Page 31 of The Raven

  Chapter Forty

  Although William was unable to meditate while holding Raven in his arms, he was surprised to discover that the posture calmed and relaxed him. He closed his eyes and rested, allowing his mind to drift like a sailboat over the sea.

  He felt a modicum of guilt for the way he’d treated her—first, allowing her to exchange her freedom for his assistance with her friends, and second, exacting her painful history in exchange for Emerson’s life.

  Don’t you get tired of death? Her sweet voice echoed in his ears.

  The truth was he did tire of it. When the Black Death scourged Florence and he had to scavenge for uninfected humans on which to feed, he tired of death. When the old prince allowed the brethren to kill without limit, including infants and children, he tired of death.

  He overcame his fatigue by killing the Prince and taking over the principality. He accumulated wealth and power, he allowed his appetites to be fed, and he derived a measure of satisfaction from all his pursuits.

  But he lacked hope. He lacked peace. The only way he could continue was to never, ever think of the future.

  Of course, Raven couldn’t know that vampyres didn’t live forever. That the Curia had cursed them to a life of only a thousand years. Still, given his age, he had time and time enough to spare.

  He’d outlive her.

  The thought burned through him.

  William released Raven as gently as he could, determined not to wake her. He retired to one of the guest bedrooms so he could shower and dress.

  His considerable respect for her had increased a hundredfold. He was more determined than ever to make her his.

  He simply needed to be patient, and patient he was.

  “Good morning.” William looked down into Raven’s wide green eyes.

  “Good morning.” Her tone was hesitant.

  He leaned over and kissed her.

  “Did you sleep well?” He spoke against her lips.

  She nodded.

  “What’s the matter?” He sat next to her on the bed.

  “I don’t know,” she confessed, avoiding eye contact.

  “You came to see me; we had a meeting of the minds. Emerson is safe and you’re wearing my protection.” William gestured to her right wrist. “Is that an adequate summary of the evening’s activities?”

  She lifted her wrist to examine the bracelet, a small smile playing on her lips.

  Her eyes moved to her protector’s. “So you won’t harm Professor Emerson?”

  “If he commits an infraction within the city, there will be consequences. But I won’t harm him because of the illustrations. I’ve decided to channel my energies in other directions.” William’s mouth extended into a provocative smile.

  “What directions might that be?”


  He brought their lips together, this time seeking entrance to her mouth immediately.

  Raven welcomed him inside, curving her hand around the back of his neck and pulling him closer.

  William’s lips pressed, devoured, tantalized.

  His fingers spanned her waist. Then they ascended underneath her blouse to her breasts. He traced the opening before slipping his hand under the material to cup her bra, his hands cool.

  She hummed appreciatively and he began circling his fingers, stroking and rolling.

  Raven moved her hand to his hair, winding the strands. She tilted her head, languorously exploring his mouth, reveling in the feel and taste of him.

  With a growl, William shifted, lightning fast. He pulled the covers from her lower body and brought his hips between her legs, arching over her.

  His mouth descended to her neck, kissing and sucking at the flesh beneath her ear.

  She moaned and he lowered his lips to her breasts, pushing her blouse aside and kissing across the skin that swelled above her bra.

  “William,” she whispered.

  His arousal was pressing up against her, through their clothing. He slid his hand down her side, his touch scorching, and lifted her leg to wrap around his hip.

  “William,” she groaned.

  He looked down at her, his eyes alight, his beautiful mouth parted.

  “Let me pleasure you,” he rasped, kissing her fiercely.

  “I can’t.” Her voice was small, her expression conflicted. “What happened last night, what I told you—I’m a mess.”

  “Spend the night with me, here, in my bed.”

  “William, I—”

  He lifted a hand to her face, his touch light and soothing.

  “Come to me tonight.”

  “I’m not promising to sleep with you.”

  “Why not?” He kissed her again, this time gently.

  “I’m worried about my heart.”

  He arched an eyebrow at the space between her breasts, his lips curving up into a half smile.

  “Not that heart.” Her eyes slid to the side. “When you laugh at me, it will hurt.”

  William’s expression grew thunderous.

  “Have I given you any indication that I find this funny?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “What I want most at this moment is to peel your clothes from your body and place my tongue between your legs.”

  Raven’s eyes flew to his.

  Naked desire shone in his eyes; electricity shot across his skin.

  He traced her lower body with his finger. “Let me in.”

  “I know myself.” Her eyes slid to the side again. “I know my failings and I know my fate. I’m supposed to be alone.”

  “I can’t see how that’s possible, since I believe you’re supposed to be with me, in my arms, in my bed.”

  Her green eyes fixed on his. “I’ve had two lovers, William. Neither of them made me feel the way I feel when I’m in your arms. If we do this, I’ll become attached to you.”

  He lifted her wrist, moving the bracelet aside.

  “You are already attached to me.” He began to kiss her wrist, drawing the flesh into his mouth and sucking.

  “Vampyres may not have feelings, but humans do. You know this.”

  William paused.

