184 deciphered revealed, detected

  187 simple common, ordinary

  189 shouldering jostling

  190 bandying verbal contests

  190 favourites supporters

  191 that sees that

  191 event outcome

  192 much a weighty business

  193 envy malice, enmity

  193 unkind unnatural

  194 confusion chaos, destruction

  Act 4 Scene 2

  4.2 Location: outside the gates of Bordeaux (a major port on the River Garonne in southwest France)

  4.2 Trump and Drum trumpeter and drummer 4.2 aloft gallery, upper staging level, conventionally used to represent city walls 5 would wishes

  8 bloody bloodthirsty, warlike

  11 quartering dismembering

  12 even level

  13 air-braving defying the heavens, lofty

  14 forsake reject

  15 ominous ... death the owl's cry was thought to portend evil or death 17 period end

  20 issue out come forth

  21 appointed equipped

  23 hand thee side of you

  23 pitched drawn up in battle formation

  24 wall block, shut off

  25 redress relief, aid

  26 front confront, face

  26 apparent spoil obvious destruction

  27 pale i.e. deathly

  28 ta'en the sacrament taken Communion as a means of confirming their oaths 29 rive split open (with explosions)

  33 latest last

  34 due endow

  35 glass hourglass

  37 well coloured in good health

  39 warning bell bell rung to warn of fire or invasion 40 heavy solemn, sad, burdensome

  41 dire dreadful

  41 departure i.e. death

  42 fables lies, fabricates

  43 peruse investigate, survey

  43 wings flanks, forces at the sides of a main body of troops 44 heedless careless, slack

  44 discipline military strategy

  45 parked ... pale fenced in and confined within an enclosure 47 Mazed bewildered, confused

  47 kennel pack

  47 curs hounds

  48 in blood full of life, in fine condition (hunting term) 49 rascal-like like young, inferior deer

  49 pinch bite, nip

  50 moody-mad wild with rage

  51 heads of steel antlers like swords

  52 stand ... bay back off as we, like the maddened, cornered deer, turn to face our pursuers 54 dear costly (with obvious pun)

  Act 4 Scene 3

  4.3 Location: France; six hours' journey from Bordeaux, exact location unspecified

  2 dogged tracked, followed

  3 give it out assert

  6 espials spies

  13 louted made a fool of, mocked; or possibly "delayed"

  15 necessity unavoidable event

  16 miscarry come to harm

  18 needful necessary

  20 girdled belted, surrounded

  20 waist belt (puns on "waste," i.e. vast expanse) 25 stop detain, delay

  25 cornets cavalry, troops of horsemen

  29 remiss careless

  30 distressed undergoing adversity

  33 'long of because of

  41 vexation terrible anguish, affliction

  42 sundered separated

  42 friends relatives

  43 can can do

  44 cause i.e. Somerset

  46 'Long all all because

  47 sedition disputes between factions/mutiny, revolt 49 Sleeping neglection careless, lazy neglect

  50 scarce-cold recently dead (historically, however, the events of this scene took place thirty-one years after the death of Henry V) 51 ever-living ... memory man who will live forever in memory 52 cross thwart, obstruct

  53 lauds praises

  53 Exit some editors have Lucy remaining onstage; he speaks again shortly after the beginning of the following scene Act 4 Scene 4

  2 expedition speedy action, military enterprise

  4 sally sudden attack, sortie

  4 very town merely the town's garrison, unsupported by further troops 5 buckled with encountered, tackled

  6 gloss luster

  7 unheedful careless, negligent

  11 o'ermatched outnumbered

  13 bought and sold betrayed

  16 legions troops

  19 in advantage ling'ring trying to draw out any kind of benefit through delaying tactics/desperately protracting his superior military position for as long as possible 20 trust trustee, guardian

  21 Keep off aloof stand aside

  21 worthless emulation ignoble ambition, rivalry 22 private discord personal disagreement

