excellence. Who this artistwas, what were his fortunes, and when he flourished, have hithertodefied the research of antiquaries; only it is in general believed thatAndrea de Ferrara was a Spanish or Italian artificer, brought over byJames IV or V to instruct the Scots in the manufacture of sword blades.Most barbarous nations excel in the fabrication of arms; and the Scotshad attained great proficiency in forging swords so early as the fieldof Pinkie; at which period the historian Patten describes them as 'allnotably broad and thin, universally made to slice, and of suchexceeding good temper that, as I never saw any so good, so I think ithard to devise better.'--Account of Somerset's Expedition.

  It may be observed that the best and most genuine Andrea Ferraras havea crown marked on the blade.

  NOTE 11, p. 124

  The incident here said to have happened to Flora Mac-Ivor actuallybefell Miss Nairne, a lady with whom the author had the pleasure ofbeing acquainted. As the Highland army rushed into Edinburgh, MissNairne, like other ladies who approved of their cause, stood waving herhandkerchief from a balcony, when a ball from a Highlander's musket,which was discharged by accident, grazed her forehead. 'Thank God,'said she, the instant she recovered,'that the accident happened to me,whose principles are known. Had it befallen a Whig, they would havesaid it was done on purpose.'

  NOTE 12, p. 185

  The Author of Waverley has been charged with painting the youngAdventurer in colours more amiable than his character deserved. Buthaving known many individuals who were near his person, he has beendescribed according to the light in which those eye-witnesses saw histemper and qualifications. Something must be allowed, no doubt, to thenatural exaggerations of those who remembered him as the bold andadventurous Prince in whose cause they had braved death and ruin; butis their evidence to give place entirely to that of a single malcontent?

  I have already noticed the imputations thrown by the ChevalierJohnstone on the Prince's courage. But some part at least of thatgentleman's tale is purely romantic. It would not, for instance, besupposed th
at at the time he is favouring us with the highly wroughtaccount of his amour with the adorable Peggie, the Chevalier Johnstonewas a married man, whose grandchild is now alive; or that the wholecircumstantial story concerning the outrageous vengeance taken byGordon of Abbachie on a Presbyterian clergyman is entirely apocryphal.At the same time it may be admitted that the Prince, like others of hisfamily, did not esteem the services done him by his adherents so highlyas he ought. Educated in high ideas of his hereditary right, he hasbeen supposed to have held every exertion and sacrifice made in hiscause as too much the duty of the person making it to merit extravagantgratitude on his part. Dr. King's evidence (which his leaving theJacobite interest renders somewhat doubtful) goes to strengthen thisopinion.

  The ingenious editor of Johnstone's Memoirs has quoted a story said tobe told by Helvetius, stating that Prince Charles Edward, far fromvoluntarily embarking on his daring expedition, was, literally boundhand and foot, and to which he seems disposed to yield credit. Now, itbeing a fact as well known as any in his history, and, so far as Iknow, entirely undisputed, that the Prince's personal entreaties andurgency positively forced Boisdale and Lochiel into insurrection, whenthey were earnestly desirous that he would put off his attempt until hecould obtain a sufficient force from France, it will be very difficultto reconcile his alleged reluctance to undertake the expedition withhis desperately insisting upon carrying the rising into effect againstthe advice and entreaty of his most powerful and most sage partizans.Surely a man who had been carried bound on board the vessel whichbrought him to so desperate an enterprise would have taken theopportunity afforded by the reluctance of his partizans to return toFrance in safety.

  It is averred in Johnstone's Memoirs that Charles Edward left the fieldof Culloden without doing the utmost to dispute the victory; and, togive the evidence on both sides, there is in existence the moretrustworthy testimony of Lord Elcho, who states that he himselfearnestly exhorted the Prince to charge at the head of the left wing,which was entire, and retrieve the day or die with honour. And on hiscounsel being declined, Lord Elcho took leave of him with a bitterexecration, swearing he would never look on his face again, and kepthis word.