  “It isn’t correct to say that vampyres are entirely without feeling. It depends on the vampyre.”

  “And you?”

  “I lack empathy, like most vampyres. Except when it comes to you.”

  She lifted her hand and placed it over his heart.

  She felt what she thought was his heartbeat, but it felt strange. It was stronger than a human heartbeat, but after it pulsed it would fall silent for several seconds.

  “You have a heart.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “I didn’t know vampyres had working hearts.”

  “We need our blood to circulate, to keep the body working. Life is in the blood.”

  “The other night, when you took me home after taking me to meet the others, you mentioned hope. What do you hope for, William?”

  He frowned. “That I wouldn’t be condemned to an eternity of empty darkness.”

  Raven cringed at his words. “Is that what you have?”

  “Not exactly.” His expression grew guarded. “Somehow the darkness recedes when you’re near.”

  She withdrew her hand and he grasped it, kissing the back of it.

  “Your skin smells of roses.” He inhaled deeply. “It’s exquisite.”

  He pressed his lips against the length of her arm, moving back and forth at a leisurely pace.

  “This is my warning,” she whispered. “My heart is part of my body.”

  He touched the space between her breasts. “I will treat you, all of you, with care.”

  Raven watched as the beautiful, flawless man above her kissed her wrist with absolute abandon and found words tumbling out of her mouth.

  “I’ll come to you tonight. But I don’t promise to sleep with you.”

  William smiled slowly.

  “I enjoy a challenge.”

  He kissed her once mor
e, an embrace burning with promise, then he withdrew. He extended his hand to help her out of bed.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  Raven focused on his retreating back, part of her wondering why she had resisted him.

  After breakfast, William introduced her to another member of his security team, a tall, bald man with extremely broad shoulders.

  “Raven, this is Marco.”

  “Polo,” she blurted out.

  William and Marco eyed her quizzically.

  “I’m afraid you have him mistaken with someone who died many, many years ago,” William said, his lips twitching.

  “Sorry.” She reddened. “It’s good to meet you, Marco.”

  William gestured to his assistant. “Marco will follow you to the Uffizi this morning. After work, he will take you to your apartment so you can drop off your Vespa and pick up your things. Then he’ll drive you here.”

  “I’m supposed to volunteer at the orphanage after work.” Raven clutched her knapsack awkwardly. “And I’d like to see Bruno.”

  William appeared displeased. “He won’t remember your time together. The head injury combined with the blood will have affected his memory.”

  “I realize that. I still want to see him.” She sounded stubborn.

  “Very well.” William pressed his lips together as an indication of his displeasure. “Marco will escort you where you need to go.

  “I have business to attend to in the early evening. I’ll ask Lucia to prepare dinner for you.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll eat with the children.”

  William examined her features. “Perhaps we could watch one of your films this evening.”

  She smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Good. Call Ambrogio and let him know what you need in order to show the film.”

  William walked her outside to her Vespa and wrapped her in his arms. “You don’t need to worry about the inspector. He won’t bother you again.”

  “Thank you.”

  He gazed at her hungrily.

  “I’m looking forward to tonight.”

  He kissed her firmly.

  A few kisses, another embrace, and she was on her Vespa, speeding down the hill toward the Arno, with Marco following in the Mercedes. A few cars behind, Ispettor Batelli trailed them.

  William returned to the house and summoned Luka to the library, handing him a folded piece of paper. “I need you to travel to Florida, in America, to the cities of Orlando and St. Petersburg. Find out everything you can about the persons I’ve named. Contact me for further instructions.”

  Luka unfolded the paper, read it, and placed it in his jacket pocket. With a bow, he exited the room.

  William moved to the windows and looked out over his estate, lost in thought.

  Chapter Forty-one

  “I’m here to see Bruno Rostagno.” Raven spoke to one of the nurses on Bruno’s floor at the hospital.

  “Friend or family?” The nurse didn’t bother to look up from her computer.

  “Friend.” Raven shifted her weight, nervously glancing at Marco, who was standing a few feet away, looking intimidating.

  The nurse was about to direct Raven to the correct room when a familiar-looking woman approached them.

  “Raven, hello.” Graziella greeted her warmly, kissing both cheeks.

  “Graziella, hi.” Raven smiled. “I’m just here to see Bruno.”

  “Good. I’ve just arrived also. Come with me.” Graziella nodded at the nurse and took Raven’s hand, leading her down the hall.

  “How is he?” she asked, concerned.

  “He will come home tomorrow, I think. He was supposed to be released today but the doctor wanted to wait.”

  They walked down the hall and made a left. Graziella stopped at the door to the third room.

  “You say hello. I’ll come in later.”

  “But you’re here. I’m sure he wants to see you first,” Raven protested, noticing that Marco had followed them.

  Graziella just patted her arm and gestured to the door.

  Raven’s grip tightened on her cane as she entered the room with caution. She was worried about what she was going to find.

  Bruno was lying in bed, looking remarkably well. In fact, there was no evidence of his previous injuries—no bruising, no bandages, no cords or tubes attached to his body.