  23 levied succours mustered military assistance

  25 world of immense, overwhelming

  27 compass him about surround him

  28 default negligence, failure to act

  29 set him on incited him

  31 host army, specifically cavalry

  33 sent sent for

  35 take foul scorn think scornfully, find it disgraceful 44 though even if

  Act 4 Scene 5

  4.5 Location: a battlefield near Bordeaux, France

  5 drooping transferred epithet: decaying, failing

  6 malignant of evil influence

  6 ill-boding inauspicious

  8 unavoided unavoidable

  11 sudden rapid/immediate

  22 Your ... great the loss of you would have a devastating impact 22 regard self-regard, care of yourself

  27 mine i.e. my honour

  27 exploit warlike deeds

  28 vantage military advantage

  29 bow retreat

  32 mortality death

  41 abuse dishonor

  42 charge order, command

  44 apparent certain, evident

  46 age whole life

  53 eclipse extinguish

  Act 4 Scene 6

  2 Regent i.e. York, who was appointed regent in Act 4 Scene 1

  3 France his France's

  9 determined limited, with an appointed ending

  9 date limit, term

  10 crest helmet

  13 Quickened was reanimated, lived

  13 spleen fiery temper, impetuosity

  15 pride arrogance/foremost nobility

  15 Gallia France

  16 ireful enraged

  17 maidenhood virginity

  20 in disgrace with contempt, insultingly

  22 misbegotten illegitimate, wrongly created

  23 Mean base

  25 purposing as I was intending

  29 sealed confirmed

  32 wot know

  35 mickle great

  42 smart suffer, feel pain

  44 On that advantage for the sake of that advantage (i.e. safety) 47 The may the

  48 like liken

  49 scorn object of scorn

  49 subject of mischance victim of misfortune

  52 boot use

  55 follow ... Icarus Icarus and his father, Daedalus, tried to escape imprisonment in Crete using wings made out of feathers and wax; Icarus flew too close to the sun and the wax melted so that he fell to his death 57 pride honor, glory

  Act 4 Scene 7

  3 Triumphant victorious, celebrating victory

  3 captivity the blood of injured captives

  8 stern impatience cruel fury

  9 guardant protector, guard

  10 Tend'ring my ruin tending to my injuries, caring for me in my fall 10 of by

  11 Dizzy-eyed with dazzled, glazed eyes

  13 clust'ring crowded, swarming

  14 drench drown

  15 over-mounting over-ambitious

  17 lo look

  18 antic grinning, grotesque

  19 Anon soon

  21 lither yielding, supple

  22 In thy despite in contempt, in spite of you

  22 scape mortality escape death (through the immortality of the soul) 23 become hard-favoured suit ugly
, hideous

  25 Brave defy, challenge

  27 who one who

  35 whelp puppy (plays on the fact that a "talbot" is a type of hunting dog) 35 wood mad

  36 flesh initiate (from the practice of feeding hunting dogs raw meat to excite them) 36 puny inexperienced, novice

  38 maiden virginal, inexperienced

  41 pillage plunder giglot strumpet, whorish 42 bowels depths, core

  45 inhearsed laid as in a coffin

  46 bloody bloodthirsty/covered in blood

  46 nurser ... harms person who taught him to harm his enemies/person who has caused his injuries (by allowing him into battle)/person bent or slumped over him and seemingly tending his wounds 48 wonder source of amazement and awe

  49 that ... fled i.e. Talbot

  53 submissive message message of submission, surrender 54 a mere an exclusively

  55 wot know

  57 survey examine, take note of

  71 But ... France this epic list of Talbot's many titles may have been derived from an epitaph on his original tomb in France 71 Alcides Hercules, the mythical hero famed for feats of strength 71 rare extraordinary/splendid

  71 Worthy equal to/worthy of

  71 Saint Michael the Order of Saint Michael, a French chivalric order in fact not established until 1469, after the events of the play occurred 71 Golden Fleece another French order of knights, set up in 1429

  72 style list of titles, mode of expression

  73 The Turk conventional title for the Turkish sultan 76 fly-blown putrefied, rotting (literally, with fly's eggs laid in his decomposing flesh) 78 Nemesis Greek goddess of justice and retribution, who punished pride and arrogance 84 amaze terrify, alarm

