Artificial night drifted over the cavern, in reality just a scheduled sleeping period issued by the computers. Toby settled into his hammock and tried to rest, but his thoughts beat on the sides of his mind and demanded attention.

  Quiet voices floated through an air duct from the library, where the grambles held important discussions. Most were extremely adult, dry and dusty as the books surrounding them. Tonight his ears were perked, since his proposed journey would be the topic of conversation. Would his request be considered?

  Gramble Gregory’s gravelly voice rose above the others. Toby rolled out of bed and moved closer to the air duct.

  “The boy is stronger and faster than any other child would be at his age,” he said. “His heightened senses would alert him to danger before he got into trouble.”

  Gramble Shana responded. “How can we let him go out there? We don’t know what the world looks like anymore, or if there’s anything left!”

  Gramble Howard broke in. “I’ve seen the opening the boy visits. Fresh air comes through the hole, and I’ve heard a bird song or two.”

  Toby caught his breath. A wild bird? Could it be possible?

  Gramble Howard, a geologist, spent his days monitoring rock formations and conditions throughout the cave. Toby never knew he had been following him.

  Gramble Colleen said, “All of you know, I was against Lenora and Shana’s crazy idea of bringing the boy into this world from the beginning. Of course, I love him now as my own grandchild. But I never thought it was fair to bring a baby down here…”

  “Life isn’t fair,” said Gramble Edward.

  “Yes, Eddie, so you have said many times. But unlike Toby, we volunteered for this life. No one asked him what he wanted.”

  “That’s just silly!” Gramble Lenora huffed. “Since when has a baby chosen whether or not to be born?”

  “Now he does have a voice,” said Gramble Colleen. “This is what he wants. We would be selfish to make him stay.”

  “I’m going up to check on the poor child.” Toby could hear a chair squeak as Gramble Lenora stood up. “Did you see the look on his face tonight? I have never seen him in such a state!”

  “We’ll continue this discussion in the morning,” said Gramble Howard.

  Toby crept back to bed. Now he understood why the grambles had told him never to eavesdrop. Gramble Colleen didn’t think I should have been created!. Though his heart ached from the revelation, he understood why she had thought this way. Now she fought for him to go on his adventure. He settled into the blankets.

  When Gramble Lenora cracked the door open he pretended to be asleep.