160 heavy sorrowful, terrible

  163 piteous worthy of pity

  171 inly inward

  171 gripes grips

  172 weeping-ripe on the verge of tears

  176 gentle-hearted noble-hearted/tender-hearted Act 2 Scene 1

  2.1 Location: the borders of Wales

  2.1 power army

  4 ta'en taken, captured

  9 resolved satisfied, informed

  10 Where ... become what has become of our very valiant father 11 range move, wander

  12 forth out

  13 bore him conducted himself

  14 neat cattle

  16 pinched bitten, tormented

  17 aloof at a distance

  20 prize privilege, reward

  21 opes opens

  24 Trimmed adorned, decked out

  24 younker fashionable young man

  24 prancing posturing, nimbly dancing for

  25 suns the emblem of Edward III and Richard II consisted of the sun's rays emerging above clouds 27 racking drifting, scudding

  28 severed separate

  32 figures foretells, prefigures

  34 cites summons

  36 meeds merits

  38 overshine illuminate, shine on/outshine, surpass 38 this this phenomenon

  40 target shield

  41 daughters Richard plays on suns/"sons"

  42 breeder woman

  42 blowing out of breath

  43 heavy serious, sad

  46 Whenas when

  50 Environed surrounded

  51 hope of Troy Hector, the mighty warrior who defended the city of Troy against the invasion of the Greeks 53 Hercules semidivine hero of classical mythology, famed for his strength 59 despite contempt, scorn, mockery

  62 harmless innocent

  63 rough cruel, violent

  69 stay support

  70 boist'rous brutal

  74 soul's palace i.e. body

  75 she i.e. his soul

  78 more joy joy anymore

  82 wind breath

  87 venge avenge

  90 chair seat of authority as duke; also, claim to the throne 92 eagle's ... sun eagles were thought to be able to gaze unblinkingly at the sun and to test their young by making them do so 94 that the sun (i.e. kingship)

  95 What fare? What is the state of things?

  95 abroad in the world

  97 baleful deadly

  98 poniards daggers

  103 stern cruel

  105 measure quantity

  106 sith since

  107 Wakefield town in West Yorkshire

  108 latest last

  109 posts messengers

  110 depart death

  111 keeper guard

  113 St Albans town about twenty-five miles north of London 114 in my behalf for my own interests

  115 advertised notified, warned

  117 dash overturn

  117 late recent

  118 Touching regarding

  120 battles armies

  121 coldness indifference, apathy

  122 full very, extremely

  123 heated spleen fiery passion

  125 rigour cruelty, severity

  128 like to like

  130 flail instrument used to thresh corn, consisting of a staff from which a shorter pole swings 139 marches borders of Wales

  140 Making another head raising another army

  145 aunt ... Burgundy this granddaughter of John of Gaunt was in fact a distant cousin 146 needful needing reinforcements

  147 'Twas odds, belike the odds were probably very unfavorable 148 in pursuit for pursuing the enemy

  149 scandal of retire notoriety for retreating 153 wring wrench

  153 awful awe-inspiring

  161 Numb'ring counting

  161 Ave Maries Hail Marys, prayers frequently recited over a rosary 161 beads rosary (beads used as prompts in the reciting of prayers) 163 Tell proclaim/count (with sword strokes rather than prayers) 165 therefore for that reason

  167 Attend listen, pay attention to

  168 haught haughty, arrogant

  170 wrought worked, molded

  172 enrolled officially recorded

  173 crew body of men, gang

  174 frustrate annul

  174 what beside anything else

  175 make work, be used

  181 via "onward" (Italian)

  182 bestride straddle

  187 'Retire!' Withdraw!

