Page 13 of Taunting Krell

  “You could have harmed her.”

  Gene stared at her, horrified. “She’s not human. I mean, no human can do that.”

  Krell settled her firmly on his lap, his arm around her, and one hand rubbed the marks caused by the other cyborg’s rough treatment. She turned her head and met his gaze. He was seriously furious.

  “Are you harmed?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks for the catch. I didn’t expect that.”

  “No male enjoys being made a fool.” He paused. “Please put on your shirt. No more games, Cyan.” He lifted her to settle her back onto her seat next to him.

  “I wanted someone to trust me,” she admitted softly. “You don’t when you should but I didn’t like him insulting you.” She didn’t know why she bothered to tell him the truth, he wouldn’t believe it, but she felt better saying it. “I wouldn’t have done it if I’d known your job was on the line or your reputation.”

  “Do something like that again and we’re going to come to blows,” Krell threatened the other male. “You don’t use brute strength against her.”

  “She’s a freak.” Gene glowered at her. “We can’t even control our pupils to that degree or even our heart rate.”

  “I’m special.” She yanked her shirt down her body and leaned a little closer to Krell. He didn’t seem to mind since he allowed it. “And you’re an ass. That’s the truth, by the way.”

  Krell fought his rage over what had just happened and battled with confusion at the same time. Seeing Cyan straddle another male had made his body strain to snatch her away. He hadn’t enjoyed it one bit. He was her primary male, no other had his permission to touch her, and while females with only one male had the freedom to test others for compatibility to select more of them into a family unit, it was generally discussed first. The fact that Cyan hadn’t, that she’d done it just to anger him had really made it unbearable, seeing her pressed against Gene.

  He had never disliked the other male before but he did at that moment. She could have been harmed by Gene’s rough treatment when she’d shown her skills at being able to fool someone reading her for honesty. She’d wrapped Gene around her little pale finger at first, had the male convinced she was exactly as she appeared. He’d known he would be yanked off duty, his abilities questioned until he could appear before the cyborg council for evaluation, but she’d done the honorable thing by saving his reputation.

  Why did she just do that? It wasn’t to her advantage to show how skillfully she could lie if she was a spy. She could have easily been taken from his care, left him discredited, shamed, and with Gene backing her, would have been cleared of all doubt of her origins. It had hurt her standing in his society to discredit Gene’s abilities and would have harmed her physically as well if he hadn’t stopped her body from hitting the floor. It didn’t make sense.

  He glanced at her and wanted to be alone with her in the worst way. They needed to talk privately. She confused him and stunned him. Her actions made no sense. It wasn’t the time to confront her but he refused to wait. He’d never be able to concentrate on anything else until he could talk to her, get answers, and he wanted them immediately. His body tensed.

  Krell suddenly stood. “Get up, Cyan. We’re going to talk.”

  Cyan stood and followed Krell. She realized she was about to probably be yelled at but still moved when Krell indicated she should walk to the back of the shuttle. It seemed she was about to get a look at the storage room after all. Wrong cyborg and certainly not to make out.

  The room housed mostly storage items with long panels that controlled a vast majority of the shuttle’s nonessential functions. He closed the door behind them and frowned at her.

  “Are you well?”

  It surprised her that he wasn’t laying into her about the stunt she’d pulled. “I’m fine. He caught me off guard. I was paying more attention to my body than his. It’s a flaw of mine when I’m focused too intently on something. I probably shouldn’t admit that but it’s the truth. My reflexes were slowed since I was controlling other functions. Thank you for grabbing me before I hit the deck.”

  “Please present your arms to me for inspection.”

  She lifted them up, saw red marks from Gene’s hands, but she doubted they would bruise. She glanced up at Krell. He studied her skin grimly and shocked her when he slowly gripped her hips and pulled her against his body. She didn’t resist as her face buried in the black material of the tank top. He’d only put on boots before they’d left his apartment though he’d packed uniforms that matched the other cyborgs on the shuttle.

  “Don’t play games with cyborgs, Cyan. Some of them have no sense of humor.” His hand slid from her hip to rub up and down her lower back. “You could have been harmed.”

  She reached up, flattened her palms over his chest and peered up at him. He was so tall that she felt short standing in his arms. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “You could have continued your deception. He completely believed you and thought I was in grave error in my assessments of you. You had no logical reason to correct him.” His other hand left her hip and cupped her face. “It wasn’t to your advantage to show him up and prove my worthiness in making keen observations. I can only assume you did it out of pity for me. That tells me that you may be a lot of things but you have a conscience.”

  The guy tugged at her heartstrings in a big way…and her libido. “Pity isn’t what I feel for you.”

  She felt his cock harden against her belly where she leaned against him and resisted the urge to smile. She wasn’t the only one affected by the strong appeal between them. His fingers along her back gripped her braid and held onto it while his head lowered. Her heart raced and she licked her lips, hoping he’d kiss her.

  “You’re very dangerous, Cyan Eous.”

  “Not to you. If there’s one thing you can depend on, it’s that, Krell whatever your last name is.”

  He smiled. “I don’t have one.”