  86 beseems befits, is appropriate to

  93 ashes ... phoenix the phoenix, a mythical bird, was said to live for five hundred years, consume itself in fire, and then rise again from its own ashes 94 So provided

  Act 5 Scene 1

  5.1 Location: the royal court, London

  4 sue unto entreat

  5 concluded of resolved, settled

  7 affect their motion incline to their proposal

  10 stablish establish

  13 immanity barbarity, atrocities

  17 near knit closely related

  21 young historically Henry was actually twenty-one 23 wanton lascivious

  27 Tends that tends

  27 weal welfare

  27 legate representative

  29 degree rank

  30 verified come true

  31 sometime at one time, formerly

  33 cap i.e. Cardinal's red hat

  34 several separate, respective

  38 draw draw up

  40 presently immediately

  42 at large in full

  43 As that

  46 In argument as evidence

  49 wherein shipped where once embarked

  54 grave ornaments dignified robes of office

  56 trow am sure

  62 a mutiny an open revolt, rebellion

  Act 5 Scene 2

  5.2 Location: France, exact location unspecified

  2 stout brave, resolute

  5 powers troops

  5 dalliance idleness, time wasting

  7 combat with fight, bring down

  9 accomplices allies

  15 provide prepare ourselves

  20 repine complain

  Act 5 Scene 3

  2 charming magic

  2 periapts amulets, charms (worn on the body)

  3 choice excellent, worthy

  3 admonish forewarn

  4 accidents events, chance happenings

  5 substitutes servants, agents

  6 lordly ... north i.e. the devil

  8 quick lively, in living form/alert, vigorous

  10 familiar spirits attendant spirits that served a witch, often inhabiting the bodies of animals culled selected 12 get the field win the battle

  14 Where whereas

  14 wont accustomed

  15 member limb

  16 earnest advance payment

  18 redress assistance, relief

  19 body ... recompense with sexual connotations (to pay: to have sex) 21 wonted furtherance usual assistance

  23 the foil defeat

  25 vail lower (in submission)

  25 lofty-plumed crest helmet adorned with tall feathers 27 ancient former/very old

  28 buckle fight (plays on the sense of "have sex") Excursions sortie, bouts of fighting (during which Joan reenters) 30 fast secure

  31 spelling conjuring

  33 devil's grace favor; also touches on the paradoxical notion of the devil possessing divine grace 34 bend her brows scowl

  35 with like

  35 Circe in Greek mythology, an island-dwelling sorceress who turned men into pigs with a magic potion 37 proper handsome, perfect

  38 dainty fastidious, scrupulous

  39 plaguing mischief tormenting calamity

  41 in while

  42 Fell banning hag fierce cursing witch

  44 miscreant heretic

  44 in his hand led by the hand

  48 for to signify

  49 lay ... side i.e. release her hand so that it hangs by her side 55 allotted destined

  56 save protect

  58 usage treatment

  62 glassy mirror-like

  63 Twinkling causing to twinkle

  63 counterfeited mirrored, reflected

  67 de la Pole Suffolk's family name

  67 disable devalue, disparage

  69 a woman's sight the sight of a woman/the gaze of a woman 71 Confounds that it destroys the power of

  71 rough dulls/agitated

  81 Fond foolish

  84 cooling card opponent's card that, when played, ruins one's hopes of winning (plays on the idea of "cooling" down hot desire) 86 dispensation special permission from the Pope to dissolve a marriage 89 wooden thing stupid idea/man (the king) not moved by passion/(Suffolk's) erect penis 91 fancy infatuation/love

  93 scruple difficulty

  98 disdain ... much however disdainful they are

  101 enthralled taken captive

  107 captivate taken prisoner, both literally and metaphorically (either in love or servitude) 109 cry you mercy beg your pardon

  109 quid for quo quid pro quo (Latin), i.e. tit for tat 111 bondage happy imprisonment fortunate were you 112 vile degraded, low (punned on in servility)

  113 servility slavery

  127 portion share, part (plays on the sense of "marriage portion, dowry") 127 choice an act of choice/object chosen