  190 forfend forbid

  192 degree rank/step

  203 Saint George patron saint of England

  206 puissant host powerful army

  207 craves requests

  208 sorts arranges itself

  Act 2 Scene 2

  2.2 Location: outside the city walls of York

  2.2 Drum and Trumpets drummer and trumpeters 1 brave splendid

  5 wreck shipwreck

  6 irks distresses, troubles

  9 lenity mildness

  14 spoils slaughters, destroys

  19 level aim

  20 knit furrows

  22 raise promote (the rank of; plays on the sense of "conceive, bring into existence") 22 issue offspring

  22 sire father

  23 goodly fine, excellent

  25 argued thee demonstrated, suggested that you were 26 Unreasonable brute, not endowed with reason

  27 fearful frightening

  28 tender young/vulnerable

  33 precedent example

  34 pity a disaster, a shame

  38 fondly foolishly

  39 shame disgrace, dishonor

  41 melting i.e. soft, compassionate

  44 Inferring offering, adducing

  46 ill-got wrongfully gained

  46 success outcome

  47 happy fortunate (i.e. in his inheritance)

  48 hoarding i.e. of goods, money

  51 rate cost

  52 care troubles, burdensome responsibilities

  52 keep maintain, defend, protect

  56 nigh near

  57 faint lose heart

  58 forward promising, precocious

  59 dub create a knight (by touching the shoulders with a sword while the knight kneeled before the monarch) 59 presently immediately

  62 right righteousness, a just cause

  64 apparent heir

  66 toward bold, promising

  69 backing of supporting

  72 Deraign set in order, prepare

  72 battle army Clarence [George] George is not in fact made Duke of Clarence until Act 2 Scene 6

  83 bide undergo/await

  83 mortal fatal

  84 rate rebuke, berate

  84 minions favorites/servants

  97 he man

  97 sort gang

  102 long-tongued i.e. prattling

  105 legs ... hands i.e. in fleeing rather than fighting 109 durst dared

  110 reverently in great esteem, in respect

  111 parley conversation, exchange/negotiation between opposing sides 111 refrain hold back

  112 execution carrying out, enacting (of feelings; plays on sense of "putting to death") 112 big-swol'n i.e. with anger, grief, revenge 115 dastard coward

  116 tender young

  123 still silent

  125 him ... all i.e. God

  125 resolved convinced, satisfied

  126 lies plays on the sense of "deceives"

  126 upon his tongue i.e. only in his words 128 broke their fasts breakfasted, i.e. started the day 130 deny refuse

  134 got begot, conceived, fathered

  135 wot know

  136 dam mother

  137 stigmatic one marked with a physical deformity or blemish 138 Marked branded

  138 destinies i.e. fate (in classical mythology, the three Fates who controlled the birth, life, and death of all) 139 venom poisonous

  140 Naples Margaret was the daughter of Reignier, the titular King of Naples gilt gold veneer (i.e. marriage to an Englishman); puns on "guilt"

142 channel stream/gutter

  143 Sham'st thou not are you not ashamed

  143 extraught descended

  144 detect reveal

  145 wisp of straw scolds (verbally abusive women) were traditionally made to wear a straw garland as a means of publicly shaming them 146 callet scold/whore

  148 Helen ... Menelaus Helen of Troy was allegedly the most beautiful woman in the world; she betrayed her husband, Menelaus, King of Sparta and Agamemnon's brother, when Paris carried her off and provoked the Trojan war 149 Agamemnon's brother Menelaus

  151 His father i.e. Henry V

  151 revelled made merry, had his will

  153 he i.e. Henry VI

  153 matched married state social standing, rank 156 graced ... sire honored your impoverished father 156 his i.e. Henry VI's

  158 forth out

  159 sedition turbulence, violence, rebellion

  160 broached set flowing, initiated

  161 title claim to the throne

  161 still always

  163 slipped passed over, left unasserted

  164 our ... spring i.e. that we were not benefiting from your prosperity/that our favor was making you successful rather than ourselves 165 increase harvest, yield

  167 something somewhat, to some extent

  173 denied'st forbade, refused to allow

  Act 2 Scene 3

  2.3 Location: the battlefield, near York Excursions bouts of fighting across the stage 1 Forspent exhausted

  2 breathe rest, draw breath

  5 spite of spite come what may

  8 hap fortune

  12 Bootless pointless, useless

  15 brother's i.e. Warwick's illegitimate half brother, Thomas Neville 18 Like to like

  18 dismal ominous

  18 clangour ringing, reverberation

  21 fetlocks the parts of a horse's legs just above the hooves 27 upon on

  28 played in jest pretend, make-believe, performed for entertainment 28 counterfeiting imitating, pretending