  He looked healthier than he had before, and perhaps even a little younger.

  Raven wondered if anyone else had noticed the changes.

  “Hello, Bruno.” She greeted him with a cheerful wave.

  He nodded at her. “Good afternoon.”

  Raven’s smile faltered.

  “It’s me. It’s Raven.”

  Bruno examined her face for a moment and then his gaze dropped to her cane. “Of course. You live next to my grandmother. How are you?”

  “I’m well, thank you.” She gestured at his hospital bed. “How are you?”

  “Ready to go home.” He grimaced. “They say I’ve made a miraculous recovery, but I’m still in a hurry to get out of here.”

  Raven swallowed thickly. “I heard about your accident. I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks, it was nice of you to come by. Have you seen my grandmother lately?”

  “I saw her yesterday. I’ve been trying to check in on her more frequently.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bruno fell silent, as if he were waiting for something.

  It took a moment for Raven to realize he was waiting for her to say something.

  She flushed. He didn’t remember her. He didn’t look at her with longing or ask her about herself or any of the other dozen special things he’d done during their one special evening. Sadness crept over her.

  Raven forced herself to remain cheerful.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I saw your mother in the hall. Should I send her in?”

  “Please. Thanks for visiting me.” Bruno flashed her a muted smile, which she returned.

  “No problem. Good-bye, Bruno.”

  Raven walked awkwardly from the room, leaning heavily on her cane.

  When she saw Graziella in the hall, she said, “He wants to see you.”

  “But you should stay longer. Come with me.” Graziella moved to take her hand but Raven shook her head.

  “I’m sorry. I have plans for dinner. But I’m glad he’s all right and he’s coming home.”

  “Thank you.” Graziella kissed her cheeks again before waving goodbye.

  Raven nodded at Marco and they walked to the elevator. But she didn’t shed a tear until she was alone.

  Chapter Forty-two

  “As you can see by looking at the body, the hunters are using larger arrows, presumably shot from a crossbow.” Stefan, the vampyre physician, pointed to the gaping wound that exposed the corpse’s heart.

  The Consilium members murmured in response, standing around the autopsy table.

  “The cause of death?” The Prince addressed Stefan.

  He held up the arrow and pointed to the barbed metal head.

  “The arrow is armed with a capsule containing a powerful cardiac toxin. The capsule breaks on impact, releasing the toxin. The combination of trauma and toxin causes the heart to fail.

  “Without the circulation of blood, the vampyre is weakened and potentially immobilized. I’ve identified the toxin but sent a sample to a lab in Switzerland for confirmation.”

  The Prince looked grim. “Other weapons?”

  “Judging from the scene where the body was found, they used holy water and salt.”

  Aoibhe cursed loudly. “Have they no imagination?”

  The Prince silenced Aoibhe with a look.

  He turned his attention back to Stefan. “How do we combat the arrows?”

  The physician appeared thoughtful for a moment.

  “We could issue vests or breastplates. Armor would restrict movement, which would be detrimental in flight. There are newer materials used by various
human militaries. We could test them to see how they might hold up.”

  The Prince pointed his gaze at Lorenzo. “Can you source those materials?”

  He bowed. “Of course, my lord. But it will take time.”

  “We haven’t got time. Get whatever you can immediately and coordinate testing with Niccolò.” The Prince nodded in his direction. “If the tests prove successful, we’ll outfit the entire principality, but each citizen must bear the cost.”

  “What about the toxin?” Pierre glanced anxiously from the corpse to the physician.

  Stefan stroked his chin. “I’ve identified it as doxorubicin. It’s a drug humans use to combat cancer.”

  “Is there an antidote?” the Prince asked.

  “Humans would take digitalis drugs to thin the blood and bolster the heart. We’ve never tested them on our kind because we haven’t had the need. We’re impervious to human toxins.”

  “Or thought we were,” muttered Aoibhe.

  The Prince glared at Aoibhe before directing his attention back to the doctor. “What’s your scientific opinion, then?”

  Stefan shook his head. “An arrow isn’t enough to fell one of us unless it ripped the heart to pieces. That isn’t what happened to Matthias.

  “The toxin isn’t enough to fell one of us, either,” Stefan observed. “It’s the combination of the two that shocks the heart, causing temporary paralysis. Once on the ground, the hunters use water and salt to prevent the victim from removing the arrow and allowing the natural regenerative processes to begin. Then they take the head.”

  “The remedy?”

  “Avoidance.” The physician gestured to Matthias’s body. “If digitalis or something like it were to work, it would have to be administered immediately. That isn’t an option if one is surrounded by hunters.”

  “I want an antidote found,” the Prince commanded. “Impress upon the lab our urgent need.”

  Stefan bowed. “Of course, but they are human scientists, ignorant of the true nature of their clients. I’d have to give them vampyre blood and a very imaginative explanation in order for them to produce an antidote.”

  “Then that’s what you must do. Work through the human intelligence network, if necessary. Impress upon them the need to use mind control or physical coercion on the lab staff, as needed.”