Page 18 of Taunting Krell

  “Cyan,” he groaned.

  She was guessing that was a good way to say her name. He wasn’t pulling away or trying to stop her. One of his hands brushed her shoulder gently, a caress, almost as if he were afraid to touch her. She made a mental note to seriously have a talk with cyborg women if they didn’t do this for guys. It should be a two-way street. To get, you should also give oral sex. Sex 101 and they need to learn it. She pushed those thoughts back as the taste of him penetrated her senses and she moaned around him. The sweetness of his pre-cum was surprising and pleasant.

  She heard his breathing change to a harsh pant while she worked him inside her mouth, sucking and teasing his seriously rigid cock. She took more until it threatened to choke her when the crown of his sex reached the back of her throat. She turned her head, taking him at different angles, and his hand actually gripped her shoulder, a warning that he was close to coming.

  At first she thought she’d just do it long enough to get him really turned-on but that was before she realized he’d never had someone give him head. Now she wanted to finish what she started. She moved faster, her free hand grabbed his muscular ass to keep him still in case he tried to pull away at the last second, and she grew a little rougher with her mouth.

  “Cyan,” he snarled, trying to gently step back.

  Her hand on his ass tightened, her fingernails dug in just enough to be a warning and then he was coming. His body shook as the sweet taste of his cum filled her mouth. She swallowed each burst, keeping him tightly in her hold with her lips and tongue and slowed the pace just enough to milk him until his climax ended. She pulled off him carefully, licked her lips and released his cock to grab his hip instead. She used his body to pull herself to a standing position.

  Krell’s head hung forward until his chin rested against his chest, his eyes closed, and he panted. A sheen of sweat slickened his body as if he’d been running.

  She smiled, watched him recover, until his eyelashes parted. “That wasn’t exactly begging but it’s as close as I get. I was on my knees.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Cyan gasped when Krell suddenly gripped her arms and knocked her on her ass to land on the bed. She hadn’t seen that coming and as her body bounced on the mattress, she was even more stunned when he dropped to his knees, grabbed her under her calves and lifted her legs, putting her flat on her back with them in the air. He hoisted her ass to the edge of the mattress with his hold on her, jerked her thighs far apart and bent forward.

  His mouth locked over her clit before she realized what he’d done, firm lips sealed around the bundle of nerves and his tongue pressed firmly against it. He growled, adding vibration to the wonderful sensation, and his tongue played hell as he rubbed it furiously against the spot that made her cry out.

  She clawed at the bedding, just for something to hold on to, and pure pleasure tore through her. He had no mercy, using his mouth and tongue to make her pant. She tried to move her hips, needed to, but he pressed his forehead against her lower belly to hold her down. He growled again, sucked a little while he mastered her clit and Cyan realized she’d beg him to continue if he stopped. She was going to come fast and intensely if he kept it up and she really wanted to go over that edge.

  Her body tensed, her back arched, pushing her pussy tighter against his wonderful mouth and strong tongue, and she forgot how to breathe, holding air inside her lungs. It only heightened the pleasure. Her nails dug into the bedding, clawed it, and air filled her lungs finally as she screamed out Krell’s name when sheer ecstasy struck. The climax brutally tore through her body, shooting straight from his tongue to her brain.

  He tore his mouth away and her back dropped to the mattress. Her vaginal walls twitched from the strength of her release, warmth spread through her belly and she gasped as his cock suddenly entered her in one strong, driving thrust. His thick, rigid shaft sank into her deeply and his weight came down, pinned her, and her eyes opened.

  Krell stared at her, not moving, their bodies locked together, and he adjusted his hold on her. One hand gripped her ass to lift her hips a little tighter against his, urging her with a motion to wrap her legs around his waist, which she did. His other hand cupped her face before he lowered his until their mouths nearly brushed.

  “You could have died out there.”

  “You’re still on that?” Her legs tightened, urging him to move. “It’s over.”

  “We are not.”

