Page 8 of Lacey and Lethal

  “These are hunters,” his friend reminded him. “They probably have a lot of stuff around their homes as reminders of what they do.”

  “True.” A mind wipe could fail if something triggered distinct memories.

  “We’ll need to ask your human.”

  He really wanted Lacey kept out of it but she’d have proof that he’d kept his word by not killing her team. At least he hoped they’d all survived. He should have asked the wolf who’d come but his priority had been securing any video of him and Lacey in that warehouse. He kept hold of Jeff as he hauled him up to his feet.

  “I’m going to take this one to see Lacey. Round up the survivors and bring them all in here. We’ll handle this situation even if we have to question each one, make a list of anything that might trigger their memories, and send the wolves to destroy it.”

  “What if they told their friends or their women?”

  Lethal bit back a curse. “We’ll have to wipe a lot of minds.”

  “For sure.” Blaron didn’t sound any happier at the prospect. “What a mess.”

  He couldn’t agree more.

  “It’s probably for the best we aren’t killing them all.” Blaron chuckled. “Despite my instincts prodding me to.”

  “The old days.” Lethal could remember how good it had felt taking out an enemy. “We’ve evolved though.”

  “Aye. A shame, isn’t it?”

  Lethal flashed him a toothy grin. “I plead the Fifth. I’ll be back.” He spun the human, holding him by the back of his neck and pushed him forward.

  Blaron unlocked the door to the basement and opened it. “Good luck.”

  “He’s alive. That will score me some points.”

  The human struggled but was no match for his strength as he forced him down the stairs. Mora lowered the gun when she saw that the hunter was controlled by Lethal.

  “Let me in there and then go home. Things are calm upstairs.”

  She removed the bar across the door that had kept Lacey locked inside and pushed it open. “Thank you.”

  He winked and shoved the hunter through the door, into the office. Lacey was standing in the middle of the room, holding the knife. She relaxed only slightly when she saw him but her focus returned to the human he held.

  “Jeff.” Her tone was soft.

  “You backstabbing bitch.”

  Lethal’s temper flared as he snarled at the hunter. “Don’t call her names.” He wanted to break the jerk’s neck but refrained.

  Lacey was stunned at seeing Jeff but she wasn’t surprised by his accusation. Lethal stood behind him, his fingers wrapped firmly around her boss’s throat. They wore similar, furious expressions. She lowered the knife and placed it on the edge of the desk.

  “I didn’t kill him. We’re going to interview them to see what we need to do to make sure their memories don’t return.”

  “I don’t understand.” She looked at Lethal for clarification.

  “Any triggers they might have around their homes or anywhere they frequent could prompt flashbacks. We don’t want them recovering memories.”

  “That could happen?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t look pleased either. “Hunters keep souvenirs and other possessions that are a constant reminder of what they do.”

  She bit her lip, thinking about it. “Why don’t you just make them think they were paranoid and a bit crazy but they are getting better? You know? Like they made up vampires but now they know the truth. Make them believe you don’t really exist.”

  Lethal smiled. “It could work.”

  “Damn you to hell, Lacey,” Jeff spit out. “We trusted you.”

  She stepped closer. It was doubtful he’d listen to reason but she wanted to try. “These aren’t the vamps who killed your brother or my sister. Not all of them murder humans. You’re still alive, right? Why? Think about it. Mindless monsters would have taken you out. You wouldn’t be standing here right now. You’d be dead.”

  He glared at her.

  “They are people, Jeff. Some are good, some are really bad. I’m not so blinded by Beth’s murder that I’m willing to annihilate an entire race for what one did. We got it wrong. Can you understand that? They hunt murderers too. We’re on the same side.”

  “Bullshit. They got to you.”

  “You’ve known me for three years. Can’t you just think about what I’m saying? No one has gotten to me. I just listened to reason.”

  “Your sister would roll in her grave.”

  “No. She wouldn’t. Beth wouldn’t want me to blindly hate them all for what one did to her. Don’t tell me anything about my sister. She had a big heart and would be proud that I’m not living with bitterness anymore.”

