Page 10 of Taunting Krell

  “I haven’t started yet. I was hoping you’d join me.” Her thumbs hooked her panties at her hips. “Please tell me that’s why you’re here.”

  He stalked forward slowly, almost predatory, watching her with an intensity that made her swallow hard. She suddenly remembered that cyborgs could be dangerous to their enemies. She could be in a world of serious trouble if Krell viewed her as one. She lifted her ass off the bed, wiggled her hips, and lifted her legs to drop the panties off the side of the bed. Krell stopped just feet away from her, his gaze leaving her eyes to stare at the last little bit of her body she’d revealed.

  “You—” He cleared his throat. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  Cyan bit her lip and spread her thighs apart, keeping her knees bent, and exposed her pussy to him. “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?”

  His intense gaze snapped back to hers.

  “That would totally suck if that’s your intention,” she said, keeping her voice soft. “I’m offering both of us a lot of pleasure. It’s not a game. Those are for kids. Do I look like a child to you?”

  His hands moved, grabbed his pants and tore at the front of them. “You pushed too far and you’re going to get me now.”

  “Good.” She licked her lips. “Just take it slow.” Her attention fixed on him, opening his pants. He shoved them down, stepped out of them quickly, and she knew her eyes widened at the sight of his thick, hard cock. He was definitely toting a mast. “Real slow. That’s going to take some adjusting to.”

  He glanced down his body before meeting her gaze. “You’re small.”

  “Nothing on you is.” She smiled. “Size proportionate is absolutely fitting in your case. Big hands, big feet and a big…” Her gaze lingered on his rigid shaft. “Everything.”

  “It’s been awhile for me.”

  “Me too.” She pushed up to a sitting position and turned in his direction. Her face was now level with his hips. “Want to lower down some, Too Tall?”

  He dropped to his knees. Cyan scooted closer, spread her thighs and lifted a hand. She wiggled her finger at him to come closer before pointing down between her spread feet.

  “You think you’re going to control this?” He didn’t move at first but one black eyebrow arched.

  “One of us needs to start.”

  He stared into her eyes, seeming to study her. “You’re living in my home and you need to learn a few things about me.”


  He lunged forward suddenly, surprised her, and it stunned her at how quickly he moved. His hands gripped the undersides of her spread thighs, lifted, and she fell flat to the mattress on her back with a gasp. He pushed her legs wider apart, bent them up, and fear gripped her. It would hurt if he just suddenly entered her. She was aroused but he was a large guy. He didn’t do that though. Instead he stared at her, bent slightly over, and kept a good foot between her exposed pussy and his cock.

  “I’m in charge at all times. I thrive on control. I don’t take orders from you. In the bedroom I’m the dominant one but I’ll stop at any time if you wish to. Am I clear?”

  “Yes.” All her fear fled and was replaced by excitement.

  “Good. Hold that position and stay spread apart for me.” One of his hands loosened its grip on her leg and caressed her skin, sliding his fingers until his fingertip brushed against her clit. He paused. “I think you’re beautiful and very sexy but I won’t allow that to deceive me. Don’t believe it will make me just accept everything you say is the truth if we do this. I don’t play games either.” He ran his finger lower, finding the slick wetness of her arousal at the entrance of her pussy, and slid his finger upward again to rest on her clit. “You come before I do.”

  Her heart pounded and she nodded. He was sexy when he was being all dark and demanding. Large and in charge. She really liked him. The soft rub of his fingertip gliding over her bundle of nerves was a tease, so soft it felt good but not as wonderful as it could have felt. She knew he did it on purpose. The ache began to turn into outright need.

  “Mouth or fingers?”

  She couldn’t understand at first, too distracted by his sexy eyes and the way he lightly teased her. “What?”

  “My mouth or my fingers? State your preference.”

  “What are you better with?”

  His lips curved. “My mouth but I just decided for you. I want to watch your face.”

