Page 6 of Lacey and Lethal

  He ran his tongue over his sharp tooth, the bite of pain just adding to his pleasure. Their blood mingled as he continued to kiss her. She moaned but didn’t jerk her head aside and pull away. She had to taste it but didn’t seem to mind.

  The bonding began as he opened his emotions and allowed his hormones to do their thing. He fought the strong urge to rip his mouth away and bite into his wrist to feed her from his vein while sinking his fangs into her throat. He wanted more of her in every way. It would seal the bond forever.

  Not yet, he ordered himself. She’s not ready. This will have to do for now. Anyone near her will know she’s mine with my blood in her system. Patience.

  Lacey shouldn’t have been surprised when Lethal ended up biting into her tongue and sucking on it. It was bound to happen if she kissed a vampire. The pain eased and the erotic sensation of what he was doing to her made her unconcerned that the coppery taste of her blood filled her mouth. He slowed the pace, she moaned in protest as the pleasure eased just enough to keep her from coming, but he kept kissing her.

  The taste of blood mingled between them. It was actually kind of hot. Lethal was a master at taking her right to the edge of climax before easing back. She frantically kissed him, trying to convey how badly she needed him. She clawed at his shoulders, digging her nails in. It seemed to excite him as he fucked her harder, faster, until Lacey jerked her mouth from his to scream from the intensity of the orgasm.

  Something wet ran down the side of her mouth as she panted. It was warm as she rested her cheek on the mattress. Lethal’s body shook above her, in the throes of finding his own release as he came deep inside her. She loved how she could feel that with him.

  “Sleep, love.” He lowered his head and brushed a kiss on her throat. “We start our new life when you wake.”

  “I’m okay. That was amazing but I’m not going to conk out on you. I’m so not a guy. If you need a nap, at least roll over first. Don’t trap me under you. Of course I can’t swear I won’t find a marker to write on you if you pass out. I’ll be bored and that’s never a good thing.”

  He chuckled. “I believe you would.”

  She dropped her hand away from his shoulder and reached for the side of her face, bothered that she might be drooling, and wanted to wipe it away before Lethal noticed. Her fingers touched something slippery and she pulled her hand back to stare at them.

  Blood. A lot of it. Too much. She turned her head, staring up at him in shock. That wasn’t only from a nick to her tongue. “You fed from me?”

  “We fed from each other.” He hesitated. “I gave you some of my blood.”

  Horror flashed through her. “What?”

  “It was necessary.”

  She struggled but Lethal was too heavy. He spread his knees wider and gripped her wrists, pinning her under him.

  “Get off!”

  “Lacey,” he crooned, “calm down.”

  Is he kidding? “What did you do to me? Oh my god. Did you turn me into a blood slave? Will I have to go around saying ‘yes, master’ like the goon in those old vampire movies?” Tears filled her eyes as she continued to struggle. “Damn it! I trusted you!”

  “I marked you.”

  She wished she could touch her neck but he refused to let her go. What if he’d bitten her while he’d been going down on her too? She assumed she’d have felt his fangs sink into her skin but what if she was wrong about it hurting?

  “You bit me?”

  “No. I shared enough of my blood with you that anyone not human will smell me on you from at least ten feet away.”

  “Why?” Panic quickly set in. “You can’t turn me into a brainless minion. I’ll fight it.”

  “You watch too many movies.”

  Her strength suddenly waned and she gave up struggling, going still. “You didn’t ask me if I wanted your blood. What will it do to me?” A terrible thought entered her mind. “You’re not changing me into a vampire, are you?”

  “Not yet.”

  That answer wasn’t comforting in the least. “Lethal? What will your blood do to me?”

  He frowned. “It tells others that you’re mine. No one would dare harm you.”

  “You said to use your given name and I’d be safe.”

  “What if they don’t give you the chance to talk? Rogues are out there.” He leaned in closer. “Did the one who took your sister have a conversation with her first?”

  The reminder was grim. “No. He just grabbed her and was gone in a flash.”