  129 An if if

  130 colours ensigns, bearers of military flags

  132 parley military negotiation between opposing sides 136 what remedy i.e. there's no help

  138 exclaim on accuse

  142 Whom refers to Margaret

  143 easy-held easily endured

  147 face deceive, show a false face

  148 warrant guarantee

  149 just honorable, worthy

  150 expect await

  150 below i.e. the main stage 153 happy for fortunate in having

  156 her little worth her relative poverty, playing on the notion of moral value 158 quietly peacefully

  163 counties i.e. regions, domains

  165 again in return

  166 deputy i.e. Suffolk

  167 plighted pledged, promised

  169 traffic business, trade

  171 attorney (legal) representative, advocate

  173 solemnized celebrated, formalized

  175 it becomes befits it

  181 princely commendations royal greetings, compliments 184 placed arranged

  188 taint touched, tainted, stained

  189 withal in addition

  191 peevish foolish

  192 stay stop

  194 labyrinth ... Minotaurs in Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a legendary monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man, living in the labyrinth of King Minos, in Crete 195 Solici
t urge, move

  195 her wondrous praise praise of her wondrous qualities 196 Bethink thee reflect, remember

  196 surmount excel

  197 extinguish art outdo artifice

  198 Repeat their semblance recall, dwell on the image of them 200 bereave deprive, rob

  Act 5 Scene 4

  5.4 Location: France, exact location unspecified

  3 sought every country searched every region

  4 chance fortune

  5 timeless untimely, premature

  7 miser miserable creature

  8 gentler nobler

  9 friend relative

  10 Out, out! expression of dismay and denial

  10 an't if it

  11 beget conceive, father

  13 bach'lorship suggesting, either intentionally or unwittingly for comic purposes, that Joan was illegitimate; the Shepherd may intend "youth," and the word can also mean "period as a novice or apprentice"

  15 argues demonstrates

  16 concludes proves/is a fitting end

  17 obstacle i.e. "obstinate," an error that apparently demonstrates the Shepherd's humble origins 18 collop piece, part

  21 avaunt be gone

  21 suborned bribed, corrupted

  22 Of on

  23 noble gold coin

  27 nativity birth, with a particular emphasis on astronomy 29 ratsbane rat poison

  30 keep look after

  30 afield in the field

  32 drab whore

  37 swain rustic

  38 progeny lineage

  41 exceeding exceptional

  42 to do plays on the sense of "sexual intercourse"

  46 want lack

  47 straight instantly

  48 compass bring about

  49 No misconceived not wickedly created/illegitimate; some editors emend punctuation, e.g. to "No, misconceived!" meaning "No, you have misunderstood"

  50 tender young/mild, gentle

  52 rigorously effused savagely spilled

  56 Spare ... faggots do not be miserly with the bundles of kindling (a bigger blaze made it more likely for a victim to lose consciousness from smoke inhalation before their flesh burned) 57 pitch black tarlike substance (burning it would increase the amount of asphyxiating smoke produced) 60 discover reveal

  60 infirmity weakness, vulnerability

  61 warranteth ... privilege legally guarantees my exemption (as putting a pregnant woman to death would entail killing the innocent child) 64 hale drag, haul

  65 forfend forbid

  67 preciseness morality, propriety

  68 juggling having sex

  69 refuge last resource, final defense

  74 machiavel i.e. intriguer/unscrupulous schemer (from Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, a sixteenth-century treatise perceived as advocating ruthless political cunning) 75 an if even if

  78 prevailed seduced me

  82 liberal and free licentious and promiscuous (perhaps with mocking play on the senses of "generous and innocent") 87 reflex reflect, shine

  92 consume be burned

  93 minister servant, agent

  95 commission warrant, authority to act

  97 remorse pity

  97 outrageous broils excessively violent turmoil 99 aspiring ambitious

  102 travail labor, effort

  113 conclude resolve, settle

  114 covenants terms of agreement

  122 baleful deadly, poisonous

  123 enacted decreed

  124 in regard insofar as

  125 mere pure, entire

  125 lenity mildness, mercifulness