  “Sir?” The male voice came from the doorway.

  Lethal turned his head. “What?”

  “Ten of them survived. One shot himself in the head. We couldn’t stop him. He died from the injury. I apologize.”

  “It’s all right. Thanks for the information, Danny. Take all of them to the dance floor. I’ll be up with this one in a moment.”

  “Yes, sir.” He disappeared through the door.

  “Did you hear that?” Jeff spat. “It’s all right that one of ours is dead. These are the bastards you’re working for now.”

  “I also heard that he shot himself. He was probably scared.” She hated that a life had been lost but she wasn’t going to blame the vampires or werewolves for it. They could have killed everyone but hadn’t. “It’s horrible but they didn’t pull the trigger.”

  “You turned your back on your own kind, for them.”

  Jeff refused to listen. She could see he’d already made up his mind that anything she said would be tainted somehow. He honestly believed she’d betrayed the team and had become a player for the other side. She wasn’t surprised. It had been a lot for her to take in, too, and she’d seen more, had more time.

  “I’m sorry you don’t believe me.” She looked at Lethal. “Go ahead and take him upstairs. Nothing I can say will do any good.” She paused. “Thank you for not hurting anyone.”

  “It matters to you so it matters to me. I’ll try your suggestion when I get inside his mind. I’ll plant the thought that they should get rid of all reminders of their past fantasies that vampires are real.”

  “I won’t forget,” Jeff swore. “I’ll come back and destroy every damn bloodsucker in this nest.” He lifted a hand and pointed at Lacey. “I’ll get you too, bitch. I’m going to enjoy hearing your screams.”

  She started to speak, tried to think of something that would get through to Jeff, but stopped. She was done trying to talk sense into her old boss. Her gaze lifted to Lethal. He seemed to understand as he turned Jeff around and forced him toward the door.

  They had almost reached it when Jeff suddenly dropped to his knees, knocking Lethal off balance. Lacey saw her boss grab for his ankle. Her eyes widened when he pulled a gun. Lethal snarled and tried to grab it but Jeff had surprise on his side.

  Three loud shots filled the office and she saw the flashes from the barrel. It was horrific watching the man she loved fall backward. Blood flowed from his chest where each bullet had stuck—one of them directly over his heart.

  “Lethal!” She ran toward him.

  He hit the floor and grabbed his chest. Jeff rose and pointed the gun directly at Lethal’s face, ready to unload the rest of the clip at close range. Lacey tackled him before he could fire again. The bullets probably wouldn’t kill Lethal but they might really hurt him.

  She slammed hard into Jeff. They crashed to the floor and pain tore through her side as another loud explosion came from the gun. She fought, attempting to wrestle the gun from his fingers. She was horrified. She’d been shot.

  Both her hands clutched the wrist holding the weapon so she couldn’t stop him from using his other hand as he withdrew a stake from his belt. She caught sight of it just before he plunged it into her chest. She screamed in agony.

  “Lacey!” Lethal bellowed
, his deep voice thunderous.

  Jeff was torn away and a loud crash sounded. She turned her head in time to watch him slump to the floor after slamming into one of the desks. His neck was at an odd angle. Her view of him was obstructed as Lethal crouched over her, still bleeding heavily.

  The horror in his eyes told her the truth of her grim situation. She glanced down, the pain quickly fading as shock set in. The thick piece of wood was embedded in her chest. Her gaze lifted to Lethal.

  “He thought I was a vampire. What a fucking idiot.”

  “Lacey.” The hands touching her trembled. He hesitated to touch the stake. “I need to pull it out.”

  “Go ahead.”

  It hurt worse coming out than it had going in. She almost blacked out but the hand pressed between her breasts, applying pressure to the gaping wound, caused enough pain to keep her conscious.

  “Some of your blood will heal me, won’t it?”

  Tears filled his eyes as she stared into them.

  “Shit. You cry red. That’s not good.”

  “This is too traumatic.” He glanced down her body, paling. “You’re shot too.”

