We will now return to Tranquil, whom we have too long neglected. TheCanadian had left his friends two musket shots from the Texanencampment, intending, were it required, to call in Carmela: but thatwas not necessary; the young man, though unwillingly, had consented toall the Canadian asked of him, with which the latter was delighted, forwithout knowing exactly why, he would have been sorry to facilitate aninterview between the young people.

  Immediately after his conversation with the leader of the Freebooters,the hunter rose, and, in spite of the Jaguar's efforts to retain him,left the camp. He then remounted his horse, and, only half satisfied byhis conversation with the Jaguar, returned thoughtfully to the spotwhere his friends were camping. The latter were awaiting him anxiously,and Carmela especially was suffering from a terrible uneasiness.

  It was a strange fact, which women alone can explain, that the maiden,perhaps unconsciously, entertained toward the Jaguar and CaptainMelendez feelings which she was afraid to analyze, but which led her totake an equal interest in the fate of those two men, and fear acollision between them, whatever the result might have proved. But forall that, it is certain that if she had been obliged to explain thereason which impelled her to act thus, she would have been unable toanswer; and had anybody told her that she loved one or the other, shewould have energetically protested; under the honest conviction that shespoke the truth.

  Still, she felt herself, perhaps from different motives, irresistiblyattracted toward them. She started at their approach; the sound of theirvoices caused her an internal thrill of happiness; if she remained longwithout news of them, she grew sad, pensive, and anxious; their presencerestored her all her gaiety and birdlike freedom.

  Was it friendship, or was it love? Who can answer?

  Tranquil found his friends comfortably located in a narrow clearing,near a fire, over which their next meal was cooking. Carmela, a littleapart, questioned with an impatient glance the path by which she knewthe hunter must arrive. So soon as she perceived him, she uttered asuppressed cry of delight, and made a movement to run and meet him; butshe checked herself with a flush, let her head droop, and concealedherself timidly behind a clump of floripondios.

  Tranquil peacefully dismounted, took the bridle off his horse, which hesent with a friendly slap on the croup to join its comrades, and thensat down by the side of Loyal Heart.

  "Ouf!" he said, "Here I am, back again, and not without difficulty."

  "Did you run any dangers?" Loyal Heart asked, eagerly.

  "Not at all; on the contrary, the Jaguar received me, as he was bound todo, that is, as a friend; and I have only to complain of his courtesy;besides, we have known each other too long for it to be otherwise."

  Carmela had softly come up to the hunter; she suddenly bent her gracefulhead down to him, and offered him her forehead to kiss.

  "Good day, father," she said, demurely, "you have already returned?"

  "Already!" Tranquil answered, as he kissed her and laughed, "Hang it,girl, it seems as if my absence did not appear to you long."

  "Pardon me, father, I did not mean that," she said, in great confusion.

  "What did you mean, then, my child?"

  "Oh, nothing."

  "Yes you did, you little rogue! But you cannot deceive me, with all yourtricks; I am too old a fox to be taken in by a girl."

  "You are unkind, father," she answered, with a pout, "you always give afalse meaning to what I say."

  "Only think of that, se?orita! Well, do not be in a passion, I havebrought you good news."

  "Do you mean it?" she said, clasping her hands joyfully.

  "Would you doubt my word?"

  "Oh, no, father."

  "Very good, so now sit down by my side and listen."

  "Speak, speak, father," she exclaimed eagerly, as she took the seatallotted her.

  "You seem to take great interest in Captain Melendez, my child?"

  "I, father!" she exclaimed with a start of surprise.

  "Hang it! I fancy a young lady must feel a lively interest in a person,to take such a step for his sake as you have done."

  The maiden became serious.

  "Father," she said a moment later with that little, resolute tone spoiltchildren know so well how to assume; "I could not tell you why I actedas I did; I swear that it was against my will, I was mad; the thoughtthat the Captain and the Jaguar were about to engage in a mortal combat,made me chill at heart; and yet I assure you, now that I am cool, Iquestion myself in vain to discover the reason which urged me tointercede with you to prevent that combat."

  The hunter shook his head.

  "All that is not clear, Ni?a," he replied; "I do not at all understandyour arguments. Hang it! I am only a poor woodranger, possessing no morelearning than I have drawn from the great scenes of nature I constantlyhave before my eyes, and a woman's heart is to me a closed book, inwhich I could not decipher a line. Still, girl, believe me, take care,and do not play imprudently with weapons whose strength and mechanismyou are ignorant of; though the antelope be so light and active when itis leaping from rock to rock on the verge of precipices, the momentarrives when it grows giddy, its head turns, and it rolls into theabyss--I have often seen similar catastrophes in the forests. Take care,my girl, take care, and believe in the old hunter's experience."