  On the other hand, it seems to have been the opinion of almost all theother officers that the day was irretrievably lost, one wing of theHighlanders being entirely routed, the rest of the army outnumbered,outflanked, and in a condition totally hopeless. In this situation ofthings the Irish officers who surrounded Charles's person interfered toforce him off the field. A cornet who was close to the Prince left astrong attestation that he had seen Sir Thomas Sheridan seize thebridle of his horse and turn him round. There is some discrepancy ofevidence; but the opinion of Lord Elcho, a man of fiery temper anddesperate at the ruin which he beheld impending, cannot fairly be takenin prejudice of a character for courage which is intimated by thenature of the enterprise itself, by the Prince's eagerness to fight onall occasions, by his determination to advance from Derby to London,and by the presence of mind which he manifested during the romanticperils of his escape. The author is far from claiming for thisunfortunate person the praise due to splendid talents; but he continuesto be of opinion that at the period of his enterprise he had a mindcapable of facing danger and aspiring to fame.

  That Charles Edward had the advantages of a graceful presence,courtesy, and an address and manner becoming his station, the authornever heard disputed by any who approached his person, nor does heconceive that these qualities are overcharged in the present attempt tosketch his portrait.

  The following extracts corroborative of the general opinion respectingthe Prince's amiable disposition are taken from a manuscript account ofhis romantic expedition, by James Maxwell of Kirkconnell, of which Ipossess a copy, by the friendship of J. Menzies, Esq., of Pitfoddells.The author, though partial to the Prince, whom he faithfully followed,seems to have been a fair and candid man, and well acquainted with theintrigues among the adventurer's council:--

  'Everybody was mightily taken with the Prince's figure and personalbehaviour. There was but one voice about them. Those whom interest orprejudice made a runaway to his cause could not help acknowledging thatthey wished him well in all other respects, and could hardly blame himfor his present undertaking. Sundry things had concurred to raise hischaracter to the highest pitch, besides the greatness of the enterpriseand the conduct that had hitherto appeared in the execution of it.

  'There were several instances of good nature and humanity that had madea great impression on people's minds. I shall confine myself to two orthree.

  'Immediately after the battle, as the Prince was riding along theground that Cope's army had occupied a few minutes before, one of theofficers came up to congratulate him, and said, pointing to the killed,"Sir, there are your enemies at your feet." The Prince, far fromexulting, expressed a great deal of compassion for his father's deludedsubjects, whom he declared he was heartily sorry to see in that posture.

  'Next day, while the Prince was at Pinkie House, a citizen of Edinburghcame to make some representation to Secretary Murray about the tentsthat city was ordered to furnish against a certain day. Murray happenedto be out of the way, which the Prince hearing of called to have thegentleman brought to him, saying, he would rather despatch thebusiness, whatever it was, himself than have the gentleman wait, whichhe did, by granting everything that was asked. So much affability in ayoung prince flushed with victory drew encomiums even from his enemies.

  'But what gave the people the highest idea of him was the negative hegave to a thing that very nearly concerned his interest, and upon whichthe success of his enterprise perhaps depended. It was proposed to sendone of the prisoners to London to demand of that court a cartel for theexchange of prisoners taken, and to be taken, during this war, and tointimate that a refusal would be looked upon as a resolution on theirpart to give no quarter. It was visible a cartel would be of greatadvantage to the Prince's affairs; his friends would be more ready todeclare for him if they had nothing to fear but the chance of war inthe field; and if the court of London refused to settle a cartel, thePrince was authorised to treat his prisoners in the same manner theElector of Hanover was determined to treat such of the Prince's friendsas might fall into his hands; it was urged that a few examples wouldcompel the court of London to comply. It was to be presumed that theofficers of the English army would make a point of it. They had neverengaged in the service but upon such terms as are in use among allcivilised nations, and it could be no stain upon their honour to laydown their commissions if these terms were not observed, and that owingto the obstinacy of their own Prince. Though this scheme was plausible,and represented as very important, the Prince could never be broughtinto it, it was below him, he said, to make empty threats, and he wouldnever put such as those into execution; he would never in cold bloodtake away lives which he had saved in heat of action at the peril ofhis own. These were not the only proofs of good nature the Prince gaveabout this time. Every day produced something new of this kind. Thesethings softened the rigour of a military government which was onlyimputed to the necessity of his affairs, and which he endeavoured tomake as gentle and easy as possible.'