  The dull throbbing in her side assured her of that. “I’m going to die?”

  “No.” His voice deepened as he leaned in. “I won’t let you.”

  She felt weaker, colder, and knew life was slipping away. “Will…you feeding me…some blood…fix all this?”

  “No.” His free hand lifted. “I have to turn you.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m not letting you die. This injury is too severe to fix with a little blood, Lacey.”

  Footsteps pounded toward the doorway and Blaron suddenly appeared. “What happened?”

  “Make sure he’s dead.”

  She hoped the son of a bitch was dead. He’d staked her. As if shooting her wasn’t enough.

  “Fuck.” Blaron rushed across the room to check on Jeff. “He’s dead.”

  “We’re going to need fresh blood. Hurry!”

  She concentrated on Lethal. Even with red tears filling his eyes, they were pretty.

  “Lacey? Say yes.”

  He would turn her into a vampire or she’d die. She wasn’t ready for that yet—death or being a bloodsucker. Sometimes hard choices had to be made though. She made hers.

  “Don’t let me go.”


  He bit into his flesh with so much force that she flinched. The sound reminded her of biting into an apple. There was no time to ponder that though as he shoved his bleeding wrist against her mouth.

  “Drink, my love.”

  The coppery taste flooded her tongue and she swallowed. Lethal curled around her and lifted her onto his lap while keeping his wrist firmly against her mouth.

  “The bullet needs to come out,” Blaron whispered.

  “Wait until she passes.”

  She really hoped that didn’t mean what she thought it did. She was drinking blood to avoid dying.

  “That’s it, Lacey. Fight to live.” Lethal rocked her.

  She wouldn’t give up.

  “I’ll go get blood to replenish you and the pack doctor to dig out the bullets.”

  She wondered if she’d been shot multiple times but remembered that Lethal had been shot too. She worried about him but struggled to stay awake. Exhaustion hit her hard and fast.

  “Do it,” Lethal rasped.

  She wondered if he was telling her it was okay to fall asleep or if he was talking to his friend. In the end, it didn’t matter. She passed out.

  Chapter Nine

  “Wake up, beautiful.”

  Lacey knew that deep baritone and her body responded as instant desire spread through her. She opened her eyes, confused, and stared into an amused, familiar handsome face. She tried to reach for Lethal but something held her. She stared at the silk binding her wrists to a headboard. Her legs were not tied.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “You’re not a morning person, are you?”

  “Am I really a bloodsucker?” She ran her tongue over the smooth line of her upper teeth and shifted her naked skin against the silky sheets on the large bed. “I don’t feel any different.”

  “You’re a vampire.” He paused. “You had me scared that I’d lose you.”

  “Me too.”

  That got a smile out of him. “Everything healed. You don’t even have a scar.”

  She lifted her head and looked at the smooth skin between her breasts. The memory of being staked wouldn’t fade quickly, if ever.

  “Wow.” She remembered that Lethal had been shot and studied his bare chest. “You don’t have any marks either.”

  “Blaron gave me blood after our doctor dug out the bullets. We can heal around them but it’s best if they are removed.”

  “Did you drink it from bags or a person donor?”

  “Bags. I told you, the only one I’ll sink my teeth into from now on is you.”

  “I’m really a vampire? I thought I’d feel cold or dead.”

  He chuckled. “No. You’re warm and you’re my beautiful lass still. You’re just stronger.”

  “And allergic to the sun.”

  “Yes.” He sobered. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You didn’t stake or shoot me. Jeff did that. No need to apologize or feel bad.”

  “I’m sorry he’s dead.”

  “No, you’re not. It’s okay. I was kind of over it after he buried a chunk of wood in my chest. I wasn’t feeling the love, you know?”

  Lethal grinned. “That’s my sassy lass.”

  “Were you worried my personality would change once I was a vamp?”

  “No. I just hoped you’d wake remembering you agreed to become one.”

  “Is that why I’m tied up? You were afraid I’d be angry? You saved my life.”