  He could share my last name. That thought stunned her. Her teeth sank into her lower lip, refused to say that out loud, and they just stared deeply into each other’s eyes. His cock became more rigid and her hands slowly rose upward, feeling his muscular chest through the thin material until they curled around the top of his broad shoulders.

  “I want you,” he admitted in a soft, raspy tone.

  “I wouldn’t say no.”

  “Is that the truth? Would you agree to my touch to gain my trust or because you are sincerely attracted to me? Will you swear an honest answer?”

  “Touch me. I can’t fake that.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Being this close to you makes me wet, Krell.”

  “All cyborgs can activate their sex drives.”

  That surprised her. “I didn’t know that.”

  “You know more about cyborgs than anyone if you’re truly that woman from Earth.”

  “True, but some things didn’t get brought up. You mean you can get hard on demand? Just think it and you’re sporting wood?”

  “Yes. The same goes for females.”

  She couldn’t resist teasing him. “They get erections? I was pretty certain the women were made anatomically correct in every way, with only girl parts.”

  His smile transformed him into a breathtakingly handsome guy. “They can turn on their sex drive responses and be fully receptive to intercourse on demand.”

  “I can’t do that. Can they orgasm at will too? If so, I feel ripped off being given this body. I have to want someone for my body to get into it and I need to actually have sex or physical stimulation to get off.”

  He released her and nudged her with his hip. She backed off a few inches to put a little space between them but didn’t release her hold on him. It surprised her in a good way when he reached for the front of her pants, opened them and slid his large palm against her belly. His fingertip found her clit wet from wanting him and he slowly rubbed against it.

  Cyan softly moan
ed from the pleasure. It felt really good and her knees weakened until she had to grip him harder to keep upright. His mouth came down on hers, sealed their lips together, and his tongue delved inside. She moaned again, kissing him back, and had to lock her legs to keep from sliding to the floor. He pulled away from her mouth.

  Krell growled low at her, a sexy sound. “Turn around.”

  She couldn’t disobey that raspy command and didn’t want to. His hand slid out of her pants as she gave him her back but he touched her again when he tugged her panties and pants down to her thighs. She heard him opening his pants and turned her head to watch. He just opened them enough to shove them down his hips to release his thick cock and spread his legs. He leaned against the wall and lowered his body by bending his knees so their hips were level before he anchored an arm around her waist.

  “Bend for me.”

  She normally wasn’t the submissive type, enjoying being the one in control, but Krell wasn’t just any other man. She licked her lips and leaned forward, certain that with his strength he wouldn’t allow her to fall over. She closed her eyes and let her head drop forward as he nudged her with the broad crown of his cock. He entered her with a low hiss and she gasped at the sheer ecstasy of him sinking into her slowly, every inch steel-hard and wonderful.

  “Now lean up against me.”

  Cyan straightened until her back was pressed against his front. He thrust upward, driving into her deeply, and she moaned louder. She turned her head and reached back to grip his warm, bare hips. He stayed there, buried deep inside her pussy, the snug fit perfect.

  “You are heavenly,” he groaned softly. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

  “I have a good feeling it’s the same that you do for me. Don’t torment me.”

  His other hand wrapped around her and cupped her pussy from the front, found her clit, and he used his finger to rub against it. He withdrew a little and thrust back up into her. The force lifted her up onto her toes. She clamped her lips together, trying to hold back crying out his name.

  “I’ve got you,” he promised.

  He moved slowly at first, nearly withdrawing from her body, to slide in deep. Cyan closed her eyes, just reveling in the feel of his cock and fingers manipulating her desire. She wished they were naked and she were facing him. She wanted to go skin to skin with him, her aching breasts longing to rub against him just to be touched, but he kept her firmly in front of him, facing away.

  “So tight and hot,” he growled. “Don’t play with other males.”

  She tried to think but he suddenly increased his pace, powering in and out of her rapidly, the friction of his cock and his finger too intense to do anything but feel. She burned to come, ached to find release.

  “I’m the one who can give you pleasure. Me.”

  Hell yes! He fucked her harder, driving her up on tiptoe with each ram of his hips against her ass that sank him into her pussy so deep she felt nearly impaled on his shaft in the best way possible. No one had ever taken her this way, this hard, and it was amazing. His finger pressed tighter against her clit and he wiggled it frantically against her nerve endings.

  She clawed at his hips, panted and tried to remember to keep the noise level down. The shuttle wasn’t very big and they weren’t far from the other cyborgs. The bulkheads and the engines would mute some of the sound but they had enhanced hearing. She didn’t care if anyone knew what they were doing but Krell might. He was on duty and she didn’t want to get him into trouble for breaking any ethics codes while on the job.

  “Say it,” he rasped.

  Say what? She fought to think, too far gone to be sure she hadn’t missed something he’d said while she was in her haze of pleasure. She wanted to give him anything he wanted to make sure he didn’t stop. She was so close to coming. Her lack of response seemed to irritate him or make him mad as he pounded into her harder, fucking her more rapidly, and sheer rapture drove everything from her mind. There was only Krell, his finger strumming her clit in perfect harmony with his driving cock.