  It has been said that the Prince sometimes exacted more state andceremonial than seemed to suit his condition; but, on the other hand,some strictness of etiquette was altogether indispensable where he mustotherwise have been exposed to general intrusion. He could also endure,with a good grace, the retorts which his affectation of ceremonysometimes exposed him to. It is said, for example, that Grant ofGlenmoriston having made a hasty march to join Charles, at the head ofhis clan, rushed into the Prince's presence at Holyrood withunceremonious haste, without having attended to the duties of thetoilet. The Prince received him kindly, but not without a hint that aprevious interview with the barber might not have been whollyunnecessary. 'It is not beardless boys,' answered the displeased Chief,'who are to do your Royal Highness's turn.' The Chevalier took therebuke in good part.

  On the whole, if Prince Charles had
concluded his life soon after hismiraculous escape, his character in history must have stood very high.As it was, his station is amongst those a certain brilliant portion ofwhose life forms a remarkable contrast to all which precedes and allwhich follows it.

  NOTE 13, p. 195

  The following account of the skirmish at Clifton is extracted from themanuscript Memoirs of Evan Macpherson of Cluny, Chief of the clanMacpherson, who had the merit of supporting the principal brunt of thatspirited affair. The Memoirs appear to have been composed about 1755,only ten years after the action had taken place. They were written inFrance, where that gallant chief resided in exile, which accounts forsome Gallicisms which occur in the narrative.

  'In the Prince's return from Derby back towards Scotland, my LordGeorge Murray, Lieutenant-General, cheerfully charg'd himself with thecommand of the rear, a post which, altho' honourable, was attended withgreat danger, many difficulties, and no small fatigue; for the Prince,being apprehensive that his retreat to Scotland might be cut off byMarischall Wade, who lay to the northward of him with an armie muchsupperior to what H.R.H. had, while the Duke of Comberland with hiswhole cavalrie followed hard in the rear, was obliged to hasten hismarches. It was not, therefore, possible for the artilirie to march sofast as the Prince's army, in the depth of winter, extremely badweather, and the worst roads in England; so Lord George Murray wasobliged often to continue his marches long after it was dark almostevery night, while at the same time he had frequent allarms anddisturbances from the Duke of Comberland's advanc'd parties.

  'Towards the evening of the twentie-eight December 1745 the Princeentered the town of Penrith, in the Province of Comberland. But as LordGeorge Murray could not bring up the artilirie so fast as he wou'd havewish'd, he was oblig'd to pass the night six miles short of that town,together with the regiment of MacDonel of Glengarrie, which that dayhappened to have the arrear guard. The Prince, in order to refresh hisarmie, and to give My Lord George and the artilirie time to come up,resolved to sejour the 29th at Penrith; so ordered his little army toappear in the morning under arms, in order to be reviewed, and to knowin what manner the numbers stood from his haveing entered England. Itdid not at that time amount to 5000 foot in all, with about 400cavalrie, compos'd of the noblesse who serv'd as volunteers, part ofwhom form'd a first troop of guards for the Prince, under the commandof My Lord Elchoe, now Comte de Weems, who, being proscribed, ispresently in France. Another part formed a second troup of guards underthe command of My Lord Balmirino, who was beheaded at the Tower ofLondon. A third part serv'd under My Lord le Comte de Kilmarnock, whowas likewise beheaded at the Tower. A fourth part serv'd under My LordPitsligow, who is also proscribed; which cavalrie, tho' very few innumbers, being all noblesse, were very brave, and of infinite advantageto the foot, not only in the day of battle, but in serving as advancedguards on the several marches, and in patroling dureing the night onthe different roads which led towards the towns where the army happenedto quarter.