  “That’s not why. I’m still a lot stronger and faster than you so you couldn’t hurt me. I always will be. Remember when I woke tied down?”

  She stared at him, leery. “Yes.”

  “I took it well, didn’t I?”

  “I didn’t turn you human so it’s not quite the same.”

  “True. At least there’s no big skylight above our bed.” He pointed up. “Just a chandelier.”

  She glanced up at it. “Really? Where are we? In a dining room?”

  He chuckled. “I brought you to our home. I wanted you to wake in it. I bought the house already decorated and this is the master suite. You can change anything you like. I don’t care what surrounds our bed as long as you’re in it.”

  He sat on the edge of the mattress, wearing just a pair of silky boxers. Lacey studied them. “I like you better in leather, jeans or nothing.”

  “I live to make you happy now.”

  He stood and removed the boxers, turning to face her with a hard-on that was not to be missed. She lifted her gaze to his.

  “You’re definitely up this morning or should I say evening?”

  “Our day starts when the sun goes down.”

  “Shit. You mean every day we’re going to be dead when the sun is up?”

  “No but we tend to sleep during the day. That pesky sun limits our mobility when it’s shining.” He stepped closer to the bed, interest sparking as his heated gaze roamed her bare body. “I can’t decide what part of you I want to touch first.”

  “My wrists, when you untie me.”

  He laughed, climbing onto the bed. “I wasn’t a smart-ass when you had me tied down.”

  “I’m special that way.”

  “Yes, you are.” He stretched out next to her and slowly brushed his hand from her hip to her collarbone. “I need you, Lacey.”

  “I see that. You’re pointing without the use of your hands.”

  All amusement fled as he stared at her. “I really mean it. I need you in my life. You make me happy and I’ve fallen in love with you. Tell me you don’t feel the same and I’ll call you a liar. You say it in the way you look at me and the way we touch
. You attacked a hunter to save me from his bullets. You could have died. Tell me if you’ve ever felt more alive and happy, even when you’re calling me names.”

  She bit her lip, thinking, and knew what he said was true. She just wasn’t willing to admit aloud yet that she had fallen in love with him. They were vampires and they’d live a long time together. The guy knew he was handsome and great in bed, so she figured he should work to get her to say it. She didn’t want to be too easy. The thought amused her.

  “I’m prepared to seduce you.”

  That piqued her interest and her body started to ache in anticipation. “Really?”

  He smiled. “For as long as it takes. You’re stubborn and I’m it for the long haul. Forever.”

  “This is kind of nuts. We haven’t known each other that long yet here we are. Talk about a strange relationship.”

  “Ever heard of sane love?”

  “Point made.”

  “Be honest with yourself and me.” His hand traced the underside of her breast. “You love me a little, don’t you?”

  She stared into his eyes and it shocked her to see unease. He was afraid she’d say no. He really meant it. He loved her. She no longer wanted to keep quiet.

  “I do. I love you, Lethal.”

  His tension eased. “I’ll convince you that you need me in your life as much as I need you. I have a long list of ways to seduce you until you believe it without question.”


  He grinned. “Oh yeah. I had a werewolf go shopping for us to ensure your pleasure. You said you like sex toys. I am willing to do anything to prove that I’m the man who can make you happy.”

  “You’re never going to let me forget what I said when we met, are you? So much for being a gentleman.” She grinned, enjoying the verbal sparring. Life wouldn’t be boring with Lethal.

  “No.” His hand caressed her skin. “You like me just as I am. What do you want me to do to you first, Lacey, love? Name it.”

  “Can we start with your mouth? I love that thing you do with your tongue.”

  “It’s a given. I love the taste of you but first you need to feed. I don’t want you passing out on me. If you refuse to drink blood, fair warning, I had the werewolf buy a marker.” His eyes sparkled with humor. “Don’t think I forgot that either. I’d love to write ‘mine’ all over my favorite areas of your body. You’ll take blood from me or risk waking covered in ink. We’ll get you drinking bagged blood much, much later.”