  The damn man was definitely a tease. He also seemed to enjoy playing with her despite his statement about not being into games. His finger applied more pressure and he rubbed up and down on her clit. Cyan moaned, curled her fingers around her legs just below her knees to keep them bent and apart, allowing the pleasure to wash through her as she stared into his blue eyes. The color appeared so cold but not when passion gripped him. They were mesmerizing.

  He stopped, she wanted to protest, but the pad of his thumb brushed through her sleek wetness to tease the folds of her pussy before he pressed it over her clit. He rubbed the sensitive nub again and one finger suddenly entered her pussy in a rapid thrust. She cried out and her eyes closed. The guy had a thick digit. Big hands.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. His thumb stopped caressing and his finger remained deeply embedded inside her pussy, not moving.

  Her eyes opened. He inched a little closer, released her other leg, and placed his free hand on the bed next to her face to brace his upper body. He lowered, bending over her, and she felt his hot cock brush against her ass. She swallowed and took a deep breath. His face hovered less than a foot over hers.

  “You close your eyes and I stop. Keep your legs spread open and wide. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” He was being a control freak but she wasn’t going to protest. She wanted to see what he’d do and her body hurt to come. The finger buried inside her slowly began to move, fucking her, and she moaned. It felt amazing and he seemed to know what he was doing when he found a spot inside her that really ached, giving it special attention.

  “You’re so sexy.” His voice came out super deep and raspy.

  Cyan had to fight the urge to buck her hips. His thumb pressed down over her clit again and began an up-and-down motion that left her panting. She knew she was going to come fast and hard. Her body was too aroused and he knew exactly how to touch her to bring her release fast. The feel of his finger moving inside her only heightened her desire.

  Sweat broke out over her body as she fought her instincts to release her knees and grab hold of his shoulders. She wanted to touch him but she didn’t want him to stop. She had a feeling that he really would do it. He was a cyborg and she knew they weren’t typical men. Most guys would be easy to manage. A human guy would be balls deep inside her by now, fucking her with abandon, but Krell kept a tight leash on his control as he watched her.

  She was ready to come but he suddenly eased up the press of his thumb and instead tapped her clit gently. She whimpered. “Please? Don’t play.”

  “I’m not. I just want to make sure you’re at the edge.”

  Dread filled her. Would he get up and leave? She’d kill him. If he just meant to take her to the edge and walk… Yeah. I’ll kill his cyborg ass for being mean. He withdrew his finger and pushed his body up. Son of a bitch!

  He gripped her thighs instead, jerked her ass to the edge of the bed, and released her. One hand flattened on her lower belly, holding her down, while he reached between them. Their gazes locked and an instant later the broad crown of his cock rubbed up against her very slippery pussy. She was soaked with need and he pushed, his cock parting her tight vaginal muscles, making her take him as his flattened hand shifted. His thumb pressed over her clit, rubbing her furiously, and he pushed in deeper.

  Cyan threw her head back, her eyes closed, but she couldn’t stop the reaction as her vaginal walls stretched to take his thick shaft. It felt good, a little scary, but the climax hit her at that second. She cried out as he thrust into her more, her muscles clenching tightly around his cock,
and he began to fuck her with hard, fast strokes, drawing it out as his thumb continued to stroke her clit.

  Her nails dug into her skin, she realized it and grabbed for the mattress instead. Her hips bucked, somehow her knees ended up gripping his hips and he suddenly released her clit. He grabbed her wrists, tore them from the bedding, and jerked them above her head as he came down on top of her. He hammered her harder, the bed pounding against the wall loudly, and ecstasy continued to roll through her as she cried out louder.

  “Fuck,” he snarled, his face burrowed between her lifted arm and face and his grip on her wrists became almost painful.

  She felt him inside her when he started to come. Hot blasts of his semen began to jet into her. He shook over her with each spasm of his release. He didn’t crush her but he kept her firmly pinned down with his hold and weight. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her calves squeezed over his muscular ass and she held him tightly against her so they were deeply connected with his cock inside her.