  'While this small army was out in a body on the 2Qth December, upon ariseing ground to the northward of Penrith, passing review, Mons. deCluny, with his tribe, was ordered to the Bridge of Clifton, about amile to southward of Penrith, after having pass'd in review beforeMons. Pattullo, who was charged with the inspection of the troops, andwas likeways Quarter-Master-General of the army, and is now in France.They remained under arms at the bridge, waiting the arrival of My LordGeorge Murray with the artilirie, whom Mons. de Cluny had orders tocover in passing the bridge. They arrived about sunsett closly pursuedby the Duke of Comberland with the whole body of his cavalrie, reckonedupwards of 3000 strong, about a thousand of whom, as near as might becomputed, dismounted, in order to cut off the passage of the artilirietowards the bridge, while the Duke and the others remained on horsebackin order to attack the rear.

  'My Lord George Murray advanced, and although he found Mons. de Clunyand his tribe in good spirits under arms, yet the circumstance appear'dextremely delicate. The numbers were vastly unequall, and the attackseem'd very dangerous; so My Lord George declin'd giving orders to suchtime as he ask'd Mons. de Cluny's oppinion. "I will attack them withall my heart," says Mons. de Cluny, "if you order me." "I do order itthen," answered My Lord George, and immediately went on himself alongwith Mons. de Cluny, and fought sword in hand on foot at the head ofthe single tribe of Macphersons. They in a moment made their waythrough a strong hedge of thorns, under the cover whereof the cavalriehad taken their station, in the strugle of passing which hedge My LordGeorge Murray, being dressed en montagnard, as all the army were, losthis bonet and wig; so continued to fight bare-headed during the action.They at first made a brisk discharge of their firearms on the enemy,then attacked them with their sabres, and made a great slaughter aconsiderable time, which obliged Comberland and his cavalrie to flywith precipitation and in great confusion; in so much that, if thePrince had been provided in a sufficient number of cavalrie to havetaken advantage of the disorder, it is beyond question that the Duke ofComberland and the bulk of his cavalrie had been taken prisoners.

  'By this time it was so dark that it was not possible to view or numberthe slain who filled all the ditches which happened to be on the groundwhere they stood. But it was computed that, besides those who went offwounded, upwards of a hundred at least were left on the spot, amongwhom was Colonel Honywood, who commanded the dismounted cavalrie, whosesabre of considerable value Mons. de Cluny brought off and stillpreserves; and his tribe lykeways brought off many arms;--the Colonelwas afterwards taken up, and, his wounds being dress'd, with greatdifficultie recovered. Mons. de Cluny lost only in the action twelvemen, of whom some haveing been only wounded, fell afterwards into thehands of the enemy, and were sent as slaves to America, whence severalof them returned, and one of them is now in France, a sergeant in theRegiment of Royal Scots. How soon the accounts of the enemies approachhad reached the Prince, H.R.H. had immediately ordered Mi-Lord le Comtede Nairne, Brigadier, who, being proscribed, is now in France, with thethree batalions of the Duke of Athol, the batalion of the Duke ofPerth, and some other troups under his command, in order to supportCluny, and to bring off the artilirie. But the action was entirely overbefore the Comte de Nairne, with his command, cou'd reach nigh to theplace. They therefore return'd all to Penrith, and the artiliriemarched up in good order.

  'Nor did the Duke of Comberland ever afterwards dare to come within aday's march of the Prince and his army dureing the course of all thatretreat, which was conducted with great prudence and safety when insome manner surrounded by enemies.'

  NOTE 14, p. 215

  As the heathen deities contracted an indelible obligation if they sworeby Styx, the Scottish Highlanders had usually some peculiar solemnityattached to an oath which they intended should be binding on them. Veryfrequently it consisted in laying their hand, as they swore, on theirown drawn dirk; which dagger, becoming a party to the transaction, wasinvoked to punish any breach of faith. But by whatever ritual the oathwas sanctioned, the party was extremely desirous to keep secret whatthe especial oath was which he considered as irrevocable. This was amatter of great convenience, as he felt no scruple in breaking hisasseveration when made in any other form than that which he accountedas peculiarly solemn; and therefore readily granted any engagementwhich bound him no longer than he inclined. Whereas, if the oath whichhe accounted inviolable was once publicly known, no party with whom hemight have occasion to contract would have rested satisfied with anyother.

