Page 17 of Heart Of Stone

  “Oh, shit. Is one after you? Because if so…run. Run hell fast and hell hard because those monsters don’t give up.”

  “He’s not after me. He’s…um, protecting me.”


  “It’s a really long story—”

  “And it’s the middle of the freaking night,” Cordelia tossed back. “You just ripped me out of bed, so cut to the chase.”

  “I need a spell to break his curse. You’re the most powerful witch I know—”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere…Obviously.”

  “—if anyone can break that spell, it has to be you.”

  More silence. Sabrina waited. And waited. “Cordelia?”

  “I don’t know how to break the spell.”

  Her stomach seemed to drop straight to the floor. “But…you know everything.”

  Cordelia’s laugh was bitter. “I wish.”

  “Please, please Cordelia. I need your help.”

  Silence was her answer. Silence and then…“I’m afraid that this time, I don’t have any help to give.”

  No, no, she wouldn’t give up. “Can you search through all your spell books? Can you scry? Look into the past, the future, look anywhere! I know there is a way. There has to be a way.”

  “Why does this matter so much to you?” Cordelia asked quietly.

  “Because…because he matters.” She held her breath, waiting. “If there is a way, I know you can find it.”

  “I’ll look…but I’m not promising anything.”

  Sabrina’s eyes squeezed closed.

  “Do not get your hopes up, Sabrina. There may be nothing.”

  “Bad paranormals don’t have hope, you should know that,” she whispered.

  “You are such a terrible liar.” Cordelia gave a faint hum as she seemed to consider her options. Then she asked, “Where—exactly—in Miami are you? And why do you need a gargoyle to protect you?”

  Sabrina blew out a slow breath. “You really don’t want to know why I need him.”

  “Inspiration gone wrong?” Cordelia’s voice was knowing.

  “Wrong doesn’t even begin to describe things…”


  Leo landed on the balcony of Luke’s home.

  His twin brother owned an island in the Florida Keys—an island that included the fucking mansion that Luke had built for himself…and, of course, for Luke’s mate, Mina.

  He has a home. He has a mate. He has a fucking life.

  But according to one screwed up prophesy that had been delivered very, very long ago…one day, Leo was destined to end all of that happiness for his brother. They were supposed to battle. Supposed to fight…until only one remained.

  I won’t kill him. Leo had held that secret tight for thousands of years. I can’t do it. Even if it meant plunging the whole fucking world into chaos, he couldn’t kill his brother.

  “You have got to stop dropping by without an invitation…” Luke’s drawling voice came to him from the darkness. “Mina doesn’t like surprises.” He walked from the shadows of the balcony and snapped his fingers. “Oh, wait. My mistake. My beautiful love just doesn’t like you.”

  Leo’s lips thinned.

  “Lucky for you,” Luke added with a flash of his teeth that wasn’t exactly a smile. “Mina was exhausted from some…rather strenuous activity earlier. She’s sleeping.”

  Like he needed to hear about that strenuous activity shit. “I want the gargoyle’s binding stone.”

  “And I want my brother to not be an asshole. See, we both want interesting things tonight.”

  The wind blew against them. The waves crashed below.

  And behind Luke, the door cracked open.

  Leo caught a glimpse of Mina. She was beautiful, Luke was right about that. But she didn’t look exhausted. In fact, she looked pissed.

  And her fury was directed solidly at Leo. If looks could kill…

  “What’s he doing here?” Mina said.

  Luke stiffened. Then he glanced her way. “My love…didn’t mean to wake you.” He lifted his hand. “Leo just stopped by for a friendly, brotherly visit.”

  She immediately came toward Luke. Their fingers linked. Their bodies just seemed to…fit. Right next to each other.

  Something dark twisted inside of Leo.


  “Bullshit,” Mina said flatly. “You two don’t do friendly and you don’t do brotherly.” Her gaze was straight on Leo. “If you’ve come to try and hurt him…”

  Luke laughed. “Sweetness, he can’t hurt me. That’s just an insulting suggestion.”

  Mina kept her stare on Leo.