  Carmela pensively leant her blushing brow on the Canadian's shoulder,and lifted to him her large blue eyes full of tears.

  "I am suffering, father," she murmured sadly.

  "Good Heavens! My child, you are suffering, and did not tell me--are youill?" he exclaimed anxiously; "How imprudent it was of you to be out inthe desert by night."

  "You are mistaken, father," she replied with a faint smile; "I am notill, it is not that."

  "What is it then?"

  "I do not know, but my heart is contracted, my bosom is oppressed. Oh, Iam very unhappy!"

  And hiding her head in her hands, she burst into tears. Tranquil lookedat her for a moment with an astonishment mingled with terror.

  "You, unhappy!" he at length exclaimed as he smote his headpassionately. "Oh, whatever has been done to her, that she should weepthus!"

  There was a silence of some minutes' duration, when the conversationseemed to take a confidential turn. Loyal Heart and Lanzi rose quietly,and soon disappeared in the chaparral. Tranquil and the maiden werehence alone. The hunter was suffering from one of those cold fits ofpassion which are so terrible because so concentrated; adoring the girl,he fancied in his simple ignorance that it was he who, withoutsuspecting it, through the coarseness and frivolity of his manner,rendered her unhappy, and he accused himself in his heart for not havingsecured her that calm and pleasant life he had dreamed for her.

  "Forgive me, my child," he said to her with emotion; "forgive me forbeing the involuntary cause of your suffering. You must not be angrywith me, for really it is no fault of mine, I have always lived alone inthe desert, and never learned how to treat natures so frail as those ofwomen; but henceforth I will watch myself. You will have no reason toreproach me again. I promise you I will do all you wish, my darlingchild--well, does that satisfy you?"

  By a sudden reaction, the maiden wiped away her tears, and bursting intoa joyous laugh, threw her arms round the hunter's neck, and kissed himrepeatedly.

  "It is you who should pardon me, father," she said in her wheedlingvoice, "for I seem to take pleasure in tormenting you, who are so kindto me; I did not know what I was saying just now; I am not unhappy, I donot suffer, I am quite happy, and love you dearly, my good father; Ionly love you."

  Tranquil looked at her in alarm; he could not understand these suddenchanges of humour, whose cause escaped him.

  "Good Heavens!" he exclaimed, clasping his hands in terror; "My daughteris mad!"

  At this exclamation, the laughing girl's gaiety was augmented. Thesilvery sound of her laugh would have made a nightingale die of envy.

  "I am not mad, father," she sai
d, "I was so just now when I spoke to youin the way I did, but now the crisis has past; forgive me, and think nomore about it."

  "Hum!" the hunter muttered, as he raised his eyes to Heaven in greatembarrassment; "I desire nothing more, Ni?a; but I am no further on thanI was before, and on my word I understand nothing of what is passingthrough your mind."

  "What matter, so long as I love you, father? All girls are so, and noimportance must be attached to their caprices."

  "Good, good, it must be so since you say it, little one. But for allthat, I suffered terribly, your words rent my heart."

  Carmela lovingly kissed him.

  "And the Jaguar?" she asked.

  "All is arranged; the Captain has nothing to fear from him."

  "Oh, the Jaguar has a noble heart; if he has pledged his word, he may betrusted."

  "He has given it to me."

  "Thanks, father. Well, now that all is arranged according to ourwishes--"

  "Your wishes?" the hunter interrupted.

  "Mine or yours, father--is that not the same thing?"

  "That is true, I was wrong--go on."

  "Well, I say, call your friends, who are walking about close by, Isuppose, and let me eat, for I am dying of hunger."

  "Are you?" he said eagerly.

  "Indeed, I am; but I was ashamed to tell you."

  "In that case you will not have long to wait."

  The Canadian whistled; and the two men, who probably only awaited thissignal, made their appearance at once. The venison was removed from thefire, laid on a leaf, and all seated themselves comfortably.

  "Hilloh!" Tranquil said all at once, "Why, where is Quoniam?"

  "He left us shortly after your departure," Loyal Heart made answer "togo to the Larch-tree hacienda, as he told us."

  "All right, I did not think of that; I am not anxious about my oldcomrade, for he will manage to find us again."

  Each then began eating with good appetite, and troubled themselves nofurther about the Negro's absence. It is a noteworthy fact, that menwhom the life they lead compels to a continual employment of theirphysical faculties, whatever may be the circumstances in which they are,or the dangers that surround them--always eat with a good appetite, andsleep soundly, so indispensable for them is the satisfaction of thesetwo material wants, in order that they may successfully resist theincessant incidents of their existence, which is so varied, and full ofaccidents of every description.