  The climax struck brutally, tearing through her belly and shooting straight to her brain. She couldn’t even breathe when it hit, nearly passed out from it, and when she did suck in air to her starving lungs, a big hand clamped over her mouth as she cried out.

  Krell dropped his head to her shoulder, pressed his mouth against her shirt, and bit down into the material as his body seized behind her. Every muscle seemed to tense until she felt as if she were leaning against stone instead of a person. He roared out loudly, the sound barely muffled, and she felt each shiver and shake of his body as he emptied his semen deep inside her. The warmth of his cum was a welcome feeling.

  His teeth released her. She vaguely realized she’d have a bruise but it didn’t matter. Nothing did as the afterglow of sex made her sag in his arms. His hand released her mouth, dropped to wrap around her chest, and he held her tightly against his body as his started to relax behind her until they were two panting people locked in an embrace.

  Time lost meaning but she knew he held her far longer than it took him to recover. She didn’t pull out of his hold, not wanting it to end. He was still connected to her, his cock only softened slightly inside her pussy, her muscles still clinging to him in an attempt to hold onto him as long as possible. His arms wrapped around her waist and chest in more of a hug than him pinning her. She liked it.

  Her eyes opened and she lifted her chin to stare at his handsome, scarred face. He was breathtaking to her with the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead and the laxness of his full mouth softening his features. His dark blue gaze held hers and she saw tenderness there.

  “Never taunt another male,” he ordered her with his soft, raspy voice. “Don’t allow anyone to touch you. I didn’t enjoy watching you sit on his lap with his arms around you. Just deal with me directly if I anger you. Don’t use other males against me.”

  She allowed his words to settle into her mind. “You think I accepted his challenge to make you jealous?”

  He hesitated. “No. I’m stating a fact. You were given to me. I’m your male for the time being. No other one is to touch you.”

  She schooled her features and saw anger flash in his eyes. He’s jealous. She fought the smile that threatened to curve her lips. That warm, happy feeling told her she was in deep shit. She really liked that he felt possessive of her. “I’ll tell you what, Krell…”

  His body tensed and his expression hardened, as did the look in his eyes. She realized he expected her to say something that would piss him off. She might have if it were anyone else giving her an order. She wasn’t into men telling her what to do or whom she could touch.

  “I’ll only taunt you, okay? Only sit on your lap.” She grinned. “And you can wrap your arms around me any time you want.”

  He growled at her in a sexy way, his temper showing. “You’re amused.”

  “I’m flattered.” She winked. “You care.”

  He muttered under his breath, released his hold on her slowly as he withdrew his still-hard shaft from the depths of her pussy, and gently nudged her forward to stand on her own. She allowed it and pulled up her pants, turned, and watched him straighten his own clothing. Their gazes met again and held when he was done.

  “We need to leave this room. We should be reaching the Vontage soon.”

  Her smile spread. He didn’t deny caring about her. “You can trust me.”

  He studied her but didn’t say anything. He did however suddenly reach forward and touch the shoulder he’d bitten. His thumb rubbed the tender spot and she glanced down, watching him try to remove any trace of his teeth marks on the material.

  “I apologize. Did I hurt you?”

  “I like love bites.”

  His gaze jerked to hers. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “It felt good. I seem to like anything you do to me so far.”

  His hand dropped away. “Let’s go. We’ve been gone long enough.”

  He turned away f
rom her and opened the door. She was left to follow him back into the passenger section of the shuttle. Four cyborg stares latched onto her.

  Chapter Nine

  Cyan avoided meeting Gene’s knowing smirk and sat a little closer to Krell. He glanced her way, a look of concern on his features, but she gave him a small smile before looking away. Everyone in the shuttle knew what the two of them had just done. It didn’t matter but she inwardly flinched a little over how unprofessional it appeared.

  They were on a mission. It wasn’t really hers, admittedly, since she wasn’t a soldier for the cyborgs or even a real part of their community, but years of service to Earth Government had made her aware of military life. It was a bad move and generally caused mayhem amongst the crew when sex became involved in the equation.

  “We’re approaching,” the pilot called out from the front, his deep voice grim. “I’m detecting heavy damage to the Vontage. A shuttle is following, classification unknown, and it’s not something we’ve seen before.”

  “May I?” Cyan glanced at Krell for permission. “I know shuttles from Earth.”

  He hesitated. “Go, but I’m behind you.”

  She quickly stood and strode to the front. The blond cyborg glanced at her before he leaned away from the console to give her a look. She studied the readings and the monitor where he’d enlarged a view of the shuttle chasing the much larger cyborg ship. Shock tore through her at seeing both vessels.

  “Holy hell. What is a luxury liner doing out here? No one mentioned that’s what the Vontage is.”

  “The shuttle, Cyan,” Krell reminded her where he invaded the space at her back. “I thought you knew your Earth ships.”

  “Sorry. It’s just a shock. You don’t see those far from Earth and I don’t keep track of them. That’s a floating hotel and they aren’t exactly a threat I’d ever have to worry about facing in battle.” She fixed on the shuttle and reached for the control to zoom in a little tighter. No one stopped her as she got a better view of it. “Crap. That’s a Genesis Four designation.”