  He smiled at her. She didn’t smile back.

  Right. She might still be a wee bit upset with him because of their past.

  Leo glanced back at his brother. “I need the stone that controls Adam Cross.”

  “Um, good for you.” Luke’s voice was mild. “And you think I have it because…?”

  “Sabrina told me that you sent Adam to her. That he’s her protection.” Leo kept his hands loose at his sides, not wanting to appear threatening…yet. But I am getting that fucking stone. “So since the guy is jumping to follow your orders, I figure that must mean you’re the one controlling the binding stone.”

  “You figure wrong.”

  Just that. Three words. Then nothing else.

  Leo lifted a brow. “Do I look like I buy your lies?”

  “No. You look rather desperate. And I have to wonder…why does that stone matter to you? Why do you care about a gargoyle? Surely you have enough of those pesky good paranormals who will run to do your bidding, hmmm? You don’t need a gargoyle in your arsenal, too. I mean, he’s not even one of yours. He’s…” Luke’s voice dropped to a dramatic whisper, “bad.”

  “Sabrina wants the stone.”

  Luke jerked a bit. He rarely showed surprise, so Leo made a mental note of that weakness. But then Luke nodded. “Right, I’d forgotten…once upon a time, you were quite cozy with the muse, weren’t you? I mean, before you realized how truly wicked and dark she was. Bad, bad to the core…that’s Sabrina.”

  Leo fought to keep his expression blank.

  “Mina, I don’t think you know this particular backstory…” Luke announced.

  “No, don’t think I do,” she agreed, her voice drifting magically in the night. She was a siren—her voice was a very big part of her power.

  So I can’t focus on her voice. I can’t let it get to me.

  “Let me tell you the story…” Luke said, relish in the words. “Sabrina lost a lover—oh, it was ages ago. A warrior named Akin. A human she just adored. He committed suicide. Stabbed himself in the heart. And a devastated Sabrina had no friends after that. My brother…well, he turned from her. Because maybe Sabrina had a hand in what happened to Akin. Maybe she used that wicked, wicked power of hers on him…”

  “Shut the hell up,” Leo snapped. “You don’t know about what happened between us—”

  “It’s fortunate I was there to help her,” Luke continued talking, rolling right over Leo’s words. Luke glanced at Mina. “You would have been so proud of me, love. There I was, picking up the pieces that had been left in my brother’s wake. The poor muse was shattered.”

  “Nothing has ever shattered Sabrina,” Leo snarled.

  Very slowly, Luke turned his head back toward Leo. “Don’t be so certain of that.”

  Leo took a step back, then caught himself. Fuck. Now I’m showing weakness. “Give me the binding stone.”

  “Or…what?” This came from Mina. “If Luke doesn’t turn over whatever stone this is…what will you do?” She pulled from Luke and stepped in front of her lover. “Will you fight him? Will you storm through his home, ripping everything apart as you try to find this trinket?”

  “It’s a stone, love.” Luke’s hand curled along her shoulder. “Not a trinket. A very, very powerful stone.”

  Leo’s hands had fisted.

  “And there’s no need for my b
rother to linger here…no need for him to so much as lift a pillow from my bed. I don’t have the stone.” Gently, Luke pulled Mina back to his side. “I looked for it, if you want the whole truth. I was hoping to find it after Simon Lorne died. As far as I know, he was the last to wield the binding stone. But I couldn’t find a trace of it in the Everglades. I got a bit distracted, you see. Other lives to ruin. Others to save. Blah. Blah. So I didn’t get to search the place right away. By the time I arrived back at the scene, the binding stone was long gone.”

  Hell. “I need that stone.”

  Luke’s eyes gleamed, and Leo knew that he’d given too much away. His brother advanced toward him. “And why, again? Could you explain a bit more? I believe you said that Sabrina wanted it?”

  Leo clamped his lips together.

  Luke pursed his lips and then after a tense moment, he said, “I’ve already made a deal with Adam Cross. He knows he is supposed to do anything necessary to keep her safe. So there is no need for Sabrina to try and control him.”