  He finally stilled and so did she. They were both panting, sweat tickled between them and he lifted his head. Cyan opened her eyes, staring at him, and feeling a little dazed by how intense that had been.

  “Did I hurt you?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

  She didn’t trust her voice so she shook her head. His gaze narrowed as he stared into her eyes. It hurt her feelings a little that he seemed to be searching for the truth. She wouldn’t lie about that. She’d have shrieked instead of cried out his name if he’d caused her pain. She was pretty sure she’d done that a few times in the throes of passion.

  “I was rougher than I planned to be.”

  She opened her mouth, ready to speak, but he suddenly moved. His mouth covered hers and she gasped when he began to kiss her. His tongue swept into her mouth, took charge, and she met his kiss. He had full, wonderful lips and he kissed in a way that mimicked what he’d just done to her body.

  She felt his cock flex inside her, harden, and to her surprise, he began to move. This time he moved slower, nearly withdrew from her completely, before driving his hips against her spread thighs. She moaned against his tongue.

  He suddenly tore his mouth away, ending the kiss as suddenly as it had begun, and he released her wrists as he straightened. Her eyes opened up to watch him lower his gaze to her body. He backed up, forced her legs to release his hips, leaving her body with his cock, and stared at her. He put a few feet between them but remained on his knees. Cyan’s legs dropped to the floor and she pushed to sit up and gape at him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “That’s how I wanted to take you. Slower.”

  “We could go again. We’re not human. You don’t need recovery time and I don’t either.”

  His gaze lowered to her pussy. “You’re beautiful, sexy, feel heavenly to touch and…” His gaze lifted to her eyes. “Dangerous. You make me want things I know better than to even consider. Now I know you’re too good to be true.”

  He lifted to his feet, bent, grabbed his pants and turned away. Cyan knew her mouth dropped open from shock as he strode naked to the bedroom door. His body was unscarred perfection from his ass down. He had the nicest butt ever and muscular, shapely legs. His back revealed scars that verified his strength and courage in every white line revealed. He paused at the door and turned his head to stare at her.

  “You’re treacherous, Cyan Eous. I carry enough scars on my body and I don’t need internal ones to match. Sleep well.”

  He was gone, the door closed behind him, and Cyan just sat there in stunned shock.

  Krell leaned against the wall outside his room. His fingers crushed the material of his pants fisted in his grip. He wanted to turn around, storm back into her room and stay there. Hours. Days. Maybe weeks. Touching Cyan had been amazing, hot, and the feel of her body wrapped around his, under him, had been the best thing he’d ever experienced.

  He’d totally lost control when he’d entered her body. She’d been too hot and wet. So tight. The sensations of pleasure had totally shoved all thoughts from his head, left him unable to think, only to feel. Pure heaven.

  He could have hurt her and that concept made him clench his teeth. If she’d really been human, that is. Thankfully she wasn’t. He growled under his breath and opened his door, stalked inside and sealed it behind him.

  The urge to return to her, to apologize for his abrupt departure, was almost unbearable. He could be in there now with her. His dick throbbed regardless of just experiencing the most mind-blowing orgasm he’d ever had. It really angered him. Women were trouble. They never wanted anything to do with him. He didn’t appeal to them, never had, and that should tell him Cyan’s interest in him had to be her attempt to lower his guard.

  She could be a spy from Earth Government. He dropped his pants on the floor and reached up to finger the scars along his throat. They’d nearly killed him once. He’d survived, had to fight to regain his strength, and it had left him emotionally scarred as well as physically.

  He needed to keep his body in check and not allow Cyan to make him weak. He was a survivor for a reason. He was tough, strong and smart. He needed not to allow a small, sexy woman to destroy him.

  He moved toward his bathroom to wash away the sweet, arousing scent of Cyan from his body. Otherwise he might lose his mind and return to her room. Keep to the mission. Discover the truth. Stop thinking about how damn sexy she is and how much of a bastard I feel like now for the flash of pain I saw in her eyes when I left her room. It’s just an act on her part. No woman really wants me. I’m damaged.