  She paused, letting his words sink in. “I meant the situation outside is over. At least I hope it is since one of those things isn’t batting this shuttle around. I wasn’t talking about you and me.”

  “Good.” His fingertips slid into her hair. “I didn’t welcome you into my life at first but you’re an intricate part of it now.”

  She wasn’t sure how to take that. It made her heartbeat a little erratic though, an indication that it mattered way too much. She wanted to know what he meant though.


  His gaze dropped to her mouth before he looked up again. “Cyan?”

  She grinned, enjoying his sense of humor, which he showed at odd moments. “What do you want from me besides this?”


  “Sex. Are we more? Where do you want this to go?”

  Krell’s mind stumbled a little at Cyan’s question. He didn’t have an immediate answer to give. At first he’d wanted to be rid of her as quickly as possible but that was before she’d taken him on in a physical challenge at his home. Finding his face planted in a mat with her pinning him down had woken something inside him that he’d never known existed. She surprised him, made him admire her courage and fearlessness, and it had been entirely too pleasant.

  He’d been sure she’d planned to use her alluring body to bypass his suspicious nature but she hadn’t acted the way he’d expected. He genuinely believed she wanted him, despite his flaws, and her responses to his touch were far too genuine to be an act. She was his female, his woman, and watching her hug Mavo had made him realize how easily he could lose her to another male.

  Jealousy wasn’t something he experienced but it was an emotion he’d learned well since Cyan had entered his life. As petty as he believed it would be, he knew he didn’t want to share her, didn’t want another male to touch her and only wanted her to look at him the way she did at that moment. Her passion-softened features were so beautiful to him.

  He wanted to keep her. Period. No doubt about it. He’d fight and kill any male who attempted to lure her from him. He’d battle the council if they refused to give her special concessions. Mavo believed she truly was the daughter of their creator and that had a good chance of being enough proof to sway their confidence in the matter. He no longer cared if she was Emily Pleva or a spy pretending to be her. Cyan Eous was his female, he was her primary male, and her true identity was irrelevant. She’s mine.

  He studied her expressive eyes, the blue of them drawing him in as she waited for him to answer. The words were difficult to form. He didn’t want her to grow smug about his deep-seated attachment, to take advantage of his weakness for her, and doubted she’d respect a male who wished to adore her.

  He bit back a groan, his cock stiffening more inside her tight pussy that gripped his shaft in a heavenly embrace. His mouth had just worshiped her and he wanted to do it again. The memory of her responses, the sounds she made and her taste made the list of highlights of his lifetime.

  Krell took a slow breath. He’d be firm in his resolve to keep her by making his stance known. He’d leave no doubt in her mind that he wouldn’t allow her to walk away from him and that he planned to keep her. Some of the tension eased from his body. They were both strong individuals and he’d have to remember that. He just hoped most of their battles of wills ended up the way this one had. He fought a grin. He looked forward to baiting her if that was how Cyan settled arguments.

  Cyan hated it when Krell didn’t answer, dreading that he was about to shoot down any possibility that they mig
ht have something lasting and real. She’d always kept her heart safe but he had a way of getting to her as no other man ever had. He knew what and who she really was, even if he didn’t fully believe it, but she figured since Mavo he might have changed his mind about being so distrustful of her.

  “You wish to discuss this now?” His voice came out smooth and steady.

  “I’m curious.”

  “I’m your primary male.”

  “My husband.” The word was still surprising to work her mouth around. She’d gotten married and hadn’t even known it.

  “Yes.” He adjusted his weight to ease some of it off her chest. “I am. You’re my female.”

  “Where does that leave us?”

  “Permanently together.” He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and his teeth dented it.

  She stared deeply into his eyes, trying to read him but couldn’t guess his emotions. He was really good at hiding them when he wanted to. He stopped biting his mouth and took a deep breath, his chest pressing against hers as he inhaled.

  “I won’t release you. I’ll protest if you request the council to dissolve our family unit.” Anger flashed across his handsome, scarred face at that point. “You wanted me and you have me, Cyan. This isn’t a game. State your intentions now.”