  Leo turned away. He knew Luke was telling the truth. This time. He could feel it. His brother didn’t have the stone.

  Luke’s hand clamped around his arm. “If there isn’t a need for Sabrina to control Adam, then she could only use the binding stone for one reason…”

  Leo looked back, making sure to school his expression once more.

  He must have done a piss-poor job because Luke’s eyes widened. “She wants to set him free.”

  Leo shrugged out of Luke’s hold. “Sabrina has a habit of falling for the wrong kind of guy.”

  Luke grabbed him again. “She can’t break the stone. She can’t break the spell. If she does, Adam dies.”

  Not my problem. He almost said those words. Almost but…

  He remembered another time so he didn’t speak.

  “I was there when the spell was broken for another gargoyle.” What could have been sorrow flashed on Luke’s face. But the expression was gone too fast for Leo to fully decipher it. “He became human again…and the poor bastard died within the hour. Humans aren’t meant to live for centuries. Time caught up with him when the spell was broken. Time will catch up with Adam Cross, too.” Luke’s lips twisted.

  Shit. This isn’t the news I wanted to hear.

  But Luke wasn’t done. With disgust heavy in his voice, Luke added, “Magic. It can be a real bitch. The same magic that turned Adam into a gargoyle is the same magic that granted him eternal youth. Meredith wanted her warriors at their peak. It was all part of her spell. You break that spell, and Adam will go back to being a human, all right…and then time will catch up to him within the hour. He’ll age. He’ll wither. He’ll die right before your eyes.”

  And Sabrina would be pissed. So pissed she won’t keep up her deal with me.

  Luke laughed. “Humans…aren’t you the one who is supposed to watch out for them, dear brother? Because if this spell breaks, you will be watching Adam …you will be watching him die.”

  Shit. He breathed slow and easy and tried to ignore his racing heartbeat. “Get your hands off me.”

  Luke just leaned in closer. “What have you promised Sabrina?”

  The binding stone.

  “Better question,” Luke murmured. “What has she promised you?”

  Leo shoved his brother—fucking hard. Luke flew back a good fifteen feet, and Leo launched into the air. His wings sprang from his back as he raced through the darkness.


  Eric’s fingers were shaking as he opened his safe. A quick turn to the right. To the left. To the right again…

  And he heard the soft snick that told him he’d just gotten access. His breath heaved out as he shoved his hand into the safe, one that he’d had installed in his study. It was a top of the line safe, the best out there. He’d needed a safe place to store certain prizes that he’d wanted to keep close. Very, very close.

  His fingers shoved right past the jewelry—all of those special trinkets that he’d taken from his victims. He liked to keep those nearby so that he could look at them any time he wanted. He could touch them. And remember.

  But this time, he wasn’t going for the jewelry. He wasn’t going for the money. No, another item called to him.

  He grabbed the small, black bag and pulled it out. He opened the drawstring top and peered inside. So plain. So simple. But…

  I knew you were something special the minute I saw you. He’d found this particular token locked away in someone else’s safe. Right in the middle of the Everglades. Right in the middle of chaos. He’d been hunting for Sabrina, but she hadn’t been there. He’d found this item instead…and something about it had called to him.

  So he’d taken the prize for himself.

  He’d always been good at making wise decisions.

  There was a loud crash from overhead. The walls around him seemed to shake. Swallowing, Eric backed away from his safe and he looked up. He could see a long crack running across the length of his ceiling.

  Sabrina’s protector had found him.

  A roar echoed and then the ceiling was caving in. Eric yelled and rushed toward his desk. He dove underneath it even as chunks of the ceiling rained down on him. Dust, wood, debris and—

  “You can’t hide.” It was the beast’s voice.

  Eric crawled from beneath the desk. His gaze traveled up the length of that creature. Adam Cross.

  The creature didn’t look much like a man right then.

  “You won’t hurt her…or any other woman…again.” Such deep, guttural words.

  Eric smiled and he rose to his full height.

  The gargoyle reached for him.