  32 measure due proportion, full quantity

  36 throw i.e. give over, dedicate

  36 thee i.e. God

  38 stands agrees

  40 brazen strong (as brass)

  40 ope open

  51 to by

  52 thrive succeed/live

  53 Olympian games held every four years in honor of the supreme Greek god Zeus; winners were honored with olive garlands 56 Forslow delay amain speedily Act 2 Scene 4

  1 singled thee alone isolated you from the rest (hunting term for separating a deer from the herd) 4 Wert thou were you, even if you were

  11 have at thee i.e. here I come (standard utterance at the opening of a fight) 12 chase prey

  Act 2 Scene 5

  3 What that

  3 blowing ... nails i.e. warming his hands by blowing on them/having nothing much to do 3 of on

  4 perfect complete

  9 flood sea

  13 poise balance

  13 fell fierce, cruel

  17 chid driven with rebukes

  22 homely swain simple rustic

  24 dials sundials

  24 quaintly skillfully, intricately

  27 brings about conclude

  34 sport enjoy, entertain

  35 with young pregnant

  36 ean give birth

  39 they for which they

  43 silly simple/helpless

  44 canopy i.e. one above a bed, throne, or carried over the king in a procession 47 curds cheeselike foodstuff made from coagulated milk 49 wonted usual, accustomed

  50 secure carefree, safe

  51 delicates luxuries, delicacies

  52 viands food

  53 curious finely, skillfully made

  54 care anxiety, troubles

  54 waits on attends (like a servant)/lies in wait for 57 possessed with in possession of

  57 crowns gold coins

  58 haply by chance/with luck

  62 unwares unknowingly, unintentionally

  63 heavy sorrowful

  64 pressed conscripted, enlisted compulsorily

  65 man servant

  66 part side

  75 abide endure

  78 o'ercharged overburdened

  79 stoutly bravely

  85 Throw up open

  89 stratagems violent, bloody deeds

  90 Erroneous wrongful, criminal

  93 late recently, early

  95 stay stop, prevent

  95 ruthful piteous, lamentable

  97 on his face in his complexion

  99 purple deep red

  100 presenteth represents, imitates

  102 contend compete, fight

  104 Take on with rage against, cry out on

  107 chances fortunes, events

  108 Misthink think badly of

  109 rued regretted, lamented

  114 winding-sheet burial shroud

  118 obsequious dutiful in performing funeral rites 120 Priam ... sons Priam, King of Troy, had fifty sons, all of whom were killed in the Trojan war 123 overgone overcome, worn out

  126 chafed provoked, angered

  128 Berwick Berwick-upon-Tweed, town on the Scotland-England border 128 post amain ride with extreme haste

  129 brace pair

  131 very absolute

  133 hence amain leave quickly

  135 expostulate remonstrate, debate (the matter) Act 2 Scene 6

  5 My ... fear love for and fear of me

  6 commixtures compounds (produced by love and fear) 7 misproud wrongfully proud, treacherously arrogant 9 sun i.e. Edward's emblem

  11 Phoebus the sun god

  13 Phaethon ... earth Phoebus' son, who was unable to control (check) the horses that drew his father's sun-chariot (car), burned part of the earth and was killed 14 swayed ruled

  16 ground advantage

  20 chair throne

  21 cherish nurture

  23 Bootless are plaints laments are useless

  28 effuse loss, effusion

  28 retreat trumpet or drum call signaling retreat 31 breathe rest, pause

  35 fretting sporadic, blustery/impatient, nagging 36 Command compel, force

  36 argosy large merchant ship

  36 stem cut through

  39 his may refer to either Clifford or Richard

  40 marked destined/wounded

  42 heavy sorrowful

  43 departing separation, parting

  45 gently used treated honorably

  46 doom judgment, sentence

  50 spray branch, offshoot

  54 this ... room Clifford's head fill the place 55 Measure due proportion/retribution/justice

  56 fatal screech-owl owl (i.e. Clifford) whose cry foretold death to our family 56 house family