  During the hunter's meal, the sun had set, and night invaded the forest.Carmela, exhausted by the various events of this day, retired almostimmediately to a light jacal of leaves which Loyal Heart had built forher. The maiden needed to restore order in her ideas, and take a fewhours' rest, the privation from which had over-excited her nervoussystem, and caused the crisis which had fallen on her a few hourspreviously.

  When they were alone, the hunters laid in a stock of dead wood, whichwould keep the fire in all night then, after throwing on some handfulsof dry branches, they sat down in Indian fashion, that is to say, withtheir back to the flame, so that their eyes might not be dazzled by thelight, and they could distinguish in the gloom the arrival of anyunwelcome guest, man or wild beast. When this precaution had been taken,and the rifles laid within hand reach, they lit their pipes and smokedsilently.

  It is specially at night, when the sounds of day die out to make roomfor the mysterious rumours of the darkness, that the desert assumes agrand and imposing appearance, which affects the mind, and leads it intothose gentle and melancholy reveries which are so full of charm. Thepurer night air refreshed by the breeze which passes through thebranches and gently agitates them; the murmuring of the water among thelilies; the confused buzz of myriads of invisible insects; the silenceof the desert interrupted by the melodious and animated sounds; and thatbusy hum of the great flood of life which comes from God and passes awayincessantly to be constantly renewed--all these things plunge thestrong-hearted man involuntarily into a religious contemplation, whichthose to whom the grand scenes of nature are unknown, cannot imagine.

  The night was cold and clear; a profusion of light flashed from themillions of stars that studded the dark olive sky, and the moon pouredon the earth her silvery rays which imparted a fantastic appearance toobjects.--The atmosphere was so pure and transparent that the eye coulddistinguish, as in bright day, the surrounding landscape. Several hourspassed thus, and one of the three men, seduced as they were by thesplendour of the night, thought of taking that rest which, however, wasso necessary after the fatigues of the day.

  "Who will keep watch tonight?" Lanzi at length asked, as he passed thestem of his pipe through his belt; "We are surrounded by people amongstwhom it is wise to take precautions."

  "That is true," said Loyal Heart; "do you sleep, and I will watch forall."

  "One moment," the Canadian said; "if sleep does not too greatlyoverpower you. Lanzi, we will profit by Carmela's absence to hold acouncil. The situation in which we are is intolerable for a girl, and wemust make up our minds to some course at once. Unluckily, I know notwhat to do, and your ideas will hardly suffice, I fear, to get me out ofmy embarrassment."

  "I am at your orders, Tranquil," Lanzi answered; "let us hold a council,and I will make up for it by sleeping faster."

  "Speak, my friend," said Loyal Heart.

  The hunter reflected for a moment, and then continued--

  "Life is rough in the desert for delicate natures: we men, accustomedto fatigue, and hardened to privations, not only support it withoutthinking of it, but even find delight in it."

  "That is true," Loyal Heart observed; "but the dangers that men such aswe can bear, it would be unjust and cruel to inflict on a woman,--amaiden who has hardly emerged from childhood, and whose life hashitherto passed exempt from care, privations, or fatigue of anydescription."

  "Yes," Lanzi supported him.

  "That is the very point," Tranquil continued; "though it will cost me apang to part with her, Carmela can no longer remain with us."

  "It would kill her," said Loyal Heart.

  "It would not take long, poor little darling," Lanzi pouted.

  "Yes: but to whom can I trust her now that the venta is destroyed?"

  "It is a difficult point," Lanzi observed.

  "Stay," said Loyal Heart, "are you not tigrero to the Larch-treehacienda?"

  "I am."

  "There you have it," the Half-breed exclaimed. "That is a good idea. Itwould not have occurred to me."

  "What idea?" the Canadian asked.

  "The master of the hacienda," Loyal Heart continued, "will not refuse toreceive Carmela in his house."

  The hunter shook his head in denial. "No, no," he said, "if I once askedthe favour of him, I feel certain he would consent; but it cannot be."


  "Because the owner of the Larch-tree is not the man we need to protect agirl."

  "Hum!" Loyal Heart said, "Our situation is growing more complicated, forI know nobody else who would take charge of her."

  "Nor I either, and that is what vexes me. Listen!" Loyal Heart suddenlyexclaimed, "I do not know. Heaven pardon me, where my head was that Idid not think of it at once. Do not be alarmed: I know somebody."

  "Speak, speak."

  "Come," the half-breed said aside, "this Loyal Heart is really a capitalfellow, for he is full of good ideas."