  “Exactly. Even my enemies wouldn’t dare touch you. They’d know it would be a death sentence. I’d track them to the ends of the earth if that is what it took and they’d pay dearly for it. No one is that foolish.”

  Lacey forced a few deep breaths. “You could have asked first by explaining it to me. You didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry for that. I was worried you’d say no.”

  “I would have. What are the side effects? Don’t tell me there won’t be any. I’m not an idiot. I’ve seen what you can do and there’s no way your blood won’t affect me.”

  “It will heal you. Does your tongue hurt where I nicked it?”

  She ran it over the roof of her mouth, not feeling anything unusual. “No.”

  “Small doses of my blood over time will keep you from aging. It will make you feel stronger. I’ve heard, in some cases, the sense of smell and eyesight sharpen as well.”

  “You heard? You don’t know for sure but you did this to me? What am I? A guinea pig?”

  “I’ve never marked a lass before.” Broad shoulders shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I plan to change you over when you’re ready.”

  “I don’t want to be a vampire.”

  “I want you stronger, Lacey. I need you to be my equal.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I told you, I don’t create vampires. It’s made me more powerful than others my age who have continuously shared their blood. Anyone I turn will be stronger than a newly sired vamp. I want you to be difficult to kill. You’re too fragile as a human.”

  “You said I’d be safe since I have your blood.”

  “From others of my kind. What if you were hurt while you’re away from me during the day? I couldn’t reach you, Lacey. My blood in your system will help but massive injuries wouldn’t heal. You could die.”

  It was kind of sweet in a morbid way. She had to give him that. “I can’t ever drink blood. I’d make a horrible vampire. It’s not only gross but I’ve spent three years hating bloodsuckers. Never once have I ever considered wanting to become one.”

  “You’ll need to feed and you’ll crave blood once you’re turned. I promise it’s enjoyable.”

  Her mind ran over the possibilities and her jaw clenched. “You have to feed too.”


  Anger surged. “I see. This is your way of having an open relationship with me, isn’t it?” Confusion clouded his gaze. It pissed her off. “You want to date me but you know I’ll have a problem with you touching other women. One human donor wouldn’t be enough, would it? Even if I allowed you to take my blood, you’d need more. You’ll turn me into a bloodsucker so I can’t complain about your feeding habits. No thanks. I told you this couldn’t work. I’m into monogamy. Get off me. Your clothes are in the other room. Get dressed and leave now. Thanks for not killing me. We’re even.”

  His mouth pressed into a tight line. “Date?” He scoffed. “I am offering a lifetime commitment—you will be mine and I will be yours. I would never toss up a lass’ skirts…unless you were in them.”

  “I don’t wear skirts.”

  “You know what I mean. You’re all I want.” He looked sincere but it had to be some kind of trick.

  “Whose blood will we drink then? Can two vampires sustain each other?”

  “No. We’d have to drink it from bags as well.”

  “You said it tastes nasty.”

  “I said cow blood does and it was cold. I buy warm, fresh blood from my
sources. We’ll drink from those and from each other.” He paused. “Taking blood from donors isn’t always about sex, my naïve lass.”

  “Aha!” Suspicion narrowed her eyes. “Here it comes. You are paving the way to excuse you sucking on the necks of other women. See? It can’t work between us.”

  Irritation crinkled his eyes and mouth. “You’re being sassy.”

  “I’m being honest.”

  He sighed loudly, shaking his head. “I won’t cheat. Is that clear enough?”

  “Define your version of cheating. You are pretty old. Nowadays women don’t accept a double standard.”

  The soft growl surprised her before he leaned in closer until their lips brushed. “It’s the same as yours, lass. I won’t be touching another woman. You won’t be touching another man. Now go to sleep.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  He backed up a little to study her face. “You should be.”

  It wasn’t late. “I’m not.”

  “You should feel exhausted.”

  “You mean because of the sex? It was amazing but I told you, I’m not going to snooze afterward. That’s a male trait.”

  “I gave you my blood. It should have hit your system. You’ll pass out for a few hours.”