  Chapter Seven

  Cyan braided her long hair into a straight plait down her back. It helped her relax as her fingers worked the damp strands. She glanced at the bedroom door and knew she couldn’t avoid leaving the room for much longer. It was past breakfast time, nearing lunch. She’d showered, dragged out doing her hair, and hunger bugged her.

  She hadn’t slept well at all. She’d tossed and turned, wondering if Krell slept like a baby or if he stalked around his living quarters waiting for her to attempt an escape to unleash some kind of mayhem upon his cyborg planet. She smirked at the thought. He really believed she was a spy sent to bring them under Earth Government’s rule. He’d be sorely disappointed if those were his expectations.

  It had hurt when he’d left her after what they’d shared. The guy knew how to make a woman want more. She’d have enjoyed a few rounds of sex with him, maybe talking him into actually sleeping with her, and she mourned the loss of knowing what it would feel like to be curled up against him. It was something she’d actually wished for the night before.

  “Stop it,” she muttered, tying off the end of the braid with some bandage wrap she’d found in the bathroom med kit. She stood, walked to the door and lifted her chin. She heard Krell before she saw him. His heavy breathing and the sound of something being hit led her into the living area.

  She paused, watching him punch the bag he had hung in his exercise area. His fists made that sucker move, his bare, tense biceps displayed nicely by his tank top, and her gaze lowered to his firm ass encased in tight pants. He looked good in them but better without. His bare foot left the mat and he spun suddenly, kicking the bag, and his braid whipped through the air. His leg dropped to the mat and he slowly turned. His fisted hands lowered to his sides as their gazes met.

  “I hope you easily found the clothing I left you.”

  She glanced down at what she wore. “Obviously. Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t do it. Councilman Zorus had them sent before you arrived. Did you sleep well?”

  “What do you think?” She lifted an eyebrow at him. “How about you? Were you disappointed when I didn’t try to sneak into your room to kill you in your sleep or when I didn’t attempt to leave your living space to go collect intel?”

  His head tilted just slightly while he studied her. “Is that your mission? To undermine cyborgs and kill as many of us as you’re able?”

  She smiled,
amused, and in a mood to taunt him a little. “Not at all. I’m only interested in blowing away one cyborg.” She lowered her attention to the front of his pants. “Or maybe that was just ‘blowing a cyborg’.”

  The silence finally made her look back at his face. He stared at her with all emotion wiped from his expression. She wondered if he even got the joke but she doubted it. He took a step closer to her but halted.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Sexual term. Think about it and I’m sure it will come to you. You spent plenty of time around human guards and they loved to talk crap.”

  That got a reaction. His gaze narrowed and his hands flexed at his side. “Oral sex?”

  She wiggled her eyebrows and grinned.

  He growled low. “You insist on using your extreme sexual appeal to make me lower my defenses.”

  “Extreme? I’m flattered. Do you want to feed me?” She really enjoyed teasing him as she paused. “I’m talking about food. I’m hungry.”

  “Follow me.”

  He stomped off the mat toward a room she hadn’t explored and walked into his kitchen. It was compact and she had to pause at the door to avoid brushing up against him as he faced off against some weird wall contraption. He jerked it open, withdrew a box and turned, shoving it into some square, electronic device. She picked up a low hum that lasted twenty seconds before it silenced. He opened the thing, withdrew the box and set it on the counter. The thing unfolded and the smell of food filled her senses. Her stomach actually grumbled in response. Krell’s head jerked her way as he stared at where the noise originated from.

  “I think it was your creator’s version of a joke.” She shrugged. “He really wanted everything he thought up to be human, only better, and his attention to detail was amazing.”

  Those blue eyes of his lifted and lingered on her breasts. “I would have to agree with that statement.” He backed away, tearing his attention away from the front of her shirt to get her an eating utensil from a drawer. “Eat there. I’ll get you a drink.”