  "For reasons too long to tell you at this moment, but which I willconfide to you some day," the young man continued, "I am not alone inthe desert, for my mother and an old servant of my family live aboutthree hundred miles from where we now are with a tribe of Comanches,whose Chief adopted me a few years back. My mother is kind, she loves memadly, and will be delighted to treat your charming child as a daughter.She will watch over her, and give her those maternal attentions whichonly a woman can offer, especially when that woman is really a mother,and constantly trembles for the safety of a son to whom she hassacrificed everything. Every month, on the same day, I abandon thechase, mount my mustang, and, traversing
the desert with the speed of anarrow, I go and see my mother, with whom I remain for some time amongthe tribe. This is about the period when I am wont to proceed to thevillage; so, will you let me guide you there? Coming with me, theIndians will receive you kindly, and my mother will thank you forconfiding your daughter to her."

  "Loyal Heart," the Canadian answered, with emotion, "your offer is thatof an honest, upright man. I accept it as frankly as you make it; by theside of your mother my daughter will be happy, and she will have nothingto fear. Thanks."

  "Loyal Heart," the half-breed said, eagerly, "I know not who gave youthe name you bear; but, canarios, he was well acquainted with you, Ideclare."

  The two men smiled at Lanzi's outbreak.

  "Now, that is settled," he continued, "you want me no longer, I suppose?If so, good night; my eyelids prick as if they were full of thorns."

  He wrapped himself carefully in his zarap?, stretched himself on theground, and a minute later was fast asleep. It is probable that theworthy man wished to make up for lost time, for he saw plainly that hehad been of no use in the council.

  "When do we start?" the Canadian asked.

  "The road is a long one," Loyal Heart answered. "We have more than threehundred miles to ride; Carmela is exhausted by the fatigue she hasendured for some time past, and perhaps we should do well to grant her aday or two of rest to regain the requisite strength to endure the newfatigues that await her during the long journey we are about toundertake."

  "Yes, you are right; this journey, which would be as nothing to us, isenormous for a girl; let us remain here a couple of days--the camp isgood, and the spot well selected. There is nothing to hurry us; it isbetter to act prudently, in order that we may not have at a later dateto regret precipitation, which may prove fatal to her whom we desire sogreatly to protect."

  "During the time we spend here our horses will regain their fire andvigour, and we can profit by the rest to get some provisions together."

  "Well said, brother; that is settled; in two days we will set out, and Ihope that Heaven will be so merciful as to permit us to reach ourjourney's end safe and sound."

  "Heaven will not turn against us, brother, you may be sure."

  "I am well aware of that," the Canadian answered, with that simple faithwhich characterised him; "hence you see me quite happy. You cannotimagine how anxious I feel, and what an immense service you have justrendered me."

  "Do not speak about that, for are we not sworn friends?"

  "No matter, I must thank you once more, my heart is so full that it mustoverflow; but now that we understand each other thoroughly, go andsleep, my friend; night is drawing on apace, and you must need rest."

  "On the contrary, you must lie down, my friend, for do you not rememberI said I would keep watch?"

  "No, no."

  "But you must be tired to death, my friend."

  "I? Nonsense; I have a body of iron and nerves of steel; weariness hasno effect on me."

  "Still, my friend, human strength, however great it may be, has itslimits, beyond which it cannot go."

  "That is possible, my friend. I will not discuss that question with you,but merely limit myself to saying that joy has robbed me of sleep. I amas wide awake as an opossum, and in vain should I try to close my eyes.No, I require to reflect a little on all this, and I propose doing so,while you, who are naturally calmer, will sleep."

  "As you insist on it, I will give way."

  "Very good; you are becoming reasonable," Tranquil said, with a smile."Good night, brother."

  "Good night!" Loyal Heart answered.

  The young man, in the face of the resolve so clearly made by theCanadian, thought it useless longer to resist, the more so, as he wasbeginning to feel great inclination for sleep. He, therefore, lay down,and was soon sound asleep. Tranquil had spoken the truth; he required toisolate himself for some hours, in order to go over the events whichduring the last few days had fallen upon him so unexpectedly, and brokenup that placidity of life to which he had grown gently accustomed forsome years past.

  The hours passed away one after the other, but the hunter, plunged inhis reflections, felt no desire for sleep. The stars were beginning togo out, the horizon was crossed by pale bands, the breeze grew sharperand colder; all foreboded, in fact, the approach of dawn, when suddenlya slight noise, resembling that produced by the fracture of a witheredbranch, smote on the hunter's practised ear, and caused him to start.The Canadian, without stirring, raised his head and listened, whilesoftly placing his hand on the rifle that lay by his side.