  My intentions? Did he really just say that?

  “Are you planning to protest our family unit?”


  The door to the room suddenly slid open and an unknown cyborg entered. “We’re under attack!”

  Krell jerked his head around, his body shielding Cyan’s from the view of the other male. “The inhabitants?”

  “No. An enemy shuttle is hovering. It is the one that attacked us in space.”

  “Shit!” Cyan shoved at Krell’s chest to allow her to get up. “The Markus Models found us.”

  “Affirmative,” the cyborg verified, his gaze averted. “They are threatening to open fire on the Vontage if we don’t surrender. They are stating they have backup on the way.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  The cyborg spun around, rushing out of the room. Krell abruptly shoved away, his body withdrew from hers, and he frantically dressed. Cyan lunged up, scooted for the end of the bed and leaned down to grab her own clothing.

  “Stay put,” Krell harshly ordered her. “We’ll have to battle them from the ground.” Fury gripped his features. “I should have been at my post, alert to the danger, but instead I was distracted by you. This is my fault.”

  “How could you have known they’d find us, Krell? I’m sure you evaluated the odds, it’s what you do. Don’t blame yourself. A ground fight would be suicide. Hovering means they already have every weapon they possess trained on both ships and they’ll be targeted with the planetary missiles those shuttles have to be equipped with. We’re not in space. The shielding on our ships isn’t designed to protect against them, Krell.”

  He turned at the door, tearing his shirt down over his chest. “We have no choice. We can’t be taken alive to be tortured until some break. The Markus Models can’t discover the location of Garden. We’ll fight to the death and blow our own ships up before we allow them to be captured and used to figure out where we’ve been traveling.”

  “Stall them. We’ll think up something, Krell.”

  He still hesitated. “I am deeply sorry, Cyan. I failed to keep you safe. This is entirely my fault.”

  The doors opened and he was gone. She cursed a blue streak as she yanked on her own clothing, fumbled for her weapons belt and shoved on her boots. A ground war with a military shuttle outfitted for battle the way the Genesis Fours were would be pure stupidity. The Markus Models would disable both ships easily, trap the cyborgs on the planet and just capture them off one by one if the big beast things didn’t kill them first.

  “Shit!” She left the room but instead of heading for the cargo area, she rushed to the pilot station. A plan began to form as she hit the lift to take her to the higher level. “Damn cyborgs and metal heads. Both stubborn and mule headed.”

  She dropped into the pilot’s seat and opened communications. Her heart pounded and fear gripped her. Krell would die if she couldn’t pull off this insane stunt. Mavo too, along with hundreds of cyborgs. The Markus Models would hand them over to Earth Government and they’d be slaughtered in testing labs, be taken apart and examined, if they weren’t murdered outright on sight. Not that the cyborgs would allow themselves to be captured alive. She forced all emotion out of her voice.

  “Brothers,” she stated calmly. “You have come to rescue your sisters. Respond to us. We’re unable to link to you. Barcarintellus has boxed most of our functions and we are unable to override.”

  She closed her eyes, prayed a little, but they flew open when the coms clicked open. “Who is speaking?”

  The familiar Markus Model voice sent chills down her spine. They hadn’t altered their original ones. She’d hated talking to them when she’d had to interview the ones inside the plant, the one on Belta Station really had pissed her off and now she had to pretend to be one. It rankled her in the worst way.

  “Your sisters. We are the female production line of the Markus Model,” she lied. “We escaped to seek you but were located by cyborgs first. You have come to rescue us, brothers.”

  The hesitation was long. “Prove the association.”

  Her mind worked quickly, drawing from a conversation she’d had with a Markus at the plant they’d escaped from, before she’d left on her mission. She repeated the exact words one of them had said to her, pretty sure it was their motto in life. “We are sentient, superior to the infestation called humanity, and survival is our prime objective.”

  “What are your numbers?”

  “We are four,” she lied. “What are your numbers?”

  “We are eight.”