  “You had no right to do that.” It made Lacey angry all over again that he’d tricked her.

  He suddenly rolled away, getting to his feet in one swift motion that left her gawking at the display of his speed as he paced naked at the end of the bed. “You can’t be normal. No, not my bonny lass.”

  She sat up, drawing her knees to her chest to shield some of her nudity. “You’re mumbling.”

  He paused, flashing his glowing eyes. “I had plans.”

  “What kind?” She didn’t like the sound of that.

  “You’re mucking them up.”

  She wasn’t sorry but it did make her nervous enough to slide off the side of the bed and inch toward her clothes. “I think we should get you to a doctor, Lethal. You’re acting crazy again. I think it’s some kind of allergic reaction to something in the blood I brought you.”

  He growled again, his gaze turning electric blue as his eyes shone even brighter. “Sleep,” he demanded in a deep voice.

  “That hypnosis shit doesn’t wor—” Her knees gave way and she would have crashed to the floor except strong arms caught her.

  “You’ve got my blood in you now.” He chuckled. “You are highly susceptible to my suggestions.”

  She didn’t even have enough time to be afraid before everything turned black.

  Lethal carefully laid Lacey back on the bed. He took the time to cover her with a sheet and gently brushed back the strands of hair from her cheek. “Ah, I’m gonna enjoy this rare moment, lass.” He straightened and located her cell phone. The call he placed was answered on the third ring.

  “Any luck yet, Chase?”

  “I have some leads. I heard about what my pack did. I’m sorry. They didn’t get within twenty feet of the female.”

  “Good thing.”

  Chase hesitated. “She’s important to you?”


  “Understood. What do you need?”

  “A pick-up would be great. I’m bringing her in.”


  “Is there a problem?” Lethal strode into the next room and found a neat pile of folded clothes.

  “I just thought you liked this woman since you gave her your name to use. Blaron figured the same. We were hopeful.”

  “What does that mean?” He bent, using his shoulder to hold the phone while he put on the faded jeans. They were comfortable and freshly laundered.

  “You’ve kind of grown cold in the past few decades.” Chase sighed. “This is a revenge thing then? You didn’t want anyone else to make her pay for taking you?”

  “It sounds as if you and Blaron were doing a lot of speculating.”

  “We care,” Chase admitted. “We worry about you. It’s what friends do. We also had some time on our hands since you disappeared. It’s been a long day.”

  “I’m grateful you are my friends. She is special but the lass is a little stubborn. I knew she’d put up a fight. My blood is going to keep her down for a few hours so I’d like to get her somewhere safe. She works with a team of human hunters but she doesn’t trust them. It’s implied they can’t find us but I want her where I know for sure they can’t get to her.”

  “You with a stubborn woman?” Chase laughed. “Imagine that. I knew she’d have to be something to pry your given name from your lips. Want to share how she did that?”

  “Shut up and come get me. I assume you’ve been tracing the call to find my location?”

  “We were prepared after the first time you made contact. We’ll be there soon. They located the closest cell towers and we have triangulated the area of the address. Leave the line open and we’ll signal when we’re there. I persuaded the police to be helpful to our cause. They won’t remember doing it tomorrow.”

  “Thanks.” He set the phone face up on the table and dressed.


  He lifted it again, his keen hearing picking up the sound from the phone. “What?”

  “Do we need fresh blood on hand? Did you turn her?”

  “No.” Disgust rose. “She’s not ready for that yet.”

  “Yet?” Chase sounded surprised.

  “You suspected.”

  “I was half joking and fishing for information. Shit. Okay.” Chase suddenly laughed. “Blaron will want to come with. You know that, right? We’re both curious to meet the woman who finally snagged you.” He paused. “We also want to know the details of how you were taken.”

  “I told you she works with a team of humans.” He wouldn’t admit Lacey was the one who took him down. They’d never cease teasing him. It was better to allow his friends to assume he’d faced off against a group of humans. “Just get here.”

  “We’re preparing to roll.”