  Louis XI of France practised the same sophistry, for he also had apeculiar species of oath, the only one which he was ever known torespect, and which, therefore, he was very unwilling to pledge. Theonly engagement which that wily tyrant accounted binding upon him wasan oath by the Holy Cross of Saint Lo d'Angers, which contained aportion of the True Cross. If he prevaricated after taking this oathLouis believed he should die within the year. The Constable Saint Paul,being invited to a personal conference with Louis, refused to meet theking unless he would agree to ensure him safe conduct under sanct
ion ofthis oath. But, says Comines, the king replied, he would never againpledge that engagement to mortal man, though he was willing to take anyother oath which could be devised. The treaty broke oft, therefore,after much chaffering concerning the nature of the vow which Louis wasto take. Such is the difference between the dictates of superstitionand those of conscience.


  A', all.

  ABOON, abune, above.

  AE, one.

  AFF, off.

  AFORE, before.

  AHINT, behind.

  AIN, own.

  AITS, oats.

  AMAIST, almost.

  AMBRY, a cupboard, a pantry.

  AN, if.

  ANE, one.

  ANEUCH, enough.

  ARRAY, annoy, trouble.

  ASSOILZIED, absolved, acquitted.

  ASSYTHMENT, satisfaction,

  AULD, old.

  BAFF, a blow.

  BAGGANET, a bayonet.

  BAILIE, a city magistrate in Scotland.

  BAIRN, a child.

  BAITH, both.

  BANES, bones.

  BANG-UP, get up quickly, bounce.

  BARLEY, a parley, a truce.

  BAULD, bold.

  BAULDER, bolder.

  BAWBEE, a halfpenny.

  BAWTY, sly, cunning.

  BEES, in the, bewildered, stupefied.

  BEFLUMM'D, flattered, cajoled.

  BEGUNK, a trick, a cheat.

  BEN, within, inside.

  BENEMPT, named.

  BICKER, a wooden dish.

  BIDE, stay, endure.

  BIELDY, affording shelter.

  BIGGING, building.

  BIRLIEMAN, a peace officer.

  BLACK-COCK, the black grouse.

  BLACK-FISHING, ashing by torchlight, poaching.

  BLUDE, bluid, blood.

  BODDLE, bodle, a copper coin, worth one third of an English penny.

  BOGLE ABOUT THE BUSH, beat about the bush, a children's game.

  BONNIE, beautiful, comely, fine,

  BOUNE, prepared.

  BRA', fine, handsome, showy.

  BRANDER, broil.

  BREEKS, breeches.

  BRENT, smooth, unwrinkled.

  BROGUES, Highland shoes.

  BROO, brew, broth.

  BRUCKLE, brittle, infirm.

  BRUIK, enjoy.

  BRULZIE, bruilzie, a broil, a fray.

  BUCKIE, a perverse or refractory person.

  BUTTOCK-MAIL, a fine for fornication.

  BYDAND, awaiting.

  CA', call.

  CADGER, a country carrier.

  CAILLIACHS, old women on whom devolved the duty of lamenting for thedead, which the Irish call keening.

  CALLANT, a stripling, a fine fellow.

  CANNILY, prudently.

  CANNY, cautious, lucky.

  CARLE, a churl, an old man.

  CATERAN, a freebooter.

  CHIEL, a young man.

  CLACHAN, a village, a hamlet.

  CLAMYHEWIT, a blow, a drubbing.

  CLASH, chatter, gossip.

  CLATTER, tattle, noisy talk.

  CLOSE, a narrow passage.

  CLOUR, a bump, a bruise.