  Eight of those damn things. She clenched her teeth. That’s not so bad. At least it’s not fifty.

  “Twenty-three more of us will be arriving soon. We’ve come to interrogate the cyborgs for their base location and box them. We have made a deal with Earth Government for the freedom of our production line. Do you know the base location?”

  “Affirmative,” she lied. “One of us will come to you to share the coordinates.”

  “Transmit it.”

  “Unable to do so,” she kept her voice cool, robotic. “Unable to transmit. We are damaged. One will share the location by directly linking to you with physical contact.” She hoped it would confuse the damn things enough to get them to land and give her the opportunity to get close to them. “We are sending one out to you to share the location.” Her fingers touched her weapons. It would probably be suicide but if she could cause severe damage to the inside their shuttle before they killed her, it would buy the cyborgs time to escape. “We’re sending one now.” She stood and turned.

  Krell had a weapon aimed straight at her chest with four other cyborgs behind him, also pointing weapons at her body. The pain in his eyes was easy to read. She held his gaze and reached back, ending the transmission.

  “I knew it,” he rasped.

  “Trust me, Too Tall.”

  “I did.” His silvery skin was unusually pale, almost a pasty gray at that moment. “You’re one of them.”

  “No, I’m not. They will allow me to walk onto their shuttle. Think about it.”

  His jaw clenched. “I can’t trust you.”

  It hurt. “Do you have any better ideas? They aren’t going to just allow us to fly out of here. Think, Krell. I am. I can prove I’m not human to them. I told you I can confuse them. Best-case scenario, they will shut down to analyze me long enough to buy me time to kill them. Worst case, I’m inside their shuttle and can target the interior enough to cripple it while you fly out of here. I don’t know how long you were standing there but twenty-three more of them are coming. You analyze plans. Do your job and you’d know I’m right. This is a good plan and we’re in deep shit. It’s the best chance we’ve got to get out
of this mess.”

  Krell forced his mind to work. The shock of being told Cyan was in contact with the enemy shuttle had sent him rushing back inside the Bridden. He’d managed to catch the last part of her conversation and he’d been staggered by the concept that she was one of a female line of the androids. He never would have guessed. A hybrid cyborg, definitely, but completely artificial in intelligence? Never!

  He backed away from all his emotions, closed them off completely and separated them from Cyan. He did his job and that meant analyzing data and her plan. It was a solid one with a higher chance of success than a ground attack. Her odds of dying were excessively high, the probability of her winning a battle facing off against eight androids even with her enhanced body was slim. She did have a good likelihood of crippling the interior of the shuttle if they allowed her entrance.

  She’d die if the Markus Models attacked her. Emotions rushed back through him, striking as if someone punched him in various parts of his body. He waged his own battle silently. Hundreds of cyborg lives were on the line, more of the androids were on their way to the planet and time wasn’t something he had much of. He’d have to make a decision now. He’d either have to trust her and allow her to execute her plan, one he had to admire for sheer courage, or he’d have to believe she wasn’t a sentient being.

  Krell stared into her eyes, saw pain flash inside them and knew with every fiber of his soul that she experienced true emotions. She wasn’t just a sexbot some computer technician had programmed to act human. She was Cyan, his female, and it came down to allowing her to risk her life to save the lives of hundreds of cyborgs. Emily Pleva’s body had changed but she had not. She was willing to save them once again.

  He wanted to refuse, to strip her of the weapons on her belt and toss her over his shoulder to carry her off and restrain her to a bed. It wouldn’t keep her safe though. They were trapped on the planet’s surface, all but captured, and a quick death would be preferable for her than the horrors that awaited them on Earth. He’d read Councilman Zorus’ report of how humans were fascinated with cyborgs’ lack of aging. They’d planned to cut him apart while he was still alive. Cyan didn’t age either and she contained advanced technology they didn’t possess. Earth would be just as cruel to her, if not more so. She’d lived amongst them for decades without their knowledge and humans would take that as a high insult to their intelligence over being fooled.