  Lethal placed the phone down again and returned to the bedroom. It only took moments to retrieve a washcloth and clean away any traces of blood from Lacey’s face and neck. He returned to the stack of clothes, chose a couple of items, and dressed her carefully before gently hoisting her over his shoulder. A sense of urgency filled him to get her out of the apartment. A tinge of danger lurked and he hadn’t survived as long as he had without listening to his instincts.

  He paused outside her bedroom door after flipping off the lights and took the loaded gun she’d left there. He checked the safety, half listening for any sound from outside. The high windows were closed and covered by curtains. He grinned. She’d bluffed about having him sealed below ground, just as he’d suspected.

  An engine passed close before all sound died. He cocked his head.

  “This is it,” an unfamiliar voice stated after a van door slid open. “She put it in her mother’s maiden name.”

  “Fuck,” Lethal growled, quickly locating the stairs out of the apartment. They weren’t his men. The humans Lacey worked with had found them.

  He held Lacey firmly over his shoulder by gripping her behind her thighs. He kept his other hand free to use the gun. He left the phone where it lay—he would go to them.

  Lethal heard more voices and counted four approaching human males. They weren’t very stealthy as they surrounded the building. He glanced around the abandoned auto store—signs on the wall told him what it had once been. He spotted the attic access high up on the right corner and ran toward it. He bent, braced, and leapt. Having Lacey’s added weight wasn’t a concern but he worried when he landed on the rickety metal of the stairs. The sound was loud and he knew the humans heard it as they became silent.

  He didn’t have time to waste. He kicked the door hard, snapping the lock, and rushed up the ten steps. There was one more door he broke through before he breathed fresh air as he glanced around again. More buildings were nearby. He only hesitated for a second while he shoved the gun into the waistband of his pan
ts and adjusted Lacey in the cradle of his arms to cushion her. He ran full speed toward the edge.

  The twenty feet he sailed over wasn’t a great distance but the woman in his arms was frail. Regret was strong that he hadn’t turned her already. He didn’t pause after landing, just kept going, jumping across a few more buildings.

  Gunfire erupted from the street but it only assured him that he’d made a clean getaway. He didn’t want to fight while Lacey was helpless. The humans must have resorted to shooting out the locks to gain entry to the building. He paused a block down, knowing the direction his men would come from. It was only a matter of minutes before he saw the windowless cargo van with the familiar catering logo.

  He glanced around to make certain no humans were in the immediate vicinity before he tucked Lacey’s head against his chest and jumped. Soft grass cushioned his landing and he stepped out into the street so they couldn’t be missed. The driver hit the brakes and Chase’s eyes widened.

  “We had company,” Lethal called out.

  The back door slid open and a tall blond wearing a kilt climbed out. “I’m glad to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too but couldn’t you have worn pants to my rescue? Were you gonna flash your hairy thighs to distract them while Chase got me out?”

  Blaron laughed. “I would have if it worked to save your arse.” He peered at Lacey. “This is her? That wee lass captured you?”

  “Shut up. Let’s go. Her team found us and I’m sure they’ve realized by now that we’re gone. They’ll be leaving there soon and I don’t want to make it easy for them to locate us.”

  He crawled into the van on his knees, ducking his head, and glanced at a few of the werewolves sitting on the floor in the back. “Any of you touch her and you’re dog biscuits.”

  Blaron climbed in and closed the door. “Let’s go, Chase.”

  “Where to?”

  Lethal hesitated. “The club. We have to take care of these hunters and they will be coming for us anyway. We don’t want to disappoint them.”

  Chase eased off the brake and the vehicle rolled forward. “Isn’t she going to be upset if we kill them?”

  Lethal settled more comfortably with Lacey on his lap. “They weren’t coming after us to just say hello. I heard them talking while they were surrounding the building. They are pretty angry that she attempted to fool them into believing she’d dusted me. The one called Jeff had a surveillance camera hidden where I was kept.” He inwardly winced, determined to find all video the bastard might have of his Lacey, naked, astride him. Nobody but he would see her beautiful breasts bounce while she rode him. “The humans need their memories wiped or they need to die.”