  COCKY-LEEKY, a soup made of a cock, seasoned with leeks.

  COGHLING AND DROGHLING, wheezing and blowing.

  CORONACH, a dirge.

  CORRIE, a mountain hollow.

  COUP, fall.

  COW YER CRACKS, cut short your talk, hold your tongues.

  CRACK, boast.

  CRAIG, the neck, the throat.

  CRAMES, merchants' shops, booths.

  CUT-LUGGED, crop-eared.

  DAFT, foolish, mad, crazy.

  DAUR, dare.

  DEAVING, deafening.

  DECREET, an order of decree.

  DELIVER, light, agile.

  DERN, hidden, concealed, secret.

  DING, knock, beat, surpass.

  DINGLE, dinnle, tingle, vibrate with sound.

  DOER, an agent, a manager.

  DOG-HEAD, the hammer of a gun.

  DOILED, crazed, silly.

  DOITED, having the faculties impaired.

  DORLACH, a bundle.

  DOW, a dove.

  DOWF, dowff, dull, spiritless.

  DRAPPIE, a little drop, a small quantity of drink.

  EFFEIR, what is becoming.

  ENEUGH, enough.

  ETTER-CAP, a spider, an ill-natured person.

  EVITE, avoid, escape.

  EWEST, ewast, contiguous.

  FALLOW, a fellow.

  FAULD, fold.

  FEARED, afraid.

  FECK, a quantity.

  FLEYT, frightened, shy.

  FRAE, from.

  GAD, a goad, a rod.

  GANE, gone; gang, go.

  GAR, make.

  GATE, way.

  GAUN, going.

  GEAR, goods.

  GHAIST, a ghost.

  GIN, if.

  GITE, crazy, a noodle,

  GLED, a kite.

  GLEG, quick, clever.

  GLISK, a glimpse.

  GOWD, gold.

  GRANING, groaning.

  GRAT, wept.

  GREE, agree.

  GREYBEARD, a stone bottle or jug.

  GRICE, gryce, gris, a pig.

  GRIPPLE, griping, niggardly.

  GUDE, guid, good.

  GULPIN, a simpleton.

  HA', hall.

  HAG, a portion of copse marked off for cutting.

  HAGGIS, a pudding peculiar to Scotland, containing oatmeal, suet,minced sheep's liver, heart, etc., seasoned with onions, pepper, andsalt, the whole mixture boiled in a sheep's stomach.

  HAIL, whole.

  HECK, a hay rack; at heck and manger, in plenty.

  HET, hot.

  HOG, a young sheep before its first shearing.

  HORSE-COUPER, horse-cowper, a horse-dealer.

  HURDLES, the buttocks.

  HURLEY-HOUSE, a large house fallen into disrepair.

  ILK, same; of that ilk, of the same name or place,

  ILKA, every.

  INGLE, a fire burning upon the hearth.

  IN THE BEES, stupefied.

  KEEPIT, kept.

  KEMPLE, a Scotch measure of straw or hay.

  KEN, know.

  KIPPAGE, disorder, confusion.

  KIRK, church.

  KITTLE, tickle, ticklish.

  LAIRD, lord of the manor.

  LANDLOUPER, a wanderer, a vagabond.

  LEDDY, a lady.

  LIGHTLY, make light of, disparage.

  LIMMER, a hussy, a jade.

  LOON, a worthless fellow, a lout.

  LOUP, leap, start.

  LUG, an ear.

  LUNZIE, the loins, the waist.

  MAE, more.

  MAINS, the chief farm of an estate.

  MAIR, more.

  MAIST, most, almost. MART, beef salted down for winter.

  MASK, mash, infuse.

  MAUN, must.

  MERK, an old silver coin worth 13 1/3 pence, English.

  MICKLE, large, much.

  MORN, tomorrow.

  MOUSTED, powdered.

  MUCKLE, great, much.

  MUNT, mount.

  MUTCHKIN, a measure equal to about three quarters of an imperial pint.

  NA, nae, no, not.

  NAIGS, horses.