  57 nothing sung has sung nothing

  58 dismal ominous

  59 ill-boding evil-predicting, ominous

  60 bereft gone

  62 beams eye-beams (thought to radiate from the eyes and enable sight) 63 nor neither

  65 policy strategy, cunning

  68 eager sharp, biting

  71 faults crimes

  75 fence protect

  76 wast wont used to do, were accustomed to

  77 goes hard is harsh, tough

  81 despite malice, anger

  81 rail rant, insult

  82 This i.e. the other

  83 Stifle choke

  83 unstanched insatiable

  86 rear raise

  89 cut cross

  90 ask ask for

  90 lady Bona daughter of the Duke of Savoy; her sister was married to King Louis XI of France 91 sinew unite, tie closely

  95 buzz spread rumors, agitate

  99 Even just

  100 in thy shoulder i.e. relying on your support 100 seat throne

  102 wanting lacking

  107 ominous the three previous dukes of Gloucester had all met violent deaths

  Act 3 Scene 1

  3.1 Location: a forest in northern England, near the Scottish

  3.1 Keepers gamekeepers

  1 brake thicket, bush

  2 laund clearing, glade

  2 anon soon

  3 covert concealed spot

  3 stand hiding place from which to shoot

  4 principal superior, best

  7 shoot shot

  9 for so

  11 self-place same place

  13 of out of

  14 wishful longing

  17 balm consecrated oil with which the monarch was anointed at coronation 18 Caesar emperor, ruler

  19 speak for right ask for justice

  20 redress of aid from

  22 keeper's fee the horns and skin of a slain deer were customarily given to the park's gamekeeper 23 quondam former

  27 Forbear desist

  30 crave ask for

  30 sister sister-in-law

  33 subtle skillful, cunning

  34 Lewis Louis XI

  37 batt'ry assault, bombardment/breach, entry

  40 Nero notoriously cruel Roman emperor

  40 tainted tinged, touched (unnaturally in such a cruel man) 41 plaints laments, pleas

  41 brinish salty

  48 tells his title recounts the rightfulness of Edward's claims to the throne 48 smooths glosses over

  49 Inferreth presents, adduces

  49 arguments evidence

  51 what whatever

  54 forlorn neglected, destitute

  63 stones jewels

  71 apprehend arrest

  75 country region

  81 but only

  82 a as a

  83 simple foolish

  86 Obeying with obeying, following

  86 wind breath

  89 lightness lack of weight/fickleness

  97 charge order

  Act 3 Scene 2

  3.2 Location: the royal court, London

  1 field battlefield

  2 Richard historically John

  4 suit petition, entreaty

  4 repossess regain possession of

  6 of on behalf of

  12 thing plays on the sense of "vagina"

  14 game animal being hunted/woman being pursued sexually true ... wind determinedly he remains downwind of the prey (so that it cannot scent him) 18 brook endure

  19 resolve answer

  20 pleasure will (plays on the sense of "sexual desire") 20 satisfy content (plays on the sense of "satisfy sexually") 21 warrant guarantee, assure

  22 An if if

  23 closer closer to the enemy, so as to contain and avoid his thrusts (with sexual suggestion) 23 blow hit/sexual thrust

  24 fear her not do not fear for her

  24 fall stumble in the fight/succumb sexually/become pregnant 25 vantages superior position in fighting/sexual opportunity 27 beg ... her request legal guardianship of one of her children (this could generate financial profit for the guardian)/get her pregnant 28 whip me a mild oath

  32 dread revered

  33 give us leave give us privacy try test

  33 wit intellect (probably also "genitals")

  34 good ... leave enjoy your privacy for you will take liberties 35 the crutch i.e. old age (puns on "crotch")

  41 Therefore for that reason

  44 service i.e. as a subject/sexually

  45 rests in me is in my power

  46 boon request

  47 except unless

  48 do plays on the sense of "perform sexually"

  50 plies her hard works on her persistently/works on her sexually with an erect penis 51 red hot

  53 task duty, job/sexual action

  57 match agreement/sexual encounter

  58 fruits of love i.e. sex (Lady Grey understands "the obedience and devotion of a subject") 61 sue entreat, beg/woo