[1] The Italian Marionettes are made with a degree of perfectionunequalled in this country.--NOTE by the Author.
[2] These dip-cups, or _pinceliers_, are little boxes of tin usedfor cleaning the brushes. The colour-venders repurchase the residueof these boxes, and the colour thus obtained is employed in themanufacture of printed goods.
[3] Grimaud signifies a sulky person.
[4] Pasticcio signifies an imitation of the mixed style of variousartists.
[5] Derisive epithets employed to designate one who does not followthe method and taste of the existing school of art, or who adopts afinicing style of painting.
[6] Slang terms, indicative of a soft and finicing style of painting.
[7] Croutes aux epinards, signifying daubs.
[8] Pickled meat, fried.
[9] That is to say, a caricature.
[10] The last entered or the least skilful in the studio.