  NAIL, the sixteenth part of a yard.

  NATHELESS, nevertheless.

  NEB, nose, tip.

  NE'ER BE IN ME, devil be in me.

  OLD TO DO, great doings.

  OWER, over.

  PAITRICK, a partridge.

  PANGED, crammed.

  PARRITCH, oatmeal porridge.

  PAUNIE, a peacock.

  PECULIUM, private property.

  PINNERS, a headdress for women.

  PLACK, a copper coin worth one third of a penny.

  PLAIDY, an outer covering for the body.

  PLENISH, furnish.

LOY, an entertainment, a pastime.

  POTTINGER, an apothecary.

  POWNIE, a pony.

  POWTERING, poking, stirring.

  PRETTY MAN, a stout, warlike fellow.

  QUEAN, a young woman.

  REDD, part, separate.

  REISES, twigs, branches.

  RESILING, retracting, withdrawing.

  RIGGS, ridges, ploughed ground.

  RINTHEROUT, a roving person, a vagabond.

  ROW, roll.

  ROWED, rolled.

  ROWT, cried out, bellowed,

  ROYNISH, scurvy, coarse.

  SAE, so.

  ST. JOHNSTONE'S TIPPET, a rope or halter for hanging.

  SAIR, sore, very.

  SALL, shall.

  SARK, a shirt.

  SAUMON, a salmon.

  SAUT, salt.

  SCARTED, scratched, scribbled over.

  SCHELLUM, a rascal.

  SCROLL, engross, copy.

  SHANKS, legs.

  SHEERS, shears.

  SHOUTHER, the shoulder.

  SICCAN, sic, such.

  SILLER, money.

  SILLY, weak.

  SKIG, the least quantity of anything.

  SMA', small.

  SMOKY, suspicious.

  SNECK, cut.

  SORTED, put in proper order, adjusted.

  SOWENS, the seeds of oatmeal soured.

  SPEER, ask, investigate.

  SPENCE, the place where provisions are kept.

  SPRACK, lively.

  SPRECHERY, movables of an unimportant sort.

  SPUILZIE, spoil.

  SPUNG, pick one's pocket.

  STIEVE, firm.

  STOOR, rough, harsh.

  STRAE, straw.

  STREEKS, stretches, lies.

  SWAIR, swore.

  SYNE, before, now, ago.

  TAIGLIT, harassed, encumbered, loitered.

  TAULD, told.

  THAE, those.

  THIR, these.

  THOLE, bear, suffer.

  THRAW, twist, wrench.

  THREEPIT, maintained obstinately.

  THROSTLE, the thrush.

  TILL, to.

  TIRRIVIES, hasty fits of passion,

  TOCHERLESS, without dowry.

  TOUN, a town, a hamlet, a farm.

  TOY, an old-fashioned cap for women.

  TREWS, trousers.

  TRINDLING, rolling.

  TROW, believe.

  TUILZIE, a quarrel

  TUME, toom, empty.

  TURNSPIT DOGGIE, a kind of dog, long-bodied and short-legged, formerlyused in turning a treadmill.

  TYKE, a dog, a rough fellow.

  UMQUHILE, formerly, late.

  UNCO, strange, very,

  UNSONSY, unlucky.

  USQUEBAUGH, whiskey.

  VENY, venue, a bout.

  VIVERS, victuals.

  WA', wall

  WAD, would.

  WADSET, a deed conveying property to a creditor

  WAIN, a wagon; to remove.

  WALISE, a portmanteau, saddlebags.

  WAN, won.

  WANCHANCY, unlucky.

  WARE, spend.

  WEEL-FARD, weel-faur'd, having a good appearance.

  WEISING, inclining, directing.

  WHA, who.

  WHAR, where,

  WHAT FOR, why.

  WHEEN, a few.

  WHILE SYNE, a while ago.

  WHILES, sometimes.

  WHILK, which.

  WHIN, a few.

  WHINGEING, whining.

  WINNA, will not.

  WISKE, whisk.

  YATE, gate.

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