  “Stop.” Eric kept his voice quiet. Calm. And he kept his right hand fisted around his treasure.

  Like a puppet on a string, the gargoyle instantly froze.

  Eric’s smile grew. He lifted his hand and slowly opened his fingers, wanting to make sure Adam could see the weapon that he possessed. “Does this look familiar?” The reddish stone was warm against Eric’s skin. The stone was always warm. That was how I knew it was special. It carries a constant warmth. He’d thought he might have discovered some sort of new energy source when he found the stone. He’d been wrong, but…it is definitely a stone of power. “I found this item…at a rundown building in the Everglades. The same building where my Sabrina was being held.” He inclined his head. “I think you were a…a guard at that place? Isn’t that what Sabrina said?”

  The gargoyle’s red eyes were on the stone.

  “And if that witch I left to burn in that limo was right…this stone is tied to you, isn’t it?”

  The gargoyle didn’t speak.

  “Tell me…” Eric yelled. “Is this stone tied to you?”

  “Yes,” the gargoyle gritted out.

  He had to answer. Just like he had to stop.

  “You have to do what I say…as long as I control the stone, don’t you?” It was a fucking stroke of true luck he’d kept the stone.

  The gargoyle’s burning eyes met his. There was so much hate and fury in that stare. So much rage. But…

  “Yes,” the gargoyle said again.

  Eric laughed. “And here I thought you were a threat…someone I had to eliminate.” Perfect. Utterly perfect. “But you’re my new guard dog, aren’t you?”

  The gargoyle—Adam—didn’t move.

  Eric stopped laughing. “Aren’t you?”

  Adam inclined his head.

  “Let’s test this shit. A real, good test.” Eric licked his lips. “Go get Sabrina. Bring her to me. Now.” His fingers closed back around the stone and he held it tight. “Bring Sabrina to me. I want her here within the next fifteen minutes.”

  The gargoyle turned away. Then he was flying right back through the gaping hole he’d made in Eric’s ceiling. The beast shot into the night just as the thud of footsteps raced into Eric’s office. He glared at the guards who’d finally shown up.

  Fucking useless.

  But he had a new form of protect
ion under his control. Things were about to get even better in his world.

  But for Sabrina? Oh, no, things were about to go straight to hell for her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Adam was coming back. Sabrina stood on the balcony, her hands tight around that railing, her eyes glued to the sky. She could see him flying toward her. His powerful wings were stretched wide in the sky.

  He’s safe. He’s alive.

  And if Adam was coming back…

  Did that mean he’d succeeded? Was Eric no longer a threat?

  She stumbled back from the balcony as he landed in front of her. He was so big. His eyes were burning brighter than she’d ever seen them before. His claws were extended, his mouth was open and she could see his wickedly sharp teeth. He truly looked like a monster.

  She rushed to him and threw her arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re back.” Her eyes closed. “I was worried about you. I just…don’t leave me alone like that again, okay? We need to be a team. I can help you. I can—”

  His hands—tipped with those claws—pushed her back. He stared at her.

  She smiled at him. “Adam?”

  “I’m…sorry…” His words were so rough. Ragged.

  “Sorry?” Her smile dimmed. “For what?”

  His arms flew out, locked around her, and lifted Sabrina up against his chest. “For this.” Then he was flying her into the night, holding her in that unbreakable grip, and terror began to stir in her heart.


  He turned his head. The gargoyle’s glowing red eyes met her stare.

  “Adam, you’re scaring me.”

  “Eric wants you.”

  Not just scaring me… “Screw Eric.”

  “He…wants me…” Each word seemed to be a struggle. As if he had to use every bit of his power just to speak. “Bring you…to him…”

  “What?” Then she shoved against his grip. Even though they were flying past skyscrapers, she fought his hold.

  He didn’t let her go.

  “This isn’t funny!”

  He kept flying them. Flying so fast.

  “What happened? Did you find Eric?” He must have found Eric and—

  “He sent me…after you.”

  “And you told him to fuck off, right?” But, no, you didn’t, or this wouldn’t be happening. “Adam, talk to me!”